Earth Science Week 2019: Geoscience Is for Everyone October 13-19, 2019 Highlights Report Geoscience Is for Everyone EARTH SCIENCE WEEK www.earthsciweek.org Earth Science Week 2019: Geoscience Is for Everyone October 13-19, 2019 Highlights Report Copyright ©2020 by Contents American Geosciences Institute. 2 Highlights Report: Earth Science Week 2019 ISBN: 979-8619088496 2 Introduction American Geosciences Institute 3 Summary of Activities 4220 King Street 3 Key Partnerships and Efforts Alexandria, VA 22302 U.S.A. 9 Earth Science Week Toolkits www.americangeosciences.org 9 Web Resources 703-379-2480 11 Newsletter If you have comments concerning this report, please contact: 11 Contests Ed Robeck, Ph.D. 13 Earth Science Teacher Award Director of Education and Outreach 13 Focus Days American Geosciences Institute 703-379-2480 x245 15 Special Events [email protected] 15 AGI Promotions 15 State Proclamations See Our News Coverage 15 Publicity and Media Coverage Because of the large and increasing number of news clip- 18 Earth Science Week Sponsors pings citing Earth Science Week activities and resources, the 18 Earth Science Week Program Partners print edition of the print report no longer includes clippings. 19 Earth Science Week 2019 Events by State To view the hundreds of press releases and news items pro- and Territory moting awareness of Earth Science Week each year, please visit online at www.earthsciweek.org/highlights. Thank 29 International Events you for helping us in our efforts to conserve resources and protect the environment. Published and printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without the expressed written consent of the publisher. Front cover: 2019 ESW poster design for AGI by K. Cantner. Earth Science Week 2019: Highlights Report 1 American Geosciences Institute Highlights Report: Earth Science Week 2019 A 2019 Earth Science Week Photography Contest finalist entry by Erika Komp. Introduction Held October 13-19, 2019, the 22nd annual Earth Sci- outreach events with local artists. A detailed list of ence Week celebrated the theme of “Geoscience Is for events from across the country and around the world Everyone.” The 2019 event emphasized both the inclu- can be found in the second half of this report. This list sive potential and the importance of the geosciences in represents only events reported directly to AGI, so please the lives of all people. Aligned with ongoing efforts to notify Earth Science Week staff if you know of events enhance diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility that could be added. in the sciences, the program encouraged individuals of all backgrounds, ages, and abilities to engage with the Additional events are highlighted on the Earth Science geosciences in various ways, from geoscience profes- Week website (www.earthsciweek.org/highlights), sional activities to civic engagement. which features press releases and other items by mem- bers of the geoscience community, as well as news AGI organizes Earth Science Week as a service to mem- media promoting Earth Science Week. Television and ber societies, with generous help from partners that radio news programs covered Earth Science Week on provide funding, donate materials, organize events, and local stations in several states. Each year, web, print, publicize the event. Funding partners in 2019 included and broadcast media coverage of Earth Science Week, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS); American Asso- along with direct outreach by AGI, reach more than ciation of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Foundation; 50 million people. National Park Service; National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); American Geophysical Union This report is designed to give an overview of the activi- (AGU); Geological Society of America (GSA); Association ties organized by AGI and other groups for Earth Science of American State Geologists (AASG); IF/THEN (Lyda Week. We hope this information on 2019 events and Hill Philanthropies); Keystone Policy Center; Nauti- publicity inspires you to develop your own Earth Sci- lus; Schlumberger; Society for Mining, Metallurgy and ence Week activities. Please visit www.earthsciweek.org Exploration (SME); Society of Exploration Geophysi- for guidance on event planning, materials, resources, cists; AmericaView; Water Footprint Calculator/Grace and support. Contact Earth Science Week staff at Communications Foundation; ExxonMobil; Energy Day [email protected] for assistance in planning for (CEEF/CEA); and the Geothermal Resources Council. Earth Science Week. Earth Science Week participation remained strong. Because of the large number of news clips citing Earth People in all 50 states and more than 26 countries par- Science Week activities and resources, the print edition ticipated in events and activities. The Earth Science of this report no longer includes such clips. To view Week website received over 489,000 page views in 2019. the many press releases and news items promoting In addition, hundreds of people nationwide actively awareness of Earth Science Week each year, please visit participated in the program’s visual arts, video, essay, online at www.earthsciweek.org/highlights. Thank you and photography contests. for helping us in our efforts to conserve resources and protect the environment. Earth Science Week events ranged from educators teach- ing Earth science activities in their classrooms to public American Geosciences Institute 2 Earth Science Week 2019: Highlights Report Summary of Activities The winning entry in the 2019 ESW Photography Contest by Tonya Boone. Key Partnerships and Efforts Earth Science Week’s success depends on the collabo- Earth Science Week 2019 promoted awareness of the ration of key partners. In 2019, AGI pursued signature American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG), initiatives and forged partnerships with numerous an AGI member society that advocates for geologists organizations (listed alphabetically): and certifies their credentials. AIPG offers several Pow- erPoint presentations online for free download, present- Educators seeking teaching resources and other sup- ing career information for young, newly graduated port were directed by AGI to the American Associa- geoscientists. AIPG also provided a geologic-timescale tion of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and the AAPG bookmark for the educator kit. The activity calendar Foundation, both longstanding supporters of Earth featured AIPG’s “Shoebox Geologist” education activity. Science Week. In addition, Earth Science Week pro- moted awareness of AAPG’s Distinguished Lecturer The American Meteorological Society (AMS) pro- and Teacher of the Year programs. AAPG Student moted two teacher professional development programs Chapters received kits. Program participants were focusing on the atmosphere and oceans in 2020. Project encouraged to read and use “Visiting Geoscientists: Atmosphere offers comprehensive teacher professional An Outreach Guide for Geoscience Professionals,” a development program based on studies in the atmo- handbook co-produced by AGI and AAPG’s Youth spheric sciences. Project Ocean provides teacher profes- Education Activities Committee. Program participants sional development focusing on studies of the physical were encouraged to attend AAPG’s Annual Conven- foundations of oceanography. AMS also provided a tion and Exhibition. AAPG’s “Using Energy Resources bookmark for the educator kit, connecting program Wisely” activity was featured in the Earth Science Week participants with information about K–12 teacher pro- 2019 activity calendar. fessional development and related resources. The American Geophysical Union (AGU) continued AmericaView, a longtime Earth Science Week partner its role as a supporting program partner in 2019 with and financial supporter, provided a “Geoscience Is the contribution of funds as well as expertise. To gear Everywhere” poster for the 2019 educator kit. The poster, up for Earth Science Week’s 2019 theme of “Geoscience supported by USGS and NASA, touched on topics Is for Everyone,” participants were invited to take part including Landsat satellites and Earth Observation Day. in an AGI webinar on science careers and the LGBTQ community. The educator kit included an AGU poster The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), a continu- celebrating women in Earth and space science over ing Earth Science Week partner and supporter, provided the past century. Earth Science Week’s 2019 activity a classroom activity on “The Interconnected Ancient calendar featured AGU’s “Predict the Flow” classroom World” for the program’s 2019 activity calendar. In addi- activity. AGU’s annual meetings, professional devel- tion, the program promoted awareness of and participa- opment workshops, programs for college students, tion in AIA’s International Archaeology Day, which takes print and electronic resources, and GIFT (Geoscience place annually on the final day of Earth Science Week. Information for Teachers) workshops were promoted through the Earth Science Week e-newsletter, website, Earth Science Week directed participants’ attention to the and activity calendar. Association of American Geographers (AAG), an AGI Earth Science Week 2019: Highlights Report 3 American Geosciences Institute SummarY OF Activities • KEY PARTNERSHIPS AND EFFORTS member society that offers an array of web resources for
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