DUFFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Parish Clerk: Mrs Liz Page Duffield Parish Council, The Weston Centre, Tamworth Street, Duffield, Derbyshire, DE56 4ER Telephone: 01332 842740 E-mail: [email protected] 7 January 2016 To: The Members of Duffield Parish Council Dear Councillor You are summoned to attend the meeting of Duffield Parish Council to be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 13 January 2016 at Weston Centre, Tamworth Street, Duffield. Yours sincerely E Page Liz Page AGENDA PART I – NON CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 1 To receive apologies for absence. 2 To consider a Variation of Order of Business 3 To record Declaration of Members Interests in any item to be discussed. Please Note:- Members must ensure that they complete the Declarations of Interest sheet prior to the start of the meeting in respect of items other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and must indicate the action to be taken (i.e. to stay in the meeting, to leave the meeting or to stay in the meeting to make representations and then leave the meeting prior to any consideration or determination of the item) Where a Member indicates that they have a prejudicial interest, but wish to make representations regarding the item before leaving the meeting, those representations must be made under item 4(c) of Public Speaking. The Declarations of Interests for matters other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interests will be read out from the Declaration Sheet – Members will be asked to confirm that the record is correct. 4 To allow for Public Speaking (a) A period of not more than twenty minutes will be made available for members of the public and Members of the Council to comment on any matter. (b) If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Council or District Council Member is in attendance they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter. (c) Members declaring an interest other than a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest who wish to make representations or give evidence under the National Association of Local Councils’ (NALC) Code of Conduct shall do so at this stage. 5 To approve the Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 2 December 2015 6 To report the draft minutes of Cemetery Committee held on 6 January 2016 7 To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: - “In view of the confidential nature of item …. to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.” 8 Chairman’s Announcements: (a) Update on the Eyes Meadow Recreation Ground Redevelopment (b) Update on Duffield Action Plan 9 To receive the report of the Parish Clerk on: - (a) Action Plan progress and actions arising from last meeting. (b) General correspondence received by the Council-Appendix A (c) AVBC Empty Property Strategy - Council to consider whether to propose a Commercial building in the Parish that is empty for the Empty Homes section to take action against (d) appointment of AVBC Monitoring Office- Chris Potts (e) AVBC has withdrawn the Core Strategy from examination (f) Derbyshire Cycle Plan (which the Council has commented on) revised plan now published (g) Derby City Council has submitted its Core Strategy to Secretary of State (h) River Ecclesbourne - Flood Warden reports (i) DCC proposed new direct signage to Gray Rec, Cemetery and Eyes Meadow (j) s106 monies update (k) Update on Gritting on Crown Street (l) Update on War Memorial repointing (m) Update on CCTV on Wirksworth Corner (n) Update on footpath resurfacing - Chestnut Close to A6 10 Eyes Meadow Development Report of Clerk on the Changing Room refurbishment including costs, budgets and work outstanding. 11 Consultations • Derbyshire County Council - Proposed speed restriction changes - A6 - Duffield 12 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils • To consider Circular(s)-2015/26, 27 and 2016/1 13 Finance • To approve Accounts for Payment for month ending 6 January 2016 14 To consider Planning Applications • The list of Planning Applications received for the Council to consider and make representations on is at Appendix B 15 Items for information only a) To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies b) To receive any other items for information only and items to be included on the next agenda 16 To note the date of the next meeting- Wednesday 3 February at 7.00pm at the Weston Centre, Tamworth Street, Duffield PART II – CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 17 To move the following resolution - “That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted (in respect of a discussion concerning xxxxxx) it is advisable in the public interest, that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.” None E Page 7 January 2016 Agenda Papers Agenda Document published Item on website 5 Draft Minutes - December Full Council yes 6 Draft Cemetery Committee minutes yes 9a Action Plan yes 10 Report of Clerk yes 12 DALC circular 2015/25 and Audit document no 11 Consultation Document yes 13 Accounts for Payment no Item 9b-General Correspondence-Appendix A Queens Beacons - email Item 14-Appendix B-Planning Applications Ref Num Address and Proposal AVA/2015/1242 85 Wirksworth Road Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4GY DWL: 23/Dec/2015 Two storey and single storey extensions to existing dwelling Val: 22/Dec/2015 Dec: AVA/2015/1222 15 Burley Hill Allestree Derby Derbyshire DE22 2ET DWL: 22/Dec/2015 Rear two storey and single storey extensions Val: 14/Dec/2015 Dec: AVA/2015/1156 Duffield Bank House Duffield Bank Duffield Belper DWL: 21/Dec/2015 Derbyshire DE56 4BG Val: 18/Dec/2015 Installation of package sewage treatment plant with outfall to the Dec: river Derwent to replace existing septic tank and soakaway. AVA/2015/1195 Lime House Milford Road Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 DWL: 14/Dec/2015 4DY Val: 9/Dec/2015 Single storey rear extension forming enlarged Kitchen Dec: AVA/2015/1190 15 Hall Farm Road Duffield Belper Derbyshire DE56 4FS DWL: 14/Dec/2015 Alterations and extensions to an existing bungalow including Val: 3/Dec/2015 re-roofing the property. Dec: AVA/2015/1177 The Ecclesbourne School Wirksworth Road Duffield Belper DWL: 8/Dec/2015 Derbyshire DE56 4GS Val: 3/Dec/2015 The proposed development consists of a new Visitors Entrance Dec: for Ecclesbourne School situated along the principle elevation facing Wirksworth Road. The entrance is to formalise safeguarding measures for pupils and staff with a new reception and waiting area for visitors to the school. TRE/2015/0158 Ecclesbourne 33 Tamworth Street Duffield Belper Derbyshire DWL: 4/Dec/2015 DE56 4ER Val: 4/Dec/2015 Remove 10 Lime trees. Dec: 5/Jan/2016 .
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