, , . " rt -, 'ting Serving the State The Weather :. ;Colt, pro. Iilury sci. University of Iowa PariI, ....., .... wanD· r Y wll\ re, U &oU,. billa ,. &he ~ ressors of Campus and Partl, el.wI, toaJP&. cUes :It a Tomerrow ,..,u, e••• I1 .. Cbicallo Iowa City e·- Dot .ucla dlure til WID- > i :i1tb ar~y penlara. together Icwo City, lowo, Tuo,day, November 23, 1954 s from 11 CH ~/thon S'worn As Governor; MIS Beardsley Rites We.dnesday Vish'"insky, 70, Soviet Delegate:', DES MOINES (iP) - The gov­ ernorship of Iowa changed swift­ ly '",onday, a few hours alter Oo,v. William S. Beardsley was killed In a tratIic ~dent near Des Moines. Lt. Gov. Leo Elthon, 56, farm­ tria To I '1J.'~• Dies Of Heart AttacN• : to er and quarry operator near ,. hrtUe, was sworn in as the state's 32d chief executive in the B8: Last t ( ch first of a series or rapid develop­ Spen~ . ,r lIlents. ,iThe sudden death or Gover­ l8: Hour's Woli ~ 8 nor ~ardsley has saddened me and all of Iowa," Elthon said after becoming governor and be­ lore taking up his new duties. On' Atom Tall ~ FllIIeftl SenloN BJ WJ.LLLUl L. aYAH Members of the Beardsley NEW YORK (.4» - Andrei Y. tDAY VIshinsky died of a hearl attaCJt, family announced that funeral • WASJUNGTQN (.4') - The services foe the 53-year-old chief Monday while preparing one of Supreme Court decided Monda1 the most important debates In ' executive will be held at the to walt until It has fuLl mem­ Methodist chureh in their home a his career as the Soviet Union's town of New Virginia at 2:30 p.m. bership of nine ju tices before leading orator. 'HIs bllsterin~ hearing argumenIs on how and voice and 'brilLIant mind had lift.­ Wednesday. Burial will be in the when to end segre,ation in pub­ cemetery of the community ed him from the role of ob!ICUN where Beardsley had an interest lic schools. burea\lcrat to world tame in tb~ in II drug store and near which Arguments scheduled to begin East-West cold war. he operated a 9OO-acre, 'farm. Dec. 8 were called orr "in vl~w Vishinsky was 70. He died at The family had not yet. select­ of the absence of a full court!' 8:30 a.m. CST, the Soviet dele­ A vacancy was C'J eate.d by ~pe gation to the U.N. announc¢, I ' ed the. aellve and honorary pall­ bearers, and an honor guard of death ot Justice ROQert H. Jack­ at its headquar~ on Park ave­ son Oct. 9. President Eisenhower nue here. lie had collapSed ear­ National Guard officers for the (AP• WI •• , ...,.) tuneral. has named Judge John Marshall lier, atter attendln, a dinner ONE OF THE LA T plctur~ taken of Gov. William . ~ardale1, Harlan of the U.S. Court ot Ap­ given Sunday nlaht by the . Kaacber's Statement killed Sunday evening In a ear-truok collJsion near D~s Moines, peals In New York to rill ~ French delegation. ., SUI President Virgil M. Han­ is this one taken Friday and Intended for release Monday. Gov­ vacapcy but the Sendle wl1l qot "No Man of U.N. RTIl ernor Bea.rdslcy Is shown slgnJn&" a "roclamation narnJnr Nov. 25- cher said Monday concerning act on the nomination be~dre He was the Soviet Union's ~ards1ey's death: Dec. 2 as Muscular Dystrophy week In Iowa. In wheelchair II January. 1irst deputy fore1tn minister, ahoeldoJ that John Wyatt, 8, Des Moines, a muscular dystrophy patient. Des The cOOTt has no new date for with permanent assltnment as '<u is' ~rnor Moines firemen are: leU to rlrM, Lyle Cas, ecretary-t.reuurer IkUdIleJ', who had made many the argument. This wlJl be done chief delegate <to the U.N. He of the Iowa Assoeiatlon of Fire Fighters, and John C. Connors, )lieu • .- II&fe cODdUlons on our after the ninth justice takes his had spent some 01 his last WOlk­ president or the Des Moines As oclatlon of Fire Flchters. Firemen Jdcbwan, Ibould be hi_if the place on the bench. Ing hours 'leWng ready lor a re­ 10 all over the nation will pIck Il P muscular dystrophy donations ~m of a bla'bwa.y accident., durlox the special week. In a unanimous decision Jast newal or the debate on the '.file lJDlnl'llb ;loins In mournlnJ May 17, the court ruled that ,ell­ atoms-for-peace plan with which fer 11k 'raafc and untimely death. regation In public schools ls up­ President Eisenhower challenged a.venatr 8ea.rdsley had ,",ven ters were with their moU1er. constltu lIon fll. , The deci81~n, the Soviet Union to prove Its IIWlJ ,),eat'll of public service to They are Mrs. Doyle E. Stickel, Cash, Walch Stolen however, le!l unanswered; pend­ peaceful Intentions to the world. JaIlJ t&a&e, and. was .tlll young whose !husband operates the II further arguments~ the !Ques­ (AP Wire ....'.) The debate was postponed, liS look forward to fur- "MEMBER OF. THE UNITED NATIONS Jeneral a ..embly ltand for a minuie ot silent. tribute to An­ uftch" to family drug store in the 350- tion of how and wh~n dese&re,:l- were all other U.N. sessions ex­ 1bIr' aq'ii~ to both s~ and na­ From 4Fraternities tIon must be carried out. • drei Y. VishlnskJ, RlLllla'sl1nl depu'y forelm mlolll~r. VI hlnsky cUed Monday ai the Soviet dele­ cept a meeting of tribute to the ,TS SOC .... Our .7mpathy roes out ·to ,population town of New Virginia, In otl1er cases today, the court cation headquartel'll on Park Avenue In New York. He was Dearloa- his 'nst blrihday. colleague known as the "no" Mrs. ..,rdlley and her family in and Dan, a junior veterinary More than $100 in cash and a said federal and state legisla­ man of the U.N. liIeir ,nat loa.. " medicine student at. Iawa State. $100 wrist watch were taken tures halle almos~ unlimited The Soviet delegation said Vi­ r E1&1i.on ,lUuell P,roelamaUon The other daughler, Mrs. Hen- [rom bedrooms at four SUI fra­ powers to order ' redevelopment Mendes Asks shinsky was attended by a Rus­ ~ 'E1th9n issu~ a proclamation ry F. Schieg, Appleton, Wis., and ternity houses early Sunday ot slum areasr' and reIused to Divort;e' Talk 'Auditor Sulek sian physician - In common dlreot1h8 ~at "to 'commemorate the other son, Blaine, of Hills­ morning while the occupants pass on ,vallditr 01 an. Alabama with the Soviet. custom 01 shun­ END his (Beardsley's) devotion to the 'boro, Ore., were e~pected to ar­ slept, police said. law making marriage of a Ne­ For ning Weatern contacts except serv~ l:<?t ··this state anq its citi- rive in Des Moines late Monday. gro and a white person a erlme. By.Sheppard, Meeting when necessary. A funeral an­ , Fraternities burglarized were Diesai 80; ~ns, tUB' hlillI respect for ' hls ot_ Served In Iowa Senate nouncement fs expected later. :. t!ee..~and' hft!'fideli~y ,to the obli-: Beardsley ha~ served two Pi Ka:PP3 Alpha, Siemfl Cl1i, Sig- (JHANGI: CONCERt' DATE N.Y. Pollee " ..... ,.tio .' utereo'/" the governor's four-year t~rms In. the st<;lte sen­ rna Nu and Sigtna Phi Epsilon. .The UtUver$li,y Symphony 0 .... WItness Says ROte F°d 01 Big Four New York, police were called, ottl<:e:'.;remaln' ope'n • Tuesdll.jl ate, and one term in the Iowa The ' burglar a~parenUy en- ch~stra's con c ,r, 011$ln311y UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (iP) and Lt. John !McCarthY was ad­ atteinOO~.' . house. He won the Republican tered through the unlocked front seheduleq fQr Wec!nesday, Oec. I, sc~~~e~':[fied ~n:~~ I S n ay mitted to a room where 'VI,Mn­ -Premier Pierre Mendes-France " 'l.'M ,' ~, 1 wm lie \n lit~tebe- ' nomination tor gover~or in 1948. doors of the hO\lses, police said. will ~ held Tbursday, Dec. 2 at Dr. Samuel H. Sheppard sp6ke WllJlam L. Kanak, assistant sky lay fully olothed' on a 'Wd. ([d/! , Uie. dUet executive's desk He was re-eleteed m 1950 and Locks were picked on lbedroom 8 'P.m. In the iowa Memorial Ul1- ~wlct within three years of di- auditor to Edward Sulek tor 38 Monday suggestcd a Big Four The Soviet delegation announced f~mt. 2:( 10, \4 p.~' ; , after which 1952, .but did not seek any office doors tn two of the houses. Ion. The concert date was vorci", his slain wife, Marilyn. years, was sworn Itt as Johnson conference on out.standing prob­ he died of an acute stenocar­ .iJ,Iere ,.will.~ a brief . service in th.is year. Beardsle! was a m.em- Detective Harland Sprinkle changed beeaus~ of the conflict The osteopath is on trial tor her county auditor at 11 a.m. Mon­ lems - but only after the West- diac attack. This I. angina pec" th~ ,.tatej{buse corridor. ,ber of the executIve commIttee said Monday that the break-ins :wIth Iowa's opening basketball murder July 4. day tolloy/illl the death ot Sulek ern European nations and the t()'ris, a sutJocation of the heart. , , ..~ .. , 8;"'~6use ' {)lOlled vi the ~ational Conference of may have been made by 1he game with th'e Upiversity ot On the second occasion, said at 7;10 ·a.m. iMonday. Speculation began Im.medlate­ T1i~ statehouse and surround- Govern?IS, a member of t~e young man 'Who ,broke into the Washintgon ot St. Lows, sched­ Dr. Lesler Hoversten, he warned Kanak was elected auditor in United States have ratlJied the lyon Vishlnsky',s successor.
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