Library Collection Having Record ID Between '1' and '4618' Title Author Callnumber Accessionn O

Library Collection Having Record ID Between '1' and '4618' Title Author Callnumber Accessionn O

Library Collection having Record ID Between '1' And '4618' Title Author CallNumber AccessionN o India 60 Towards a new paradigm Pandey , Ira , ed. , 954.08,PAN-I 4857 Deportation of Lala Lajpat Rai and Sardar Ajit Singh Singh , Ganda , ed. , 954.03508,SIN-D 886 Vol 4 Mudao moonchh lagao poonchh Patoria , Rajendra, H 891.437,PAT-M 2778 Bharteeya arthtantra etihas aur sanskriti Sen , Amartya , H 338.954,SEN-B 4371 House buliding and advance rules 1972 , 932 II My feudal lord Durrani, Tehmina, 920.02,DUR-M 2427 The code of civil procedure , 1908 India , Court 347.54,IND-C 3449 Amendments. 347.54,IND-C ; 1 3450 Jawaharlal Nehru An autobiography Jawaharlal Nehru 920.71 (N),JAW-J 446 memorial Fund . Bharatiya samajik sansthaye Natadi , Prakash H 306.81,NAT-B 4392 Narayan , The wakf amendment act , 1984 , 571 GP Multicultural citizenship A liberal theory of minority Kymlicka, Will , 323.1,KYM-M 3320 rights Princes Sasson , Jean , 823,SAS-P 5056 Human rights A critique Batra , T S , 341.48,BAT-H 214 Printed On : 22/08/2013 1 Library Collection having Record ID Between '1' And '4618' Title Author CallNumber AccessionN o From the Raj to Rajiv 40Years of Indian Tully , Mark , 320.954,TUL-F 2283 independence Social inequality and political structure Neelsen , John P , ed. 320.011,NEE-S 1321 , Bojh Dube , Bala , H 891.433,DUB-B 2813 Income tax act 1992 , 917 II Oxford advanced learner`s dictionary of current Oxford University R 423,OXF-L 2476 english Press . Islamic & comparative law quarterly Vol VII Mahmmod , Tahir , 340.59,MAH-I.1987 2916 Social sciences and social realities Indian Institute of 300.954,IND-S 542 Advanced Study . Vishva prasidh sahasik khoj yatraye Rai , Matendra H 809.9332,RAI-V 4411 Chandra , All India services manual 1984 , 801 II Roget`s thesaurus of english words and phrases 413.1,ROG-T 4269 The wrong of the religious rights reflections on Nanda , Meera , 302.140954,NAN-W 4692 science , secualrism and hindutva Mulla principles of hindu law Desai , Sunderlal T , 340.5,DES-M 2161 340.5,DES-M ; 2 2197 Lactures on universe of knowledge Aggarwal , D S , 121.4,AGA-L 2086 Printed On : 22/08/2013 2 Library Collection having Record ID Between '1' And '4618' Title Author CallNumber AccessionN o The Complete Digest of Supreme Court Cases Vol Malik , Surendra, R 347.54035,MAL- 615 11 C.11 Mein BhagatSingh bol raha hoon Vyas , Rajshekhar , H 891.433,VYA-M 4881 Kachnar Verma , Vrindavan H 891.433,VER-K 2766 Lala , Compilation of CCS conduct rules , 1989 Swamy`s compilation upto 1993 , 950 II The Aligarh movement Basic documents : 1864- Muhammad, Shah , 297.80542,MUH-A..2 47 1898 ed. , Politics of socio -economic change in India Sood , P , 320.954,SOO-P 1696 Story of civilization part VII : The age of Louis XIV Durant , Will , R 930.09,DUR-S.8 1723 One A novel Bach , Richard , 823,BAC-O 2310 All India Repoter 1985 Vol 72 All India Reporter, R 347.5403,ALL- 626 GP A.1985(72) Shrikant Chattopadhyaya , H 891.433,CHA-S.2 2451 Sharat Chandra , Rashmirathi DinKar , H 891.431,DIN-R 3991 Social Science For Class X , 4254 Printed On : 22/08/2013 3 Library Collection having Record ID Between '1' And '4618' Title Author CallNumber AccessionN o Swamy`s delegation and financial powers rules , 754 II Letters from a father to his daughter Nehru , JawaharLal, 920.71,NEH-L;1 2385 Directory of muslim NGO in India Rahman , S Ubaidur , 305.697025,RAH-D 4690 ed. , Memoirs and other writings of Syed Ameer Ali Wasti , Syed Razi , ed. 297.6092,WAS-M 1917 , The sociology of secularisation A critique of a Glasner , Peter E , 211.6,GLA-S 1961 concept Strategy for economic development of backward Singh , Abhimanyu , 338.900954,SIN-S 3700 region Tumhari Shraya Sankratayayan , H 294.3378,SAN-T 308 Rahul, Kitne janam vaidehi Shukla , Rita , H 891.433,SHU-K 2984 Hamari sanskriti hamari virasat Agrawal , Chandra H 891.434,AGR-H 4325 Mohan , Report of the Committee on emotional integration India , Government of , R 379.5406,IND-R 765 R 379.5406,IND-R ; 1 766 Qasas-un-Nabiyeen Vol 2 Nadvi , Adul Hasan U 294.5923,NAD-Q.2 1550 Ali, December 13 terror over democracy Mukherjee,Nirmalangs 303.625 M ,MUK-D 4721 hu , Identity , place , knowledge Conway , Janet M, 303.484,CON-I 4796 Printed On : 22/08/2013 4 Library Collection having Record ID Between '1' And '4618' Title Author CallNumber AccessionN o The story of Valiant Singh Pall . S. J S , 305.6946092,PAL-S 4210 305.6946092,PAL-S; 4211 1 4212 305.6946092,PAL-S; 2 The communal edge to plural societies India and Naidu , Ratna , 305.8954,NAI-C 221 Malasia Jungle Cubs The big race Diesney , Waly , 808.83083,DIS-J 4177 808.83083,DIS-J ; 1 4178 Constitutional law and minorities Palley , Claire , 346.013,PAL-C 136 Pratishodh Mathur , Jagdish H 891.433,MAT-P 4311 Swarup, Andhera tootata huya Mehra , Om Prakash , H 891.433,MEh-A 2536 Housing society Haider , Qurratl Ain , H 891.433,HAI-H 4439 Confronting saffron democracy Jeffery , Patricia , 305.420954,JEF-C 4693 305.420954,JEF-C; 1 4966 Hindustan main aurat ki haisiyat Mehdi , Zafar , U 305.48697,MEH-H 1560 State enterprises and the law Deshpande , V S , 346.067,DES-S 916 My frozen turbulence in Kashmir Jagmohan , 954.6,JAG-M 3042 Pakhand ka adhyatma Parsai , Hari Shankar, H 891.437,PAR-P 4474 Printed On : 22/08/2013 5 Library Collection having Record ID Between '1' And '4618' Title Author CallNumber AccessionN o The Fifteenth Repot of the Commissioner for India , Governemnt of , R 305.5606,IND-F ; 7 GP 15 VII linguistic minorities in India 1972-1973 R 305.5606,IND-F Gp 15 R 305.5606,IND-F ; 1 GP 15 I R 305.5606,IND-F ; 2 GP 15 II R 305.5606,IND-F ; 3 GP 15 III R 305.5606,IND-F ; 4 GP 15 IV R 305.5606,IND-F ; 5 GP 15 V R 305.5606,IND-F ; 6 GP 15 VI R 305.5606,IND-F ; 7 GP 15 VII The idea of idolatry and the emergence of Islam Hawting G R , 297.09021,HAW-I 4681 Socail exclusion Vol 3 Critical concept in sociology Byrne , David , ed. , 302.545,BYR-S.3 4929 History of the Sikhs Gupta , Hari Ram , 294.6,GUP-H 1175 Pakistan : The roots of dictatorship Gardezi , Hassan , 954.91,GAR-P 1672 ed. , Hamare path -pradarshak Tiwari , Arun K , 809.93592,KAL-H 4343 Swamy`s handbook 2000 , 1074 II Gada Kundar Gada Kundar Verma Virdhavan LAL. 808.83-11,VER 5168 Human rights and world order politics Ajami , Fouad , 323,AJA-H 496 Bade dadda Sheel , Ratna H 891.433,SHE-B 2810 Prakash, Dharam aur sampradayikta Mohan , Narendra, H 201.6,MOH-D 2966 Printed On : 22/08/2013 6 Library Collection having Record ID Between '1' And '4618' Title Author CallNumber AccessionN o All India Reporter 2000 Vol 87 Supreme Court All India Reporter, 347.5403,ALL-A.2000 1175 II Section (87) Minorities and religious freedom in a democracy Massey , James , 305.80954,MAS-M 4675 Law of religious institutions Sikh Gurudwaras Singh , Kashimir , 294.6026,SIN-L 2877 Swadhinta sangram ke krantikari sahitya ka itihas Krant ,Verma M L , H 891.4382,KRA-S.3 4894 Part III The encyclopeadia of Sikhism Vol 1 A-D Singh , Harbans , ed , R 294.603,SIN-E.1 2847 Swamy`s compilations of staff car rules upto 2000 , 1261 II Yogiraj Jnaneshwar : Yogiraj / Bhadbhade Shubhangi 808 83 11,BHA 5218 Shubhangi . Bhadbhade. Freedom of press some recent trends Venkataramiah , E S , 079.54,VEN-F 2288 Ethics of the great religions of the world Gorham , CharlesT , 205,GOR-E 2124 The Oxford english dictionary Vol 19 Simpson , J A , R 423,SIM-O.19 3749 Unemancipated - Wau-wau Nazhab Tamrn Nadvi , Molana Abul U 297.122,NAD-M 1570 Hasan , Motivating bureaucracy Sathya Babu , M , 352.63,SAT-M 3725 The religion of Islam Ali , Maulana 297.1,ALI-R 872 Muhammad , Printed On : 22/08/2013 7 Library Collection having Record ID Between '1' And '4618' Title Author CallNumber AccessionN o Bul-E-Jibred Iqbal, U 891.4391,IQB-B 1615 Samajik Vivasthaper Viyangya Sharan Giriraj . 302.12-11,SAR 5177 Statistical Atlas of Gujarat Vol 1 Gujarat , Bureau f 315.475,GUJ-S.1 000 Economics and Statistical ., Minorities and Human rights law Thornberry , Patrick , 305.5606,THO-M 3211 Dr. Ambedkar on minorities Singh , Shriprakash , 920.71 A ,SIN-A 5065 Stories of the Sahaabah Vol 1 Kaandhlawi , S H M M 297.3,KAA-S.1 2884 Z , Sri Guru Granth Sahib Vol 8 Singh , Manmohan, R 294.682,SIN-S.8 3954 The collected works of Mahatma Gandhi Vol 67 Gandhi , Mahatma , R 920.71(G),GAN- 3110 C.67 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar writings and speeches Ambedkar , R 920.71(A),AMB- 2600 Vol 12 Babasaheb, B.12 Abehayat Azad , Mohammad U 891.4394,AZA-A 1860 Hussain, Rethinking progress Towards a creative Lamba , Harinder S , 338.9,LAM-R 5047 transformation of global soiety Protection of ethic communities in the republic of Komac , Miran , 305.89184,KOM-P 3521 Slovenia Vademecum The Oxford english dictionary Vol 5 Dvanda - Follis Simpson , J A , R 423,SIM-O.5 3735 Printed On : 22/08/2013 8 Library Collection having Record ID Between '1' And '4618' Title Author CallNumber AccessionN o The collected works of Mahatma Gandhi Vol 89 Gandhi , Mahatma , R 920.71 (G),GAN- 3132 C.89 Crime and punishment in islamic law Peter , Rudolph , 340.59,PET-C 4668 Problems of muslim women in india Engineer , Asghar Ali , 305.48697,ENG-P 2728 ed.

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