-V . / P o n tiff C a lls S p o r t s 'Tremendous Asset' Are fff By Pope as of High Benefit Con Bring To Christian Virtues G R E A T E R THAN FINANCIAL AID Victory Vatican City.—Suffering, coupled with prayer Will Receive '60 Olympic Athletes Supplement to the Denver Catholic Register and sacrifice, provides a greater strength for the Vatican City.— "Taking part in sports can be a tremendous asset in the devel­ missions of the 'Church than financial aid, Pope opment of the Christian virtues and can thus aid in the spiritual .perfection of the John XXIII declared in a brief talk to the members athlete.” N a t i o n a l N a t i o n a l These tips were given by Pope John XXIII to two groups of Italian sportsmen that of an Italian law society. were received in private audience. The Pontiff further commented that "your exer­ S e c t i o n S e c t i o n “ Oh what a triumph for the Church it would cise* muit favor the spiritual be if it were possible to enroll under the banner and immortal part of you.” Rome in 1960. the Pc^said thaljit, we will welcome on tbe oc- THE "In the spirit of discipline ”it will be an impe^ant event|casion the athletes who will of the Mission Apostolate all tiie Christians who one loams and practices obe­ and we trust, if the Lord willsicompete.” suffer in tbe hospitals, in the' dience. humility, and renuncia­ sanitoiiums. in the rest homes: idea that missionary assistance tion. In teamwork and in compe­ if it were possible above all to is cirried out completely in the tition." the Holy Father said, make these places centers of simple offering of material "one learns to practice charity, Active Lay Role in Mass spiritual support for the mis­ help. REGISTER sionary army; finally if it were ' ‘To such I way of thinking, brotherly love, mutual respect, {Name Registered In tbe U. S. Patent Office) Senerosity and. sometimes, even possible to persuade the infirm the missionary problem it re­ forgiveness. To Bring Back listless' MIMHER or AUDIT BUIIAU OP CIRCULATIOMS to give their pain, accepted with duced to the level of just an­ SoKsesU Ancient Virtnes raii Paper It Coaaaetad with NCWC Wiihlngton Newt Hatdqutrlen by lu Own Letatd Wire. Hu lu Own love from the hands of God, for other human problem, whereas New Orleans.—Increased lay of tbe people. I think many per­ Special Service. RelU<«oi Newt Scrvlee. laler-OtboUc Prut Aftncy, PMu Servtee, MHM«s Sandeu, ReUgloua In the set of laws govemine the mUsions." it it essentially a supernatural sons fell away because of a lack Newt Pltetoc and NCWC Picture Service physical efficiency one learns participation in tbe Mass wUI The Pontiff granted that ma­ problem,” the Pontiff stated. and practices chastity, modesty, help to bring back to tbe faith of interest in the Mass.” terial aaaistance is most neces­ Other means of aid of greater Sodallsts should practice tbe VOL. XXXV. No. 19. FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1959 temperance, and prudence. How many "listless" Catholics. Arch sary, but said that it must not be value include love for souls, and "ministry of example." tbe prel­ fortunate you are to he able to bishop Joseph F. Rummel made given “top priority" among the constant prayers for the salvt- ate declared. Active participa practice, with youthful enthu­ this prediction at tbe annual mission aids. lion of others. These prayers are siasm, these ancient virtues archdiocesan convention of the lion in the Mass is one way in "Not a few Chriatiani," be i of high importance, the Holy Fa- without whiUi one can be a Sodality of Our Lady. which sodallsts can give good declared. 'hold the erroneous I tber declared. valiant athlete but not a Chris­ The Archbishop said that "par­ example. "Responses at Mass," tian one." ticipation in the Mass with the he concluded, "encourage tbe Referring to the forthcoming priest is a movement that will pastor and parishioners and Cabinet Officer Warns Olympic Games to be held in influence tremendously the life exert a great influence." ADVISES FOREIGN AID We Face Red Challenge CA/P New York.—The sobering fact past. Obligation and interest." in American life today b that said Mr. Murphy, “are largely we face tbe total challenge of pai-allel in our long-term na­ AS MORAL RESPONSIBILITY 'the godless id e o lo g y which tional strategy. What our con­ Wuhington. — Foreign eco­ committee reviewing the aims allied with us or not. for the would destroy us,” said Under science impels and what aelf- Secretary of State Robert D. nomic aid programs of tbe U. S. of economic -end m ilitary assist­ primary purpose of promoting intereit dictates, in thb inter­ Murphy at tbe KXh annual din­ dependent world, are often very should be based on a sense of ance. tbeir social and economic bet-' ner of Religion in American moral obligation. Military aid "As a country blessed with an terment. largely the same.” programs should be kept dis- abundance of resources." the "By Stressing the extension of Life. He b a Catholic. Mr. Murphy surveyed the sit­ linct from economic aid, both CAIP unit pointed out, "we economic aid as a moral respon­ ' Only through an adequate uation in I number of current legislatively and in the eyes of must recognise our economic sibility. the U. S. will best as­ spiritual defense” can wc com­ international crisis spots includ­ the world. aid as simply our particular sure tbst attainment of our bat Communism in a "positive ing Tibet and Berlin.. this twofold recommendation contribution toward the com­ basic political objectives, name­ sense,” Mr. Murphy, who w u He said that U.S. policy in was made by tbe committee on mon good or welfare of tbe com­ ly, ' to promote world peace the guest of honor, told 700 bus­ dealing with the Berlin crisb economic life of the Catholic munity of nations. based on justice and the rule of iness and religious leaders of b based on four poinb: 1) A Association for International "Economic assistance should, law." all creeds. “If we are to con­ moral obligation to more than P«ce (CAIP). Ita sUtemenl therefore, be channeJed to un­ Sister Mary Thomasine of Ro­ tinue building tbe free world 2.000,000 West Berliners . waa submitted to a Presidential derdeveloped countries, whether sary College, River Forest, 111., fe,' • f.! -li well enough and fast enough,’.' t ^ t would never permit us to heads the CAIP committee. he said, "we stand in need of abandon them to tyranny. 2) Austin Sullivan of tbe Interna­ the guidance and the strength U.S. belief in tbe “sacrednesa of tional Co-operation Administra­ that faith alone provides." international obligations.” 3) Reds Subvert Czechs, tion direct^ the subcommittee In international relations, Mr. The exbtence of Western mili­ tiu^drafted the statement. Murphy said, Americans should tary strength “sufficient to pun­ look upon themselves as "mis­ ish devaslatingly any military But Slovaks Stand Firm Sociol Virtues Called sionaries of freedom." He attack which might be attemp­ Vienna. — Red efforts to struction of religious faith in equated the American technical ted. 4) Willingness to negotiate. stamp out religious practice in the young. and e co n o m ic aaaistance pro­ Acknowledging that tbe Reds Purpose of Educotion grams for other nations “to the are “stubborn bargainers,” nev­ Czecho-Slovakia are making con­ For this purpose, the Commu­ In the prophecy in question. God, speaking to Convent Station, NJ.—Educa­ efforis of missionaries of the ertheless, Mr. Murphy slid, use­ siderable headway in Czech nist youth groups are being The Virgin Mary portance of the Blessed Satan, who had enticed Eve into sin. declared: used to'investigate the attitude tion roust engender conviction ful agreemenb have at tiroes areas, but in Slovakia, the coun­ Virgin Mary may be gained from tbe fact that “1 will put enmities between thee and the woman, toward religion not only of in terms of social justice and been reached, u in the case of try's most Catholic region, reli­ and thy seed and her Seed; ahe {be in'the He­ their schoolmates but also of social charity or it is a failure, she is mentioned in the -very opening chapters of French A la rsM Calls the settlement hf°Austria, and gion is still practiced openly. the Book of Genesis. Immediately after Adam brew text, referring to Jesua] shall crush thy It appears, reports said, that their teachefs. Secretary of Labor James P. Soviet participation in the In­ Since the beginning of tbe Mitchell declared at the College and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Paradise, head, and thou abalt ^e in wait for her heel" Veterans to Lourdes ternational Atomic Energy the aims of the lU h congress and thus brought misery to all tbeir descendants, (Gen. iij, 15). 1 of the Czecho-Slovak Commu­ year, special pressure has been of St Elizabeth. Paris.— France's highest rank­ Agency. “I believe." said Mr. brought to ^ar on teachers, The Cabinet member was God promised the Redemption of tbe human It b no wonder; then, that Catholics p«y ing soldier has appealed to Murphy, "we should welcome nist Party last year have been special honor to Mary, tbe Mother of tbe particularly in Bohemia and given the Vincentian Award race, through the agency of Mary. Thus as a World War II veterans of all the pending negotiitions as an only partly attained.
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