KEEP POSTED ON DOINGS IN TIIE SPORT WORLD DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND PRESS SERVICES ON THIS PACE ' Vf2L .' TWELVE PAGES TWELVE PAGES SECTION TWO reftoniant SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 12 1 f 11 V . HiTTl (tULWECVIV 1 fSv PAGES 7 TO 12 DAILY EAST OREGOMIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 22, 1920. "RAGGING" BOXERS IS IN -- Buck Private BAD TASTE IN GERANYM RE Prince Becomes AND APPLAUSE IS RARE Do Your Christmas Shopping ISEItU.V. Dec. 22. (A. P.) I'ro- - frnstonuI prize-fightin- g and wrcstllnv, at This Store Introduced Into tVennuny since the conven- war, have won wide popularity mid are Where everything is arranged for your looked upon uk social function a well ience. Here you will find full line of ax un umuHeinent. Men und women who occupy the highest priced seats Auto Gloves Ladies' Sweaters Borton and Maggart Say it is al- - Lynch on appear in formal evening dress, Joe and Pete Herman Dress Gloves Men's Dress Shirts Ambiguous and Does Not though the management mUy not prc- - (Jarja to Honor scribe such ultlre. Battle for Work Gloves Men's Flannel Shirts , Chal-bec- rt Boys' Flannel Shirts Set Forth Circumstances of The development of the Hport ha j NoW Held by Latter; Fur Gloves Alleged Conspiracy. troubled wllh some perplexliiKj lnntrnr in Favnrito Men's Ties Boys Dress Pants incidents, fur Ihn Ci.riiinn t.nl.lln Boys Ties Men's and Beys' Under-- , aceuMtomed to "box flifhtiiiK," appar- Handkerchiefs wear ently ha been unable to decide what LOH AXOELHS, Doc. 22. (A. I'.) NEW VOUK, Dec. 22. (ISy Henry Men's" and Caps Ita proper ultltudu Hhoiild be on Felt Slippers Hats Tho lndlctmentrecently by such L. I'. P. Staff Correspondent.) returned occasions. ChooilnK. upplaiidlnit wllh Fundi, Ccmfy Slippers Men's Silk and Lisle Sox the I.oh Angeles county Krund Jury A sunny haired young Irish boy, the hands, or any "rooting" or "rat;-Kln- Ladies' Waists chawing three former ' l'nfllfic Coast worth clow to 1 100,000, but who driven Children's Slippers Ik In hiah disfavor. At the first " leuKUe one alien- u truck for hla futher Just the nunc, a Men's Felt Slippers Ladies Skirts baseball player and sign of approval ' havlnK from supporters of a long outgrowth of a kid who ruled the J ,1 ed professional Kumblcr with boxer, sections of tho Psys' Suit Ladies' Dresses guinea audience rise wont aide with a pair of freckled criminally conspired to "throw" and his down. pat- Men's Suits Children's Dresses In the "rooter" The real lad who In the 8 wuBon we attacked a rons "Dukes," a American Boys' High li insist everything shall be perfect- everything to the Mackinaw Coats Top Shoes. demurrer filed In the supeilor court ly ipilet. dropped and rushed when call came, goes after Leather Vests Ladies' High Top Shoel. here toduy. - ( tolora the When a fihter Is crowned with a the world' bantam-wclKh- t champion- Boys' Caps Cottcn and Wool Blank brought by attor- Men't and The domurrnr was laurel wreath, or wreath of roue. Jnhip tonight In Madison ftjuure Oar- - Men's asid Eoys' Sweat ets ney representing W. linker ("lfabe") or presented with a hie bouipict, and den. j'. It In m fiinrnT ""H ffif tuttmtu imnirrii ifr Vi " fff-- iy. Baby' Fancy Blanket llorton, former Vernon player, and proclaimed a victor. nulte proper j joe i.ynch. the Idol of west side, ' nmnnttMmiMmm'm rrrrri ers the . MiiKKert. Halt Uika play- to applaud, decorously. Of j Hnrl former Admirer meets pete Herman, the ispialty Utile of Bhoes every wan tho b m de-o- We also carry a complete line for er. They chanted tho Indictment winner shower with bunchc champion, in a bout to a f Prliwe Leopold, eldest son of King Albert ot Belgium and he'r faulty In It wan umliittuuiiH and flowers, and family. open evenings until ' that the referee make iClsion. put on by Tex Richard, to the Belgian throne. Is now a buck private In a military school In member of the Store did not definitely et forth the. olrcum-stauc- e speech acclaiming the prowess of the " - Lynch won the right to a bid foi Brussels. His royal papa decided a little strict discipline would bet- Xmad. '., - ? . alU-Ke- Aft- of the conspiracy. flKhter, a well a explaining Just how the championship of the lltle fellows ter fit the boy to rule some day than the luxurious life In the royal er a brief argument. Judue Frank It. he won the victory. An effort Is made by knocking out Jack Sharkey, the palace. is seen here, looking very serious, Inspection. on Be at Willi ordered the case submitted to adhere to the American description conqueror of Jimmy Wilde, . In thr brief and continued the cane until of blow and maneuver. Frequently fteenth round of a sensational fight Friday. W. J. Jtumler of the Kail at the end of n round, when a boxer Were December 2. FIRST HOCKEY GAME IN al- THSDlUJB Lake team and Nathan llayinuiul, baa got In a telling stroke, the referee Hy the boxing skill and the punch - BE leged Rambler ot Seattle, have not yet harangue the audience with a degerip- shown in that bout, I.ynch is the fav- - SEATTLE WILL WITH responded to the Indictment. llon of the blow and what It effect orlle to be(l, ,ne mu holiKT. ., VICTORIA SEVEN TODAY 745 Main St. - Holh are to weigh lid pounds at i o'clock this aftecnoon. SEATTLE, Dec. 1'.) The LuiummiiMMH I.yiieli Will Have frowd will open to- expected A crowd of over lO.loid is night in game between the V.ctorfci. to see the and it Is safe to as i oattle WKST POINT. X. Y.. Dec. 21. (A. H. L, "ArimotTuts" and the utle sert that per cent of the assem- P.) The army's football sched "Metropolitan" of the Pacific Coast - a vocal din foi QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION blage will lie raising ule, announced toduy, includes a pame Hockey Association. Seattle lust the MIIMItttMIMIIMIMMiMMtMtMMtMMt- Is of town I.ynch, as he the Idol the with Vale at New Haven, oji October opening pame of the association sched- and Herman never has been a popuhu VI and the euHtomary final season con- ule, to 0, to Vancouver, EL C, at Van- REGULAR WEDNESDAY NIGHT champion In the eist. with navy New York on couver, liiMt nipht. Or- - test the at Herman. 'H. a native of New Nov. ' has been boxing for eight years 1. ungs leans, The schedule: OCoher , Spring- Wcnk I. j bantamweight He won the title fro field college and New Hampshire Thouc who have weak lungs can not Poultry Kid Williams in 191J. H.nee th:t be too taking cold, as un-es- s Xmas fc, careful about State CoHeKe: Middlebury Indifferently, heim October jitmie he has boxed CoHckc and Lebanon Valley College; promptly treated, pneumonia may II affairs Ii Inclined to favor October 15. Wabash College of follow. As a prompt cure for had BANGE Now is time to pick out your Christmas din- the preference to risking his title. Ind.; October 22, Vale at colds no one could wish for a better in getting ou'. ner, for our stock ia now complete. We will have His dodging tactics New Haven; October Vi, Susquehanna medicine than Chamberlain's Cough hirr of the defense of his title made College; 5, Dame; Kemedy. The success that has at for our trade had November Notre December 22th exceedingly unpopular. After he Nov. 12, Villa Nova; November 19 tended the use of this preparation, I to meet Jim-m- GEESE, CHICKENS, SUCK- licked out of a contract 2tJ, not only throughout the Cnlted States, TURKEYS, DUCKS, summer, pen; November navy at New LING PIGS. FANCY FALL LAMBS AND Wilde In London last oik. iint In many foreiKn countries, shows II. Cochrane, the London pop It remedy can be relied LIBERTY HALL CORN FED BEEF Charles that is a that PRIME j ulur promoter who held the contract upon. It Is pleasant and safe to take displayed announced ihat he could not deal witl n.d only costs 35 cents; large size 60 Sawyer's Sec this wonderful beef now in our fighters and. keep his faith, with th ARNELLTO REFEREE Orchestra " cents. market. We have the whole carcass displayed just pul'I'c. and he reined. - ." " A (ii'Hid CoimjIi Meuidue c' COME AND as they are originally and not even split or cut. Herman has fought three It speaks well of a cough medicine, BRING YOUR FRIENDS sion boots with I.ynch, but etalned hi. when druggists use it in their own PLACE AN ORDER EARLY . j title, nlthoueh Lynch was given th families, in preference to any other. J. popular verdict on each meeting. Goldsmith, druggist. Van Ethen, X. Y., Lynch Is :'3 years of age and wa writes: "I have sold Chamberlains j born in Ni-- Yol k. He started hi:-- PASAIJKXA. Calif., Dee. 22. (A. Cough Remedy for years, with com- Pendleton Trading Co, iing career in 11 in a P.) Officials for the I'oothull game plete satisfaction to myself and cus- ''''''"niiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiMiinniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiniinirnini contest with Johnny Krtle. He,l"i here New Y ear's day between the Uni- tomers. I have always used it in my i two deiision bouts to Jimmy Wlld coughs Phone 45S ' versity of California and Ohio Slate, own family, both for ordinary world's flyweight champion, staylns un ehosen hy Hie athletie directors of and colds and for cough following the Hf It's on the Market We Have It" with him fifteen rounds In their las' he two insinUutions, were announced Crip and find it very efficacious." 1 mcetlnc- last year.
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