••• - - ~- -------- - --- --·---··· · - - - - . I detbss . • Vol. 24-No. 11 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA November, 1965 Welfare Plan Adds Major Medical!; Pensions Raised to· $175 Monthly Hospital Room Rate Increases to R~tireme~t lncom!lncrea~~mbines • · - · · . - · · - . · . · W1.lh Soc1al Secu rlly, Med1care The Pension Trust Fund Board For example, if a man retired of Trustees this month unani- two years ·early at age 63, the re­ $30; Medical Bills Paid to $5000 mously voted to raise the Operat' duction fa<;tor used would be six Two important Health and Welfare benefit changes were made by the Northern Cali- ing Engineers pension 40 per per cent less than the full pen­ fornia Board of Trustees this month. · . - · - · cent from $125. per month to sion of $175. ·This would amount This first change affecting nearly 26,000 California members and their families in­ $175 monthly, according to Board to $10.50 less· per month, or a creases the daily hospital room rate allowable from $20. to $30. for semi-private and pri­ chairman Business Manager Al total of $164.50. vate accommodations. Clem. Cui:fently, there are 731 Clem haStened to point out The · second i m-p o r t ant against the high ·co.St of illness Clem added that ihe increases pensioned Engineers. .that this revision does not apply change is the addition of a and accident care. "further assures ·our members In ad!lition a $250 cash death to t.Iiose already on' pension, and ·Major Medical program to As a further note, . Business · and their faril.ilies freedom from benefit has been added. This sar· is not retroactive. The: preseP.t Manager Clem said that eligible the dis\ll)trous effects of catas· the present basic h~spitaliza­ vivor benefit will. apply only to retiree will get $175 monthly. If tion plan. members and their dependents trophic medical and doctor bills those persons on the retirement he retired early, his pension will all participate individually in at a time of _income loss -due to list on the effective date of Jan- . be figured proportionately, The new benefits become ef· both medical health and welfare illness or acCident." ' fective January 1, . 1966,., accord· uary 1, 1966 and after, and _is in Clein pointJed out that with plans. · The general details of. the Ma· no way retroactive. Social·Security penefits to a pen- ing to Business Manager Al Clem. Major Medical expenses will · The Major Medical plan allows jor Medical plan \vill be explain­ At .the same time,. the Trustees sioned Operator and his wife, include reimbursement for all ed in the new benefit booklet lowered . Future Service Credits both 65 or more and under full • up to $5000. for a sl.Iigle illness, charges made by· a: lawfully con­ which will be available after the 'coverage, may be eligible to re­ and Wlll pay 8() . Per cent of hos­ sidered hospital: This , includes for pension participants age 60. ceive$374.10 monthly. ($175 pe. n· pitat, medical . and !lllrgical· e~­ first of.th.e year. .· and over s~ that ·1206 hours or the coot of physicians, ./:.. ·._ .. pense's sllt~n,s. ' · · sion 'from LOcal 3 and $i99.10 · after tlie . basic .benefit graduate nurses, anesthesia, di· more of-work will provide a full m:i.:t(imum from Social Security). plan of the Trust has been paid .. year of credit toward their pen· . agnostic, theral>el,lti~, radiology, Relatjve to "vesting rights" in Under , the provisionS of"the .. physiotherapy expens:es; .• supplies Information sion. Quarterly · credits w e·r e . · the _pension plan, Clem point(!(! new medical pl~h, tiie· first $HiO including ctrtigs, -ineclidne, blood, lowered proportionately. out that the . rules state that "a is a "deductible" fl.gure. How· . artificial limbs and eyes, crutch· Books Being Prior .to this lowering of credits participant who has attained 55 ever, ill 'combination witll the es, oxygen, wheelchairs and -iron the Engineer must have worked years of age and has earned at basic ho.Sp1tal benefit 'in · effect lungs. Compiled 1400 hours, or 350 hours of credit least 10 years of Pension Credit, for several Y!l'ffi"S, it is unlikely ·Clem, who is co-chai~ of quarterly. The quarterly credit or 25 years of Pension Credit re· that major medical expenses will Information booklets detai1ing the Board of Trustees for the the fteW advances in the Health is now 300 hours. gardl-ess of age, is . vested and be inCU1Ted. Health, Welfare Fund, hailed the and Welfare; Pension TrllSt Fund In calculating early retirement, cannot lose the credit he has ac­ It iS the same type hospital· . new increases as ''further evi· a.rtd Pensioned •Engineers' Health Clem said the reduction factor cumulated, even .if he has left the ization . many white ·collar em­ dence of the strength 'of collec· and Welfare fot Northern Cali­ ~ornla will be printed shortly. has been lowered from one-half . industry ' and iS no longer under ployees have been enjoying for tive bargaining" and the mutual The booklets are expected to per cent to one-quarter per cent covered employment." several years and gives the Oper­ confidence both employers and be available rig.ht after the first each month a retiree is under 65 It also becomes mandatory for ating Engineers. and their famil· labor have in arriving at these of January. If you do not receive years of age on the date of re- the participants claiming vested one, call your district office. ies further medical protection important decisions. tirement. -Continued on Page 2 Health, Welfare and Pension'Trustees in Session • • TRUSTEES - labor and management · repre­ at left, starting from left · are: Bert Jacobson, McCar'thy, Jr., P au I Edgecombe, William sentatives to the Health and Welfare and Pen­ from Martin Segal Co., trust advisor; Felix Siri, · Smith. Tom Stanton, Charles Hudson, Don sion Trust gathered earlier this month and Local 3 Business Manager AI Clem (also chair­ Kinchloe, ·A J. "Buck" Hope, Harold Huston voted· unanimously to improve benefits for Op­ man of the Trust Board); and Bernard Ploehn. and T. J. Stapleton. In back are Siri and Ploehn erating Engineers and their families. In picture At right: Dale Ma·rr, John Marthens; P. H. and C. W. Sweeney, standing . •• ~. \ ./· • •"• 'I • Page 2 lfN G BN IE E R S N IE W S 'November, 1965 San Fran.dstO ~ HUb ·. ol AcJivit'j' ..., . .. -· · --. ·; ._ _.. , By .IU. ''BUCK'' HOPE and WARREN LEMOINE through th:e· efforts of Cupples Co., a subsidiary of ALCOA. SAN FRANCISCO - The ~t . pected to continue for another time you happen to be in the eight years. Cupples is hanging the alumi~ from the num and glass siding. All eon~ vicinity of Red Rock HUl in the Ten lanes of slip-form paving crete floor are complete;, ·The City; stop in fu see the multi- for 2.5 miles in the Daly City ·men are working six days, and million dollar development bY area is struting on the Junipero expect to be finished by April, Manager's Desk the William J. Moran Co. Serra Freeway under . the guid- 1966. • ance of Peter Kiewit & Sons. The Moran Go: is one of the Cleveland Wrecking eo~ ·has nation's oldest construction firms The project started in April, nearly finished its demolition of wit:.P headquarters in San Fran­ 1364 and is expected to ''top out'' Pier27 and the .J. H. Pomroy Co. cisco and Alhambra. A unique July of next year. is driving pile with a floating rig: featU.re of the apartments and At the peak, Kiewit employed Completion is set for the end of Towne Houses under develop­ 40 Locill 3 men. Kiewit brought next year. ul I ment at Red Rock Hill is the fact in a portable hatcher for the pav­ Over at the Fox Plaza, where there is no gas power used. Every­ . ing job, and there are currently "the greatest show on earth goes With a great deal of pleasure at this time we can rep_ort thing is electric with heating by 12 operators on the job. on-every day," Sheedy Crane Go. to you our Local reached a very important milestone in its a one-sixteenth inch wire behind Guy F. At:kinson Co., which has is ~ hanging pre-fab concrete sid­ history during the past month. the sh~trock. the $9 million extension from . ing with seven Brothers on · .the <the Kiewit job on Junipero Serra · As you will note in reading the headlines of this issue of The apartments will give an job six days, nine hours daily. · I the paper pension payments were substantially increased, will be hiring its men out of the This job should finish about excellent view CYf the Bay, how· San Matoo office. and·Health and Welfare benefits also received a great boost, ever, cost of living there may be March, 1966. in addition to other modifications in fringe benefits, favor­ . Downtown. Haas and Haynie's Mter many delays and stub- out of the range of the average Wells Fargo building is rapidly able to the members of Local 3 and .their families. Operating Engineer! - born footing, the Ben C. Gerwick To ~ many of us, it ineans that we are now to realize the full taking its place in the San Fran­ Go. is finally starting the down­ impact of our recently negotiated contract. J3y these in­ George Stewart is project su­ cisco sky, This 43~floor building town cantilever Bank of Califor- • creased benefits, I say to .you in all sincerity in the case of perintendent, and the job is ex· currently is receiving its "face" .
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