’■’r' rr Artm gi Dafly Net Press Run The Weather For tile Week Ihided ” Continued aool tonight, low done 11, 1966 In 50b; fair, warmer tomorrow, 14,629 high in 70s. Manchester-^A City o f Village Charm (Classified Advertlsiiig on Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS V O L . LXXXV, NO. 215 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1966 Calm Returns to Chicago t' -.'•v ' = After Hours of > Violence M State News 10 Injured; Police Urge 46 Arrested Newer Laws In Rioting (0» CHICAGO (AP)— Nine­ Vred A.. teen ix)lice cars patroled amie; On Gambling rriter today in a square mile area with HARTFORD (AP) — State unUx on the Northwest Side Police Commissioner Leo J. where mob violence erupt­ Mulcahy called today for legis­ ed after a policeman shot lation to help further curb (0> a Puerto Rican youth who '•'a I underworld gambling operations r Ben- the officer said was trying f in Connecticut. f' Classmate Tabitha Hay (left) makes an adjustment for Barbara Mitchell, 17, Mulcahy said the .situation is to escape. who will graduate with her class at Westbrook High tonight, despite being “ acute," and said gambling Police clashed repeatedly Arab with members of an angry 1 Su- blinded in a scooter accident last summer. (AP Photofax) operations are pouring into the Ltura, state. crowd of more than 1,000 per- r th«i Commenting on a large scale .sons who surged through th* '• i*■ i I Determination Pays, Water Walker raid Sunday in Bridgeport and streets of the predominantly • ta r another last niont'i in New Lattn-American neighborhood D o f Fails in Boast Britain, Mulcahy said the ad- Sunday afternoon and night. resses of some of those ar­ Ten persons, including two It — BOMBAY. India (AP) — policemen and a fireman, were Barbara to Graduate L. S. Rao, famed exponent rested indicate that Connecticut is attracting out of state gam­ injured and 46 persons were ar­ of yoga, tried Sunday to WESTBROOK, Maine (AP) — Barbara won't have to worry blers. rested on various charge.s in­ live up to an announcement Barbara Mitchell, 17, has made about tripping. She’ll take the Both raids produced arrests of cluding burglary, interfering that he’d walk on water It—she’s godng to graduate with harid of a close friend, Tabitha persons from Uie New York with police in the performance without even getting his her class from Westbrook High Hay, as they march up to the area and many of those seized of their duty, damaging city feet wet. .* School tonight, podium to get their diplomas. in the earlier New Britain raid property, di.soixlerly conduct, Some 600 spectators from Last summer a motor scooter Taking four courses—English, were also included in the assault or battery. as far as New Delhi, more accident almost tok Barbara’s Economics, World History, and Bridgeport raid. than 600 miles away, paid The melee left intersections in e d life, and it left her blind. Problems of Democracy—Bar- $20 to $100 each to watch He said it is because of Con­ the neighborhood littered with Alfter months in a hospital, the bara just missed making the necticut's "antiquated laws’’ as he warmed up by swal­ broken glass, bricks, paper and attractive blonde picked up her dean’s list. lowing what he said were that gamblers conduct their ac­ signs ripped off stores but studies again—first at home. She had help—first of all from tivities here. irteel tacks and nitric acid cleanup crews cleared away the then back in school with her her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law- “ It is next to impossible for lAP )’ hi>l/>fax) and walking over hot em­ litter today. Olassmates. rence E. Mitchell. And Mrs. the police to effectively raid and Flames rise from overturned police car, set afire by an unruly Cliicago mob. bers. During the rioting, .surging, She was determined she’d Francis Boothby, school gidance catch gamblers with the goods.” Rao then walked up to a Disorder broke out in the city’s Latin-America neighborhood last night after rock tlirowing members of the walk down the aisle with the counselor, said teachers and he charged. steel tank filled with water. a man was shot in the leg while police were ying to break up a gang fight. mob tipped a police car on ita rest of the class. "I may trip,” students alike considered it a He placed a foot on the sur­ He said police, even if they •side and set three others ofl fire. she said, “ but graduating is my pri-vilege to read to Barbara and face of the water—and sank are armed with a search war­ Windshields in other police cajra whole life.” help her over rough spots. straight to the bottom. rant, must first announce them­ were smashed by rocks or bot­ Last Friday, at class day ex­ As angry spectators de­ selves, before they can move tles. ercises, Barbara received an manded their money, Rao into a suspected dice or card “ You can't kill Puerto Ricans achievement award for courage Near Bombay said he slipped Saturday game. Navy Pilot Downs and gel away with it!” one and service to her school. The and, because of the injury woman screamed as police Wed ovation Was thunderous. could not achieve a state of Lineman Killed to push the oroiwds back. 100 Deaths “ If I have the ability I’d like levitation. He invited them NEW CANAAN (A^ i Ed­ Police were pelted with rocks, to go on to college, she said. I to come back and watch ward M. Farrell of 5 Ledge- bottles and debris as they tried think I’d like to teach braille to him try again. wood Drive, Norwalk, was killed Another Viet MIG to dtsperse the crowds in a 10- Feared in children. today while working on high tension power lines on Turtle- SAIGON South Viet and riot police responded with Viet Nam’s main port, and 56 square-block area, back Road Nam (A P )__ A U S Navy clouds of tear gas. The disorder miles northeast of Hanoi, the Sporadic gunfire could be Train Crash Police said Farredl, who was H/ioti-nworl fVio ISth ended two weeks of compare- capital, heard and looting was reported employed by the Granite Engi- £ • . -w t ,-, f i.v, live calm in the capital and fol- A twin-jet U.S. Air Foi-ce B67 in several .shops, BOMBAY (AP) — At least 100 5,000 Graduated neering Co., accidentally come yOTnmuniSt M iU OI tne war ^ ^gy g,jg^ progovem- Canberra fighter-bomber van- Patroaman Thoma.s Munyom, IncBans were feared killed today In contact with a 4,800-volt line. battle Sunday be- f^gnt, anti-Communist demon- ished wiUi its two crewmen east 25, the officer who shot the a tfa* and 120 injured when two subur­ Granite, a New Hampshire tween the key North Viet- strations by Roman Catholics. of the Mu Gia Pass today, while youth, de.scribed the incident: 3turM ban trains jammed with com­ firm, was under contract to the namese cities of Hanoi and Omdr. Hal L. Marr, 40, o f an Air Force F4C Phantom jet “ My partner and I went into muters cra v ed together in a Connecticut Light and Power Haiphong, and narrowly Roseburg, Ore., scored the hit do-wn by ground fire this alley to break up a fight. Bombay suburb. By State Colleges Co, to replace power lines in missed getting a second, on the MIG with his second northwe.st of coastal Dong Hoi This guy stilted to pull a Five hours after the early that area, police said. 'U_S_ planes were heat-seeking Sidewinder in a City. Parachutes were seen but J]®” ' ^ ® . • ^ 1 : 11 1 1 p, II . the two fliers were listed as him. There were about 10 or 16 ^ a l T ^ n S r ^ ^ T e " NEW P^VEN (^ )-S ta r tin g -S ou th ern ConnecUcut State. ^ lfy.<tt in new air attacks on numerically equal dogfight be- uieis weie nsicu as , *.u n a 4ti*iLo Ov<^i* “ ai-Lacoo ^ ^ mis.sinc ' persons in the alley. So my been. counted. j and there were 106 ^ ® ,,trickle __ more. .than a week 690 degrees.® ^ _ oiriK e 4 /v e r .v PnmTnnni<»i- North tn- tween - four F8 Crusader jets u>*»»‘ng. k*- . t .. j j ago, the Connecticut commence- — Central Connecticut State, WALLINGFORD (AP) - A LommuniSI INOrin 10- Hancock and They were the 261st and 262nd partner and I put the wounded injured so far. bitter 7Aveek strike marked by O ^ * bodied four Soviet-designed MIGs. American planes reported lost man into a car and got out of I m ment season reached full flood 696 degrees. ■c«Tto- TYalfic on the city’s railways, today as the state’s two largest — University of Hartford, 749 P>icket Mne clashes and reports The political kettle bcnlea j over the Communi.st north. there. Ambb which carry two million persons educational institutions, Undver- degrees. of harassment of non-strikers ^ ^ *he jungjed central high: The woiinded man was Identi- atand Buddhist demonstrators swept encounter occurred 31 miles ^ South Viet Nam U S ^ Cruz Arcelis, 20, h« i»i. daily, was disrupted while g^ty of Omnecticut and Yale — Quinnipiac College, 186 de­ naira doctors, firemen and police University — held graduation grees. (See Page Eleven) through the streets of Saigon northwest of Haiphong, North pg^gt^p^rs killed 25 Co’mmu- Munyon, married and the fa- struggled through the wreckage exercises.
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