Toyota video surveillance technology.” economy,” making him admit guilt for MATIMOP, an Israeli government Motor Corp. “rejoicing over another country’s war.” agency that promotes Israeli comp- Besides Toyota’s military prod- anies, says ioImage’s “video perimeter Canada Pension Plan ucts, its assembly lines have also been protection security system,” has Investments responsible for causing deaths. In dis- “passed successfully a nine-month test- cussing the “Karoshi” phenomena, ing by the Israeli Defense Forces in- 2012 shares=$197 million which literally means “death from volving elite commando troops trying (Direct & indirect investments) overwork” in Japanese, labor analyst to penetrate the system.” Sasaki Shozo noted that Toyota “clearly Between 2000 and 2003, TI 2011 shares=$170 million shows” its “attitude of putting top pri- sold about US$7.4 million worth of (Direct investments only) ority on profits rather than safety.” products for AH-64 attack helicopters and F-16 fighter bombers. These con- ith assets of US$370.3 bil- Police Vehicles tracts were largely for night vision lion, the world’s largest car- This Toyota business attitude shone equipment and electrical/electronic Wmaker has a history that’s through in 2010 when more than 10 hardware, respectively. These two worth remembering, even if it would million Toyota vehicles were recalled. kinds of US military aircraft have been rather we forget. Even its slogans, In Israel, this recall affected about used in Israel’s airstrikes against Leba- “Toyota. Moving Forward” and “Today 33,000 vehicles. But Israeli civilians non (2006) and Gaza (2008-2009). Tomorrow Toyota,” seem crafted to aren’t the only ones driving Toyotas in ignore the past. Although Toyota was that country. As AutoGuide writer References formed in 1933, and converted almost Derek Kreindler pointed out in 2010, Texas Instruments Total Assets entirely to military production to sup- the “Israeli Defence Force already ycharts.com/companies/TXN/assets port Japan’s occupation of Manchuria uses…the Toyota Hilux pickup for vari- TI website and China, its website would have us ous duties.” This is confirmed by on- www.ti.com/ believe the company began in 1957. line photographic and video evidence Contracts to Texas Instruments, Inc. Also missing are references to Toyota which documents that Toyota has been www.fedspending.org/fpds/search.php trucks, jeeps and amphibious vehicles supplying these 4x4 trucks to the Israeli 2011 World’s Most Ethical Companies used by Japan’s Imperial Army during police since the early-1990s. Such evi- ethisphere.com/past-wme-honorees/wme2011/ World War II. Then, the Korean War, dence also confirms Israeli police use David S. Cloud and Helene Cooper, “US Speeds which Toyota’s president called of Toyota’s jeep-like “Land Cruisers” up Bomb Delivery for the Israelis,” New York “Toyota’s salvation,” “pumped US$800 as well, including the LC75 “troopy,” Times, July 22, 2006. www.nytimes.com/2006/07/22/world/middleeast/ million a year into the Japanese and current use of the Toyota “Corolla.” 22military.html For decades, Toyota has been supplying vehicles to Israel’s Police. Texas Instruments Buys Israeli Start-up for $50 Mln; Co Executive: We’re Open to Further Deals Here for instance are two Toyota “Hilux” Police trucks. Here, January 21, 1999. early 2001 www.genesispartners.com/content.asp?page=portfolio_ 1990s news&id=493 Agent Vi Announces Launch of Video Content Analysis for Digital Media Processors Based on DaVinci(TM) Technology, November 4, 2008. www.securityinfowatch.com/node/1302283 Mango DSP Introduces the First Camera-Ready Intelligent Video Server Based on TI’s DaVinci A Toyoto “Hilux” Police truck in Technology, March 6, 2007. www.mangodsp.com/?id=7&item=5 2007 with Jerusalem’s Western Autonomous Unmanned Systems Wall and the Dome of the Rock www.mangodsp.com/default.asp?id=11&item=47 in the background (right). Live from IFSEC 2007 - Day 3 www.securityinfowatch.com/news/10553891/live-from- ifsec-2007-day-3?page=2 ioImage Ltd. www.matimop.org.il/ContentsList.aspx?type= 1&cat=4&mn=4 ioIMAGE Introduces VTD(TM) Surveillance System Unit for Automatic Threat Detection Based on Texas Instruments Digital Media Proc- essors, April 1, 2005. www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ioimage-intro duces-vtdtm-surveillance-system-unit-for-automatic- An Israeli Police Toyoto threat-detection-based-on-texas-instruments-digital-me “Land Cruiser,” the “LC75 dia-processors-54164582.html Troopy” (above), and a Toyota Government Contracts USA Defense Dep't www.governmentcontractswon.com “Corolla” Police cruiser (right) 40 Press for Conversion! (Issue # 67) Fall 2012 Israel’s Saymar Ltd., owned by Elbit Saymar Ltd. also uses Toyota’s Systems, uses Toyota engines to upgrade ‘Land Cruiser’ for its ‘Muskateer’ AML-90s and other armoured vehicles. “Muskateer” Israel’s MDT Protective Industries armoured a fleet of Toyota “Land Cruisers” for Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israel’s secret service. www.mdtisrael.com Engines for the Israeli Defense Ministry with “more over 30,000 vehicles,” Haaretz, Feb. 8, 2010. www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/toyota-s-israel- Armoured Vehicles than 700 armored vehicles.” It also importer-recalls-over-30-000-vehicles-1.262931 armours vehicles for Israel’s Police ve- Toyota also provides engines to an Is- Derek Kreindler, “Report: Israel Defence Forces raeli military company called Saymar hicles as well as for “Israeli special To Evaluate Ford Escape Hybrids,” Autoguide, which installs them in at least four dif- forces and special services.” MDT says May 13, 2010. its other Israeli clients include “vari- www.autoguide.com/auto-news/2010/05/report-israel- ferent varieties of military vehicles. defence-forces-to-evaluate-ford-escape-hybrids.html Since 2010, Saymar has been wholly- ous settlements” as well as Pelephone (owned by Bezeq), Cellcom and Part- Hilux trucks & Surfs (1979-2003) owned by Israel’s preeminent weapons www.brian894x4.com/MilitaryHilux.html behemoth, Elbit Systems. (See previ- ner Communications. (See previous is- sue, pp.11, 17, and this issue, p.29.) Police Hilux in Jerusalem, March 22, 2007. ous issue, pp.28-29.) Saymar uses 2-lt, www.toyotanation.com/forum/61-2nd-generation-2005/ 102 hp Toyota diesel engines in vari- MDT’s website notes that it has 184707-police-hilux-jerusalem.html ous armoured and weaponised battle armoured Toyota Land Cruisers for the Israel Police – YouTube, November 21, 2009 vehicles for export, including: Israel Security Agency (i.e., Israel’s www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmNlBjPaeag • AML-90 and ELAND-90 (Armoured “Secret Service”), including vehicles Land Cruiser 70 series (1984-current) vehicles with 90 mm guns) used by Israel’s prime minister. This www.brian894x4.com/MilitaryLC70.html • Panhard M3 (Armoured troop carrier) was confirmed by AutoGuide’s Derek AML 90 & Eland Armored Car Upgrading Kreindler in 2010, who referred to www.epicos.com/epicos/extended/israel/Saymarpage02. • Panhard VBL (Armored Reconnais- html sance Vehicle) Prime Minister “Netanyahu’s current fleet of Toyota Land Cruisers. Panhard AML Saymar says it has been provid- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panhard_AML ing its “products and services to the Toyota also sells vehicles for ar- M3 Halftrack Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and for- mour upgrading to Philcar, another Is- www.israeli-weapons.com/weapons/vehicles/armored_ eign defense organizations” since 1982. raeli firm. Calling itself “a leading pro- personnel_carriers/m3/m3.html vider to the Israeli Army, Police, Spe- However, it is not so open about which Jane’s Armour and Artillery, January 3, 2012. governments have ordered the above- cial Forces and other governmental articles.janes.com/articles/Janes-Armour-and-Artillery/ mentioned vehicles. Only AML-90s are agencies,” Philcar says “all of our prod- Saymar-Musketeer-Multirole-Light-Armoured-Vehicle- MLAV-Israel.html known to have been used by Israel. ucts have gone into battle and are com- bat proven.” When naming “prominent Our clients: Israel Security Agency (Secret Serv- brands” of vehicles that it armours, ice) Vehicles Get Armoured www.mdtisrael.com/client6.html Philcar puts Toyota at the top of the list, Saymar also makes the “Musketeer Toyota Land Cruiser Station Wagon Multirole Light Armoured Vehicle,” followed by Mercedes and Unimog www.mdtisrael.com/G-ToyotaLandCruiser.html (owned by Daimler), International “based on a proven Toyota Land Israel Defense Forces Cruiser (4×4) cross-country chassis.” Truck (made by Navistar) and Volvo. www.mdtisrael.com/client1.html (See previous issue, pp.21-22, and this “[A]imed at both the home and export M.D.T. Protective Industries Ltd markets,” Muskateers, use Toyota 4.2- issue, pp.22-23 and 50.) www.mdtisrael.com/profile.html l diesel engines and include roof References Annual Report, 2003 www.arotech.com/compro/annrep03.PDF mounted 7.62 mm machine guns. Toyota, Wikipedia Toyota also sells “Land Cruis- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota Derek Kreindler, “Israeli Government Buys $685,000 Bulletproof Audi A8 W12 For Presi- ers” to Israel’s MDT Protective Indus- Toyota Survives War and Aftermath dential Fleet,” Autoguide, October 10, 2010. www.strategosinc.com/toyota_crises.htm tries, which armours them for the Is- www.autoguide.com/auto-news/2010/10/israeli-govern raeli military and secret service. MDT Akahata, “Myth of auto-giant Toyota,” Japan ment-buys-685000-bulletproof-audi-a8-w12-for-presi provides “battlefield proven vehicle Press Weekly, March 3 - 9, 2010. dential-fleet.html armoring” used in “combat and www.japan-press.co.jp/modules/news/index.php?id=333 philcar.co.il Company Profile counterterrorism operations” and de- Ashley Smith, “The occupation of Japan,” In- www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=162205220493231 ternational Socialist Review, May-June 2003. &topic=200 scribes the Israel Defense Forces as its www.isreview.org/issues/29/japan_occupation.shtml Manufacturing Facilities “main customer.” MDT has supplied Daniel Schmil, “Toyota’s Israel importer recalls www.rabintex.com/manufacturing_facilities.asp Fall 2012 (Issue # 67) Press for Conversion! 41.
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