FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 32 r NUMBER 45 Wednesday, March 8, 1967 • Washington, D.C. Pages 3805-3865 Agencies in this issue— The President Atomic Energy Commission Civil Aeronautics Board Commodity Credit Corporation Consumer and Marketing Service Defense Department Federal Communications Commission Federal Reserve System Federal Trade Commission Federal Maritime Commission Federal Power Commission Fiscal Service Food and Drug Administration Foreign Assets Control Office Internal Revenue Service Interstate Commerce Commission Labor Department Land Management Bureau National Bureau of Standards Panama Canal Post Office Department Securities and Exchange Commission Small Business Administration Tariff Commission Wage and Hour Division Detailed list of Contents appears inside. Subscriptions Now Being Accepted S L I P L A W S 90th Congress, 1st Session 1967 Separate prints of Public Laws, published immediately after enactment, with marginal annotations and legislative history references. Subscription Price: $12.00 per Session Published by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 FEDERAL®REGISTER a,.. c„d .\j;/ «..n.««*, ~ ISf.dSTwa.SSSS S'T S ^ V 1 AdfT tratl°n of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.O. 20402 " Distnbution is made only by the Superintendent advance. The^hfrge“?“ f month or $15 per year, payable in each additional group of 40 pages, as actually boun d). Remit check or monev nrdor 5 l ° r the flrst 80 pages and 5 cents for U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D C 20402 y order, made payable to the Superintendent of Dociunents, WO.O * pubUeded, under 50 tme., pur- Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first p m « . , n " R egulations is soid by the Superintendent of - e r e are do _ o a ou *>e r e p u t e d E _ . Contents FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION DEFENSE DEPARTMENT THE PRESIDENT Rules and Regulations Notices Phillips Petroleum Co., et al.; proclamation Involuntary order to active duty notice of applications for certifi­ of Ready Reservists for unsatis­ 3853 Save Your Vision Week, 1967—— 3809 factory performance of obliga­ cates, etc---------------------------- tion --------------------------------- 3829 execu tive o r d er FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Treating a board of inquiry to re­ FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Rules and Regulations port on a labor dispute affecting COMMISSION Bank holding companies; adop­ the shipbuilding arid repair m- tion of forms----------------------- 3813 dustries of the United States— 3811 Rules and Regulations Commission organization^ delega' FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION tions of authority (2 docu- EXECUTIVE AGENCIES ments) --------------- 3831 Rules and Regulations Frequency allocations and radio Administrative opinions and rul­ agriculture d e p a r t m e n t treaty matters; miscellaneous ings: , amendments---------------------- - 3832 Advertising claim; “America s See Commodity Credit Corpora­ TV broadcast services; table of most warranted * * *” ------ 3818 tion; Consumer and Marketing assignments------- ---------------- 3832 Trade association code of ethics Service. Proposed Rule Making governing pricing and selling practices-------------------------- 3818 a t o m ic e n e r g y c o m m is s io n Standard, FM, and TV broadcast stations; sponsorship identifica­ Notices tion.__________ 3836 FISCAL SERVICE TV broadcast stations ; Rules and Regulations Philadelphia Electric Co.; applica­ Prediction of coverage----------- 3835 tion for construction permits Table of assignments : Deposit with Federal Reserve and facility licenses— ---------- 3844 Agana, Guam---------------- - 3835 Banks and depositaries for Fed­ eral taxes of corporation income UHF channel, Anaheim, 3820 CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Calif______________________ 3833 ta x ____________________________ Treasury bills; issue and sale----- 3821 Rules and Regulations Notices Interlocking relationships be­ Regulatory and policy problems FOOD AND DRUG tween an air carrier and a third presented by the interdepend­ ADMINISTRATION* person controlling another air ence of computer and commu­ nication services and facilities. 3845 Rules and Regulations carrier -------------- ------- ------- 381‘ U.S. proposals to World Adminis­ Food additives; diethyl pyrocar- Notices trative Radio Conference; invi­ b o n a te -----_------------------------ 38 ^ tation to file comments---------- 3847 W.A.A.C. (Nigeria) Ltd.; notice of Notices postponement of hearing-------- 3844 Hearings, etc: Advanced Electronics and In­ Colorcon, Inc.; notice of filing of dustrial Communications Sys­ petition regarding color addi­ COMMERCE DEPARTMENT tems, Inc-------------------------- 3844 tive mixtures----------------------- 3843 Pfizer, Chas. and Co., Inc.; notice See National Bureau of Standards. Gulf South Broadcasters and Bayou Broadcasting Co------- 3845 of withdrawal of new-drug ap­ KLRA, Inc., et al------------------ 3844 plication ---------------------------- 3844 COMMODITY CREDIT FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL CORPORATION FEDERAL MARITIME OFFICE COMMISSION Notices Rules and Regulations Sales of certain commodities; Notices Importation of and dealings in March sales list-------------------- 3839 Agreement filed for approval: certain merchandise and cus­ Matson Navigation Co., and En- toms procedures------------------- 3822 CONSUMER AND MARKETING cinal Terminals---------- 3848 j a p a n - Atlantic and Gulf HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND SERVICE Freight Conference----- 3849 WELFARE DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations States Marine Lines, Inc., and China Navigation Co--- 3849 See Food and Drug Administra- Milk in Delaware Valley market­ tion. Hearings, etc.: ing area; determination— _— 3813 Lease agreements at Long INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Proposed Rule Making Beach, Calif------ ------------— 3847 See Land Management Bureau. Marseilles North Atlantic U.S.A. Milk in Puget Sound, Wash., mar­ (Continued on next page) keting area; handling------— - 3834 Freight Conference---- 3848 3807 3808 CONTENTS INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE Rules and Regulations Notices COMMISSION Income tax ; deposit of corporation income and estimated income Alaska : Notices tax with Government deposi­ Proposed classification of public Hearings, etc.: lands------------------------------ 3838 taries ------------------------------- 3819 Autroponics, Inc___________ __ 3350 Proposed withdrawal and reser­ Industrial Kinetics, in c.__II_I 3852 vation of lands_____________ 3839 INTERSTATE COMMERCE Wyoming; modification of certain SMALL BUSINESS grazing districts________________ 3839 COMMISSION ADMINISTRATION Notices NATIONAL BUREAU OF Rules and Regulations Arrow Carrier Corp.; petition for Disaster loans______________ ____ 3313 declaratory order to terminate STANDARDS controversies and remove un­ TARIFF COMMISSION Rules and Regulations certainties in operating author- Notices ity --------- 3855 Radiation physics; dosimetry in Fourth section applications for re- high-energy electron beams__ 3816 Workers’ petition at Eaton, Yale & _ ,Uf f ----------------------------------- 3855 Towne, Inc., for determination Motor carrier: of eligibility to apply for adjust­ Alternate route deviation no- PANAMA CANAL ment assistance; notice of in­ vestigation ____________________ 3853 tices --------- 3856 Rules and Regulations Applications and certain other proceedings_________________ 3357 Marine accidents; investigations; TREASURY DEPARTMENT Intrastate applications_________ 3862 control responsibility._________ 3830 See Fiscal Service; Foreign Assets Control Office; Internal Reve­ nue Service. LABOR DEPARTMENT POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT See also Wage and Hour Division. Notices WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION Notices Notices Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Com­ Assistant Secretary for Adminis­ mittee; appointment and Certificates authorizing employ­ tration; delegation of authority. 3849 duties ------------------------------- 3838 ment of learners at special minimum rates______ 3349 List of CFR Parts Affected (Codification Guide) The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of tbe j , « documents published in today's issue. A cumXSve Ust of ^ s ^ r t e d ^ v e ^ f i ? / 89“1“^ “ a£ec,edby appears at theend of each issue beginning with the second issue of t ^ r S , 5 currenl mon,h A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of errrti ru .. , . affected by documents published since January 1, 1967, L d specifies W A ey^ t® dieted. ^ S6Cti0nS 3 CFR 14 CFR P roclamation : 31 CFR 399... _____ 3769 214 3820 309. 1I J rppvP K 3821 500. 11329 ______ __ QQ1 1 204 3822 32 CFR 7 CFR 16 CFR 100_ 3829 1004_____________ 15 (2 documents)____ P roposed R u l e s : 35 CFR 1125_________ 21 CFR 117 3830 121____ j _____ 12 CFR 47 CFR 222___________ 26 CFR 0 (2 documentisi l ................. 2___ 3832 13 CFR 301.......... ........... 73. _ 3832 P roposed R u l e s : 123. 3813 73 (4 documents). 3835, 3836 Presidential Documents Title 3— THE PRESIDENT Proclamation 3769 SAVE YOUR VISION WEEK, 1967 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation More than one million Americans cannot read a newspaper, not because they are illiterate, but because they cannot see well e n o u g h - even with glasses. One of every fifty Americans is blind or has only partial vision. Every fourth schoolchild requires eye care. Every third serviceman needs glasses. Americans fear blindness more than any affliction except
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