v «.- 24 - EVENING HERALD, Sat., Feb. 7, 1981 Rain doesiiH deter NUUKHESIIR HAS ir friends of -Grasso BUSINESS DIRECTORY GUIDE FOR A SALADS HARTFORD (UPI) - Nearly 20,- Many people carried rosary beads ^FOR YOUR HOLIDAY VVEEKEND 000 mourners paid their last respects Related stories artd pic­ and cried, bowed their heads, or to Ella Tambiissl Grasso during a tures on paGe 20. made the sign of the cross as they MANCHESTER AND SURROUNDING 1 * • iMaMBnii round-the-clock tribute before the walked past the bier. An honor guard •ttartoarntre^MJ I • U T B 8 N . n « U M B W CMItT funeral mass at noon today for stood at attention while strains of at the ti9 ti< Connecticut’s former governor. classical music filled the Hall of the rignUiri file apprauHi df l children, Susane and Jim , were pre­ Friends, colleagues and many who Flags. It h aanivsraary o#tl The Marinated Mushroom, Inc. sent when the casket was opened at a VICINITY had never met Mrs. Grasso walked “Everybody just loved her,” said **(} £«il£« S it «£ & o a I of tA« private service. quickly past her open coffin today in Jean Susca, a Hartford baker. "She has been 86r1^ the 162 South M M S t • M M d h tM r. "The family decided she looked so a first-floor alcove of the Capitol. would say Tve got time for ilnuiiitfSa of ,the greater beautiful the caiket was going to be The doors were to be shut at 10 a.ih. everybody.’” Ires foif alfiKMt a cen- lofA Painting Problem? We’ll Helpl open to the public,” be said. for final preparations before Mrs. CUNLIFFE AUTO BODY Service still means something to us — and service means "She was such a vital person. She ROUTE 83 TALCOTTVILLE, CT. Grasso’s body was moved for the ser­ Democratic State Party Chairman can be an inspiration to all of us,” l o b a e n ^ o f the annlver FEATURING THIS WEEK ... spending enough time with you to help you Miect the vices. ^ Jam es Fitzgerald said, " I thought said Elizabeth Ostapchuck of New Willwill COIlillltoco iiiflid er tthis yiuir. right paint finish for that job you're planning. See u. for •> The crowds lined up In the grey, she looked absolutely brautiful.” Britain, who brought along her two paint and service when you plan your next proJect. 24 HR. TOWIHG DELTA MAINTENANCE & CARPET GLEAMNC winter chill Sunday to file past hun­ A bouquet of Mrs. Grasso’s children. 643-0016 dreds of flags and flowers to pay favorite flowers — red roses, pink Approximately 1,000 people per n e w # i ^ , due to The E A Johnson PAINt CO. their last respects to the woman they carnations and white baby’s breath— hour signed into the guest book AdlFsW’a. 4ptsrday morning •COMPLiTE COLLISION REPAIR ' yOup called "E lla .” Mrs. Grasso was to be were placed by her family In front of iWwteatilon tM to,; •FOREIGN AND AMERICAN CARS during the day and evening Sunday 'NOCPE^OENT , the casket. A wreath sent by Presi­ ^ H ad d itioaJB i expanded index at •RUSTY JONES RUST PROOFING burled with military honors in her before walking by the bier. The line 64S4801 home town of Windsor Locks today dent Reagan was to the side. that stretched down toward Bushnell D ll . bottomthe page helps after a state funeral at the Cathedral Her grey casket, draped with the Park did not diminish when the cold find ^ of ntost in te r ^ of St. JoMph in Hartford. blue silk flag of Connecticut, lay in rain came harder in the late after­ 763 Mrs. Grasso, 61, the first woman in state in the historic Capitol where noon. re^iAttrtion of the inside MAIN ST. the nation elected governor without Mrs. Grasso ro^ from a freshman Fitzgerald said the tribute for Mrs. .of 'niei^flerald ia now com- 643-1191 succeeding her husband, died lawmaker to a powerful and popular Grasso, at her best when taking, Over spi past few weeks Thursday after a 10-month bout with charge during blizzards and tor­ , , 'las aboutlAtochester and area 191 chief executive. The cancer forced cancer that forced an end to her 28- nados, "w as wmething she well towpS have b M grouped together ' MAIN ST. her to resign on New Year’s Eve. year political legacy. A'iieip read Aw find stories about 3e5igns,inc MANCHESTER Mrs. Grasso wore the azure blue deserved.” State Senate Majority Leader dress made especially for her 1975 "Even though it was inclement iMJfetowns.•>,' , 341 tROAO STREET. MANCHESTER. CONN. 0S040 643-1900 Richard Schneller, D-Essex, a close Inaugural Ball and held rosary beads weather out here, she was there s?'>Tbe reault jS'^more.readaWe, Manchester Professional Park, Suite A>1 Betty Gailaqher, Prop. friend of the former governor, said and the Connecticut State Register when it was inclement for them, and ■Stone complef«riiSWspiq)«r serving Mrs. Grasso's husband, Thomas, and and Manual in her hands. it won’t stop them,” he said. ^ the area ^riMTwitb hometown WE SEIIVICE AND INSTAUINDUSTMAL AND COMMEACIAL •ews plus the news of IWteietter. '■ AIR CONDITIONINB • REFRIGERATION BLACKSMITHING changoklliiMrent in today’s HEATING and SHEET METAL jHenld have A nSaa a result of an & WELDING i,aa6 0 ing effortIdkeep in touch with •HAND FORGED ITEMS •ITEMS CUSTOM MADE WriiBTi, akkihifor suggesUons and New England Mechanical Services, Inc. •SAND BLASTHIQLASTWQ ’oiintnent8.i;<£'Li.'' :: ,lt la jpart M a continuing program WALTSCADOn 166 TUNNEL RD. ht The HerlM. WANKNST. * - , Wednesday evening from 6 to 8 VERNON, CT. 06066 HUUIGHESTEILIST. 6 4 6 - 8 3 6 ^ Former Gov. Ella Grasso’s son, James, sits at the head of the 671-1111 P:m. readetwsre invited to call Tlje casket draped with a Connecticut state flaG as mourners jKo'ald ediisis with conm ents on CLYDE & MICKEY MILLER'S ed past, Sunday. A bouquet of Mrs. Grasso’s favorite ^ new itorganization. Those Serving lUanchetter over SO yri. T£L 649^28 „ Serving The Greater Manchester Area For 100 Yean owers were placed by her family In front of the casket and homnients MU be used to guide she had rosary beads and the State ReGister and Manual in >fiknrald editilpB in future upgrading PARTS florist ManchSater, Conn. Monday. February 9, 1981 25 Cents o t the newsgnper! “AUTO PARTS FOR LESS” peCttani The her hands. (UPI photo) HOURS 24 BIRCH ST. S TO B MON.-FRI. TEL. 643-6247 a TO S SAT. A SUN. 043-4444 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) F.T.D. IM8TEN CHAME MANCHESTER WONU WIDE Introducing to Manchester and aurroumllng srsws. MB _ in AMENICAN EXniESS Red tape delays freedom BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY most modern, affective and efficient method of • carpet & upholstry cleaning SEEVIK cleaning. The truck mounted steem carpet-cleaning By United Pres. International plane left, Swiss officials and the officials in Austria said they spoke official Iranian Pars news agency A room was reserved at the Vienna process • home cleaning FLO’S Cake Decorating Supplies he. A last-minute hitch at Tehran's U.S. State Deparment said a last- with the plane by radio as it was and for Iran Airs office in Vienna airport for a news conference, if I ABC APPLIANCE REPAIR | Delta Maintenance Is happy to introduce Its natlonally- 646-0226 " 878-3282 Mehrabad Airport prevented minute problem with Mrs. Dwyer's making its approach to Vienna and also had confirmed she was on board Mrs. Dwyer agreed to discuss her j 42 Oak Street | famous BANE-CLENE system which goes deep down • windows R COMPinE UNE OF MLTOH CAKE DECORATIQIIS American free-lance writer Cynthia identity documents prevented her the pilot said Mrs. Dwyer was, in­ when the plane left Tehran. 281 days in Tehrans Evin Prison. to float out all dirt ... letting carpets dry faster, stay • floors stripped & waxed Dwyer from flying to freedom today, departure. deed, on board. The last-minute controversy was U.S. officials also said Mrs. Dwyer I Manchester, Conn. 649-88791 cleaner, last longer. Delta Maintenance’s equipment one day after Iran’s Revolutionary "When she wanted to leave But airport police who searched reminiscent of events surrounding would be given any money she may stays In the truck • only the operator comes In your 1t1 C IN T IR ST. Court ordered her expelled from the Tehran, there were last-minute dif­ the plane deoM Mrs. Dwyer was a I This coupon worth $20 towards purchase ■ • offlce maintenance HANCHHtTIR. CONN. the release of the 52 American need to continue on to her home in home with a long hose and cleaning head. The dirty country as a UMS. spy, diplonnatic ficulties with travel documents and lot Mercedes Progress Vacuum ... Come In ■ Mon. • t a t 1D-S passenger. hostages last month. Twice their Amherst, N.Y., a suburb of Buffalo. water and odor go out through the hose into the truck. • Are & water damiged materials Thurs., 10-t officials said. exit permits, etc., with the Iranian Uhl said Mrs. Dwyer was with departure was delayed after Iranian An Iranian revolutionary court IS) see the quality of this long life Vac. e We use only our own water, too. CALL Delta Mrs. Dwyer, the 49-year-old authorities,” said Swiss Foreign Swiss Ambassador Erik Lang and officials indicated the hostages could Sunday found Mrs. Dwyer guilty of I ‘ “(^uanlily J cleaned mother of three who cam e to be Ministry spokesman Othmar Uhl. Maintenance lor superior carpet cleaning today at 646- Wedding Cakes A Specialty Embassy Counselor Wilhelm go free.
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