E306 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 4, 2010 G. Russ Trimble, on the occasion that his Throughout their history, Saint Margaret’s persons in the armed services without regard business, Southwest International Trucks, Inc., has withstood the test of time by whole- to race, color, religion or national origin, initi- has been awarded the International Circle of heartedly committing themselves to education, ating an end to segregation in the Armed Excellence Award for 2009 by the international faith and service. Ever since its inception, the Forces and in the military. African American dealer organization, Navistar, Inc. parish has continuously strived to reach out servicewomen, because of their small num- The Circle of Excellence Award honors and respond to the changing needs of the bers, were often the first and, sometimes, the international truck dealerships that achieve the community. only to train, command, work and live in de- highest level of dealer performance with re- On March 18, 1860 Father Goetz broke segregated settings. spect to operating and financial standards, ground on the first Catholic Church in Middle Women like Army Nurse Captain Eleanor market representation, and customer satisfac- Village. Much of the original parishioners were Yorke, Private Sarah Keys, Dovey Johnson tion. It is the highest honor a dealer principal farmers concerned for their crops and animals. Roundtree, Mary Teague Smith, Helen Gentry, can receive from the company. To its parishioners, Saint Margaret’s acted as Freddie Mae Hopson, Annie Graham and Ann Mr. Trimble’s business, Southwest Inter- the protector of those animals against life Lamb not only served in the Army, Navy, Air national Trucks, is headquartered in Dallas, threatening epidemics and the crops against Force and Marines, but they were major fac- Texas, where it was founded more than 25 harvests that brought harsh weather. During tors and contributors in bringing down and years ago. Under his leadership, it has grown the civil war, Father Goetz and numerous wiping out Jim Crow in the United States mili- into a remarkable, locally owned and operated other priests from Saint Margaret’s made reg- tary. truck dealership with 305 employees and five ular visits to rebel prisons, which housed pris- In 1952, Army Nurse Captain Eleanor Yorke dealer locations throughout Texas. With this oners captured by Union soldiers. was the only female passenger among 4,200 most recent award, the business has now re- A small frame school was built to house 20 men sailing on military transport from the Far ceived the Circle of Excellence Award under pupils in 1890. Now that school holds 600 pu- East to San Francisco. Captain Yorke had Mr. Trimble’s leadership a total of 16 times. pils with over 50,000 graduates. Their mission spent more than two years in Japan and eight Additionally, his success has been recognized is comprised of community, charity and good- more months in Korea treating war wounded. by the industry and his business is a multi- will, in which they are tenaciously dedicated to On the 13-day trip home, her fellow pas- year IdealGold Winner for Excellence. pursuing. Throughout the years, Saint sengers treated Captain Yorke like a queen. Mr. Trimble has achieved this level of ac- Margaret’s Church has worked with some of Besides being the only woman aboard military complishment and recognition through many the most extraordinary pastors and presiders transport, Captain Yorke was one of only years of hard work and service to the industry in the country, and has developed a cadre of about 600 women, only a few of whom were and to the community. A dedicated family priests who have nurtured and challenged this African American, stationed in Korea during man, he has been married to his high school ministry to continue to grow in purpose and the entire three years of the Korean War. sweetheart for almost 49 years. They have commitment. ‘‘It was a terrible eight months, but I was too three daughters, ten grandchildren, one great- St. Margaret’s School works at building a busy to be scared. We received the wounded granddaughter and are expecting another family spirit while providing an education 20 to 45 minutes after they were hit, treated great-granddaughter in a few weeks. A cancer where excellence is encouraged and Christian them on the spot and than shipped them to survivor, Mr. Trimble supports the M.D. Ander- values permeate. They have dedicated their the rear depending on how badly they were son Cancer Center, Susan G. Komen for the existence to these values and their ongoing wounded. They came by helicopter and ambu- Cure, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the Na- service to the community, serving in such lance. The helicopters flew continuously from tional Multiple Sclerosis Society, the Red things as Ministry to the Homebound and their dawn to dusk and the ambulances rolled on Cross, Frisco Family Services, Collin County food pantry for the less fortunate. constantly. It got pretty rough at times, work- Services, and many others. I am pleased to note the 150th anniversary ing under artillery bombardment, and many Through his commitment to hard work and of Saint Margaret’s Roman Catholic Church. times, I was rocked to sleep in my army cot outstanding customer service, Mr. Trimble has f from the reverberations.’’ Captain Eleanor built an economically vital business of which Yorke, Army Nurse Corps, speaking to a re- he can be justly proud. Madam Speaker, I ask SALUTING AFRICAN AMERICAN porter from the Baltimore Afro American in my fellow colleagues to join me in congratu- SERVICEWOMEN OF THE KOREAN May 1952. lating Russ Trimble for his record of accom- WAR ERA ON THE OCCASION OF Also in 1952, two African American military plishment and for his many contributions to THE 369TH HISTORICAL SOCI- women challenged segregation law to end Jim the North Texas community, the State, and ETY’S ANNUAL WOMEN’S HIS- Crow policies on interstate transportation. Pri- the entire Nation. TORY MONTH AWARDS CELEBRA- vate Sarah Keys was on leave, travelling in TION f uniform on a bus from New Jersey home to North Carolina. When the bus reached Roa- PERSONAL EXPLANATION HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL noke Rapids, North Carolina after midnight, OF NEW YORK there was a change of drivers. The new bus HON. ADAM H. PUTNAM IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES driver requested that Private Keys, seated to- ward the front of the bus, exchange seats with OF FLORIDA Thursday, March 4, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a white Marine, also in uniform, seated near Mr. RANGEL. Madam Speaker, I rise today the back of the bus. Keys refused. She was Thursday, March 4, 2010 to salute and honor African American service- arrested, detained overnight in jail, and fined Mr. PUTNAM. Madam Speaker, on Tues- women who served their Nation with distinc- $25.00. Convicted of disorderly conduct, Keys day, March 2, 2010, I was not present for 3 tion and great courage as the 369th Historical began a legal battle against discrimination and recorded votes. Had I been present, I would Society pays tribute to women in the military prejudice. have voted the following way: roll No. 75— in celebration of their Annual Women’s History Dovey Johnson Roundtree, a former WAC yea, roll No. 76—nay, and roll No. 77—yea. Month Awards Dinner Dance taking place at officer and then an attorney in Washington, f the elegant Eastwood Manor in the Bronx, DC, agreed to take the Keys case. In 1942, New York. Roundtree had volunteered for the Women’s THE 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC) at the advice of SAINT MARGARET’S ROMAN Korean War, in which I served in the United her mentor, Mary McLeod Bethune. Bethune CATHOLIC CHURCH States Army. In recognition of the 369th His- had worked for years to desegregate the mili- torical Society’s salute to women in the mili- tary, both men’s and women’s services, and HON. ANTHONY D. WEINER tary this month, I would also like to pay spe- actively recruited qualified African American OF NEW YORK cial tribute to all of the no longer forgotten he- candidates. Roundtree became one of 36 Afri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES roes, African American Servicewomen who can American women to graduate in the served our Nation valiantly during the Korean Army’s first class of commissioned officers. Thursday, March 4, 2010 War Era, and during a time when the military After World War II, she attended Howard Uni- Mr. WEINER. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- was ordered to desegregate. versity Law School on the GI Bill, becoming ognize the 150th anniversary of the historic On July 28, 1948, President Harry S. Tru- one of the school’s first female law students. Saint Margaret Roman Catholic Church in man signed Executive Order 9981 mandating Dovey Johnson Roundtree and her partner Middle Village, New York. equality of treatment and opportunity for all Julius Robertson initially filed suit for Keys in VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:07 Mar 05, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04MR8.014 E04MRPT1 dcolon on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with REMARKS March 4, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E307 the U.S. District Court for the District of Co- African American women were not allowed IN MEMORY OF THE HONORABLE lumbia in October 1952, but the court decided in the U.S. Navy until 1944 after months of de- CHARLES ‘‘CHUCK’’ BURRIS the suit was out of their jurisdiction and re- bate to define the service’s racial policies.
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