I The Communications of the T&jX Users Group I I Volume 14, Number 1, April 1993 1 Users Group Board of Directors Memberships and Subscriptions Donald Knuth, Grand Wizard of l&Z-arcanat TUGboat (ISSN 0896-3207) is published four times Christina Thiele, President* a year plus one supplement by the TEX Users Group, Ken Dreyhaupt*, Vice President Balboa Building, Room 307, 735 State Street, Santa Bill Woolf * , Treasurer Barbara, CA 93101, U.S.A. Peter Flynn*, Secretary Peter Abbott, Special Director for UKT&XUG 1993 dues for individual members are as follows: Alain Cousquer, Special Director for GUTenberg Ordinary members: $60 Roswitha Graham, Special Director for Students: $30 the Nordic countries Users Group is for the Membership in the Kees van der Laan, Special Director for NTG calendar year, and includes all issues of TUGboat Joachim Lammarsch, Special Director for DANTE and and NEWS for the year in which TUG Barbara Beeton membership begins or is renewed. Individual mem- Luzia Dietsche bership is open only to named individuals, and Michael Ferguson carries with it such rights and responsibilities as Raymond Goucher, Founding Executive Directort voting in the annual election. A membership form Yannis Haralambous is provided on page 85. Doug Henderson TUGboat subscriptions are available to organi- Alan Hoenig zations and others wishing to receive TUGboat in a Anita Hoover name other than that of an individual. Subscription Mimi Jett rates: North America $60 a year; all other countries, David Kellerman delivery by surface mail $60, by air mail $80. Nico Poppelier Second-class postage paid at Santa Barbara, Jon Radel CA, and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Hermann Zapf, Wizard of Fontst Send address changes to the Users Group, *member of executive committee P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102-0869, t honorary U.S. A. Addresses Telephone Institutional Membership General correspondence: 805-963-1338 Institutional Membership is a means of showing TpX Users Group continuing interest in and support for both 'I&X P. 0. Box 869 Fax and the TJ$ Users Group. For further information, Santa Barbara, CA 93102- 805-963-8358 contact the TUG office. 0869 USA Payments: Electronic Mail TUGboat @ Copyright 1993, Users Group rn Users Group (Internet) Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim P. 0. Box 21041 General correspondence: copies of this publication or of individual items from this TUGQMath .AMS . org publication provided the copyright notice and this permission Santa Barbara, notice are preserved on all copies. CA 93121-1041 USA Submissions to TUGboat: Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified Parcel post, [email protected] versions of this publication or of individual items from delivery services: this publication under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed T)jX Users Group under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one. Balboa Building Permission is granted to copy and distribute transla- Room 307 tions of this publication or of individual items from this 735 State Street publication into another language, under the above condi- Santa Barbara, CA 93101 tions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be included in translations approved by the Users USA Group instead of in the original English. Some individual authors may wish to retain traditional copyright rights to their own articles. Such articles can be is a trademark of the American Mathematical identified by the presence of a copyright notice thereon. Society. With type as with philosophy, music and food, it is better to have a little of the best than to be swamped with the derivative, the careless, the routine. Robert Bringhurst The Elements of Typographic Style (1992) COMMUNICATIONS OF THE USERS GROUP EDITOR BARBARABEETON VOLUME14, NUMBER1 APRIL1993 PROVIDENCE@ RHODEISLAND U.S.A. TUGboat TUGboat Editorial Board During 1993. the communications of the 7Q$ Users Barbara Beeton. Editor Group will be published in four issues. One issue Victor Eijkhout, Associate Editor, Macros (Vol. 14, No. 3) will contain the Proceedings of the Jackie Damrau, Associate Editor, 1993 TUG Annual Meeting. Alan Hoenig, Assoczate Edztor, Typesetting on TUGboat is distributed as a benefit of mem- Personal Computers bership to all members. See page 3 for addresses. Submissions to TUGboat are reviewed by vol- unteers and checked by the Editor before publica- Other TUG Publications tion. However, the authors are still assumed to be the experts. Questions regarding content or accu- TUG publishes the series mniques, in which have racy should therefore be directed to the authors, appeared reference materials and user manuals for with an information copy to the Editor. macro packages and m-related software, as well as the Proceedings of the 1987 and 1988 Annual Submitting Items for Publication Meetings. Other publications on mnical subjects also appear from time to time. The next regular issue will be Vol. 14, No. 1: TUG is interested in considering additional deadlines for that issue will have passed by the manuscripts for publication. These might include time this issue is mailed. Deadlines for Vol. 14. manuals, instructional materials, documentation, or No. 2 are February 16, 1993, for technical items, works on any other topic that might be useful to and March 16, 1993, for reports and similar items. the community in general. Provision can be h4ailing dates for these two issues are scheduled for made for including macro packages or software in March and May. Deadlines for future issues are computer-readable form. If you have any such items listed in the Calendar. page 77. or know of any that you would like considered for Manuscripts should be submitted to a member publication, send the information to the attention of the TUGboat Editorial Board. Articles of general of the Publications Committee in care of the TUG interest, those not covered by any of the editorial office. departments listed, and all items submitted on magnetic media or as camera-ready copy should TUGboat Advertising and Mailing Lists be addressed to the Editor, Barbara Beeton (see address on p. 3). For information about advertising rates, publication Contributions in electronic form are encour- schedules or the purchase of TUG mailing lists, aged, via electronic mail, on magnetic tape or write or call the TUG office. diskette, or transferred directly to the American Mathematical Society's computer; contributions in Trademarks the form of camera copy are also accepted. The Many trademarked names appear in the pages of TUGboat "style files", for use with either plain TUGboat. If there is any question about whether 'I@or LATEX, are available "on all good archives". a name is or is not a trademark, prudence dictates For authors who have no access to a network, they that it should be treated as if it is. The following will be sent on request; please specify which is list of trademarks which appear in this issue may preferred. For instructions, write or call the TUG not be complete. office. APS p5 is a trademark of Autologic, Inc. An address has been set up on the AMS com- DOS and MS/DOS are trademarks of Microsoft puter for receipt of contributions sent via electronic Corporation mail: [email protected] . corn on the Internet. METRFONT is a trademark of Addison-Wesley Inc. Reviewers PC m is a registered trademark of Personal Q$. Inc. Additional reviewers are needed, to assist in check- Postscript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. ing new articles for completeness, accuracy, and and AJVrS-W are trademarks of the American presentation. Volunteers are invited to submit Mathematical Society. their names and interests for consideration; write to Textures is a trademark of Blue Sky Research. TUGboatQMath.AMS. corn or to the Editor, Barbara UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX Systems Beeton (see address on p. 3). Laboratories, Inc. TUGboat, Volume 14 (1993), No. 1 running on this or that machine; followed by "the General Delivery days of the users" -TFJ applications to real every- day situations on the job, in the production office, around the world via e-mail and ftp. Opening words But . have we really left the days of develop- ers behind? Look at the work being done on LAW3 Christina Thiele and the New Font Selection Scheme; the discussions, Hello and welcome to you all- hello to those of you both heated and reasoned, on changing m; the renewing your memberships, and welcome to those advent of DC and virtual fonts. Development has of you who are becoming TUG members for the first taken on a new face, that's all. In a sense, we're time. You arrive at an interesting time-but then, renewing, reinventing ourselves. Revitalising TEX, there's always something interesting going on! revamping the way we use it, learning to be a bigger This time, it's a new year with a new President, player in the electronic field. and a new Executive Director. It's a year where the We're 14 years old -what m will eventually office has moved from the east coast to the west. turn into is being shaped right now. There's almost It's a year where we'll see our first annual meeting too much happening! How can we. the users. keep located outside North America. up? I myself only just got a Postscript printer. I'm about to embark on using non-CM fonts. This is a In the last issue of TUGboat, Malcolm Clark, mental lurch for me: I'm not really in a position to the outgoing president, warned against expecting say to someone else: "Look. You set it up for me. that the new president, and new executive director, I'll just do the encoding as usual -but you take care be seen as magic bullets .
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