News E´uCuE Electroacoustic Concerts SEAMUS (SEAMUS CD 11) and by (IV BIMESP 2002) was held on 2–11 at Concordia University the Canadian Electroacoustic Com- December 2002 at SESC Vila Mari- munity and Productions E´ lectro Pro- ana and Instituto de Artes da Unesp E´ lectroacoustiques universite´ Con- ductions (the compilations Presence (IA) Ipiranga Brazil. The event was a cordia university Electroacoustics III and Cache 2002). production of Studio PANaroma for (E´ uCuE) presented the first ten con- Concerts 6–10 in the series were Electroacoustic Music of Unesp certs of Series XXI during October held on 6–8 November. Concert 6 in- (State University of Sa˜o Paulo) under and November 2002 at Oscar Peter- cluded pieces by James Bentley, Mar- the direction of the Composer Flo son Concert Hall on Concordia Uni- tı`n Fumarola, Steven Naylor, Sylvi Menezes. 57 acousmatic and electro- versity’s Loyola campus, Montre´al. macCormac, Grant Ford, Dale Per- acoustic compositions were pre- The October concerts presented kins, Ian Chuprun, Rick Nance, and sented in 12 themed programs, works from both young composers Russell Pinkston. Concert 7 included which included concerts and master and masters in the field. All presen- pieces by John Duesenberry, Martı`n classes. tations were multi-speaker concerts Fumarola, Thomas Gerwin, Laurie The opening concert featured the using 20 loudspeakers. Radford, Peter Malanka, David Bere- winners of the International Electro- The 2 October 2002 program in- zan, David Hirst, Ryan Calamba, acoustic Music Contest of Sa˜o Paulo cluded selections from the Canadian Ewan Stefani, and Elainie Lillios. (IV CIMESP 2001) and coincided with ´ Electroacoustic Community’s Jeu de Concert 8 on was a special CD the publishing of the CD ‘‘MUSICA temps/Times Play 2002 competition, launch program, featuring works MAXIMALISTA * MAXIMAL with works by R. Dominique Bassal, from Cache 2002, published by the MUSIC,’’ Vol. 8: Winners of the IV Rodrigo Caballero, Alison Chung- CEC and PeP. The program included CIMESP 2001. The concert included Yan, Terence Huang, Adis Huse- works by Brett Ziegler, Carey Dodge, works by Kent Olofsson Alinea I-III jnagic, Tomasz Krakowiak, Martin Brian Garbet, Andrew Wedman, Adis (1997–2000), First Prize; John Young Messier, Kelly Nairn, Catherine Pa- Husejnagic, Martin Messier, Terence Liquid Sky (1998), Second Prize; tha, Eric Paul, Dan Nyborg and An- Huang, Dan Nyborg and Andrew Gilles Gobeil / Arturo Parra Soledad drew Watson, Andrew Wedman, and Watson, David Paquette, Dominique (1998–2000), Public Prize; Andre Bar- Brett Ziegler. Bassal, and Jean-Michel Robert. Con- tetzki Rondeaux Trouve´s (2000), The 3 October program included a cert 9 included pieces by Adrian Honorable Mention; Gary Berger public lecture about sound diffusion Moore, James Caldwell, Martin Got- Lichtempfindliche Erinnerungen by Christian Calon, followed by a frit, Tony K. T. Leung, Tung-Lung (2000), Honorable Mention. carte-blanche concert with Calon. Lin, Kristi Allik, Sophia Male, Grant Day two began with Contempo- The 4 October events included a Chu Covell, Colby Leider, James rary Program I, including works by concert of Concordia University Stu- Mobberley, Paul Oehlers, and Eric James Bentley, Konstantinos Kara- dent Works followed by an evening Chasalow. Concert 10 included thanasis, Paolo Geminiani, Simon program In Profile: the ‘‘Radio Art pieces by Michael Matthews, Hideko Hall, Elio Martusciello, Jorge Antu- Companion’’ from New Adventures Kawamoto, Richard Zvonar and Rob- nes, and John Young. The day con- in Sound Art, with works by Moya, ert Black, Pascale Trudel, Camille cluded with the Program of the Jean-Franc¸ois Denis, Elainie Lillios, Goudeseune, Matthew Kober, David Studio PANaroma, a co-realization of and David Berezan. R. Mooney, Rodney Waschka II, and Groupe de Musique Experimentale For the November series, as part of Scott A. Wyatt. Bourges (GMEB, France) and Studio ´ the SEAMUS International Electro- Full information on the EuCuE PANaroma, with works by Paulo von acoustic Music Month, E´ uCuE pre- 2002–2003 Series XXI concert pro- Zube, Maurı´cio Wera´, Fa´bio Taveira, sented works in collaboration with grams can be found on the Web at Ignacio de Campos, and Sergio Kafe- the Canadian Electroacoustic Com- music.concordia.ca/ jian. Day three featured the Program munity and SEAMUS. All concerts EuCuE_Concerts.html. of the Countries: Chile with works were presented on the E´ uCuE multi- by Jose´ Miguel Candela, Jose´ Miguel speaker sound projection/diffusion Fernandes, Cecı´lia Garcı´a-Gracia, system with 20 loudspeakers in the IV BIMESP 2002 and Oscar Carmona. This was fol- Oscar Peterson Concert Hall. The lowed by Contemporary Program II pieces on all concerts came from The Fourth International Biennial for with David Alarco´ n Folgado, Jon Ave- recent CD releases produced by Electroacoustic Music of Sa˜o Paulo yard, Francesco Biasiol, David Bere- News 9 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/014892603322022637 by guest on 27 September 2021 zan, Pablo Silva, and MicheleI purely electroacoustic version of Pul- Browser, Video processing in Jitter Biasutti. sares (1998–2000); Colores (2000); (Cycling74), CreamWare Noha Contemporary Program III in- Electroacoustic Requiem in Memo- Physical model synthesizer, Arkaos cluded Ludger Bru¨ mmer, Martin riam of the Poet Philadelpho Me- VJ 2.2, eoBody new controler (Ircam- Gotfrit, John Gibaon, Lelio Camil- nezes (1960–2000); and the Brazilian MESI), DIPS (Kunitashi College), leri, Jean Louis Hargous, and Vladi- premiere of L’Itine´raire des Re´so- Moog55 (Arturia), and EAX 3D audio mir Djambazov. Program II of the nances (2001). (Creative Labs). Resonances also fea- CIMESP (Honorable Mentions of the Full program information for IV tured concerts and sound installa- IV CIMESP 2001) included Augusto, BIMESP 2002 can be found on the tions using interactive systems (R. Panayiotis Kokora, Natasha Barrett, Web at sites.uol.com.br/flomenezes/ Minard, C. Le Prado, J. Remus, L. Theodore Lotis, and Elizabeth Ander- programa-BIMESP-2002.htm. Dandrel, O. Koechlin, G. Chiron, son. Contemporary Program IV in- CARROUSO Sound walls, Th. Lan- cluded Monique Jean, Steven Naylor, nette, A. Mansoux, A. Bonardi) and Joa´o Mendes, Rau´ l Minsburg, Juan more in the Sonic Process exhibition Manuel Marrero Rivero, and Kent Resonances 2002 and ISMIR at Centre Pompidou. Olofsson. 2002 at IRCAM ISMIR began with an afternoon of The second week began with a three concurrent tutorials by Geof- master class with Flo Menezes on The Third International Conference froy Peeters and Ge´rard Assayag ‘‘The Electroacoustic Music through- on Music Information Retrieval was ‘‘Digital Music Representations’’; out History,’’ followed by the His- held on 13–17 October at IRCAM, in George Tzanetakis ‘‘Music Informa- toric Program, featuring works by conjunction with the Resonances tion Retrieval for Audio Signals’’; John Cage, Pierre Henry, Vladimir 2002 International Convention on and Shlomo Dubnov ‘‘Advanced Sta- Ussachevsky, Edgard Vare`se, Iannis Technologies for Music. tistical Methods for Audio Signal Xenakis, and Ivo Malec. Additional Following the ISMIR program, Processing.’’ The formal conference master classes with Flo Menezes Resonances 2002 continued through program started with welcome mes- were titled ‘‘Acousmatic Music: a 20 October. A one-day symposium sages by Don Byrd (chair), Bruno Ra- Theater for the Ears’’ and ‘‘Morphol- was held at the Cite´ de la Musique, cine (President of the Pompidou ogy of Interaction.’’ The latter pre- on ‘‘Musical Information and Re- Center), Bernard Stiegler (IRCAM Di- ceded the Program of Interaction, sources for the Music Lover’’ and an rector), and Michael Fingerhut with works by Flo Menezes, Lucas electro-analog concert at Glaz’art (ISMIR 2002 general chair). The Vargas, and Silvio Ferraz. with Atau Tanaka, Interlope, Proto- opening keynote speech by Douglas The Biennial included two special Type Live, Herrschneider, and Djulee Hofstadter was on the topic ‘‘Varia- programs honoring individual com- Jay. tions on the Theme of Musical Simi- posers. Program of Personnage I, Resonances 2002 concluded with larity.’’ homage to Franc¸ois Bayle, featured an Open House Weekend at IRCAM Over thirty papers were presented the first performance of La Forme du on the subject of New Instruments during sessions on similarity and rec- Temps est un Cercle (1999–2001). with talks/performances from M. ognition; summarization; indexation, Program of Personnage II, honoring Wanderley, D. Wessel, N. Schnell, A. classification, and analysis; usability; Flo Menezes on his 40th birthday, Tanaka, M. Waisvisz, R. Causse´, X. query by example; preprocessing: en- also commemorated the publishing Rodet, A. Camurri, D. Shea, N. Orio, coding, segmentation; and systems. of the revised second edition of his M. Battier, D. Arfib, R. Zolfo, Th. A complete listing with abstracts book Apoteose de Schoenberg—Tra- Coduys, S. Goto, J. Flury, S. Delau- may be found at ismir2002.ismir tado sobre as Entidades Harmoˆ ni- bier, P. Moullet, and G. Reibel, and .net/papers.html. Posters and short cas, as well as the release of the CD concerts with M. Lanza, O. papers were also presented in ses- ‘‘MU´ SICA MAXIMALISTA * MAXI- Schneller, B. Pauzet, R. Auzet, Ph. sions on preprocessing and represen- MAL MUSIC,’’ Vol. 7 – Acousmatic Manoury, and B. Lubat in a final Jazz tations; extraction and analysis; Octophonic Compositions by Flo session with F. Pachet’s Continuator. query by example;
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