ANNUAL ANNUAL REPORT REPORT 2018 2018 1 Table of Contents 01 BCC - an association and a church 4 02 From the Board 6 03 Key financial figures 8 04 120 years of outreach and church history 12 05 Christianity brings believers together 22 06 A secure foundation for children 24 and young people 07 BCC’s media operations 32 08 Equipping the association for the future 38 09 BCC’s annual representative assembly 42 10 The Board’s Annual Report 44 11 Consolidated Financial Statements BCC 46 2 3 BCC - an association and a church Brunstad Christian Church is the current name for the worldwide Christian church which was 01 formed in the years after Johan Oscar Smith’s conversion in May 1898. Brunstad Christian Church – that is, the people and organizations that profess the Biblical doctrine that convicted Johan Oscar Smith, and are brought together by the international conferences held at Brunstad – has now spread to more than 50 nations and every continent. The church’s Norwegian operations are organised as a charitable association with the same name, “Brunstad Christian Church,” registered with organization number 979 961 073. In Norway, BCC consists of 19 local churches, which are organized as independent associations with separate finances and leadership. The organization of church operations in other countries varies somewhat, but is normally formalized as independent organizations. Apart from connection to the same faith and gospel, the organizations’ practical and financial admini- strations function autonomously. This annual report primarily covers the Norwegian organization’s activities and affairs. It is this organization that is referred to as “BCC” herein. When the worldwide church is referred to, the name “the church” is used. 4 5 From the Board IN 2018, BCC COULD LOOK BACK ON Considerable interest in BCC’s message Thanks to everyone who Many of these people also work hard for 20 YEARS OF HISTORY BCC has used websites and social media makes BCC to what we are children and young people in their local 02 churches, week after week throughout the to convey the Christian message for many We want to thank all our employees Our relatively young church covers only years. For over 60 years, we have held inter- and volunteers for their tremendous year. a short period of time in more than two national conferences for an increasing contributions in 2018 towards the cause thousand years of Christian history. Never- number of members. We experience in- that is so close to all our hearts. Employees We hope that the annual report will be a theless, the church has prospered, growing creasing interest from people on the fill key roles at BCC’s headquarters in Oslo useful tool for those seeking information from one man to a worldwide movement in Internet, and thousands of young members and in missionary work around the world. In about BCC, and that it can be an inspiration just 120 years. wish to attend our conferences. Not only do addition, we have numerous project-based for other Christians and volunteer they attend for games and activities, but employees and several hundred volunteers organizations pursuing their respective Today the church is growing steadily and also for the faith-strengthening gatherings. who contribute both before and during our goals. active on all continents. Our organization conferences so that these events can be as has solid finances and our objectives are This motivates us and is a catalyst for new full of content and as good as possible. clearly reflected in everything we do. Our thinking in BCC. For this reason BCC also Christian purpose is our main motivation, has long-term objectives for developing and we look forward to the continuation of tools and arenas for distribution of Christian our work and accomplishments in 2019. content, something which of course is expensive, but which we consider to be Our Norwegian and international churches, critical in achieving our objectives. their members, and other donors once again displayed their enthusiasm for giving A community with equal opportunities in 2018. There was a high level of enthusi- for everyone asm, fellowship, and cooperation between local churches in the final stretch of what It is important for us that all members, has been a decade-long donation drive regardless of life situation and financial from members around the world. status, can participate in the organization’s wide range of activities. Therefore, In this annual report, we wish to put the members are not required to pay dues development of the organization in per- or fees to hear the gospel or participate spective in order to create a better under- in large parts of church life. Common standing of where we come from and expenses are covered by the community where we are going. through donations and voluntary work. Board Member Chairwoman Board Member 6 7 Key financial figures INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES FOR BCC’S PRIMARY OPERATIONS 03 BCC had an operating surplus of 143.3 million NOK in 2018, with the main source of income being donations and collections from members, other donors and local churches who also contributed generously to the association this year. We received national and municipal government grants for 8,235 Norwegian members in 2018. In total, national and municipal subsidies for 2018 totalled 9.5 44.8 million NOK. 9.5 MNOK 38.7 MNOK MNOK BCC 30.0 Government Events MNOK Youth grants Program BCC 6.5 Media MNOK 28.8 VAT MNOK TOTAL REVENUE 2018 refunds Administration, 14.0 IT and member MNOK services Participation 39 subsidies / MNOK International conferences Participation fees at events 389.2 MNOK 444.2 MNOK Donations and collections 8 9 Great enthusiasm for giving provides sustainability A HISTORIC DRIVE GIVES BCC GREAT and teach those who want this how they POSSIBILITIES FOR THE FUTURE can keep all of Jesus’ commandments. At the end of 2018, BCC had equity of 910.2 BCC members have had a strong desire and million NOK. The association’s equity clear vision that the place Brunstad should position has been strengthened consider- be developed so that it can continue to ably over the last decade, mainly due to function as the church’s gathering place donations from BCC’s local churches in and missionary center during the church’s Norway, associated international entities, international events. This has been a driving and private individuals. force and mutual goal behind the large fund-raising campaign that has built up the Internally, BCC defines its finances and current equity in BCC’s fund. equity as “operations” and “funds.” The former is that part of BCC’s finances relating It is important for BCC to use a prudent, to the association’s ongoing operations. The long-term strategy in the management latter is BCC’s fund, which is that part of the of donations entrusted to us. As a result association’s equity designated for the of the decision to operate Oslofjord as a association’s own financial management, fully commercial conference centre, it has and is kept separate from operational been natural for BCC’s collected funds to finances. be lent to the Brunstad Foundation and the construction project on market terms. BCC’s Board has responsibility for the on- going management of the fund’s equity. When church members have given Interest in BCC’s conferences at Brunstad As the focus of the fund’s purpose Long-term plans for capital management donations to BCC, they have thereby contri- is also reflected in the division of donations and profile later expanded beyond the are decided by BCC’s representative buted to secure financing for the con- from local churches to BCC. If we look construction project at Brunstad, focus assembly. struction project at Brunstad, without back ten years, local churches were namely on this distribution model has gradually donations being expended. Instead, the recommended to donate an amount decreased. capital remains in BCC and will be used The story behind BCC’s fund based on how many of their members had in future missionary activities and as a BCC’s fund is made up of donations. The signed private timeshare or suite leasing Members and local churches have contingency fund, as mentioned above. At objective of the fund is to secure long- agreements at Brunstad. The reason for contributed in different ways and with the same time, the capital has given BCC term realization of BCC’s objective, which this was that at this point, BCC intended to different amounts, but in total, this is about the financial security to enter into a 20-year is missionary activities. BCC works to carry use donations to develop common areas a historic drive which will give the church agreement with Oslofjord to rent Brunstad out Jesus’ Great Commission, so that all and recreational facilities. Local churches much greater developmental opportunities for its international conferences and events. nations can hear the gospel about Jesus, whose members would use these areas in the future. most would also contribute most. This distribution model of donations became This is a story we are proud to tell. the foundation for the donation targets that BCC FUND: local churches and members set for the 4.18 % next few years. 802.6 return MNOK 10 11 1998: 1998: BCC sendsBCC a live sends a live satellite broadcastsatellite broadcast of an internationalof an international 2008: 2008: “Brunstad Feast”“Brunstad Feast”BCC debuts BCC its debuts its 120 years of outreach for the firstfor time, the firstmissionary time, missionarywebsite 2016:website 2016: followed byfollowed all the byknown all the
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