The Semaphare Newsletter of the Rochester NY Chapter, NRHS February 1999 P.O. Box 664, Rochester, NY 14603; Published Monthly Volume 41, NO.6 Program lor Eebmwy 18' ftostalglc Ramblings of the 50s and 60s by Dale Richard The 50" Philadelphia Transit Co. and Philadelphia Suburban Transit Co. (Red Arrow Line) Interurban and street car action in the Philadelphia area. The 60s: Reading Iron Horse Rambles. Steam action on the Reading in 1959 to 1964. Plus Denver, Rio Grand & Wesleru in Colorado: Dale, who lives in Havertown. PA, will be visiting in our area. He is the brother of Chapter member Glen Rich- ard. Information Needed. Can you identify this NRHS-Rochester Chapter trip to Salamanaca, NY? What datelyear, who took the photograph, other interesting aspects of the trip. Call Year End Party Dave Luca @ 288.Q31g or Dan Cosgrove @ 352-6931. How about an article for The We had at least 50 penple out to our Semaphori! January 9'h party, with lots of good food, fun and fellowship, winter weather not with- •standing! New Program For Young Railfans By Dale Hartnett From the Chapter's perspective, !his is a Do you mow a teenager who loves great upportunity to share our love of railroads and trains? railroading wilh others. Then you should make sure they mow Dale Hartnett will serve as Ihe group's about the new program for young adults at advisor. Don ShilliDg will chair an advisory the R&GVR Museum. committee for the group. Rand Warner will Railfans between the ages of 14 and 20 represent the Chapter wilh the Otetians who join will learn about railroading as a Council. John Redden and Jeremy Tuke will hobby and as an industry. Using the muse- also serve on the advisory committee. um's facilities, participants will have the It's expected that the youlh group will opportunity to join other youog penple in meet monthly at Ihe museum and participate learning about raihoad operations through in ollier monthly activities and outings. R. W"""" photo ~ experiences alongside museum vol- The youth program will kickoff with an saturday morning was spent shoveling unteers. organizational meetini on Thunday, Feb- our walkwaY" and plowing out our parking Planned activities include freight and ruary 25 at 7 PM at the Henrietta Public areas with the Trojan loader. passenger operations, equipment and build- Library. Youog penple, both male and Thanks to John Redden & Co. for train ing restoration, locomotive and buildings, female, are invited to attend with their operations NO MATIER WHAT the condi- and museum operations plus exploration of parents. tiODS. hobby interests such as field trips, model For reservations for the February 25th Thanks to Jim Johnson, Norm Shaddick, railroading and photography. During the meeting or for more information on the youth Mike Dow and Dick Holbert "'no changed IO-month program (March through Decem- program, contact Dale Hartoett at (716) the voltage regulator out on EKC #6. ber) participants will have an opportunity to 243.Q139. explore raiJroad.reIated topics that are of Thanks to Jan Dittmer, Marie Miner, Do a young penon a favor; invite him • particular interest to Ihe group. Elaine Redden and Marge Warner for set up or her to be part of our youth group! and take down. The program is part of "Venture Scout- ing," a hobby-<>rientedeffort organized by And to all the many otheIs who had a the Boy Scouts of America designed to give band in making this a real fun event NO young people positive adult role models. MATTER WHAT! RW Page 2 February 1999 The Semaphore Membership Report 1999 TRACK MOTOR CAR by Chris Haul. Chairman TRAINING BULLETIN 28 Candlewood Dr., PUtsford, NY 14534-4609; 716-381-8583 FOLLOWING ARE TIlE DATES FOR lRACK MOTOR CAR TRAINING SESSIONS (e-maiI: crluw{@{rorf1lemet.lf:l "C1as-voom" Sessions Welcome (Q these ReID members: Christopher & Cindy Graham Saturday, March 27 lOAM-Noon 4265 Brick Schoolhouse Rd. Saturday, April 10 lOAM-Noon Hamlin, NY \4464 (716) 964-8532 "CJas.voom" and 9neratine Session Interests: Rolling stock restoration, trips Saturday, April 27 9AM OJx;mtin& Trnjning Chris Veronda 54 Valley Brook Drive Saturday, April 24 9AM Fairport, NY 14450 Final Training 223-3744 Session Saturday, May I 9AM Alan R. Saiger & Anne Allen Operators MUST attend at least <meclassroom and one operating session. 382 Cromwell Drive Rochester, NY 14610 Classroom sessions will last approximately 1-Inhounl. These will cover operating 264-9059 procedures, safety issues and related topics. Interests: Museum tour guide, Trips, Operating sessions will involve actual operation of available track tanI, and we will be Dues reocwals to all regular members operating up and down the liDc. have been sent along with their \999 PLEASE PLAN ON ATIENDING IN ORDER TO BE QUAL1F1EDTO OPERATE. Rochester Chapter NRHS calendar. For those members who joined after Sept I, they If you have any questions or are unable to alleDd the posted training please contact Jeremy should be receiving their calendar in the Tuke at 359-8944. mail soon. Also, local members renewals will also be receiving their renewals and. 1998 Visitor Survey Yields very Almost all the visitors who completed calendars soon as well. Positive Findings survey forms indicated that their visit to the Chris Hauf would like to thank Dave museums had not. disappointed them in any Luca, Danny Cosgrove, Dec Mowers, and by Reported Bill Heron way. Bob Miner for helping prepare the renewals A survey among visitors to the New York The knowledge, willingness to share and for mailing! Musewn ofTIllJlSPOflationand the Rocbester genial manner of musewn voluntcas were Memb=hip cards will be mailed as and Genesee Valley Railroad Musewn, reflected in the filel that the substantial renewals arc processed. Remember, the (Rochester Chapter, NRHS) was conducted majorities of visitors rated museum volun- deadline for renewals before you are dropped during the 1998 joint operating season, May teers "cxcellent" both for "pleasant, fiiendly from the Rochester Chapter and NRHS -October. The primaIy objective of the manner" and "ability to ansWer questions". rosters is April I. survey was to obtain indications as to visitor Likewise, reactions to the condition of the If you have any questions on your reactions to their experiences al the muse- museums' filcilities and housekeeping were renewal, please contact Chris Hauf (381. ums. clearly filvorable. 8583). On a sample basis, 200 paying visitors A majority, (51), of the visitors who were given a survey fOIlDat the time they . completed survey forms live in Monroe Evangeline M. Bulman bought their tickets. They were asked to fill county, including the city of Rochester. The out the fOIlDat the end of their visit and then city and the southeast quadrant of Monroe Calvin Bulman's Mother, Evange- to return it to the ticket seller. A total of 77 county were the two most frequently given line, departed our presence on January ticket buyers filled out survey forms and places of residence. Interestingly the muse- 13, at the age of 94. We extend our turned them in. This quantity is sufficient to ums' patrons are not entirely from the sympathy to Calvin and his family. provide an accurate and valid sample. iDunediate area. Of the visitors sampled, 17 A large majority, (SO), of the visitors arc from further afield, including two from who completed a survey fOIlDrated them- Canada. .sfl rtJel'oted Couple selves as "very satisfied" with their visit All Overall, the responses to the survey George and Nancy Knab celebrated their lbe rest said that they were "satisfied". The indicate that the hard work, thought and time Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary back in mid- most mentioned reasons for visitin8 the so many members invest in serving visitors October. HoWl George brought Nancy to museums were "interest in trains, trolleys, adds up to a good job well dooc. Yeo, there the Chaplel's October meeting! • cars, trucks, etc." and "entertain family, is a bit of room for improvement, but [Editor. On apologwng to George about friends". The most frequently cited "thing primarily the message seems to be, "keep this oversight, he said Nancy would likely like best" was the track car ride. "Looking up the good w~rk". 'cream me'. But gosh, how can one not at/going into rail equipment" and the "model (The Press Release also appeared in acknowledge such devotion?) train display" also were mentioned fre- NYM1's Heat/end) quently. The Semaphore February 1999 Page 3 Safety Inspections Railway Express Truck Coordinator: John Redden Foreman: Dick Bean Safety is #1, Per.IOI1Ilelsafety is tops - Serious wnrI: has started on our late for our visitofs, our' contractors, and our 1930's Ford V~ Railway Express Agency volunteers and members. Property comes truck. next Dick Bean, Rand Warner, and Dan To that end, each functional area has Waterstraat bave removed the wheels and been. and is, responsible for its own internal put the body up on blocks teropcaarily. safety inspections by the Superintendent or They bave also removed the wheels from his designee as follows: our yellow TrackMobiJe, which bave the same 7.50 x 17 8-ply tires. Rand Warner, Manager, 425-8587 Mollve Power - John Redtkn Freight Equipment - ChT;' llflllf Dick is getting the tires' and tubes Passenger Equlpmen.t - Bob Miner swapped, as the existing tires on the Ford Out Reach Programs are rotten. He will also get the rims MOW Equipment & Track Can Dale Hartnett has presented a compre- sand-blasted so we can repaiIit them red. Norm Shtuldick hensive plan to our Board of Trustees for a When we get the new tires and wheels program aimed at teen boys and girls. Construction Equipment- Joe Scanlon back on the truck, we can take it down off The program.
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