2019 Global benefits financing matrix and poolable coverages Complete listing of the eight global benefits networks and their affiliated insurers across 200 countries 2019 Global benefits financing matrix and poolable coverages Zurich Global AIG Global Allianz Global Swiss Life Country Generali GEB IGP Insurope Maxis GBN Employee Benefits Network Benefits Global Solutions Solutions Number of countries and territory members 105 98 125 67 78 115 78 131 Afghanistan None None None None None None None None SIGAL Life UNIQA Albania None None None None Group Austria Life, None None None Albania (L,A,D) AXA Assurances Salama, Globus Algeria None None Macir Vie None None None Algérie Vie SPA Networks Andorra None None None None None None None Zurich Spain Universal Seguros, GA Angola Seguros Angola None None None None None None Globus Network (L,A,D) (L,D,A,M) Pan-American Life Pan-American Life Pan-American Life Insurance Company Insurance Company of Insurance Company of Antigua and Barbuda None None None Sagicor Life (L,A,D,M) None of the Eastern the Eastern Caribbean the Eastern Caribbean Caribbean (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) Allianz Argentina HSBC Seguros Galicia Vida Prudential Seguros La Caja de Seguros Argentina Compañía de Seguros SMG LIFE (L,A,D) de Vida Argentina MetLife Argentina Compañía de Zurich (L,A,D) S.A. (L,A,D) (L,A,D) S.A. (L,A,D) Seguros (L,A,D) Alfastrakhovanie Armenia None Ingo Armenia (A,M) None None None None None (L,A,D) Pan-American Life Pan-American Life Pan-American Life Insurance Company Insurance Company of Aruba None None None Sagicor Life (L,A,D,M) Insurance Company of None of the Eastern the Eastern Caribbean Aruba V.B.A. (L,A,D,M) Caribbean (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) Allianz Australia MetLife Insurance Australia None Insurance Ltd/AIA Comminsure AMP Life Limited (L,D) AMP (L,D) Hannover Life (L,D) AIA (L,A,D) Limited (L,D) (L,A,D) ERGO Versicherung Allianz Elementar Generali (in association UNIQA Österreich Wiener Städtische/ Zuerich Versicherungs- Gothaer Lebensversicherungs/ UNIQA Insurance Austria Versicherung with BONUS Versicherungen Vienna Insurance Aktiengesellschaft Lebensversicherung Allianz Elementar Group (L,A,D,P) (L,A,D,M) Pensionskassen) (L,A,D,M) Group (L,A,D,M,P) (L,A,D) Versicherungs (L,A,D,P) (L,D,P) Poolable coverages: L = Life A = Accident D = Disability M = Medical P = Pension Copyright © 2019 by Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved in all countries. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission of the publisher. Information current as of January 2019. This matrix represents only those insurers that are able to issue locally admitted/authorized contracts in each country. Sources include information provided by the networks and network website geographical listing. 1 willistowerswatson.com 2019 Global benefits financing matrix and poolable coverages Zurich Global AIG Global Allianz Global Swiss Life Country Generali GEB IGP Insurope Maxis GBN Employee Benefits Network Benefits Global Solutions Solutions Number of countries and territory members 105 98 125 67 78 115 78 131 Ateshgah Life Alfastrakhovanie Azerbaijan Interteach Corporation Insurance/Ateshgah None None None None None (L,A,D) Insurance (L,A,D,M) Generali Worldwide Bahamas None None None None None None None (L,A,D,M) Bahrain National Life MetLife Bahrain/AXA Zurich International Life Bahrain None None None None Arabia Insurance (L,A,D,M) Gulf Bahrain (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D) Bangladesh None None None None None MetLife Bangladesh None None Pan American Life Pan American Life Pan American Life Sagicor Life Barbados Insurance Group None None None Insurance Group None Insurance Group (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) Belarus None None Ingosstrakh Belarus None None None None None Allianz Benelux S.A. Generali Belgium AG Insurance AG Insurance Belgium Vivium (L,A,D,P) AXA Belgium (L,A,D,M) NN Goup Vivium (L,A,D) (L,A,D,M,P) (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M,P) (L,D,M,P) Atlantic Insurance Atlantic Insurance Sagicor Life Belize None None None None None (L,A,D) (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) L'Africaine des Allianz Bénin Saham Assurance SUNU Assurances Benin NSIA None None None Assurances, Vie, Assurances (L,A,D) Vie Bénin (L,A,D, M) Globus Network Bermuda Life Bermuda None None None None None None None Insurance (L,A,D,M) Bhutan None None None None None None None None La Boliviana Ciacruz Bolivia None None None None None None None Seguros (L,A,D) Pan-American Life Pan-American Life Pan-American Life Insurance Company Insurance Company Insurance Company Bonaire of Curacao and None None None None None of Curacao and St. of Curacao and St. St. Maarten, N.V. Maarten, N.V. (L,A,D,M) Maarten, N.V. (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) Bosnia and Zavarovalnica Uniqa Osiguranje None None None None None None Herzegovina Triglav (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D) Poolable coverages: L = Life A = Accident D = Disability M = Medical P = Pension Copyright © 2019 by Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved in all countries. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission of the publisher. Information current as of January 2019. This matrix represents only those insurers that are able to issue locally admitted/authorized contracts in each country. Sources include information provided by the networks and network website geographical listing. 2 willistowerswatson.com 2019 Global benefits financing matrix and poolable coverages Zurich Global AIG Global Allianz Global Swiss Life Country Generali GEB IGP Insurope Maxis GBN Employee Benefits Network Benefits Global Solutions Solutions Number of countries and territory members 105 98 125 67 78 115 78 131 Metropolitan Life Botswana None MMI International Hollard Life (L,A,D) None None None None Botswana Generali Brasil Chubb do Brazil Allianz Seguros/ MAPFRE Vida SA Care Plus (M)/ICATU Icatu Seguros Zurich Minas Brasil Brazil Seguros (L,A,D)/ MetLife Brasil (L,D) (L,A, D) Allianz Saúde (L,A,D) Seguros (L,A,D) (L,A,D) Seguros (L,A,D) Sul America Saúde National Insurance Tokio Marine Life Brunei None Company Berhad/AIA None None None Insurance Singapore Ltd None AIA (L,A,D,M) (L,A,M) (L,A,D,M) Bulstrad Life Vienna Generali Insurance Uniqa Insurance Bulgaria NN Bulgaria (L,A,D) Allianz Bulgaria Life None MetLife Bulgaria (L,A,D) None Insurance Group (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D) (L,A,D,M) Allianz Burkina Saham Assurance SUNU Assurances IARD Burkina Faso None Assurances/Allianz None None None Sonar, Globus Network Vie (L,A,D) Burkina Faso (L,A,D, M) Burkina Assurances Vie Bicor, Globus Network Burundi None None None None None None None (L,A,D,M) Garantia, Globus Cabo Verde None None None None None None None Network (L,A,M) Cambodia None None Generali Life (L,A,D) Manulife Cambodia None None None None Allianz Cameroun AXA Assurances Assurances/Allianz Saham Life Insurance Cameroun (A,M)/SUNU Cameroon NSIA None None None Activa, Globus Network Cameroun Assurances Cameroon (L,A,D) Assurances IARD Vie, Branch Cameroun (L,D) Manulife Financial Manufacturers Life Desjardins Financial Industrial Alliance Manulife Financial SSQ Insurance Co. Sun Life Financial Corporation – Great West Life Canada Insurance Company Security Life Assurance Insurance & Financial (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) Canadian Division (L,D,M) (L,D) Company (L,A,D,M) Services (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) Pan American Life Pan American Life Pan American Life Generali Worldwide Cayman Islands Insurance Group None None Sagicor Life Insurance Group None Insurance Group (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) Poolable coverages: L = Life A = Accident D = Disability M = Medical P = Pension Copyright © 2019 by Willis Towers Watson. All rights reserved in all countries. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission of the publisher. Information current as of January 2019. This matrix represents only those insurers that are able to issue locally admitted/authorized contracts in each country. Sources include information provided by the networks and network website geographical listing. 3 willistowerswatson.com 2019 Global benefits financing matrix and poolable coverages Zurich Global AIG Global Allianz Global Swiss Life Country Generali GEB IGP Insurope Maxis GBN Employee Benefits Network Benefits Global Solutions Solutions Number of countries and territory members 105 98 125 67 78 115 78 131 Allianz Centrafrique Central African Assurances/ SUNU Assurances IARD None None None None None None Republic (CAR) Allianz Centrafrique Centrafrique (L,A,D,M) Assurances Vie/ Chad None None None None None None None SAAR, Globus Network Compañía de MAPFRE Compañía BICE Vida Compañía Chilena Consolidada MetLife Chile Seguros Vida Security Chile HDI Seguros None Seguros de Vida de Seguros de Vida de de Seguros Seguros de Vida de Vida S.A. (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) SURA (L,A,D,M) Chile (L,D) (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) Taiping Pension Ping An Annuity Ping An Life/Ping An China Life Insurance Allianz China Life Generali China Life Company (L,A,D,M)/ Insurance (L,A,D,M)/ ICBC AXA Life Health/China Life/ China AIA (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) Insurance Insurance (L,A,D,M) Manulife-Sinochem Ping An Health Insurance (L,A,D,M) China Pacific Life Life (L,A,D,M) Insurance (L,A,D,M) Insurance (L,A,D,M) Pan American Life Allianz Seguros de Vida HDI Seguros de Vida MAPFRE Seguros MetLife Colombia Seguros Bolivar Seguros Bolivar Colombia Insurance Group None (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) de Colombia (L,A,M,D) Seguros de Vida (L,A,D) (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) (L,A,D,M) Comoros None None None None None None None None Pan-American Life MAPFRE Seguros Pan-American Life Pan-American Life ASSA Compañía de ASSA Compañía de MAPFRE Seguros Costa Rica Insurance de Costa Costa Rica, S.A.
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