LATE EOCENE MOLLUSCA AND RELATED COMPOSITE SPECIES FROM SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA by Massimo F. Buonaiuto Volume II: APPENDICES PUBLISHED PAPERS BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES PLATES University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Austral ia. June,1979. ftr^rqroied srh U¡üsL 4_t_B ENDIX A LOCAL I TI ES this study are shown in Figt. All localities mentioned in ]-5 and in Table XIII. The ma'in areas dealt with in this study are the Adelaide Plaìns, the Noarlunga, and the Willunga SubBasins situated on the Eastern side of the St. Vincent Basin. All three of them represent classical localities in the Ca'inozoic aeoìogy and paleontology of Australia. In part'icular, the hlillunga SubBasin, with the type-section of the Aldingan stage outcropp'ing in Maslin and Aldinga Bays, constitutes the fulcrum around which this thesis develops. The stratigraphic d'istribution of Tate's species and the comparison of the matrix still attached to their types revealed that Tate's classical local'ity 'Aldìnga', the type of the 'Lower A1d'inga Series' (Tate, lB79), 'is composite. It includes the M'iddle-Late Eocene deposits of Maslin Bay and of the northern tract of Aldinga Bay, and the 0ligocene-Middle Miocene outcrops of the southern A1dìnga Bay, from Port t¡Jiì1unga to Sellick H'ills. The Adelaide Plains material is derived entire'ly from cores; the l,rliìlunga material 'is almost entirely from outcrops, w'ith only a few specimens from the subsurface; the Noarlunga material 'is represented by few spec'imens from outcrops, kept in the S.A. Museum Collections. In order to obtain a better definition of the species and to attempt some interbasin correlation, some samples from two bores in the Murray Basin were also exam'ined initial'ly. To these two bores another four were added during an ongoing project on the Late Eocene Mollusca from the Padthaway Ridge for the S.A. Department of Mines and Energy. This project l.uOrtu revision of the Late Eocene stratigraphic units in the Murray Basin and their relationships, and, therefore, the results will be presented elsewhere. (Buonaiuto, ìn prep.; M.F. Buonaiuto & W.K. Harris, in prep.) Finally, part of the material concerning Tertiary composite species w'ith Late Eocene representatives is from younger classical localÍties r^urE x il l AGE PURPOSE 8AS IilS su8- LOCALIIIES KEY SIRAIIGRAPHIC UNI fS REFTRI¡ICES 8ASlN5, OF tl,t¡AY- STUDY IlENTS Adelôlde Chlìdrenrt HosPjt¿ì 8lônche Point Forilàtion påìàeontologicðl Llnds¡y, ì969i Buonô1uto, l97s A Eores 5. l. 2¡ fid Yótòlà, ïîjî.a"riï" D Town Acre 717, corner xemode niddle Pì6) E St.-Slr Edwln Snl th Ave' L -fo{n) Adeì¿lde (Kent Bore, E A ÍS Bore 5, N.E. Pôrkìand3 I ¡ 0 88ì -82 ) as abov€ ð3 ðbove ôs dbove lôte, 1882i Lind3ðy, 1969i 0 Ludbrook, Ì973. E Adeìàide Metropoì I tdn subwôYl P Bore CH 3 (00H). North 8ônk of L lorrens lnke, opposlte Kintore Buonaiuto, ì9t5¡ Lindsay, às ðbove as ðbove ò9 ¿bove ln p¡ep. I fl Hest [nd Brewery, west€rn Bore cH 2, ås above Às above ôs åbove thls study¡ Llnds¡y, in prep s Hlndley st. ' s south Pàrllands, Bore CH ìA a5 àbove Às rbove ås ôbove thìs study¡ Lindsày, ln prep U B Longyeár Eore 50, Hd 'North Hàslln Sandsl e-ly H .toc Stràtiq.àphy thls study. Noðrlungô,5ect.82 'south ilåslih srndsl l¡te 11 .Ioc s rTortachi I la I imestonel e-ly L .Eoc Bìônche Polnt FomÀtlon mld L. Eoc Chin¿mdn cul ly Fomðtion mid/lL .Eoc I Port llììungô Foñðtlon Lðt€st Ioc (Aldtngô ¡leóer) N f rNorth l,Jl Bìuff, åt Chrlstle llàslin Sands' as above Pðlðeontology fhis study¡ Lindsðy, 1970; tton rSouth 8eðchi Port l{oðrlunqà Jettyi Hôslin Snndsl ônd 5tuôrt¡ 1969i clôessner ù Onkapôrlngà River @uthi Rjver Tortachi I lð Linestone r0llgocene S trð ti9¡aphy l'¿ader 1958i Ludbrook, ì969i s Road; onkôparingô Rlver, Àt Blônche Poln! Fomàtlon Crespln,1954. U the Fìemlng Brldge ånd opposl te Chinàman Gully Fomatlon B. the 0v¿li lntersection Honeypot Aldjngò Memher ônd Rd-South Ro¡d¡ northern slope Ruwdrunq Heróer. (Port of ochre Polnt. at MoÀna I'Jlìlùn9ô Fomòtlon) Beðch, rNorth lâslln Bôy (type sectlon) Màslin Sandsl ðs ¿bove Pd I ðeontology rSouth Mðsìin Sôndsl ònd Limestone Stra tigraphy fortôchlììô Crespln, 1954¡ Blanche Point Fomatlon Reynolds, ì953¡ clôessner ú l,lôde, ì958i Aìdlngâ Bay (type section) Bìônche Poìnt fomàtlon l-udbrook, 1969i Llndsðy, 1967¡ Chlnðman Gulìy Fomâtlon Hccorran et ð1,, 1970i Aìdinga and Ruwàrung Buonaluto;-T977a ¡ Cooper, llembers (Port l{illungà l9?rô,ì978¡ Stuôrt, ì969. s Fofiàtlon ) U rSouth Hàslln Sands' ôs ôbove Stra ti gràphy cooper, ì97tn,1978, B l¡lììungà, sect. 174, on the Tortôchi ì I ô [lnìestone boundary wlth sect. 175. Blanche Polnt Fomòt1on l,/illung¡ Eore l,fLc 40, sect. Gulì nock Hember (81ànche ô5 ¡bOVe Pô l aeontoì ogy Cooper, 412, Polnt Fomòtion) prep. Aìdtn9ô f.leúer (Port Hjllunqð Fomåtlon) lungd Bore ÍLG 37, Sect. llll cull Rock Member (Blànche ns òboYe Pôìôeontol ogy coope¡, I 978, 471. Polnt tomátlon) Chðffeys Roôd, Just South of fortôchilìô Limestone às ôbove Stràti 9rôphy Cooper, ì978¡ thls study. corlole ànd Seðvlew l{ineries 'Trånç I tionãl Márl ' ilcLaren V¡l e lilember (B I tnche Polrt Fomðti on ) Stðnsbury 0lìgo- Pal aeontol ogy Crawford, 1965¡ Stuart, ì9t0. P I'll ocene E il Polnt Turton Poi¡t Turton Llmestone Làte Pa laeontoì ogy l-údbrook. !967i Cråwford, ì965 I (hereln), fl. 0l lgocenÞ Lindsày B,Q. Butler Bore 4, Co Buccleuch Beds Låtes t S trÀti graphy Ludbrook. 1969i Euonaiuto, guccleuch, Hd Kl.kpôtrick, Ioc€nê ðnd (herein¡ tn prep,) Sect.8, Pal ôeontoì ogy Rikl foHn Eore' Co Buccìeuch, t pper Knight G¡oup mid t.Eoc, à5 ðbove Ludbrook, 1969i Euonðiuto, Hd Livlngstone, sect. 5l Euccìeuch Seds [ðtest Eoc. (hereini ln p¡ep.) E&HS Coo¡åìpyn Bore 2. Co upper KnighL Group às above òs ðbove Ludbrool. l96l¡ Buonaluto, Buccleuch, ¡d Coneybeer, Sect. Euccìeüch Beds (herein¡ in pr€p. ) 56 (type sectfor) -fintin¡rô P80 Area School Buccìeuch'0'8eds ôs àbove ¿s ôbove Buonôtuto (hereln¡ ln prep. ) 0ore 12, lNnship AìlotrÉnt, lld cooròe, Co Cðrdreìl 0ld s,A. Rallwðys Tlntinarò Euccleuch Seds as ôbove as ðbove Cl¡rke¡ 1896; 1ôte, ì898i Bore, ðs ôbove Buonðiuto (in prêp.) l,làikerle 0bservôtlon Sore 2, Buccìeuch Beds òs àbove as above Lindsdy t Sonnett, 1973¡ fid Hâlkerle, sect 692 'River Hurrdy cllffs', Horq¿n Cadeì1 ¡lôrl Lens Htddle PÀìðeontology Tdte,1885iLudbrool.196ì Hd côdell, sect. c (type (l,lo¡9ùn LlnEstone) lliocene 1973. sectjon) E Itlìston 8ìuff (type Hl lson Eluf f Llnìestone mld 14.Êoc. Pð ìàeontol ogy Lorry, 1970i Ludbrook, l9l3i sectlon) i Heebubble Côve¡ and HccoHrôn, 1978å,b,ci Qul lty, u Abrôkurrle cÀve¡ foolinnà Strôti grðphy t974,19t7. c covei Haig cÀve t loollnnð Cove Toolinna Limestone [ate [oc. P¿l àeontoloqy as dbove A GAMSI ER Prltchôrdrs Quðrry, 12.9 lm cônbier Linestone La te Pàl ðeontology Ludbrook, l9tl i l.lccowrônl NNl,l of llount Gàrùier 0t lgocene et À1., l9tìi Abeìe et à1. EM8, (s.A. ) T976- Browns Creek, àt Johônnð Johànnå Rlve¡ Sând lll d.Eoc. Strð tl gràphy Ludbrook, l97J¡ Abele_!l_!-. Rlver mouth (Aire Dlstrlct, llrowns Creek Foma¿lon Låte foc. Slrôtl9ràphy I 97ó. vict,) (type secllon) ànd Pù I àeontology Castle Cove, Alre Dl3lrlct¡ Càstìe Cove ürcstone Ldte5t Eoc 5tr¡tlgràphy as òbove (type s€ctlon) t-ly 0ì19, 'celìibrànd River' Gêì I ibrônd l.lòrls E-ty l.lloc. Pù I àeontology ås above Mrude Lower Môude UflEstone L¡te 0l lg.- P.ì ðeon tology Às àbovei Abele ¡ Pðqe. 19t4. EM8. E-ìy Hloc, A Muddy Creek, neór Hôùl I ton iluddy Creek Hðrìs Mid. 14loc, Pð l¿eontol ogy Abele et ô1., l9/6¡ R (vlct. ) Ludbroô[;J97l A 0""ng" Burn, near Hômlìton Gr¿nge 80rn Coqujñô Làte!t Mloc. Pà lôeontology EH8. -t. Plloc, rSprlng Î0RQUAY Bird Rock, Creekl ,J.n Juc tomDtjon Làte 0l 19, Pa I àeontology ðs àboYè EMB. Pueblô Foñnàtlon E-ly iltoc. Pô I ðoonto loqy PORT PHILLIP Brlconôe 8!y ü.lcoilúe Cìily Hldd¡e ¡àl.eontology ¡s above tn8. (Fy¡n!ford Fonr¡tlon) illt¡Llrrc I I ûìuff" Frêettoñe [reettone Cov. [li ìy l'¡làeontology Ludbroorr I96rr lgtji A lA0tE 'tosrl cAP¿ Covar T.ble capê s¡ndstono Hlocpnc Qut lty, t966, ì9t2. t9t1 s s (2) distributed along the eastern southern Australian margin. These localities, mentioned Ìn the systematic part' are indicated in Fig. I and Table XIII. Stratigraphic units and age of these localities are 'included in the descriptions of the species. For further information the reader is referred to Ludbt"ook (1973), who offers an updated and thorough discussion. The descriptions of the Cainozoic St. Vincent and Murray Basins are purposefully not outlined, and l'imited to figures because both are well ?(2Vt oo t known and overdescribed by/ authors. The intracratonic St. Vincent Bas'in has been dealt with by Glaessner (1953), Glaessner & l¡rlade (1958), Ludbrook (1969), Stuart (1969,1970), hjopfner (1972), Daily, Firman, Forbes & Lindsay (1976), etc. The pericratonic Murray Basin has been .l958, described by Ludbrook (1957, l96l , 1969), 0'Driscol I (1960), Wopfner (1972), Abele et al. (1976). APPENDIX B DESCRIPTION OF THE MEASURED DETAILED SECTIONS (3) Fourteen detailed sections have been measured in total. Nine are located in the hlillunga SubBasin (Figs.3c,10, l2) at Chaffeys Road, Mclaren Vale (Section A)t at Maslin Bay (Section B, C, D, V, l¡J, X); at Blanche Point (Section Y); at Chìnaman Gully, Aìdinga Bay (Section Z). Four are situated in the Noarlunga SubBasin (Figs.
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