A LITTLE SCRAP GIVE THAT JAP WILL SCRAP A SCRAPPY A JAP SLAP Vol. VIII, No. 3. — Four Pages PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I„ OCTOBER 16, 1942 5 Cents a Copy. SENIORS LOOK P. C. Freshmen At Work In Scrap Drive Sormanti Is FORWARD TO COMMENCEMENT Junior Prom Committees Appointed Chairman For Graduation Bids Have Been Sent To Activities Leading Orchestras Providence College seniors looked orward to the "white" commence- John W. Sormanti of Providence nent this week and began making was elected chairman of the Junior .rrangements for their graduation ac- Prom Committee at a meeting of that ivities. Committees were appointed organization this week. Sormanti. is or the Cap and Gown Day dance, the a prominent member of the Junior "ommencement Dance, the Class Gift Class and an active member of the rroup. and the baccalaureate day and Pyramid Players. arents reception committee. The committee has announced that President Matthew H. Kelly an- bids have already been sent to the ounced that those on the Cap and outstanding bands of the country Gown Day dance committee were among whom are Harry James, Alvino John J. Affleck, Providence, chairman: Rey. and Benny Goodman. Francis A. Stadnicki. Central Falls; November 23 has been set as the Israel Moses. Howard Knapp. William tentative date, however, the commit- Griffin, and Ray Isacco. all of Provi- tee says that there are two other dence. dates, one of which is in December Those appointed to the Commence- and might be accepted. ment Ball committee are Gerald Flynn. The members of the prom commit- Providence, chairman; Peter Koch, Jr.. tee voting at the election were James West Warwick; John Sharkey, John Coach Crotty's Commandos heeded the Cowl's call for jalopies last week and collectec F. Shiel, Providence; Arthur C. Mc- Brunnero, and Howard Kenny, all of their share of the 7000 pounds of scrap given by the College to the scrap drive. Gill, Pittsfield. Mass.; Frank W. Cross, Providence. On the class gift commit- Washington, R. I.; Frank L. Larkin, ee are Charles F. Cottam, North Fall River, Mass.; Charles C. Good- Providence, chairman; Arthur Clark, j man. Newport; John J. Gerhard, Naugatuck. Conn.; Joseph Vaghi, Student Volunteers Take ALUMNI OFFICERS Providence; Thomas F. McGuire, Fall Bethel, Conn.; Harold McKenna, West River, Mass.: William F. Corkery, Warwick; and John A. Maloney. East Part In Scrap Drive Providence; Thomas A. McCormick, Providence. HOLD MEETING Central Falls; Carroll Gettings, Fall River, Mass.; and John P. Brady, Committeemen for baccalaureate College Contributions Are Pawtucket. lay and the parents' reception are La Pleiade Prexy William F. Leonelli, chairman; Har- Collected Sunday Resolution of Sympathy old Dennis, Hamden, Conn.; Dominic Morning To Revive Club Is Adopted CAROLAN CLUB Coppolino. Providence; Wilfred Gal- A meeting of the Carolan Club, agher, Esmond, and Edward Gallogly. According to statements made by resident student group, will be held In answer to an urgent appeal by The Board of Governors of the Providence. Andre Mandeville, president of the Monday evening in Aquinas Hall. the Rev. Jeremiah T. Fitzgerald. O. P., Providence College Alumni Associa- The Cap and Gown dance is sched- French Club, La Pleiade will attempt The annual Mid-Winter Festival will Vice President of the College, and tion in its initial meeting of the season led for November 25th. December 21st to take its place with the active clubs be discussed and the board of direc- Director of the Providence College Wednesday evening adopted a resolu- 3 the date for the Commencement of the College. The president said tors for the coming year will be Defense Council, one hundred stu- tion of sympathy on the death of the Ball. this week that despite utter lack of selected. dents registered as volunteers to help late John E. Cassidy of the Class of co-operation from every quarter, the in the State-wide scrap collection last 1925 and president of the association club will again try to function. Sunday. at the time of his death a few weeks Students electing Professor Landry's Veritas Near Top Fall River Club Addressing the students at a special ago. conversation lectures are particularly 'scrap rally" last Friday. Father Fitz- The resolution was proposed by Elects Officers urged to attend meetings. New mem- In Yearbook gerald urged them all to co-operate Louis C. Fitzgerald, secretary, and bers, sincerely interested, will be wel- in every way possible. was formally drawn up by Dr. Daniel Competition The Fall River Club met yesterday come. J. O'Neill, treasurer. "The scrap you collect now may be ind elected its officers for the com- The plans for this trimester include Dr. James Colgan, '24, elected vice- the means of preserving your own The 1941 Veritas, edited by Joseph jig year. Thomas H. Madden, a senior, social activities and informal weekly president at the alumni day exercises lives," he said. M. McLaughlin of Providence received vas elected president. Other officers round table discussions devoted to last May, was declared president of a First Class honor rating in the -hosen were John Halligan, vice- Dorm students attended Mass, ad- modern currents and trends in French the association at last evening's meet- Twenty-second National Yearbook president; Milton R. Silva, treasurer; vanced to 6:30 a. m. for the occasion, thought. ing. ind Gaston St. Denis, secretary. and with about 50 day students pro- The club was founded a few years Critical Service of the National Scho- A freshman reception will be held ceeded to their respective stations. ago for students desirous of deepening lastic Press Association, the Rev. his evening. Guests will be the Rev. They worked until 5:00 o'clock Sun- their knowledge of the language, and ALUMNI ROSTER William R. Clark. O.P., announced this week. Charles H. McKenna, O.P.; the Rev. day afternoon. of widening their understanding of Rev. Charles H. McKenna, O.P., and Frederick C. Foley, O.P., and the Rev. The College, together with nearby French culture and its influence on Mr. Riley Hughes are compiling a Veritas amassed 1,385 points out of Charles V. Fennell, O P. fields, contributed about 7000 pounds world thought. A reorganization of list of Providence College alumni in a total of 1,425 needed for All-Ameri- Plans were made yesterday for a of scrap. Gathered in two piles, one the club was effected last year, but the armed forces. can honors. Yearbooks from 826 other Christmas dance. Robert Sullivan was near Guzman Hall, the other in the through general indifference the club All students who know of P. C. men institutions were entered tn the com- xiade general chairman of the commit- practice field, the precious junk was unable to operate. in the Army, Navy, or Marines, have petition held at the University of ee. Assistant committeemen are ranged from coils of wire to the Next Wednesday at 12:30 in Room been requested to write the names of Minnesota School of Journalism. Thomas Marum, Milton Silva, Albert chasses of antiquated automobiles. 19, a short but very important meet- these individuals on a sheet of paper. Of its 35 features, 19 were judged tResnick, and Robert Golden. Two Coca-Cola trucks were required ing will be held. New members will be As much information as possible excellent, 15 very good, and one good. to take away the pile near Guzman, received, plans for the trimester dis- should be given on these slips which It received special commendation for while a local produce truck removed cussed, and action on those plans will should be handed in to the News Bu- color, senior views, and informal snap- Veridames Sponsor the other. be taken immediately. reau or the Chaplain's Office. shots. METCALF DEATH Tea For Mothers Dr. Daniel J. O'Neill, administrative assistant to the president, and Mr. The officers of the Veridames, Prov- A Grousing We Will Go! Riley Hughes of the English depart- idence College woman's organization, ment, represented the college ot the will entertain the mothers of the usual number of early birds including Diana Is Not Too Waterfowlers Find funeral of the late United States Freshman class on Sunday afternoon Capt. Jibe, dressed for the kill. (Gate- Senator Jesse H. Metcalf held last at 3:30 p. m. in the lounge of Aquinas Propitious Going Smooth ley found that last year's jodhpurs Wednesday in the First Congrega- Hall. were a bit too big for him this year.) tional Church. The mother of every freshman, in- By CHAUNCEY GUFFAW Sears and Roebuck "How to get the cluding the members of both the June "Tantivy, Tantivy, Tantivy!" Thus We managed to squeeze all the im- most out of your gun during war" The Very Rev. John J. Dillon, O.P., and September classes, is invited. ran up the cry yesterday morning as migration papers including a Coast handbook occupied the rest of the president of the college last Sunday Freshmen who mothers plan to attend Dwight, Gateley, and myself ups at Guard identification card, a water- space. told for the first time how the late should leave their names at the In- dawn to usher in the 1942 waterfowl- fowling permit, a duck stamp, and a The sportsman stag party set out philanthropist in 1935 bestowed a gift formation Booth by this noon. ing season planned by the Army, State hunting license into a suitcase. for Greenwich Bay. which to the of $25,000 for an addition to Provi- dence College Mr. Metcalf at the time Members of the freshman class will Navy, and Coast Guard. Almanacs, to tell us when the sun waterfowler is a line south of a line requested that the donation remain pour at the tea.
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