SMU Campus Vm7« Liber obit Voi No. 9 Southern M<lhodbt University, Dallas, Texas, Wtdnwday, September 20, 1967 53rd Year Students Gain Dirksen Steps Out Policy Voice wma In Percy's Favor _4V, With Council f,: £ WASHINGTON (UPI)—Senate GOP leader Everett M. .j®0 Dirksen said Tuesday he is stepping out of Sen. Charles H. 1 Br JIMMY GRAHAM is® Percy's way as Illinois' favorite son presidential candidate in Students often get the feeling 1968. But he said the choice is up to the Illinois delegates. V ^ - of being small fish in a big *y.\ Vsw.5.;, Dirksen said in a statement that "making Sen. Pcrcy the pond when they think of their •t'xrv. favorite son from Illinois is attended with some mechanical part in the scheme of things at a large university. problems" but added: "I don't An effort is being made at believe they are insurmount­ honor for me, it could provide a SMU to correct this with the able." great future for the nation, the formation of the President's Dirksen said he wants to be Republican party and Sen. Administration Council. chairman of the Illinois delega­ Percy." The council seeks to bring to­ tion to the 1968 presidential Dirksen was asked flatly if gether the university's three convention and chairman of the he was "stepping out of Percy's basic elements — student, convention's platform commit­ way." faculty and administration — tee. He indicated it might be "Yes," Dirksen replied. CM ungracious of him even to think and give each a chance to voice ILFMSATMII •nrsHM "Doesn't my statement say ideas regarding policy and pro­ of becoming the "favorite son." that?" AtTIIMST cedure. "I know my name has been "With this plan the univer­ suggested as a favorite son, sity officials are in direct con­ initially by Chuck Percy, and tact with students rather than by other well-meaning and de­ having to rely on undercurrents »r,v> <:•' ffi I' i Ml l ll voted friends," Dirksen said. Reps of their opinion," said Sid Spain, pMSllI. "For this I am most grateful, but student representative for the I have absolutely no such per­ council and president of the sonal desires or ambition. My Chosen student body. purpose is to help bring about Information Please? The final team which Spain and his fellow repre- a Republican victory. will represent SMU on tative Ruth Gillespie may con­ Mrs. Avis Fuquay sits behind her desk in Perkins Administration "There are many good candi­ tact President Willis Tate at Building ready to give information, answer questions and console dates for the nomination and CBS television's G.E. Col­ any time to arrange meetings lost visitors as part of her job "to reduce confusion" and "to main­ certainly Sen. Percy is high on lege Bowl has been chosen. to discuss . special problems. tain SMU's good name." my list. While it might be an Marshall Terry, assist­ Take the problem of new ant professor of English dorms, or faculty - student and head of the faculty evaluation, anything at all that New Information Booth concerns the school," Spain said, selection committee, an­ discussing the type problems nounced Tuesday that the -that arise. "It's what students Befuddled Mustangs Gain Answers team of four, with one have wanted for a long time, a alternate, would include: chance to take an open and posi­ By MARY LOU MUNS tive stand and be heard with­ booth, who always answers in Perkins Hall is a "busy place," ::: Dan Cotter, senior Eng­ out the usual red tape." "Where do you get the temp­ a cheerful voice. so she has the opportunity to lish major; Bill Greene, The; council meets regularly orary I.D. cards?" asked the Mrs. Fuquay is stationed be­ meet many people. senior math and economics the third Saturday of each hind a table in the Perkins Ad­ befuddled SMU student. "With the number of people major; Claire Ann Brad­ :3 month in the Student Center, "Straight down and to your ministration Building daily from ley, a junior religion and room 163. The first meeting of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., giving direc­ who visit SMU, there are always Sitvi right," answered the lady with questions to answer," said Mrs. philosophy major; Victor ::: the year was devoted to facul­ the cheerful voice. tions and information about the z: ty promotions and organizational campus and its activities. Fuqua. But SMU students have Bloede, a senior economics matters. "Where's Mr. Pierce's office?" major; and alternate, John another young man inquired. A glassed-in booth will be in­ trouble, too, she noted. "Even Acting Provost N. Neill Mc- stalled in the front hall as her Harper, a senior English "Right upstairs on the third after four years, some students Farlin sees the council as a permanent office. and pre-med major. major link between students and floor," replied the lady with need help finding their way the same friendly voice. "They said it would be "in by around the campus." The team will appear on administrative heads. the 15th, but the builder just "Students can bring issues to And so it goes for Mrs. Avis told me it will take longer," "May I help you?" asked the College Bowl at 4:30 p.m. the attention of the council by Fuquay, the woman in charge she said. "If it's as nice as they lady with the cheerful voice, Saturday, Sept. 30, meet­ See STUDENT VOICE, p. 2 of SMXTs new information tell me, I'll be happy to wait." as another student walked up ing the winner of the Sept. Mrs. Fuquay is a part of the with another question. 23 bout between Valpa­ Public Relations Department. The busy day o fSMLFs in­ raiso and the University of The booth has been started, she formation booth was under way Wisconsin. explained, "to reduce the con­ again. ttstt fusion about the campus. This school has a good name, and Unauthorized cm-campus soli­ the magazine company. we have, to keep it up." Senator Drafts Proposal citing hasbecome a problem Soliciting is not allowed in Anyone wishing information again this year, according to the dorms or on campus unless need only call her. Before, a cal­ Jbn Caswell, assistant dean of it is checked through the ad­ ler has often been transferred To Shift 'Insite' Publisher men. ministrative offices, Caswell "Insite," the Student Senate ing his proposal. "in., the dormitories, said. from department to department financed publication, soon may A $1,500 financial grant ha* in search of the answer to his be getting an insight into its been awarded the publication UtionsandtheUniversi^rPark question. Mrs. Fuquay now pro­ own future. by the Senate. % i taken the form of ; vides a point from which vir­ A proposal has been made in One of the publication's edi­ mensellingmagazme Today's Campus tually al] information can be Student Senate to turn manage­ tors, Pat Cronin, said "limit" in the men's ment of the publication over to will deal chiefly with ideas. •Sidney Pettier hoods his class obtained, the Publishing Board. "The purpose of Vhe publica­ Most of theae salesmen, stat­ in the film world . , see p. 3 - "I love my work," Mrs. Fu­ Warren Russell, a student tion is to get people to discus* ed the; .d«ai»,':';.|*ave:[n0 connec- quay stated emphatically. She senator, made the suggestion at • An Episcopal 'heretic* leads lib it- tion with magazine companies, the first Student Senate meet­ both local and international CQH|VipOVIOfV VWy MMQjf HI laughed as she described how he said. and follow the practice of hav­ ing. A decision is pending. sues." PeHdns Chapel...... see p. 5 confused some students are ing the student* makeml "The Student Senate is a leg­ Cronin urged student and fac­ diodes for purchased items to when they come to her. 'Tve got islative body, not a publishing ulty submissions i&r to be a mindreader sometimes!" house," said Russell in explain- publication. 2 The SMU Campus Wednesday, 20/1967 LBJ Blamed For CaneeilatioB I is\-.ni.'\ Jll i ; ! -• J I I ! M Accusations Touch Off War Debate WASHINGTON (UPI) — Pu­ Ashmore's letter vaguely dis­ chief of Encyclopedia Britannica litzer prize-winner Harry S. cussed. and personal assistant to Adlai Ashmore's charges that Presi­ "This conciliatory feeler was E. Stevenson in the 1956 presi­ dent Johnson "brutally and ef­ effectively and brutally can­ dential campaign, won the Pulit­ fectively cancelled" Ashmore's celled before there was any zer Prize for editorial writing peace feeler to North Vietnam chance to determine what re­ as edtior of the Arkansas Ga­ news touched off a new round of war sponse Hanoi might have made," zette during the Little Rock debate this week. Ashmore said, in an article in school integration crisis. Chairman J. William Ful- Center magazine. Last January, Ashmore said, bright of the Senate Foreign Senate Republican leader he and William C. Baggs, editor Relations Committee told a Everett M. Dirksen said the of the Miami, Fla. News, re­ Gathered from United Press International newsman Ashmore's charges Ashmore story had "one awful turned from Hanoi where they and other events indicate the taint on it." The Illinois Re­ had conferred with Ho Chi- SAIGON United States could have had publican told a newsman the minh. U.S. B52 bombers struck three times Tuesday in the De-mili- peace talks with Hanoi—"if we CSDI was connected with the Ashmore said they found the tarized Zone where North Vietnamese artillery had been bom­ were willing for anything short radical new left political organi­ senior ministers of the Hanoi barding American Marine border outposts.
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