Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 12-11-1984 The BG News December 11, 1984 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News December 11, 1984" (1984). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4334. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4334 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Prof authors B new book Sr*^l page 3 §B! Tuesday, December THEBGLNEWS11,1984 Vol. 67 Issue 57 Campus police officer removed from post Kenneth Mercer, a sergeant himself in an unacceptable man- police weapon." Bess said his function in the cieved as above reproach by the by Carolyn Van Schalk with the University police force, ner. University Public Safety Di- personnel hearing was to pre- officer's communuty - not just •date to challenge charges of failure to City Police Capt. Matt Brichta rector Bill Bess said investiga- sent the case as it was alleged. by the administration of this demonstrate good behavior. The said She (the University coed) tion of the alleged incident was department," Bess said. "I A University public safety of- charges stem from an alleged felt that the officer's conduct conducted by city police and a "It was a pre-disposition hear- think then, that my recommen- ficer was removed from his du- incident involving Mercer and a was hardly correct." He said the report was submitted to him. ing and the nature of the allega- dations are clear. ties yesterday, according to a University coed. woman was not actually threat- The officer was suspended tions had a tremendous Impact statement issued by Richard ened by the officer but that with pay November 14, accord- on the department," Bess said. Rehmer said hearing results Rehmer, director of personnel No criminal charges have "apparently she felt there was ing to Rehmer's statement. are submitted to the State Per- support services. been filed in relation to the al- the potential there." Following examination of the "I strongly espouse the philo- sonnel Board of Review. The The action follows a Novem- leged incident, but early Nov. 14 Brichta added that although report, Bess recommended that sophy that police officers are officer can appeal the decision ber 29 pre-suspension hearing a University coed filed a report there was no physical assault, "a hearing be held to determine professional citizens and that to the state personnel board conducted by Rehmer. with city police alleging that a "he (the officer) did have a the facts of the case as they their behavior has to be above within 10 days of the report's The hearing was held to allow campus police officer conducted weapon, I recall - a standard relate to personnel." reproach and it has to be per- filing date. Research award founded by GSS by Mike Mclntyre Tilgner said a good research staff reporter erogram also enhances the pres- ge of the graduate program a Graduate students have been student was in. "For example, doing research for a long time our (the University's) graduate with their only incentives being programs in biology, psychology good grades and intellectual and physics are highly regarded learning, but monetary rewards throughout the nation." for research excellence soon will He said the award was named be available from Graduate Stu- in honor of Shanklin because of dent Senate. his support of graduate educa- Kory Tilgner, GSS president, tion during his tenure on the said that organization has estab- University Board of Trustees. lished the Charles E. Shanklin "HE CONTINUALLY spoke Award for Research Excellence up for graduate students as a to "underscore the role of Grad- member of the board," Tilgner uate Student Senate as an orga- said. "Without him, I'm sure nisation which actively many of the things that have promotes professional excel- happened at this University for lence and independent intellec- graduate education wouldn't tual leadership by graduate have happened." students in their respective dis- GSS appropriated $3,000 to ciplines." fund the award. The money is "Research is very important being used entirely for prizes in in development as a profes- the three categories. The sional," Tilgner said. "Having a awards are $750 for first place good research record as a grad- and $250 for runners-up in the BG News/PhD Masturzo uate could indeed lead to lucra- areas of arts and humanities, Two Portage Township firefighters battle last night's blaze which Cause of the blaze, which destroyed the school tive employment social and behavioral sciences, completely gutted the old Portage School on East Main Street. owned by Doug Valentine, has not yet been determined. opportunities." and sciences and mathematics. Hijack victims Drug use apparently shifting to alcohol Editor's note: This is the first ited and evidence is exam- the alcohol programs through BUT ALCOHOL also has its drugs, but answered 130 calls in a three-part series on drug and other drugs to alcohol to dangers. Dickinson said many through the Alcoholics Anony- released use on campus. Tomorrow's In some cases, students file finances and recent research University students are be- mous answering service. How- story focuses on cocaine use. complaints against other stu- findings. Counseling and Career Devel- ever, these calls are from the NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) - A dents. "Some of the new research opment, said her program has entire community, not just the freed American hostage said April McClellan Concealed use of marijuana says it (marijuana) could not kept track of statistics on University. Arab hijackers who held a jet- staff reporter makes it difficult for hall di- cause harm," he said. "It's alcohol and drug abuse at the liner at Tehran airport tortured rectors and staff to prove its cheaper for students to drink University. Due to the confidential na- him with cigarette burns to try In the early 1970s during the use. than to take drugs." A Link counselor, who spoke ture of the Link, a statistical to force him to say he was a CIA Vietnam era, drug use among "It depends on the proof," He added that students also anonymously, said that from breakdown on cases involving agent, Iran's news agency re- University students was wide- Dickinson said. "You must have quicker, easier access to January to June, the Link students was not available, the ported yesterday. spread. Some students used show us why your room smells alcohol. dealt with 53 cases involving counselor said. The ordeal was "sheer hell... marijuana, barbituates and this way. It is hard to prove terror for six solid days," the amphetamines to the point of drug use on suspicion." British pilot of the comman- overdose and death. But Dickinson said students deered Kuwaiti Airways plane But statistics indicate that engage in much more obvious was quoted as saying. within the last five years, Uni- use of alcohol, which often The standoff, during which versity students have shifted leads to destruction of Univer- two Americans were killed by from using drugs to consuming sity property and to violence. the four hijackers, ended iust alcohol. Of 565 judiciary cases heard before midnight Sunday when From August to October of in Standards and Procedures Iranian security men disguised this school year,-about four last year, half dealt with drink- as a doctor and two janitors drug-abuse cases were re- ing and alcohol abuse. During overpowered the sky pirates and ferred to the Office of Stan- spring semester 1964, about 60 rescued their last seven captives dards and Procedures by of 159 cases heard in Standards - two Americans, the British Public Safety, said Carol and Procedures were alcohol- pilot and four Kuwaitis. Pratt, Public Safety records related while only 16 cases Kuwaiti leaders later thanked officer. involved use of marijuana and Iranian authorities for the final Some University students other drugs. assault, but Kuwait newspapers still use marijuana and other A BREAKDOWN of cases is as continued to suggest yesterday drugs, but choose to be dis- follows: that the Iranians had colluded crete in their use, Derek Dick- • 23 drunk and disorderly with the terrorists. inson, director of Standards conduct cases. Iranian President Ali Khame- and Procedures, said. • 17 underage drinking viola- nei denounced those allegations "Kids who are smoking mar- tion cases. as "baseless," Iran's Islamic ijuana are doing it behind • 11 alcohol-related destruc- Republic News Agency re- closed doors and many do not tion of property cases. ported. create disturbances," Dickin- • Nine alcohol-related as- IN WASHINGTON, President son said. sault cases. Reagan sent a message to Ku- A Residence Life policy • One marijuana use case. wait s premeir, Sheik Jaber al- deals with the suspicion of use • One possession of a con- Ahmed al-Sabah, praising his of marijuana rather than actu- trolled substance case. "firm stand" in rejecting the ally witnessing the use of the • 14 suspicion of the use of demands of the skyjackers - drug. marijuana cases. whose nationality is not yet pub- During the first summer ses- licly known. IF A HALL director or hall sion of 1964, eight of 12 cases The terrorists had called for staff member has reason to heard by Standards and Proce- release of 17 people imprisoned believe a student has been dures were alcohol-related. in Kuwait for bombing attacks using marijuana - from odor Dickinson attributes the last year on the U.S.
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