POPE FRANCIS SCIAF looks NEW SERIES: calls on ahead at Harry Schnitker world to be the challenges explores Evan- peacemakers of 2014 gelii Gaudium Pages 6-7 Pages 10-11 Page 20 No 5550 VISIT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER ONLINE AT WWW.SCONEWS.CO.UK Friday January 3 2014 | £1 Persecution of Christians must Traditional marriage left exposed stop, says Pope I MSPs reject provisos to protect religious freedoms, clergy and celebrants in new legislation POPE Francis used the feast of St Stephen, the Church’s first mar- By Ian Dunn tyr, to tell the world that discrimi- nation against Christians ‘must be SCOTTISH politicians have further eliminated.’ The Pope was speak- undermined the future of traditional ing on Boxing Day before pray- marriage ahead of voters deciding, ing the Angelus from his window this year, whether Scotland will overlooking St Peter’s Square. become independent. “Today we pray in a particular Over the festive period, MSPs refused way for Christians who undergo dis- to amend the Scottish Government’s crimination because of their witness same-sex ‘marriage’ legislation to protect to Christ and the Gospel,” he said. religious freedom, clergy and celebrants. “We are close to these brothers and In addition, the Scottish Government has sisters who, like St Stephen, are confirmed that tax breaks for married unjustly accused and made targets of couples would be scrapped in an inde- violence of various kinds. I am sure pendent Scotland. that, unfortunately, there are more of them today than in the early days of Religious freedom fears the Church. There are so many.” On the Tuesday before Christmas, the The Pope said that Christians face Scottish Parliament’s Equal Opportuni- discrimination in every part of the ties Committee voted against proposed world.“This [persecution] happen changes to the Marriage and Civil Part- especially where religious liberty is nership (Scotland) Bill by SNP and not yet guaranteed and fully realised,” Labour members that were aimed at he said. “But it also happens in coun- enhancing protections for religious bod- tries and societies that protect liberty ies and celebrants, potential foster car- and human rights on paper, but where, ers and adoptive parents, and public in fact, believers, especially Chris- authority workers who do not support tians, encounter abridgements of same-sex ‘marriage.’ liberty and discrimination.” Opponents to the bill believe that, in The Pope then led the crowd in its current form, it does not do enough to the square in prayer for persecuted prevent celebrants being sued if they Christians. refuse to carry out same-sex ‘marriage’ “For the Christian, [persecution] services. They also fear that teachers is no surprise, because Jesus fore- bound by an ethos opposed to the told it as a propitious occasion for changes, such as those in Catholic bearing witness,” he added. “Never- schools, will be forced to teach their theless, in the civil sphere, this pupils about same-sex ‘marriage’ and injustice must be denounced and potential adoptive parents could lose out Reaction Over the festive period, MSPs refused to eliminated.” Pope Francis said that unless they support same-sex ‘marriage.’ ‘‘marriage,’’’ and ‘protecting expression amend same-sex ‘marriage’ legislation to commemorating St Stephen’s mar- Changes rejected of belief in marriage between persons of Scotland For Marriage, an umbrella protect religious freedom, clergy and tyrdom might seem to clash with the different sex’ were also voted down. group supporting traditional marriage that celebrants spirit of Christmas, the ‘feast of life SNP MSP Richard Lyle had proposed “The purpose of the amendment is to has the backing of the Catholic Church in which inspires us with sentiments of changes to introduce a clause stating reflect the very high level of concern Scotland, said it was encouraged by the young people to be respectful, respon- serenity and peace.’ “Why disturb that a potential adoptive parent or fos- about same-sex marriage,” Mr Mason level of support the amendments attracted sible and loving,” he said. “However, its enchantment with the memory of ter carer’s views on marriage cannot be said. “We need to make absolutely cer- in the committee but it was ‘disappoint- the first ‘school’ where children acquire such atrocious violence?” he said. taken into account during the fostering tain that should the law be changed, ing’ they were not passed. their values and moral understanding is The Pope said the feast of St or adoption process. those who hold to the current definition “The warnings about problems the the family home. Parents need to ensure Stephen, who died asking forgive- Mr Lyle, who adopted his daughter 31 of marriage will be fully protected. By legislation is going to cause are not that their children are not exposed to ness for his killers, is, however, years ago after a lengthy process, said the agreeing to this amendment parliament being listened to,” a spokesman said. unhealthy and unwholesome influences ‘fully in tune with the deep mean- law could stop children being adopted will be setting the strongest possible “The Scottish Government is in cloud and attitudes. Catholic schools can sup- ing of Christmas.’ “In martyrdom, “Should same-sex ‘marriage’ become signal that intolerance of those who cuckoo land if it doesn’t believe these port them with the programmes that in fact, violence is defeated by law there is a very real danger that poten- believe in the previous definition of changes are necessary.” they offer.” love, death by life,” he explained. tial foster carers and adopters may be marriage will itself not be tolerated.” Last month, the group published a list He said remembering the first wrongly deemed homophobic, because of However Health Secretary Alex Neil of 10 MSPs with small majorities who Tax breaks martyr dispels a ‘false image of their opposition to same-sex ‘marriage,’ lead the opposition to the amendments, and are ‘vulnerable to being removed at the In another move, which has been seen as Christmas.’ “The Liturgy recalls for and therefore may not be (deemed) suited ensured Mr Mason’s efforts would fail. next Holyrood election’ as their majori- hostile to traditional marriage, the SNP us the authentic sense of the incar- to the role,” he said. “I trust that all mem- “The government has sought to have ties were smaller than the number of has confirmed it will scrap the £200 a nation, linking Bethlehem to Cal- bers of the committee would agree that it a very balanced approach to this, to Scots in their constituencies who year bonus for married couples if it is vary and reminding us that divine would be a terrible injustice for everyone accommodate the extension of the free- oppose changing the legal definition of elected to lead an independent Scotland. salvation implies the struggle concerned if otherwise suitable adopters dom of rights for same-sex couples, marriage. They included Iain Gray, the The UK Government’s £700 million against sin and passes through the or foster carers were turned down because while at the same time protect the rights former Scottish Labour leader, and tax break, which comes into force in narrow gate of the Cross,” he said. of their views on marriage.” of religious organisations and cele- Fiona McLeod, a Nationalist who was 2015, will allow the lower-earning part- The committee rejected his proposal brants, and I am not going to support recently accused of refusing to meet an ner to transfer up to £1000 of their during its consideration of stage two anything that disturbs that balance in opponent of same-sex ‘marriage.’ unused tax allowance to the other. amendments, along with several other my view,” he said. “Because I think that Prior to the latest moves against tra- But the scheme ‘will overwhelmingly amendments designed to protect reli- balance is very important.” ditional marriage, Michael McGrath, benefit men’ as they are more likely to gious freedom. Further amendments from Labour MSP director of the Scottish Catholic Educa- be the higher earner and leave bereaved Amendments from SNP MSP John Siobhan McMahon to give enhanced pro- tion Service, defended the independ- and abused women ‘out in the cold,’ a Mason aimed at ‘bolstering protection tections for celebrants, district registrars ence of Catholic schools in Scotland. SNP spokesman claimed. for those with religious views who do and public authority workers were also “It is important that all schools pro- not wish to participate in same-sex voted down by the committee. vide relationship education, which helps I [email protected] SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] 2 WHAT’S ON SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER FRIDAY JANUARY 3 2014 Church and civic representatives joined the people of Glasgow for the annual Carols for Peace celebration prior to Christmas. Archbishop Philip Tartaglia of Glasgow read the opening prayer of the service, which included a two-minutes silence for the victims of the police helicopter crash at Clutha Vaults pub, which killed ten people and injured many more on the evening of Friday November 29. Archbishop Emeritus Mario Conti of Glasgow was among the church leaders present for the service at Glasgow City Chambers, while Deputy Lord Provost Gerry Leonard represented Lord Provost Sadie Docherty at the event. The St Mungo Singers, directed by Mgr Gerry Fitzpatrick, were among those leading the singing at the carol service, which is now in its 13th year PIC: PAUL McSHERRY What’s On A weekly guide to upcoming Church events SUNDAY JANUARY 5 I Archbishop Tartaglia cele- brates Mass at Holy Name Church, Glasgow, 10.30am. TUESDAY JANUARY 7 I Sung Evening Prayers, 6.30pm, St Mary’s Cathedral, Aberdeen.
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