The official newsletter of the Diocese of Cape Town Provincial Youth meet in Lesotho to share, encourage and build God’s Kingdom PAGE 3 NEW CHAPLAIN FOR UCT PAGE 4 ANGLICANS AT RED CROSS PAGE 5 THE GREYLADIES 75TH “Arise and Shine” Isaiah 60:1 was Project 2012 is an initiative of Pro- discussions. Agreeing and differing PAGE 6 the theme for 2013 PYC (Provi- vincial Youth Council (PYC) with but one mutual understanding was LAUNCH OF RENEW sional Youth Consultation) held in the support from the vision Im- that we are busy helping God build- IN THE DIOCESE the Diocese of Lesotho at the Uni- plementation Team for the Vision ing His kingdom.The HOW we do it versity of Lesotho, Roma. Different 2020 priority Nurture and Protec- is another matter!The Consultation delegates from all over the Prov- tion of children and young people. ended with a tour in Lesotho, climb- ince in the Anglican Church came ing the mountains, a traditional to take part in this consultation. It will take a more holistic look at cultural dinner and Variety Show. the ministry to children and young Each Diocese had the opportu- people and develop and imple- I was in awe of just witness- nity to present to the house what’s ment more effective ministry which ing the work of God’s hand, the PAGE 7 happening in their Diocese, their will result in much greater sustain- beautiful mountains, the peace achievements and challenges. One ability and efficacy in the develop- and friendly people of Lesotho. FRACKING AND of the main discussions during this ment of spirituality in our young. FAITH AT consultation was Project 2013. Many questions arose during these - Abigail Hopley ALL SAINTS VOLVOL 6363 NO.NO. 0605 FIRSTFIRST PUBLISHEDPUBLISHED 2020 DECEMBERDECEMBER 19501950 AUGUSTMARCH 20132013 Page 2 THE GOOD HOPE AUGUST 2013 CLASSIFIEDS Editorial THE GOOD HOPE Editor: Rebecca Malambo We all have the habit of getting too comfortable with the way things are and take it for granted that Address: this is how it will always be. Death and disappoint- The Good Hope ments come our way and it knocks us off our feet! PO Box 1932, The death of the late Revd John Oliver was a shock CONSTANTIABERG Cape Town 8000 to all who knew him and knew of him. The range FUNERAL HOME of emotions we felt were true and it still feels un- Tel: 021 469 3766 Preferential prices. real but we learn to stand up again and move for- Fax: 021 4651571 24 hour service ward. He is not someone who will be forgotten, E-mail address: High ethical standards as member of his hard work he ploughed into all the various or- [email protected] National Funeral Directors Assoc SA ganisations he was involved in, will bare fruit and fulfill its purpose just like he envisioned. Strength Printed by: 85 Kenilworth Road, Kenilworth to all who mourn the death of Father John, you (cnr Rosmead Avenue) not alone in your journey of grief and sadness. 021 671 2400 Love and Light, Rebecca Alan Lindhorst Tony Wyllie & Co. EVENTS AND NOTICES Funeral Home FUNDRAISING EVENTS hosting a week long trip from 21st - 25th Personal and Dignified GOLF DAY: Church of the Resurrection, October 2013 at R600.For more informa- 24 hour service Bonteheuwel will take place on 25th Au- tion contact Desiree Jones 073 202 8240. gust 2013 at the Strand Golf Course. The 469 Voortrekker Rd format, 4 ball better ball stable-ford, tee off BUS TRIP TO MYKONOS: Christ the King, Maitland times from 11h30 - 13h30. Entry fee is Claremont, will embark on a bus trip on Tel: 021 593 8820 R1200 per 4 ball or R300 per player. For Saturday 9 November price R350pp in- more information contact Fred Manuel at cluding a meal. For more information con- 48 Main Rd 021 695 4700 or 073 550 8860. tact the parish office at 021 674 1057. Muizenberg Tel: 021 788 3728 MATINEE DANCE: Christ the King, Clare- ANNUAL BAZAAR: Church of the Holy mont are hosting the above on 25th August Spirit will be hosting their Annual Bazaar member of the NFDA from 3pm to 8pm. Tickets available from which will take place on the 15 -16th No- the parish office at 021 674 1057. vember 2013.For more information contact Ronnie 073 916 4811 or Granville SPRING DANCE: Church of the Resurrec- 021 637 0078. Anglican Prayer Beads tion, Bonteheuwel will host the above on Wonderful gift! Call Marlene at 30th August 2013 in the Gatesville Civic SERVICES RENDERED 072 841 7421 for more information. Centre. Tickets are R60 per person, bring TRINITY LITURGICAL WEAR: For a full your own platter and refreshments. For range of all liturgical / clerical attire etc. We personally deliver within the Cape Town more information contact Shirley Plaatjies 079 632 8257 or Claire Cupido area. For more information contact 021 021 694 5449. 715 0043 / 082 785 4851 or email [email protected] PRINCESS VLEI CELEBRATION AND AWARENESS: Sunday 13th October 2pm, SPIRITUAL BRACELETS: Armour of God This useful guide will show you how to: Princess Vlei walk and short Thanksgiving and Fruit of the Spirit bracelets, beautifully Build and manage your retirement nest egg to ensure a carefree Prime Time. Service at the Jolly Carp market. Meeting packed and presented. For more informa- Protect your investments against inflation. Enjoy good health until late into your Prime Time years. Enjoy excellent mental health and prevent depression. details and programme to follow - watch tion contact Evelyn 079 242 6111 or Adapt to your Prime Time years without hiccups. Prevent boredom and make extra money with hobbies and freelance work. this space! For information contact Mariette 021 713 1223. Choose a suitable retirement home . Improve your safety and your security against crime. on [email protected] Manage your money to your best advantage during your prime time years. ORGANIST: UCT College of Music DEBUTANTE DINNER DANCE: St Paul’s graduate,Benjamin Sawyer is able to play Printed Book R150 each Bree Street presents the above on 19th for weddings and funerals. For more infor- (VAT and R20 P&P incl) October 2013 at the Athlone Civic Centre, mation contact 073 493 8888; email ad- E-book version 18h00 for 18h30, with dinner to be served dress: [email protected] R95 (VAT included) at 19h00. For more information contact the Order from Johannes Jordaan parish office 021 423 1568 or BC EMERGENCY COURIER SERVICES: Email: Documents and parcel deliveries within the [email protected] 021 802 1118. Website: hour locally. For more information contact www.myprimetime.co.za TRIP TO GANZEKRAAL: The SRG of the Neville on 021 712 0880 or Church of the Holy Spirit, Heideveld, will be 073 771 6489. Matthew 23:12 “And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE DIOCESE OF CAPE TOWN Page 3 From the Bishop’s Office: Rt Revd Garth Counsell The Bishop of Table Bay Dear Friends time we allow ourselves the space to recog- and especially Archbishop Thabo as he pre- Amidst the many things presently attract- nise and attempt to understand the all too pares to deliver his Charge and preside over ing and, dare I say, distracting our attention, common cries of pain and need all around this important gathering of our Anglican Prov- may I remind you that August is tradition- us. Hopefully we will then be able to ac- ince. Pray also for our diocesan representa- ally the MONTH OF COMPASSION for us as knowledge it and, much more importantly, tives elected at the last Diocesan Synod; Dean Anglicans. Being compassionate, apart from acknowledge the person/s mirrored in it. Michael Weeder, Canon Mxolisi Mpambani, anything else, begins with turning the focus Revd Matt Esau, Mrs Pamela Crowley, and away from ourselves so that we may respond We certainly won’t need to go very far from Ms Leanne Moodley. At the time of going to to the often greater need of the other person. where we are before being confronted by the print the 3rd lay representative had not been human cry for understanding and compassion. confirmed from the list of alternates elected. In the very familiar parable recorded in Luke’s gospel the “good Samaritan” recognised the May our reflections and actions this Au- CLERGY APPOINTMENTS: The Parish need of the man overcome by robbers, looked gust lead us to actively respond through- of Wynberg has announced the appoint- beyond the traditions and conventions of the out the year with love and compas- ment of the Revd Ben Aldous from Na- day as well as himself, and so rendered prac- sion wherever and whenever we come tal as Minister-in-Charge of St. John’s tical assistance to the unfortunate victim. He face to face with the needs of others. Church Wynberg as from 1 October. did this because “he had compassion on him”. THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION SUNDAY: I The Archbishop has appointed The Very Jesus of course is our supreme example of one sincerely trust that parishioners of every Revd William Mostert, formerly of this who always considered others before himself parish are ready and geared up to partici- diocese and presently Dean of the High- and acted with deep and genuine compassion pate in this Provincial event on SUNDAY 18 veld, as the new Provincial Executive Of- in response to all human need and suffering. AUGUST and that our diocese will make a ficer at Bishopscourt as from October 2013. significant response to the appeal for EVERY With so many desperate and despairing peo- Anglican to contribute at least R10 towards CONDOLENCES: We give thanks for all ple and situations around us daily, the field the future training of clergy and lay persons those who have died recently and continue seems wide open for us to “be compassionate”.
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