Planning, Taxi Licensing and Rights of Way Committee Report Application No: P/2015/0266 Grid Ref: 325597.55 259775.26 Community Old Radnor Valid Date: Officer: Council: 17/03/2015 Holly-ann Hobbs Applicant: Mr & Mrs S Miles, Riverside, Weythel, Old Radnor, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2RR. Location: Crown Inn, Walton, Presteigne, Powys, LD8 2PY. Proposal: Full: Part demolition of public house (rear), erection of two new dwellings and conversion of public house to a dwelling, to include associated works with the formation of car parking and access Application Application for Full Planning Permission Type: The reason for Committee determination Members are advised that the planning application was ‘called in’ by Councillor Michael Jones in his role as Local Member. Site Location and Description The proposed site of development is located within the settlement development boundary of Walton as defined by the Powys UDP. The application site is bounded by residential properties to the north and west. Located to the east is the A44 and to the south the C1335. Consent is sought in full for the part demolition of the Crown Inn (rear extension) and conversion to a single dwelling, erection of two new dwellings (semi-detached) and associated access alterations. The rear extension to be demolished measures approximately 14 metres in length (max) by 10.4 metres in width (max) and includes a lounge, kitchen, storage, toilet facilities and bedrooms associated with the former public house. The resulting dwelling house measures approximately 11.8 metres by 7.7 metres and will comprise of large kitchen/dining room and lounge on the ground floor together with 3 bedrooms and a bathroom at first floor level. External alterations are minimal and feature predominantly on the rear elevation (south west). The proposed semi-detached dwellings measure approximately 11.7 metres by 10.8 metres, the ridge and eaves height measure 8.7 metres and 5.2 metres respectively. The proposed dwellings will have a brickwork/rendered finish together with a natural slate roof. Consultee Response Old Radnor Communtiy Council 1 The Community Council supports this application. However, visibility must be maintained at the junction with the A44 as it is noted that a garden is to be created for House 1 that has a boundary with the A44. The Community Council request that a condition be placed so that trees, high hedges or high fences do not appear on the site boundary alongside the main road. Highway Authority Correspondence received 10th April 2015 - The County Council as Highway Authority for the County Highway Class III, C1335 Wish the following recommendations/observations be applied Recommendations/Observations I have no objection to this proposal but require the turning space to be increased in depth to 6.0 metres in order to ensure adequate length is available for the manoeuvring of each parked car. The following conditions should also be included on any permission granted:- HC6 Within 5 days from the commencement of the development clear visibility shall be maintained above a height of 0.26 metres above carriageway level over the full frontage of the developed site to the county class III road effective over a bandwidth of 2.4 metres measured from the edge of the adjoining carriageway. Nothing shall be planted, erected or allowed to grow on the area(s) of land so formed that would obstruct the visibility and the visibility shall be maintained free from obstruction thereafter. HC7 Within 5 days from the commencement of the development the area of the access to be used by vehicles is to be constructed to a minimum of 410mm depth, comprising a minimum of 250mm of sub-base material, 100mm of bituminous macadam base course material and 60mm of bituminous macadam binder course material for a distance of 5.5 metres from the edge of the adjoining carriageway. Any use of alternative materials is to be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the access being constructed. HC8 Prior to the occupation of the dwellings, provision shall be made within the curtilage of the site for the parking of not less than 3 cars per dwelling excluding any garage space provided serving the site may both enter and leave the site in a forward gear. The parking areas shall be retained thereafter and the turning areas shall be maintained at all times free from obstruction. HC21 Prior to the occupation of the dwellings the area of the access to be used by vehicles is to be finished in a 40mm bituminous surface course for a distance of 5.5 metres from the edge of the adjoining carriageway. HC30 The centreline of any new or relocated hedge should be positioned not less than 1.0 metre to the rear of the visibility splay. HC31 The area of each private drive and any turning area is to be metalled and surfaced in bituminous macadam, concrete or block paviours, prior to the occupation of that dwelling. HC32 No storm water drainage from the site shall be allowed to discharge onto the county highway. 2 Reasons for Comments To ensure adequate space is provided on site for the safe access and egress of traffic onto the county road. Correspondence received 6th May 2015 – I refer to the amended plan showing the slightly enlarged turning area for the parking spaces and can confirm this is acceptable to the Highways Authority. I am happy that the conditions I recommended on my response of 9th April are appropriate for inclusion on any permission granted. Building Control Building Regulations Required. Wales & West Utilities With regards to your above request, this is not Wales & West Utilities area. This falls within National Grid’s area, contact details for them below: Email: [email protected] Telephone: 0800 688588 Environmental Health Due to a number of noise sensitive dwellings located near to the application site I suggest the following condition be attached:- Demolition/Construction works shall not take place outside 08:00 hours to 18:00 hours Mondays to Fridays and 08:00 hours to 13:00 hours on Saturdays and at no time on Sundays and Bank or Public Holidays. Reason: To protect the amenity of local residents from excessive noise, vibration and dust. County Ecologist Correspondence received 15th May 2015 – A preliminary bat survey should be requested to identify bat roost potential and the potential impacts to any bats if bats are present, i.e. are the areas with bat roost potential in the areas proposed for demolition. Natural Resources Wales Correspondence received 9th April 2015 – Regarding the above planning consultation, I note there is no ecological information included with the application. 3 Due to the nature of the building proposed for demolition, looks as though a bat survey will be required. What are your thoughts on this? NRW will be happy to comment further once additional ecological information has been received. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries. Correspondence received 28th August 2015 – Thank you for consulting Natural Resources Wales (NRW) about the above, which was received on 11/08/2015 Natural Resources Wales brings together the work of the Countryside Council for Wales, Environment Agency Wales and Forestry Commission Wales, as well as some functions of Welsh Government. Our purpose is to ensure that the natural resources of Wales are sustainably maintained, used and enhanced, now and in the future. NRW does not object to the proposal. In our opinion, as explained below, the proposal is not likely to adversely affect any of the interests listed. Protected Species Bats are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside act 1981 (as amended) and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended). NRW is satisfied that the daylight inspection and emergence bat survey (Just Mammals Consultancy – August 2015) has been carried out to an acceptable standard. The report states that there was no evidence that the building was being used as a bat roost. The recommendations proposed within Recommendations of the report should be adhered to so as to avoid adverse impacts on bats. The applicant should be advised that should bats be discovered at any stage during the works, all work should stop immediately and NRW contacted for further advice. Care should be taken in the type and location of any external lighting within the new development, to ensure that the hedgerows and trees identified on the site are not illuminated. We advise that a light spillage scheme from the development should be agreed to the satisfaction of the local authority. Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006 Please note that we have not considered possible effects on all species and habitats (including nesting birds) listed in section 42 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006, or on the Local Biodiversity Action Plan or other local natural heritage interests. To comply with your authority's duty under section 40 of the NERC Act, to have regard to conserving biodiversity, your decision should take account of possible adverse effects on such interests. 4 We recommend that you seek further advice from your authority's internal ecological adviser and/or nature conservation organisations such as the local Wildlife Trust, RSPB, etc. The Wales Biodiversity Partnership's web site has guidance for assessing proposals that have implications for section 42 habitats and species (www.biodiversitywales.org.uk). To conclude, in our opinion, the development as proposed in its current form is not likely to have an adverse effect on the interests listed above. NRW does not object to the proposal. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you require clarification on the above.
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