Head The Pos t 'nve Time, loney For News ,'hOI) in ewarl Of People You f now THE NE KPO Fir. t -~-:~=:=~==:::::::-==::=="'==T:"~"""~~~"":':~:::':=~~~=::':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~-=~~~~~~~~~=_~_~.2PIUCI!; FI vR no; 'I'. l1Lirly Organizations Will Be Council Consideloillg Prescnts Spdng Conecl't Monday [A bout 50 Residents On Hand -L ~r ill - I D R I Cl"ying Water To (.Juri oJ luelnorla ay ara(j e Brookside IIomcs Pl blic eetihg To Ilear City ~ nlo!"':, ('II/lllllitlte Expects All'ai r To Be One Of Outstanding' . City Would Purchase Water Officials Discliss roposed Elcn I, 11r in ]\'ellark ; Parade Will Bcgin At 10 :00 a.m. I IS~lle l\t Corner Of Delaware Avenue And Academy Street System Constructc·a By '" Ilro()lu;ide Froll1 Proceeds Councilman Carl So Ilanldn States $39'1,100 W ill Be ~.hJ111J1 IS of t 1(: mnyol"S comlniltcc • !> --- I (Tscd To h nprol'C . nd Extend Pre 'ent Sew er Sn,jem While st,tl'<i thiS \\',', k that the city-sponsor-! . It wus reveal~d at the meeting of S105,9 00 Will Be ceded To In('J'ense "n tel' S upply cd ~II'J1lonal D'IY parade and cere- I P lea By New8I'ker CIty CouncIl thIS week that city or- I moni cs prUlIlIS(,S to be one of the out- b UIlt'eSses COUI't fici als ar considering entering into A small tlll'l10ut of about 50 pmpcrty standing VCllts of the year in Newark. , A strollg ple<l by Oliver V. Sud- ~~'o~~~~;:e;!r:.it~r~~~s~:v~;~~~~~~~ l 'he Concert Choir of The Newark Methodl• • Churcl! \Viii present j's an. ' Con Ce' l-C'I\('e SIl akcI' owners of the city was on hand at the The c()Jl1mittce has been assured by dard, Son of lIlr. and lIlrs. Oliver development south of the city, to fur- n~"1 ~Prlng Concert on ~londay, I\Iay 26, 1952, at, 8: 15 p,,?, In the Church So· \ Nowark High School auditorium Wed­ thirty organiza tions that representa- Suddard, R. D. No. I Newark, won nish water to the houses to be con- t clal Hall. The Choir, directed by Samh Revelle I' rye, assIsted by Evelyn Byrd nesday night 1.0 hea l' orficials of lhe tivc units :' III be on hand to take part I another chance for a defendant re- structed there. TarUn at the plano, has prepared a varied program that includes light and: city and representatives of the con­ in thr aO'alr. cently In the Superior Court. Und ' h . airy selections such as " humorous tra.vcsty on "Comin' 1'hro' The Rye," 111'- sulting engineering firm which has t Th e parade will begin at 10:00 a.m. According to Mr. Suddard, the a ree!nt ~r!~::~:~e o~ :he proposc~ ranged by O'U:.ra: and the s! lrrlng "Soldiers Chorus," from the opera "Faust," planned the project explain in detail at the cornel' of Delaware Avenue and defendant was So eager to Show the :OUld bea'r the x enseal k developels by ~oullod . Highlighting the presentation will be the. aPll earance of the Wo- how the sewer and water systems of Academy Street. The line of march court that he could live within the p of aU money men s Chorus alld tlte l\fale Quartet. Both groups wlli render some e'lr-ap- Newark arc to be increased with the y will be east on Delaware Avenue to la.w he was asking for a maximum necessary to .. pa for the ~onst.ruction pcaling old favorites. Also, I\frs. Martin and Mrs. Frye 11'111 combine their proceeds of t he proposed $800,000 bond Haines Street; north to Mai n Street.; sentence, 10 be suspended, but to ~ 7~ee~~~n~~~I~; ~O~~~~~qU ll 'ed to com- talents in a two-plano!endltlon of "J)ance Macabre," by S ':llnt -S aeJ\~ . Altl~ough issue. east on lila in to North Chapel; north be relnstate,\ If he gets Into any Th ' Y . there 11'111 be no admIssion charge for this progrnm, a silver offermg 11'1 11 be I In tile absence of city engineer, J . to New Street; west to Center Street; more trouble. char;e c~~ :~~li~id~:1 Pr:I~'~I~~~~ ~~ taken, wltlt the proceeds to be Placed. In the special fund to purchase a grand FI'ancis Neide, who was unable to be west on 1I1ain to Elkton Road, south J udge Herrmann said tbat al- BrookSide $28 minimum per year wa- ________ plano. , present at the meeting, Councilman on Elkton Road to West Delaware thougb he had planned to sentence ------------------- Carl S. Rankin pI'esented the facts to Avenue: and cast on Delaware Avenue the defendant to jali, after hearing tel' rates which is double the present M - E - M d Ii R the gathering. 't water I'ate mSlde the city limits. In e; 0 d to the universl y campus. Suddard's plea, he decided to be the event that water rates are raised 'ISS" ann"e" " nore Mr. Rankin pointed out lhat in the The parade will be divided into more lenient. He placed tbe defen- within the city limits, the amount. to L 7\.T - if total cost of $800,000, $349,100 would be .' live sections to be made up as fol- a.nt on probation for three years. be charged Brookside homes would n llamlng 0 Newest Scl'Jooi used to impmve and extend the sewer lows: Mr. Suddard Is a graduate of be no more than double the new rate. " sys.tem of the city while $405,900 would First Di vision- parade marshal Col. Newark HJgh School and attended Accol'ding to the agreement, the be needed to 'bring the nceessary in­ D. M. Ashbridge and stafT; police es- Urslnus College, Yale, and Duke city of Newark would be required to Newark School ofTicials announced In 1897 she joined the faculty of crease in present water facilities. cort; honorary marshal, George Dob- University where he grnduated in reimburse the Brookside developers at thIS week that the new elemen~ary I the. Newark P ublic School where she Included in the extension of the son, Spanish American War veteran; 1950. the rate of 70 % of the actual net in- school ' to be bllllt on CapItol lrall taught for over forty years. She is sewer system improvements would be city council and clergymen in official 0 come of the previous calendar year will be named the E. Frances Mcdill Iremembered with appreciation today main lines connecting the western and cars. N ,from the Brookside homes unlil such School. Iby SCOres of former pupils who found southern sections of the city with the Second Division-Major George K. ovelty Dances To time as the total expenditure by Brook- This is the beginning of a poli cy by in her an inspiring and dynamic U. S. Rep. J . Caleb Boggs county intet'ceptor lines, and lateral Anderson and staff; band of the U. S. F P . A .SIde for the construction of the water the Newark Board of Education to 1teacher. U. S. Rep. J . Caleb Boggs will make lines to serve the Lumbl'ook area. Koval Training Center, Bainbridge; i eature rogram t system is paid back. honor outstanding . loca l educators .. " He~ ' hi.story classes were especially the keynote address at the annual It was pointed out by Mr. Rankin tlm t the present sewer disposal plant :;~~e~;:llute~~sN~~aSt i~.I~sin:;v~e~~:;. Beaux Arts Ball CI~:: ;~~ala~t:~~:~;~ ::i:a~~ 7~! 1 !~~ ~~i~~~;,~~lst on~:c ~:~:~r i~~1 t~:w d~~~:~~~ ~ .~~;.";:~:~ 'd:;ein f~'I~~;~ tl~~P~~r~;a~:~ spring conference of the Wilmington is now carrying a InaxinlUJll load and drum and bugle corps; detachment of velopers for the construction of the will bear the names of such indi'Jiduals. practically unheard, she believed g~~!~ti~~e;b~~~~. i ~,01;;~~lr~~, ~:~S;~~I): that the increased growth of l':ewar ic, airmen from New Castle Air Base; ' Vill Be Des ig n e d To Help system, bllt will not include any in- Miss Fannie Mcdill, as she is known learning should be 'functiona~'." She ton, on Saturday afternoon. whiCh has been estimated will reach a population of about 20,000 by 1960, ~aatrteerNYat~o' n~~ 6G~~'~" ~~G l~n~~ o~etl:~ Newer Members Of Group ~e~:=t b~~ncal ~~ic:n~yc~~:g~~:~~~pC~r;ay to hundreds of present residents of added to the formal text book assign- Congressman Boggs will speak on will make this pl ant inadequate. n Ne:vark, is now 83 yeal's old and a l11ents typical of that period , oppor- the subject "Building Chl'istian Citi- Delaware Rines. To Becom e BeHer Acquainted reSIdent of the Home.of Merciful Rest, tunities for the practice and applica- zenship." The conference will open at With regards to the water sys.tem Third DiVISIon- units or the Newark Newark Resi{lents Wl lmmgton. She ret ned after teach- tion of classroom knowledge. 12:45 p.m. with registration and wor- improvements, city officials· stated that tile city of Newark is now using about Veterans of Foreign Wars and Arneri- fo~~~'e ~~!~x G~~~ ·::I~e;:lb~:~;·: ~~ :~;mO~~'~n~ !~,el;il~: ;;'::r:~~~; ' i~~ of To hundreds of present l"CSidents of sRhip Gservice TtoJbe .conducted by tile C3n Legion; detachment of Sea s couts, . Glove 144 PI"nts Of ev. eorge . amleson, pastor of the 720,000 gallons of water per day.
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