USOO9707155B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,707,155 B2 Weeks et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Jul.18, 2017 (54) DELAMINATION RESISTANT (56) References Cited PHARMACEUTICAL, GLASS CONTAINERS CONTAINING ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS INGREDIENTS 1,115,972 A 11/1914 Potter 2,344,630 A 3/1944 Mylchreest (71) Applicant: Corning Incorporated, Corning, NY 3,054,686 A 9/1962 Hagedorn (US) RE25.456 E 10, 1963 Bacon et al. 3,351,474 A 11/1967 Hagedorn et al. 3,490,885 A 1/1970 Hammer (72) Inventors: Wendell P. Weeks, Corning, NY (US); 3,673,049 A 6, 1972 Giffen et al. Robert Anthony Schaut, Painted Post, 3,728,095 A 4, 1973 Grubb et al. NY (US); Steven Edward DeMartino, 3,772,135 A 11/1973 Hara et al. Painted Post, NY (US); John Stephen 3,844,754 A 10, 1974 Grubb et al. Peanasky, Big Flats, NY (US) 3,844,758 A 10/1974 Wartenberg 3,900,329 A 8, 1975 Grubb et al. Assignee: Corning Incorporated, Corning, NY 3,936,287 A 2f1976 Beall et al. 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