Vol. x. No. ,0ifcThe ▼ __________________university o ObserverI noiredame - si. mory's Tl„ sj,s v, « „ . m b .r so, ,„s Beverage bottles, cans prohibited in stadium By Terry Keeney help him,” Cahill said. Editor-in-Chief Applies only to students James Roemer, dean of students, Roemer explained that his directive will yesterday directed athletic department have no effect on non-students who may officials to prohibit students from bringing bring cans or bottles into the stadium. beverage bottles and cans into Notre Dame Roemer said he has no jurisdiction over the stadium . conduct of non-students and cited the dif­ In a directive to Robert Cahill, athletic ficulty in placing police at all stadium en­ department business manager, Roemer trances. asked that local police be stationed at each Arthur Pears, director of security, said student entrance to turn away students his force ordinarily confiscates any carrying cans or bottles. alcoholic beverages that are taken into the The purpose of the directive is to improve stadium . student conduct at home football games by “ As far as liquor and beer go, the ushers lim iting the amount of alcoholic beverages watch that very closely,” he said. “ Bottles taken into the stadium by students, Roemer and cans are confiscated and returned at the said. end of the game.” Roemer said he was concerned about Cahill said that fans receiving general incidents of can-and bottle-throwing at admission tickets through the mail are Saturday’s football game. Although the warned that alcoholic beverages are directive applies to all cans and bottles prohibited on stadium property. whether alcoholic or not, it will serve to enforce the University regulation which Difficult to enforce? restricts drinking of alcohol to the private dorm room . Cahill forsees potential problems in en­ “Police are being instructed before forcing Roemer’s orders. Calling the Saturday's game to turn back students with stadium environment “a jungle,” Cahill cans or bottles, ” Roemer said. cited the problem of stopping students who have been drinking. No searches "If someone is already drinking, it’s likely to be a hassle,” Cahill predicted. He emphasized that students w ill not be Because of the large crowd, guards at the searched as they enter the stadium. Fr. gate may have difficulty stopping all Terrence Rally, assistant vice president for students with bottles or cans. “ It’s hard to Student Affairs, agreed.“ I think the give individual attention,” Cahill said. directive is pretty ordinary,” Rally said. an effort to improve student conduct at home football games, Dean of students “ Obviously, we are not looking for a frisk Discipline against "stripper" In an effort to improve student conduct at home football games, Dean of students James job or a patdow n.” Roemer has directed local police to crack down on students bringing beverage can and bottles into the stadium. (Photo by Chris Smith) Cahill emphasized that the directive is not Roemer said yesterday that he may take an "emergency measure.” He pointed out disciplinary action against the student who identification purposes. the entire University. that about 50 South Bend police are nor­ “ stripped” in the student section during Roemer said Saturday’s stripper posed a “ To drop down to your undershorts would mally assigned crowd control duties during Saturday’s game. He also plans action to safety threat against himself and other get you arrested anywhere in South Bend the football game. Cahill said stadium prevent sim ilar incidents in the future. students. He also may have broken the except in Notre Dame stadium,” Rally said. regulations prohibit alcoholic beverages “ I w ill take action this Saturday based on communication cable b etw een the field and “ It used to be if you were a Yankee or a anyw ay. the situation,” Roemer said. Though the press box area. The cable is supported Notre Dame fan you were associated with "If the dean of students want to enforce refusing to elaborate, Roemer said any by the pole on which the stripper performed. class,” he continued. “ I’m not sure that’s the regulation more rigidly, I told him we’d future strippers will be photographed for Rally added that such incidents reflect on true anymore.” Sex discrimination prohibited Women s athletics comply with amendment Editor's Note: This law prohibits sex discrimination in all federally- revisions of Title IX. Since they did not, the law went into In its fourth year as a coeducational institution, Notre funded educational programs. Specifically, Title IX states: effect then. Dame is slowly accepting the challenges of genuine “ No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, Right now the National Collegiate Athletic Association coeducation. This effort is apparent in the growth of the be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, (NCAA) is lobbying the law to get provisions excluding women's athletic program where five women's club sports or be subjected to discrimination under any education profit-making sports. are now established. program or activity receiving federal financial assistan­ Michael Wise, assistant director of the Civil Rights Title IX, an amendment recently passed, insures that ce. ” Center on campus, commended the law. there will be no discrimination by sex in any federally- “I think it is tremendously significant in terms of funded programs at educational institutions. So far Notre breaking down sexual stereotypes and reformulating the Dame seems to be complying with the law. observer insiqhtrelations between men and women,” stated Wise. In the first of two articles, reporter Valerie Zurblis “ It is a great force for significant cultural change," Wise examines Title IX and the women’s sports programs and In a provision of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the federal continued, “and I presume that Notre Dame seeks to Notre Dame. government could cut off financial support to educational comply with the law.” programs that involve discrimination. Title VI of this act By Valerie Zurblis defined that there be no discrimination of race, color, or Women's Athletic Program Senior Staff Reporter natural origin. It did not include sex discrimination. Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments was first Astrid Hotvedt was hired last year for the physical On July 21, 1975, Congress passed the final revision of proposed in 1972, but the federal government did not en­ education department, and was made coordinator of Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, a law which force it until 1974 when the proposed regulations were women's athletics this year. Prior to this, no one was in affects almost all public school systems and post-secondary published. charge of coordinating women’s sports at Notre Dame. educational institutions in the country. Nearly 10,000 public comments were received during a Hotvedt is very enthusiastic of the prospect of women five-month period-clearly implying that there is no way to expanding their sports program at the University. “ There satisfy all of the people all of the time. is plenty of interest around to have an athletic program, The issue most under attack was the athletic provision. and Notre Dame has good facilities so it is not necessary to The original provision was modified several times, but the duplicate expensive equipment or build separate courts," basic requirement remained-namely, that schools must Hotvedt stated. provide equal opportunity for both sexes to participate in She added that Dominick Napolitano, director of non­ intramural, interscholastic and intercollegiate athletics. varsity sports, was good about helping the women get their Separate teams are allowed in sports where competitive own equipment. “ We don’t get hand-me-downs - we get new skill is the main factor for determining team members. A equipment out of our money,” she said. provision was added allowing separate teams for contact Added this year to the established women’s club sports of sports-including football and basketball. tennis, golf, basketball, and fencing, was field hockey. If separate teams are offered, the institution may not Hotvedt coaches this team, which is an outgrowth of an discriminate on the basis of sex when providing necessary interest group started last year. equipment and supplies, but equal aggregate expenditures So far there are 30 women on the squad, ranging from are not required. freshmen to seniors with highly developed skills to the The goal of the athletics provision is to secure equal novice level. “ There were 50 spectators at our first game, opportunity for males and females while allowing schools and they all seemed to like it,” commented Hotvedt. flexibility in determining how to provide such opportunity. N apolitano also sees the w om en’s p ro gra m com ing along. If there is only one team for a non-contact sport, mem­ “ It started slowly, but the interest has gone up,” he said. “ I bers of both sexes must be allowed to compete for the team. want the best for the girls." However, “sports and levels of competition which ef­ Napolitano sees no real problems, and he doesn’t an­ fectively accommodate the interests and abilities of ticipate any. He pointed out, however, that is now up to the members of both sexes” must be available, and if they are women to organize and get things going. not, institutions would be required to provide separate “ We can go all out and spend money on a team, but it all Women's club sports have grown in recent years. Inteams for men and women. depends on student leadership. As soon as senior leaders addition to basketball,ND boasts women's club sports in Secondary and post-secondary schools have three years graduate, the activity will drop down.
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