x m n k a x Mm >4 >. ' *> .-f >'^W* - • • M , far the Month of Blhy» ItM y fr'-.,,*' fe'' •; V,- ). '..: : ■ ' r r '' Moodier5 )of 4 Audit 5 8 Bnreen of CXrooIotloii. t ■* k ■ I ! '•,. iV->> • (daeellled Adverttriof on Page XX.i SOUTH MANCHESTBI^ CO^«»^'TO JUNE 3, 1932^^. (FOURI^l^ PAGES) «iUCSl!iB9Ei VOt. U ., NO. 213. * , V A 5 1 After Fatal Crash With Motorcycle mVANCEOF -♦ GUILFOYLE ASKS ■; .11 ■■ n rA T U c r u iT M r G Bj-CENTENNUL DEATH SENTENCE I m bay STATE! Hartford Mw Serving Life CAMPAIGN TO NAME State’s Celebration Moves \>* Ifannhefs of War Veterms At Imprisonment Makes Over Line Into Neighbor- Fear Indian Heiress SMITH IS BEGUN « I C a p ^ Conthnie To GroR^, Queer Appeal Although ing State — Ceremonies Has Been Murdered . Officers At Flymg ^ Claiming He Is Innocent. Friends of Former New York Held Today In Springfield. Colorado Springs, Colo., June 8.— She then had an income exceeding Ordered To Remimi On Governor Also Back (AP)—^Mary Elkklft, Osage Indian 3180,000 a year. Hartford, June 8.—(AP) — Dr. , 1 Hartford, June 8.—(AP)—Offi-1 heiress, whose lavish spending cmd She was educated at the Haskell Harold N. GuUfoyle, who is serving mailtal adventures focused public Institute, Lawrencp, Kans., and Reservations—few Reds Shouse For Chairmanship, clals and mmtary units partlclpat- attention on her for the last decade, a life sentence for murder, has peti­ 1 ing in the State celebration of the I later at a college for girls in Pasa­ WCU9 found dead, today in her home dena, Calif. Much oi her time was Among Mardiers—Utde tioned the Superior Court to order Washington ' bl-centeimlal moved at Ivy Wild, a suburbr. spent at a model ranch northeast of his execution but reiterated today New York, June 8.—(AP)—Four­ across the State line today to a new Authorities investigating her here. that he was Innocent of the crime. zone actively identified with the death had not determined the cause, Her first husband was Bobby Cor­ Food Left To Feed Ae teen men, forming an organization first president’s life. but indicated there was evidence she I The veterinarian based his plea Governor Wilbur L. Cross and his bett, a prize fighter, whom she mar­ on a technicality in his indictment which they assert “will end with may have been flcdn. Sheriff’s offi­ ried in 1922 in Kansas City. The the nomination of Alfred E. Smith party set out this morning over the cers had been'seeking lier for a week SjenriceHen. for the slaying in 1928 of Mrs. Clare route covered oy Washington to marriage was dissolved. Miss Elkins C. Qaudet. for President” went to work today In the event you’ve wondered how much damage a motorcycle could to serve papers on her in coimection claiming she was drugged at the take part in services at Agawam and with an Jilienation of affections suit In the petition filed yesterday on an intensified campaign to ac­ Springfield, Mass. Three of the five inflict upon cm automobile, this picture will give you an idea. The motor- time of the ceremony. ,She after­ with Judge Patrick B. O’Sullivan, complish that purpose. which ^ tte'ttro n g 1 cyclist was klUed and his wife, riding tandem with him, was seriously in- brou^t 1^ a negro womcm. wards married Harry Bowles, a Washington, June 8.—(AP)—Po­ Guilfoyle asserted: They were the former governor’s at yesterday’s services a strin g !3*^®^dared after a head... eraeh at Oiappaqu^ N. T. At one time she was one of the Colorado Springs taxi driver, whom lice kept in constant toUch today j^ests yesterday at a luncheon aft­ excunple of the appearance cmd uni­ richest of the Osages. she divorced to marry David Derry- with Federal authorities as the “Your petitioner respectfully sub­ er which it was. announced (3over- When the Osage oU wells were berry. She was granted a prelim­ mits that the shooting of a person in forms of the Revolutionary period, gushing, her hold^s were valued at inary divorce decree from Derry- numbers of the veterans here seek­ the back, thereby infiicting a mortal nor Joseph B. Elly of Massachusetts were to parade in Hartford, and will place Smith’s name before the more t h ^ $li000,000. berry last JTanuary. ing the bonus payment continued to wound, without any preliminary then proceed to Springfield for a grow. quarrel and perpetuated by a person Democratic National convention in second ceremony. SIX THOUSAND CHINESE of soimd mind in the legal sense, Chicago, and that Smith’s support­ Stop a t Windsor There were reports, apparently constitutes all the elements of first ers will back the selection of Jouett A stop at the Oliver Ellsworth well founded but imcoiUirmed by degree murder and is susceptible of Shouse for convention chairman. House in Windsor where Wcushlng- CROPS HERE ESCAPE officials, that Army posts in th^ no other definition.” Five ecmtem states in which, for- ton spent the night, wcw scheduled ARE HELD FOR RANSOM 1 » « ).0 0 0 SHARES ’Vicinity of Washin^on bad taken Says He’s Innocent mer Governor Smith has shown for the Governor’s party. In Aga- precautionary protective moves in Guilfoyle contended today that strengtb in pre-convention cam- wam, they, together with Massacbu- view of the mounting numbers of while he was innocent of the crime paigns were represented at the setts ofRcicds, were to dedicate the ■,. , . — . e m A R E O U N U e in DAMAGEBYFROST veterans in the city. Police estimat­ he should have either been sentenced luncheon. Smith himself, however, first George Washington Highway pjlnTOWIllg iftlC QI ICFTOr ed that nearly 10,000 would be iii to be executed or acquitted. Since was the only New Yorker present, marker. The program for the af-1 ® DISSENSION REPORT the capital by the end of the week. he was arraigned on an indictment although his friends believe he will temoon called for the dedication of Officers attached to Bolling Field, cha^dnST first degree murder, he as­ carry considerable support■ from' a second marker in West Spring- Told By American Who IN CHILE DENIEDlFederal Trade Board Uncov­ Cold Wave Strikes Mandws- the Army Airport adjacent to one sert^ the court was in error when this state with him into the con­ field, where the two day celebration of the veterans encampments, were it convicted him of second degree vention. The stafes sepresented was conduded. asked not to leave their reservatiem murder, “as charged in said indict­ were Masscmhusetts, Connecticut, The meeting of Washington and Was Held Prisoner For ers Transaction In Exam- ter But Garden Tmck Is after noon today. Their .wives were Rochambeau, .and their military as-: ment.” Rhode Island, New Jersey cmd advised not to leave the post unes^ It is understood that Dr. Guilfoyle Pennsylvania. sociations were the theme of yes­ corted. who is an attendant in the prison Charles Ely, brother of the terday’s celebration 'n Wethersfield, Six Months ^ Bandits. Head of Socialist Junta Says mmg Unmjnred. Reds Not to March hospital, prepared the petition him­ Masscmhusetts governor who will where the two met for the first time, and in Hartford, where a The inhospitable reception they self. Attention was called by law­ replace Governor Franklin D. There Will Be No Joblessl received a t the hands of police and Roosevelt who first introduced celebration banquet was held. Shanghai, June 8.—(AP)—» A Washington, June 8.—(AP)— A With only xxilnor damage report­ yers to the fact, however, that he In Middletown ed to garden crops from last night's Capitol buAdlng officials when they incorporated in it the phrase ask­ Smith to a Democratie Nationcd harrowing tale of months of terror “gift” of shares, with a par value applied for permission to parade on convention as “The Happy War­ Fiye military units held the first jinusually cold weather, Manchestar ing' “that your petitioner be bang­ of four parades in Middletown yes­ and filthy living conditions was told WduB a Month. of 3600,000 of t h s « ^ Stetes . Gaa ''escaped what was feared at the the Capitol grounds, caused the ed.” This they regard as an error rior,” was a guapt at the luncheon. and-tflectrle Comply from the leaders of the Communist organi­ by a layman unacquainted OtiHrs b Party terday morning. They were the here today by Captain Charles time might prove to be a very'seri­ Governor’s Foot Guard, the Rich' Baker, American steamboat cap­ Middle West Utilities Company to ous loss to farmers. Reports from zation, the Workers Ex-Service- with legal phraseology. The other Massachusetts repre­ Santiwo, flhile, June 8.—fAP)— men’s League, to cancel Uelr dem- Details of Clime sentatives were E’rands X. Hurley, mond Light Infantry Blues, the New tain who ‘wias released near Hankow the National Light, Heat and Po\Ar Windham county sections this Haven Grays, the Putnam Phahmx_ ,by Chinese bandits who kidnaped Peihlstent'.reports of internal dis­ morning told of heavy losses. (mstration for today. Vice-President Mrs. Gaudet was fatally wounded, state auditor, General Charles H. and the Second Company, Company, through A. H. Bickmore Curtis and Speaker Giumer directed and Guilfoyle received a woimd Cole cmd Daniel Coakley. G®v-1 hina last Winter. sension in the Socialist Junta that Low Temperature emor’s Horse Guards. Captain Baker who was set free and Clompany, was brought to light Here in Manchester the mercury that they be given no permit to pa­ which blinded his right eye, as they, Frank Hague, mayor of Jersey From Middletown they speedily has seized the CSiilean government rade on Capitol grounds.
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