WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County ELEVENTH YEAR—No. 36 y;u» second CIOMMatt.r P"»t Office. W»»tn<.ld. N J WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1957 36 Pages—10 Centt trade To Mark Residents To Be Queried temorial Day On Plan For United Fund ion Announces Elect Singdahlsen Borough COP Honors Players' President Council Awards Letter-Ballots (uel Vines As Mayor and Council Emil Singdahlsen was electeu Street Contract MOUNTAINSIDE—The Repub To Be Sent All president of Community Players Mean Club will hold a dinner danci id Marshall at the annual meeting Saturday for the mayor and Borough Coun night at the Masonic Temple. Rahway Avenue Homes This Week Appointed to the Board of Di cil May -29 at the American Le- fed Marshall of the Memoria rectors were Henry C. J. Evans, To Be Widened gion Hall. irade to be held Thursday Mrs. John P. Kennedy, Clement Guest of honor will bo Mayor Westfielders will get the oppor- 10, will be Samuel Vine H. Nichols, Mrs. Palmer L. Quynn The Town Council Monday night Joseph A. C. Komich and Coun tunity this week to vote for o* [Spanish War Veteran. Wi. and Alfred R. Smith. Robert C. acted on several improvement proj- cilmen William Heine, Lymar against combining all the door-to- boerrer, assistant adjutan Force, Mrs. Lawrence J. Peter ects which included widening por- Pnrrigln, Herbert. W.-Moore, Ron- door solicitations into one West- Wallberg Post 8, Amer son and Mrs. Paul R. Wolfgang tions of Rahway avenue and Wil- ald Farrcll, Lawrence Curtiss and field United Fund, Louis J. Dughi, jegi, is chairman "of th( will serve one yea\- more on their low Grove road. Albert Hartung. chairman of the Mayor's Commit- rial Day Committee. terms. A contract for widening and Mrs. Harry Seaman is chair- tee to Study a United Fund, re- parade will assemble a Mr. and Mrs. Chester M. Kel- Improving the intersection and Its man. ported today. Ji.m. at the South avenu logg and Mr. and Mrs. Louis V approaches was awarded to the A letter explaining briefly tha •pal parking: lot. Memoria Wilcox were in charge of hospi- firm of DiDonato and Rulfini, low reasons behind a move to unit* fs will be held at the Plaz tality. bidders on the project at $49,- Garden Club the charity drives into one, and War II monument, th 074.25, containing an addressed, no-p'o§t- " Itionary Cemetery, and a An ordinance, providing for age-required ballot, is going to jew Cemetery. An address Guest Minister curbs, gutters and paving of por- Names Officers every Westfleld householder this i given at Fairview Ceme- tions of Landsdowne and Summit week. No signature is required, avenues was introduced. The proj- and it is hoped that the number HI Jirman Doerrer said tha Series Scheduled ect calls for the issuance of $40,' Mrs. H. T. Brown replies will be large enough to (than 20 veterans and civi 000 In bond anticipation notes to Heads New Slate give the committee a real tens*'' Nations will participate in Eight «Jmir.r. crowd irauaJ one of ll.. early catch*. K.1J proudly aloft by » younc MgUr' of Weatfield's feeling about this , finance the undertaking. matter, Mr. Dughi said. nnual ceremony to hono Will Open July 7 the lixth annual Fi.hln» Rodeo Saturday at Mindowaikin Park. Also introduced were ordinances Mrs. H. T. Brown was elected lea's war dead. At Congregational for construction of sidewalks in president of the Garden Club of The letter points out briefly that Legion post will conduc sections of Gallows Hill road, St. Weatfield at its annual meeting the multiplication of drives sine* nee at the World War the war Is making it difficult to >' A summer schedule of preach- N. Y. Organist Marks avenue and Sherman street Tuesday at the home of Mrs. M. nent at Broad and North Youngsters Make Record Haul and construction of m small park- . Mulinos, 649 Birch avenue. She recruit workers and is allenitinf ' A brief address will b< ers at the First Congregational people who are tired of being »»k>\ Church was announced today by Ing area for shopped on Spring succeeds Mrs, Frank J, OerUl. I'by Mayor H. Emerson To Be Guest street near South arenue. Other officers were named as d for money time after time. It ''*; The Westfield High Stanton Harris, moderator; Caro- In Annual Fishing Rodeo points out that many of the or- lus T. Clark, senior deacon, and Councilman Jamea P. Mitchell, follows: First vice president, Mrs. band will play several se I. A. Leedom; corresponding sec- ganizations themselves see >tki'-'; ts. Various community or- Anthony Paone, president of the chairman of the traffic committee, value of a move toward a slnglf '% Board of Trustees. Artist to Appear Despite cloudy skies and an in- Choir to Sing announced that the Council will etary, Mrs. J, D. Brant Jr.; treas itions will lay memorial urer, Mrs. Leo Salvati; and mem campaign. Last week, the trusteel ,'. Jis at the foot of the monu- The guest ministers will occu- With Chansnnettcs termittent drizzle, BOB youthful Oratorio Tonight give "sympathetic treatment" to of the Westfield United Campaign, '4 py the pulpit during the absence fishermen participated in the sixth request by residents of West- bers-at-largc, Mrs. W. W. Lowe |A volley will be fired by th' and Mrs. Oertel. The officers will which has been conducting on* V i squad. Taps will be sound of Dr. J. L. McCoriaon Jr. In Ashley Miller, New York organ- annual fishing rodeo Saturday field avenue for some type of annual campaign for the six Went* Y observance of the tenth year of his The chancel choir of the Pres- serve two-year term3. [ buglers,William Fletemeyer ists, will be the guest artist of morning at Mindowaskln Lake, byterian Church will present Jo- Add local agencies (the YWCA, ' pastorate here the congregation (Please turn to page 2) Mrs. Oertel urged members to the YMCA, the Giri and Bof tsul Neuei', both of the high the Chansonettes at their "Spring; Sponsored jointly by the town seph Haydn's oratorio "The Cre- attend the 32nd annual meeting | band. recently made arrangements for Sing" to be held tomorrow at 8:30 Scouts, the District Nuraes, an* '*+ a European tour for Dr. and Mrs. of Westfield and the Rotary Club ation" tonight at 8 o'clock under of tho Garden Club of New Jer- the Community Center) vottd parade will then proceed p.m. in the Washington School au- the rodeo started at 8:30 a.m. and sey at Its headquarters, 369 Park McCorison. The pastor and his ditorium. the direction of Dr, George Wil- unanimously to recommend to tht \ street, Elm street, Or- wife will le*ve by plane from continued till noon, with the liam Volkel. The solo passages Revise Ranger avenue, Orange, today. Delegates member agencies that they enUt *;.] [ street, and Mountain ave Idlewild Airport June 30. Mr. Miller, until recently pre- youngsters using fishing tackle from the club are Mrs. Oertel, Mrs into nuch a fund. Othei HUSH, .' the Revolutionary Ceme- mier organist at Radio City Mu- will be sung by Carol Lambert, so- H. T. Brown and Mrs, Leedom, Al- They plan to tour the British ranging from birch tree branches prano; Louise Mandell, contralto including Heart, Cantor, Mental'. (rhcre a program will be held sic Hall, is now thc star of a to rods and reels. More fish were Camp Programs ternates are Mrs. II. G. F. Rlchter Isles as well as making a trip to Karl Lein, tenor, and Maurice Health and Red Croat, kvrt in&W;. the direction of the Sons the Continent. During their stay WPIX program 'Easy Music." landed at this rodeo than at any and Mrs. C. K. Robinson. cated tWelr inteteit. He haa appeared in concerts and Mandell, biiss. Mrs L. E. Oncal announced tha Dr. McCorison will preach at Con- In previous years. Registration If town sentiment is In Please turn to page 2) gregational churches in Hilling- recitals at both Town Hall and the next meeting of the council ol g Carnegie Hall and with the Chau- Top priies were awarded to th Garden Clubs of Westfield and vi- of a move toward a United Fu dodon ( £)t£) o Eibdhg d B Is Still Open ( Edinburgh and Bouv- tauqua Symphony in 1941. Mr. following boys and girls: cinity will be:held tomorrow »t hei every care will be til hMntfutfi.' * TThh e McCorisonMCi S expect Kenneth Nalanco, 6, of 66 Cour Joint Committee home ml 10 a.m. --•-«-"•- thst the contributor* »f« ' to return at the end of September, Miller has also had several tfl* street, the largest flsh caught by The 1057'" Westfleld YMCA Bub«t»nti«l share in the s. Mulinos The Rev. Dr. Howard Spragg gagements at the Park-Sheraton's a boy, a 14-inch trout. Ranger Camp, an out-of-door day Mrs. Robert Mossier, arboretum Mermaid Room. , Aides Appointed camp experience In which boys chairman, told of the \vlslt mad (PIca.ie turn to page 9) ''. of Westfleld, general secretary for Donna Susan Reid, 10, of 620 to the Greenbrook Sanctuary a administration, Board of Home As a composer, Mr. Miller has Norwood drive, the largest fish learn to work and play together, [HeadDNA written "The Night Was Given to haa been revised this year, the Pnllsades Park earlier this month Missions of the Congregational caught by a girl, a 1294-inch trout.
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