V |Prov:^ / Devoted to thé .Interests^ óf Summerland, Peachland* and Nbramata SUMMERLAND,?B.G^.FRIDA/Y, JULY 24, 1925. Volume 17, Number 51. •$2.50, Payable ;. in Advance Chance to Be "A Regular Boy" 7 SUMMERLAND HORNETS OBJECTED JUVENILE MOVING Looms in Life of Jackie Coogan TO HENRY'S VISIT PASS MATRICULATION When you have run your car into PICTURE ACTRESS SPENDS a /tree,; don't choose one containing 5a< hornets', riest. That isvthe"motto ;ih the following ;story:^ --;M-.L; AND NORMAL - •';- A:' motorist' froiri^ Pjentictori•;• on VACATION IN SUMMERLAND Saturday*night was ambling "peace-' ; fully along the Peachland road, not far from 'Summerland, ,"• In , his Pretty Twelve Year Old Peggy Cartwright Is Guest at Home Results Are Announced in Vancouver; Today and ;Wiredto;The ^"Henry"" when" the", wheels got Review — Mis* Helen Reed of Penticton Won District "caught\.in -the;: loose./earth.-:-in, the of Her Uncle,' Col. Cartwright, With Her Mother—Knows side'.. The front-wheels swerved arid: Jackie Coogan—Played With Harold Lloyd in Recent Scholarship of $100. ~ ." in< an instant the car-collided'with a small tree, saving.the motorist: Picture Shown Here. - - froriia trip over:;th e bank. ,*'-."_'' - (Special to; The Review) Winter (sub), Jean' Moffat - (sub), Mary Hogg (sub), Wil• • '-However, it was; not long before; Vancouver, .July. 24./.— The the Pentictonite found out •. that he VA- real "movie'^tar.isaVisit' into- the movies. "There's something following results for junior' liam Thornbnr (sub), Norma r had "started something".- -Afswariri in porsori to" Summerland. Pretty- little; in'theatm.osphere down there that at-. matriculation and normal en• . French. " / ' \ ; of?; angry hornets who objected /to Peggy Cartwright, charniing blue eyed tracts, ine to the moving picture call• trance^; for Summerland and Normal .Entrance and Junior •"•the:'tsudden"'-jarring..nf^heir:;::home;, . twelve: year.old who has captivated ing,"; said Mrs. Cartwright,- "and Peggy .Peachland,-were, announced to-: Matriculation combined: Bessie '' descended^upon -the5unhappy mo- the .hearts of] riiillions of movie fans seemed just .naturally to drift in to •'. Caldwell (sub), .Dorothy Gar- ; day; ;-MThèv,word "tub"-'oppo• ;.torist andmade life miserable un- the screen. That doesn't mean, how• nett; (sub. in'Junior Matricula• throughout' the world is, a distin- site a name mean* that' the pup• til.!he',got:;'his ;car"'started - on /the: Jguished guest at; the home of: her ever, that she didn't have to work, il must ^rewrite • on' one or- two : tion),. Mabel ' Tonil.in, Emily .road;once more and by dint/of put- hard /right.;; from the start. Even a subjects.- - 1 - Wallock (sub.), Herbert Dun- f tirig";on' speed" left his tormentors uncle; Col. Cartwright at West Sum• -child actor doesn't get picked up and -_" Miss Helen Jean Reed " of sam (jub). -*- \ _ •- behind. ~* - _ ' merland. She' is accompanied by her given a big part with. no prelimin• : Penticton won' the.. $100 - scolar- :Private Study, Junior Mat• Ji.Tiie car was riot -damaged. This mother, Mrs. Coriway .Cartwright if aries." ihip for District No. *5, with riculation: BernardTaylor" rtmakes the/ third ^consecutive auto- •Vancouver. " If the question is not too personal, When /The Review. representative average 'marks, of 84 per cent.. /.(»ub). , - • >. mobile -. accident/ on the Peachland wr could you tell; me what salary Peggy The - following are the results: PEACHLAND road on a Saturday - night.;:; v-Re- "entered trié Cart iglit home, he was re.ceives'r while working on a ;big pro• " ! SUMMERLAND Complete v N or mal Entrance:. - Viriarkable: enough; all; the. accidents received by Peggy's mother arid short• ductions-asked The Review. /. i Normal Entrance: 1 Laura Mc- Margaret Keating. 1 ;hnye /occurred ;in'"near-the;same ly afterwards'the youthful film actress Mrs. Cartwright was rather reluct- Lachlan; Mary Hànna (sub). - Complete - Junior Matricula• section of the road. made'fher- appearance.- Making a ant;to;answer this question but intim• charmirig 'curtsey she ; expressed her tion: R. C. Herrington. : ated that the /monetary .return' was - Junior Matriculation:' John pleasure upori - visiting Summerland, ; ! not quite; so * large as perhaps some the first time she had been in : the peopler iihagine. •Okanagan; A beautifully dressed little " Juvenile Salaries • ) girl with a childish - beauty, Peggy h ."The;i salary paid to children ruris ;. LOCAL MAN ;proriiisés - to Sbe^ around $100 or $125 a'week," she said.. years; a* screen actress of the Mary There are very few film stars among Pickford type. ' - ' ' > ' . the juveniles-arid one/.of the most . --' Summerland1 residents who saw famous,"Baby-Peggy, has not a con• TO TO MRS, WHITE "From;Hand to Mouth" at the Rialto tract now! Take the salary of Betty ^.Theatre will surely -rërnember Pëggy Bronson.-.whoplayed "Peter v Pan" and i • Cartwright; /the little • ragamuffin ' com-made such a.success of"the picture. ; mediehe who so well assisted Harold She/only!receives $500 a week.. HAVING WONDERFUL TIME Was Guest of Honor at Gath• 5 Lloyd in-'orie of ; his-best cimedies. "1 .,'Peggy knows" most of the .well-; ering^ and Presented; like Harold" Miss Peggy tòld thé Re-, kriown filin stars. She has met Jackie : With Bar Pin " , . " view arid her mother added that they Coogan,, Baby Peggy and.-Ben Alex• Any Number of Thrilling Experiences Are Being Met With by were the best : of friends. Peggy will ander among the juveniles,.while her .return-to-trie Rialto screen in a mom- favorite adult star; is of; course Harold/ Summerland Voyageur — Skill in Handling. Canoe -Is -Mrs.„R;:;E. White, who is"",leaving mouth production "The/Iron Horse" Lloyd with whom "she has been assoc• Already Tested by'Rough Weather-off Bear Creek — Ishortly/tò join her fariiilyin.thêir'nëw'in-due course. iated in pictures., Ben- Alexarider/ the ig. I homé;4n>-I^mloops;.-'w thérguestíóf Likes- Riding Horses ; -.' Penrod- of; the screen is; a boy; she was Lands in Girl Guide Camp and Given. Marshmallows. ~ t -.Peggy arrived in--S,ummerland Tues Tveryspleased^to'inteet^-;^:-/.;-;^ honor-at"a dellghtfuh tea ai'the-home ;day.'' night.' from; Vancouver and: on ; :The last;production,in^whichvPeggy.;/ of iMrsviiRI / G;V'Lipsett¿ òn ' Wednesday; Wednesday; morning/was: having/, the figured^vvery /largely:: was4 "The/I*ony Adventurers on unchartered . seas "As the breakfast patrol was up at time e - Horse'V a great /picture'with an!epic. have ho more thrilling, experiences '5" a'.in."," it was little useVxny. trying" to'Mis s Peggy Cartwright, twelve, year old film star,-who is a guest at-the- afternoonn About. tbirty-ftve.VÍádiés-l;s ^ 9* her."life^at:her-favorite-past- : /. -, - *". ( - T timer riding'a- horse; - Peggy "hasxal- ~6n-the.stylfeOtJJThe Covered,Wagon.";/ than - those being .encountered by. Mr. get further sleep;; arid I got underway; horiie.>ofi"Kfer--:unble,->Col. Cartwright;.'here, has.met.. Jackie- Cooganr many- were "'present It; depicts/the itimes:;^enithe;railway,i; "Gordon T. - Crpssley, who is some-; abourT.r I tried to do some shopping times1 in the course of her film career. - Like Jackie, she- Is going to forget ways-loved horsés~"and.for that reason at Okanagan- Centre,; but -.without The spacious rooms were prettily "The Lady of Quality" is the picture in the east and west were, united^ I* where between Sicamous and. Van- work for awhile and,settle ,downUorbeing "regular.',' One-of the pictures of decorated with cut flowers; and delic- which;she/llkedrbest/of all in which , couver in a canoe. Mr. Cros'sleyl left much success." I had had my head Jackie Googamabove-shows him playing-snurse toihis new baby • brother.? .took-wo years to make and most .of 0 the;scenery was laid in..the beautiful ''Summerland a few days- ago, "captain shaved :.in ?Kelo wna, and * I think the?He . is. completing?a niiUion/dolJar'coritract. • .-.-"; , _•• iouslrefreshments'were served. .Mrs. J ./"*-" "there was lots of riding in storekeeper-.thought• me an .escaped _,. .. .-'."•' ' ' - it.' Peggy proved such a good-rider in country of-Nevada. The. picture .has of his own ' transportation'- facilities, not yet been released .to Canada, but criminal. Yes, he had some bread: .White-has:, been.. popular ..in- jjocialj thia -production that' critics praised on,-thu^ unique .trip-from the,:south;of circles'; and. a very dependable worker her..to the skies someyhat- to the dis- is showing with great success at; New/* Okanagan Lake: to' the Pacific Ocean, Yes;:.* brown bread",- but I; had to - ask. in" church arid-Bospital-activitiVs^The advantage, of the star who .required York; and at the Egyptian Theatre in to be made entirely by -.canoe • except htravtp get "it -before he would- move. * -?-~/-, 'out-of-toiiiii^guests^ *theJn'ssistarice of several doubles-dur- Hollywood. for necessary portages-iarid'aVshort /•"Carr's- Landing, which:I.reached at. ; of "Penfictpnp'Mrs..W: Watson of Ed- the'riding'parts".'-This picture will Lost Her'Curls~" rail Journey from Okaria'gan.vLundfng 1 p.m'.j has very pretty lakeshore just r : be • shown; in Summer land before 'long, Whep.' the school iterriv re-opensPeg• mnn+nm'9iiton';^Mrs^Wh^V9if.-:^tler,'n •••.Mrnv;Whlri»"*i'f ^ntloi.; fiaalr.-Sask:; ; to Enderby. _._.'_'•- ' south of it; and a cluster of: islahds-^- Mrs. Mason "aridi Mlssr.Masonj,of Web• Peggy is out far a good time during gy, will attend a private schoolin Van-;'s In a- lettei*.from'Sicamous, where (there is only, one other, in. the lake, ARE ster; City ,'Towa." Mi-s. i-White 'wasvmàde hetv week's / vacation/ here. /She ; dis• couver. She was there last term and Mr. Crossloy enjoyed a "sumptuous re• by Squally Point)'; "pleasant little bays the recipient of a beautiful bar pin.
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