ęඈඋ1࣏ۘऺ ৰ 21 Ż ৰ 29 ƛ 20171018 ϦČ Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research October 18, 2017 Vol.21, No.29 www.CRTER.org ऺƣጛۘ %džͼȸ^ȭࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷࢿΉ͏ћ9࿕ǃĐՈƽˑ Ï1 ɏ ᔒ2(1ǧSďS˂ˡŋʒ½ˇˊãKǧSď 300350Z2ǧSḓ̌̈́½ÒlȻãʜDKǧSď 300350) .Ï ɏᔒ. %džͼȸ^ȭࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷࢿΉ͏ћ9࿕ǃĐՈƽˑ[J].ęඈඋ1࣏ۘऺ 2017 21(29):4709-4715šϬƨ DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.2017.29.020 ORCID: 0000-0003-3252-1452(Ï) তȷợⓉᪿ ǎ̓K˃K1975 ˝ÛKǧ 9࿕ǃĐ۔džͼȸ^༘Ȍࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷࢿΉ͏ћ̓% SďNK˩ȂKƶƍåK ƶϙÎāÒlȻãΡ~ ඈ¾8 Ụµ ̼ϟūʃ Ș Ě ିǻ:R394.2 (1)࿕ǃĐඈᖟตၠ[ဘͼȸ B:ۅǒɀ¬ĭ ₑ Ƨ ^ (1)ࠢඓƚǃ᪈ (1)%džͼȸ^༘Ȍࠢ Dzʃ DMEM ȕͧ^ ඓ¾ඊྡྷᖟตၠ[ဘࢿ তේǻ:2095-4344 Ə 9 ࿕ ۔̓ SD (2)%džͼȸ^ඈွဘͼȸ%dž ࿕ (2017)29-04709-07۔ǃ Đ µ (2)Morris ˈẻǟ Ήdz࿁ỞẋƯẟ̓ ͼȸ^ Ƨ ǃĐľ࿕ඈඋॅᢪǎ ɘ4ěY2017-05-03 ǒɀ (3)¾ඊྡྷඈᖟตၠ[ဘͼȸ ࿕ඈඋ҉ˊඈ ϣ⑃ּ͟ᖏՁ 43 Ոᜬ(3) CM-Dil ʃᩴՈࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷ˸^ උ ƚ ᢆ ȓ Ẃ (4) ༘ Ȍ ඈ ᖟ ต ၠ [ ဘ ͼ ȸ (4)RT-PCR ǎ (2)ΝΈₑƧ9࿕ǃĐ CM-Dil ʃᩴࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷඊྡྷ˸ Ոࠢඓ£࿁4۔Western blot ̼ µƧ̓ ^ՈȐrွဘͼȸ%džͼȸ^4 ϟ4 L₎5 ࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷࢿΉ͏ћ࿕ǃĐࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷ«Pdzȕࠢඓ̯ ĚՈ¾ඊྡྷ ᪩ඊྡྷẜdzÑẟᜐႮuŰ,ʐႮ uමť  ̶ࠢ͠ඓüƄÑΝΈ9࿕ǃĐ4IJ«ϵzࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷńࢿΉẋ࣏ƌϏƅ└ ͢ࢿΉՈ͏ћ άȘKǛ4rṇ̓└:4໐%džͼȸ^dzỞẋʺȪࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷƯẟȒ້ࢿΉՈћά4 džՈ£ά%dždzÑᢧͱղǃĐ ęû̺ҋǑà ΝΈǺǶɳ ᫇ᅆச࿆ĿͱÏ Ǹ̲ۘऺᜬ4%% džń͏ћࠢඓɳ҂҉5☦ћάºጛ4%džȴǚ^dzºጛȴʌࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷՈʺȪϏɳ ΝΈࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷࢿΉՈ ƌϏ4 ʼᡅ ྐë%džȴǚ^dzºጛȴʌࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷՈʺȪϏɳ ΝΈࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷࢿΉՈƌϏ4 9࿕ǃĐՈƽˑ4۔ՈȆᩬ%džͼȸ^ȭࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷᖟตၠ[ဘࢿΉ͏ћֲ̓ 4 ඈ¾8 tₑƧ^Ə9࿕ǃеƧ Ⱥņµt£Ո 80 Ǯ╓ƶ:۔̓ 5ͩọǚ 87 ǮtÀ SD ࿕ǃĐඈᖟตၠ[ဘͼȸ DMEM ȕͧ^ 1 Ƶ/d%džͼȸ^ඈွဘͼȸ%džͼȸ^ 1 Ƶ/d¾ඊྡྷඈᖟ ตၠ[ဘͼȸ CM-Dil ʃᩴՈࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷ˸^ 1 Ƶ/d༘Ȍඈᖟตၠ[ဘͼȸ CM-Dil ʃᩴࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷඊྡྷ˸ ^ՈȐrွဘͼȸ%džͼȸ^ 1 Ƶ/d ȈඈẢන¾8 3 d4¾8Ȓ 3 d ǎ 1 2 3 4 ɬᜐࠢඓƚǃ᪈ ¾8 21¤28 d ẟᜐ&ƛ 7 d Ո Morris ˈẻǟǒɀ¾8Ȓ 4 ɬẟᜐ࿕ඈඋ҉ˊඈඋƚᢆȓ3ࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷƌϏ ^ Oᢆȓ3RT-PCR ǎ Western blot ̼ϟ4 Ș^ ࠢඓƚǃ᪈ ༘Ȍඈࠢඓƚǃ᪈ ϧඌĄz͢Ņ 3 ඈ(P<0.05) Morris ˈẻǟǒɀ z͢ 3 ඈ(P < 0.05 z P < 0.01) ृᱎ¿ǴƵϔǎńֲʃᬥ└äڱȌඈ¾8Ȓ 3¤5 d Ո¿ţȈûrⒸº༘ ·Სࡿ^ʇᲡࡿՂ ɨţʌz͢ 3 ඈ(P < 0.05 z P < 0.01) ࿕ඈඋ҉ˊඈඋƚᢆȓ࿕ǃĐඈdzᢅ࿕ǃ Đľඈඋाβº %džͼȸ^ඈ3¾ඊྡྷඈ࿕ǃĐľඈඋाβṇɃ ༘Ȍඈ࿕ǃĐľඈඋाβό:4͍ ࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷƌϏ^ O༘Ȍඈ CM-Dil ʃᩴ⓷ɳඊྡྷϔ̶z¾ඊྡྷඈRT-PCR ǎ Western blot ̼ϟ Ȍඈ࿕ඈඋॅᢪǎϣ⑃ּ͟ᖏՁ 43 ᜬẂʌz͢ 3 ඈ(P < 0.05) %džͼȸ^ඈ3¾ඊྡྷඈʌz࿕ǃĐ༘ ࿕ǃĐľ࿕ඈඋॅ۔ඈ(P < 0.05)Șᜬ%džͼȸ^༘Ȍࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷᖟตၠ[ဘࢿΉdz࿁ỞẋƯẟ̓ Ոࠢඓ£࿁4۔ᢪǎϣ⑃ּ͟ᖏՁ 43 ՈᜬẂ ΝΈₑƧ9࿕ǃеƧ̓ ͟⏲᪑ ඊྡྷࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷ%džͼȸ^ࢿΉ9࿕ǃĐॅᢪϣ⑃ּ͟ᖏՁ 43ᖟตၠ[ဘ¾ 'L᪑ ¾ඊྡྷࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷልሳඊྡྷࢿΉඈඋ1࣏ Ȗₕᰈ­ (ιNůϣᜐₑͥΟ͟-ֲ(2013KG134ͅ Effect of Danshen injection with neural stem cells transplantation in rats with Liu Xiao, Attending physician, Department of craniocerebral injury Brain, Xianshuigu Hospital of 1 2 1 2 Jinnan District, Tianjin Liu Xiao , Wang Hu ( Department of Brain, Xianshuigu Hospital of Jinnan District, Tianjin 300350, China; Fifth 300350, China Ward, Department of Neurosurgery, Tianjin Huanhu Hospital, Tianjin 300350, China) ISSN 2095-4344 CN 21-1581/R CODEN: ZLKHAH 4 7 0 9 Ï . %džͼȸ^ȭࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷࢿΉ͏ћ9࿕ǃĐՈƽˑ www.CRTER.org Abstract BACKGROUND: Danshen injection can dramatically enhance the proliferation and survival of neural stem cells (NSCs) after transplantation. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of Danshen injection with NSCs transplantation in rats with craniocerebral injury. METHODS: Eighty-seven adult Sprague-Dawley rats were used to build severe traumatic brain injury models. After successfully modeling, the model rats were randomized into craniocerebral injury group (the subarachnoid injection of DMEM medium; n=20), Danshen injection group (the intraperitoneal injection of Danshen injection; n=20), and NSCs group (the subarachnoid injection of CM-Dil-labeled NSCs suspension; n=20) and combined group (intraperitoneal injection of Danshen injection plus the subarachnoid injection of CM-Dil-labeled NSCs suspension; n=20). The injection in each group was performed once a day for 3 consecutive days. The modified neurological severity scores were tested after 3 days, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks of the transplantation. The Morris water maze test was performed at 2128 days of transplantation. NSCs survival and distribution were detected by fluorescence microscope and the pathologic changes of brain tissues were observed at 4 weeks after intervention. The expressions of synaptophysin and growth associated protein 43 at gene and protein levels were tested in the brain injury zone by RT-PCR and western blot assay respectively. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The modified neurological severity scores in the combined group were significantly lower than those in the other groups (P < 0.05). In the Morris water maze test, the average escape latencies in the combined group was significantly shortened in the combined group after 35 days of transplantation in comparison with the other three groups (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01); the frequency of passing through the platform and the percentage of the swimming distance at the target quadrant in the total swimming distance were significantly higher in the combined group than in the other groups (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). The hematoxylin-eosin staining results showed the tissue voids in the Danshen injection and NSCs group were relatively smaller than those in the craniocerebral injury group, and the voids almost disappeared in the combined group. There were more CM-Dil positive cells in the combined group than the NSCs group. RT-PCR and western blot assay showed that the gene and protein expression levels of synaptophysin and growth associated protein 43 in the combined group were the highest followed by NSCs and Danshen injection groups, and the lowest expression levels were observed in the craniocerebral injury group. In summary, the Danshen injection combined with the NSCs transplantation can improve the neurological function of rats with severe craniocerebral injury, which might function by increasing the expression levels of synaptophysin and growth associated protein 43. Subject headings: Stem Cells; Neural Stem Cells; Drugs, Chinese Herbal; Cell Transplantation Funding: the Key Project of Health Industry in Tianjin, No. 2013KG134 Cite this article: Liu X, Wang H. Effect of Danshen injection with neural stem cells transplantation in rats with craniocerebral injury. Zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu. 2017;21(29):4709-4715. 0 šᣄ Introduction 1.2 ðϏΛıļ ǒɀz2015À1ƄႷ2016À10Ƅńͅ 9࿕ǃĐȏɋʐǕ҉ɋǽʌÂɌɴϦỔÀZŋՈᱏ ιĿ̓ƚ¬ĭǒɀǘǀt4 Ã[1-3]4ɱĿƚА])ȴϦ,ՈᢧΟ5˄ IJ«ֲQę 1.3 ƨ 87Ǯ Ŀᯬₓ൪۔᪩҉Ոȏɋ¹ϢʌẂ40%2Ƿ[4]4ࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷ«P'ᡅ ǒɀ¬ĭ2ƄܸɑătÀSD̓ ƌńzȞࠢඓிඣՈ¾ඊྡྷ ᪩ඊྡྷ̠zƦ Ěźɍ 300 g ▐█ȈŎ ϵͅιĿ̓ƚ¬ĭǒɀǘȴƇ ϣ dzỞẋ̶5śʺȪ Ě[5]4᪩ିඊྡྷ>ᝯËͯàϬz͏ћ ᩼dz᪅SCXK(ι)2013-0003 ǒɀ¬ĭūϬ᩼dz᪅ǻ zǘÕ25 ?3īò50%۔᪼Ξ࿎ʇǃĐ3ÀҸɊ̶ࠢඓ҂҉ՈÂǚǣrPǎ࣏ SYXK(ι)2013-00764¤ƅ̓ òՈẟʉ[6-10]4ۘऺº߾ ͱļɳՈࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷńࠢඓǚ̩ 80%3SPFɳʟ[ႮϵĢˈʐ₋4 ǕƉǽ͢ₑᡅՈňϬ[11-16] ̶᪼ۘऺỞẋࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷ 'ᡅ᪙FǎÖྴᖏՁ›ϵ๒ęSigma͘Ǽᯱẟ☦5 ՈࢿΉKǚǣrṇΙάȘ[17-20]4Ϣ໐ࢿΉẋ࣏ǽ&ƅ└Ո ඊྡྷȕͧੵᯱ\ႮHeraeus Sepatech ͘ǼDMEMȕͧ ࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷƌϏ̶᪼Ո⒲LKǽ࣏̓òZƽˑr᪩ћͩ Ȗ3ྒğᜄ±ʐPBSţᯱႮHycloneTrizol᪙F֖ᯱႮ ՈάȘ[21-22]4%dž«ęՈČඣሳnj7P ü͢ȯƅ̶„ InvitrogenBCAᖏՁϧòϟ᪙᪙F֖(ʺƆƧ)35×SDSᖏ Ϗɳĭᯬ໐Ǜ4Ŀƚۘऺ້Ո☖ؔ4%dždzÑᢧͱղ ՁZʳΞ^320TBSΞ^ţᯱ\zśņtϣĭ‼ ǃĐ ęû̺ҋǑà ΝΈǺǶɳ ᫇ᅆச࿆ĿͱÏ Ǹ ඊྡྷ̠ˊẋ࣏ūϬՈ᱉ά1ňǴȴƇႮᄾ+ʌZ#᯼ ̷̶¦ऺᜬ%džń͏ћࠢඓɳ҂҉5☦ћάºጛ[23-25]4Ц ƅ└͘Ǽϣ⑃ּ͟ᖏՁ433ॅᢪPû&̀û̲ۘ ͧ͠Ո«%džȴǚ^dzѺጛȴʌࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷՈʺȪϏɳ ╊ûĿ xû&ṧʵẋʻĚĭ›(HRP)ʃᩴՈʥ๎û̶̀ û¦ûĿ GAPDH۔ΝΈࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷࢿΉՈƌϏ[26-27]4üǸ ǒɀdńỞẋ༘Ȍ ̷╊ûĿ GAPDHPû&ř̷╊Ƀ Ո̶̷╊ûĿ ¤ƅûĿ۔9࿕ǃĐՈࠢ Ոxû&HRPʃᩴՈʥ๎ûɃ۔džͼȸ^ʐࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷ ẟ໐Ȇᩬ͢ȭ̓% ඓǚ̩ňϬ Ñƛ&9࿕ǃĐ͏ћȴƇȋℸʐΓť4 ῁ᯱzᅂăϣĭäƫ(ǩ*)ƅ└͘Ǽ%džͼȸ^ᯱ\Ⴎ ÷)ŋʐሳ^ཥéƅ└͘Ǽ4 1njʐ5ͩMaterials and methods 1.4 ôκǒƽ ۔ඈ ǚ87ǮtÀSD̓ µƧǎǒɀ۔Éα ╓ƶȭ+¬ĭǒɀ4 1.4.1 ņএ̓ 1.1 4710 P.O. Box 10002, Shenyang 110180 www.CRTER.org Ï . %džͼȸ^ȭࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷࢿΉ͏ћ9࿕ǃĐՈƽˑ www.CRTER.org ¿Ẕ¬Ḭẽǎȯâ۔ţʵǒₑƧ9࿕ǃ ிඣּẢȉՈʨʻƶ,dzȐǹᩴơ̓۔ňₑƧ^Ə9࿕ǃеƧ4¤ƅ̓: Đę┉ʃβ₋Ϭ^Ə9࿕ǃĐÖඝ^͢ʌƏΞϧ Ȁņₑ ǴȈûƛ4 ẟᜐǒ۔/╓ƶọǚ6Ǯ̓ Ƨ^Ə9࿕ǃеƧ4 ǎĹხᜐǒɀºȈඈ &6൫1൫ ɀ ᪩ǒɀ◄ẟᜐ7 d(ɣͅZ[ŌȈẟᜐ1Ƶ ɣƵᩱඇ2 ՈͫᢍʐẔ¬࿁Ⱥ7۔ỤµȒʵǒ̓ 4ƽ͔¿ǴZ۔ńͱdzÑǷϏ¬2൫ Ϗ¬ₓλɅ3൫ Ϗ¬ₓ ἑ)4ᩱඇ7QŊ̴Ⱥ¤ƅdž^ǒɀՈ̓ ºλɅZẔ¬͍᫇4൫ ྐᾬńárdzÑǷƆ¬ ɈН2.0 3.0 min ū7c˕ǒɀźΡʐǒɀɳʟ4ǒɀẟ ˈ͑ˈ˴ºǸ͑ˈͥྐȭ۔IJ]࿁ঝএ5൫ ྐᾬᢪáȒ]dzƆ IJͣƅསĿҀҟ ᜐr╓ƶōǚP͑ˈͥ Ⱥ̓ Ո͑ˈͥPႸŌϧᩴơǒɀ¬ĭº۔ú෭Ǒà6൫ ȭçŁ>ɬ\Ǒà4ǒɀÑ4൫ʐ5൫ǃĐ ÂūȐƵǒɀ̓ Ⴎ'ʀȼČ▂ এŷ ͑ˈͥ͑ˈȒ4Ẃ¿ǴՈrⒸⒸ╘(ǸŷệỼȈûƛ)4Ξ۔ň&൷͑ʃβ4ńņµẋ࣏ᆩϦɴ̓ àȺ7šႷ ȭ͢ǒ9Ƀ¬ĭ☦อȼʻẟᜐĆε4ń᪩ẋ࣏ƟŖȏ2Ǯ Ș͑ˈ90 s7Ȓǒɀ¬ĭ¹Ʀ4ֲʃŌͥ ᩴơ&90 s4Ⱥɣͅ4ƵՈệỼȈ80Ǯ4Ⱥਟọ ¿Ǵ ໐ƨƵrⒸⒸ╘&۔̓£ņµȒ12 hȏ5Ǯ Ụµt ۔̓ &4ඈ࿕ǃĐඈ3%džͼȸ^ ûƛՈਜ਼ƫ¿ţȨň&ẝPͅՈƚLtත4 ƶ╓۔ƌϏ[ǡՈ80Ǯ̓ ඈ3¾ඊྡྷඈǎ༘Ȍඈ ɣඈ20Ǯ4 1.5.3 ¾8Ȓ4ɬỞẋᆓƤஂ ö൦ɏᄶᢆȓ҉ˊƚΝǜ ϔ 3ǮÂǚϦ9࿕ǃĐඈඋ ϬĿࢳ۔ȏ̠̓⁍ٯࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷՈĿ̲ȕͧǎCM-Dilʃᩴ Ⱥᯱ\Ⴎ ɣඈ 1.4.2 ęĿƚƚ┦ՈΧƌƣÏࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷาz60 ?ʞÕ 10%϶ Ėǎඈඋ:̣9࿕ඈඋ ċūϬϵĺϧò4ʌ ˈ ੵ 30 sͱẟᜐࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷȷợ̩ᆓ4ȺᙑĚ7ȒՈ ϧòՈE⁋ňˈF Ổ¼ƿඈඋųՈˈ 4Ⱥඈ ᗥՈồFx϶ᆳồڷࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷẉ҂Ḱ͑EP¤͑DMEMȕͧȖ ÂZ̶ උųาz^ŢzE⁋ njŢz Ƶₑ̩ɃȏȽ·ඊྡྷū͢ţĄ O ╓ȒࡿȏŏZ±^4 Ñx϶ᆳŻdžϦඈඋųՈE⁋ ╓Ȓẟᜐ$ᗥĉǧ4Ⱥ Ⱥ̩ᆓȒՈඊྡྷϬDMEMǀ͔ȕͧȖ᫇ϘඊྡྷϧòႷ ĉǧΙՈᗥųĖǎz ċƶZ t5 8 µmƞᑈċ4Ⱥᑈ 1×109 L14ȕͧ3ÏȒ ྴᖏՁ›Ţ^4Ě2.0 3.0 minȒඌ ċΗ¿ 4ṁɿċZ 45 ?ʞÕ΄¾4ᗥȒ ẟᜐ Ƕ4ĚࡿȏŏZ±ₑ˸ඊྡྷ4᫇ϘඊྡྷϧòႷ1×109 L1 ᆓƤஂ ö൦ɏᄶͩɏᄶ4ɏᄶȒՈ ċඓ൳E⁋ˈ ȕͧ7 d4ඓẋ3ƵΫP7ȒȺࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷϧò᫇Ϙ4 ඓx϶ᆳū ċồ4Ⱥ>ồՈ ċƠZ¤ţ̓ʍྺ L1 ╓Ȓȕඊྡྷ˸^ஂܲ¤͑5 µL CM-DiLẟᜐ ֚Z֚ɿċȵĖ4Ǒʍྺ¾©Ȓ ራ̵ºǺ␠[ᢆȓȈඈ 108×8 9࿕ǃĐ҉ˊƚǜĚ4۔̓ 30 min ʃඊྡྷʃᩴ╓ȒาzȕͧੵʃᩴƩĚ25ֲ ࡿȏŏZ± PBSₑ˸ ₑ̩ʃᩴ2Ƶ ºǺ␠[ᢆȓඊ 1.5.4 ራ̵ºǺ␠ᢆȓCM-DilʃᩴՈࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷƌϏǎ 9࿕ǃĐľǻඈඋ :ň۔̓▊₋ ȎΡ ¾84ɬȒ ʃᩴՈ̑Ρ4␠[dzᢅࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷʃᩴºɴϦѐᄷՈìྡྷ 2ᆳȖȶ x࿖Ȗ ċÂẟᜐ4’ 6 9࿕ǃĐඈඋΜΧ۔̓ ൦ᄶZPᄶţĄ ̣Ϭ4 ࿕ǃĐȒ24 h ࿕ǃĐඈºȑɜ̓ƈ̠Ñ1 µL/minՈ ˞ɏᄶ4¾©Ȓ ºǺ␠[ᢆȓr ╓ƶọǚɣŬΣΧ ͼȸợòᖟตၠ[ဘͼȸ10 µLඊྡྷȕͧ^ 1Ƶ/d%dž ċՈ3ᢊₒÂZȭ7ẟᜐı+ᩴơȳ᪂ɣŬ+ċՈʇ ͼȸ^ඈွဘͼȸ%džͼȸ^0.5 g/kg 1Ƶ/d¾ඊྡྷඈ ò&1 ɣŬ+ċọǚP̵òͥ -ϬACDsee 5.0ḳ ᖟตၠ[ဘήͼ͑10 µLࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷ˸^(3×106 L1) âܲǎ͢ŬʃȨ4ńĚʻ╓ƶọǚ8ᢊₒ ᩥਜ਼9࿕ǃ 1Ƶ/d༘Ȍ͏ћඈᖟตၠ[ဘήͼ͑10 µLࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷ ĐඈඋՈࠢඓ¾ඊྡྷʃᩴɋ4 ࿕ĐľɬĐॅᢪǎϣ⑃ּ͟ᖏ۔L1)ՈȐrွဘͼȸ%džͼȸ^0.5 g/(kg·d) 1.5.5 RT-PCR̼ϟ̓ 106×3)^˸ Ȑ۔1Ƶ/d ȈඈẢන¾83 d4 Ձ43ȖüḰơՈᜬẂˈ¿ǜĚ ¾84ɬȒ ǚ4ඈ̓ 1.5 ƶϙʬ+ŷ/ PᾬĹՈ9࿕ǃĐඈඋ ₋ϬRT-PCR̼ͩϟ9࿕ǃĐඈ උϣ⑃ּ͟ᖏՁ43ʐॅᢪȖüּȭᜬẂˈ¿4ɣ̼ 8Ȓ3 dǎ1 2 3 4ɬᜐ¬ĭࠢඓƚǃ᪈¾ 1.5.1 ϟ᪙ ࠢඓƚǃNSS᪈ dž5 :᪈ Ŀிẟᜐ̱ň ϟₑ̩3Ƶ4ỞẋOligo 7.36 Demoḳâ᪂ᩥšĭ ॅᢪ /z¾8Ȓ3 dʐ1 4ɬ(ɣɬżȒ1 d)ϟǎ ͢᪈ ʃβ Zäšĭ5’-CAG CCG TGT TCG CTT TCA T-3’ [ä &0 \ࠢඓிඣǃĐĿǍ 1 ¯ƫȭƓQîƅ šĭ5’-CCA CCC GTG GGA TCT TCA T-3’ Íʺċɉ ȕ¯ƫȭƓ 650 bpϣ⑃ּ͟ᖏՁ43 šĭÛZä5’-AGG AAA ȕ¯ƫȭƓḰĤ3 ºՈĤָ╠ݑ2 ȪǾ4 ]࿁ႮǕᜐᰴ ͍͛4 GGA GAG AAG GCA GG-3’[ä5’-GCA GGA GAG 1.5.2 ¾8Ȓ21 28 dᜐMorrisˈẻǟǒɀ Ŋ̴ȕˈẻ ACA GGG TTC AG-3’ Íʺċɉ⑃ò778 bpͱdž ǟញา¤͑̓൪1 kgΒ୍ ╓Ȓ¤ˈū͢ʌò᱉ẋƽ͔ GAPDH Zäšĭ5’-GTG CTG AGT ATG TCG TGG ¿Ǵ̓൪1 cm4╓ȒńˈẻǟՈ˴˝Zʃᩴ4͑ˈͥ(ʵ A-3’ [äšĭ5’-CAC AGT CTT CTG AGT GGC A-3’ ǒᡃśěՈ5Ĺ /ʃᩴ1 2 3 4)Ɖ+4Ϧˈͥ Íʺċɉ121 bp4ȴǚඊྡྷRNAÂǑḰơ&cDNA ₋Ϭ Ȍͩ ÑGAPDHȖüň&ͱdž ϟǎϣ⑃ּ͟ᖏ &4ᬥ└ÂȺƽ͔¿Ǵาzě 2∆∆Ct ȺˈẻǟՈˈ˴ţ ᬥ└ࡿੵ˝15 cmՈŌ5Ṇ̃ǒɀ4ẻǟZ5ƽา^Ϲ࿕ Ձ43ʐॅᢪmRNAּȭᜬẂˈ¿4 ISSN 2095-4344 CN 21-1581/R CODEN: ZLKHAH 4711 Ï .
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