EARL WEISBAUM* BIBLIOGRAPHY Pacific Rim Legal Bibliography: A Guide to Legal Information Sourcest The information contained herein was initially prepared for business librarians. With the encouragement of the editor of this Journal, Professor Robert E. Lutz, it was recast into a bibliographic guide for use by the legal practitioner. Although highly selective and not comprehensive, this bibliography can be a guide to the legal literature of, and research in, the Pacific Rim area. The term "Pacific Rim" is a relatively new expression. Related terms are "Pa- cific Basin," "Pacific Community," "Asia-Pacific Region," "Pacific Economy," and "Asian-Pacific Economic Community." No doubt, there will be other such expressions in the future. These terms are based upon geographical, political and economic concepts. If one were to apply geographical concepts only, the "Pacific Rim" or "Pacific Basin" could be defined as those nations and territories with Pacific Ocean bor- ders. Other definitions limit these terms to market-economy countries only or to market-economy countries plus "Communist" China. Another writer has sug- gested vagueness of definition is, at least for a while, preferable to a rigid definition. "I would encourage a kind of creative ambiguity in our use of [the term] 'Pacific Community' . ." (Statement of Everett Kleinjans, in The Pacific Community Idea, at 106, cited infra). In a paper prepared for the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations by the Library of Congress Congressional Research Service, Peter A. Drysdale and Hugh Patrick defined the concept as follows: Alternative geographic, political and economic definitions of the Asia-Pacific region are possible, depending upon the purposes of definition and criteria of selection. One way to classify the various components of the Asian-Pacific econ- omy most broadly defined is in the following categories: I. The fourteen major Pacific Basin market-oriented economies: (a) The five advanced countries: the United States, Japan, Australia, Can- ada, and New Zealand. (b) The five ASEAN nations: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Sin- gapore, and Thailand. *Foreign and International Law Librarian, Los Angeles County Law Library. tThis bibliographic guide is an expanded and edited version of a presentation made at the Workshop on Information for Business: The Pacific Rim Countries, sponsored by the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Special Librarians Association, Business and Finance Division, April 1986 in Seattle, Washington. 1402 THE INTERNATIONAL LAWYER (c) The three Northeast Asian developing economies: South Korea, Tai- wan, and Hong Kong. (d) Papua New Guinea and the small South West Pacific states as a group (the countries of the South Pacific Bureau for Economic Cooperation ex- cluding Australia and New Zealand). 2. The South Asian nations: Bangladesh, Burma, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. 3. The Latin American Pacific nations: Mexico, the Central American states, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, and in terms of economic interaction, Brazil. 4. The Communist nations: China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, North Korea, and the Soviet Union. (An Asian-Pacific Regional Economic Organization: An Exploratory Concept, at 21-22, cited infra). The theoretical or geo-political background of the "Pacific Rim" concepts can be found in three U.S. Congressional documents. Each title has its SUDOC number (i.e., the Superintendent of Documents number at the end of each citation): The Pacific Community Idea: Hearings before the Subcomm. on Asian and Pacific Affairs of the House Comm. on Foreign Affairs, 96th Cong., 1st Sess., July 18; Oct. 23 and 31, 1979. (Y4.F76/1 : P11/2) An Asian-Pacific Regional Economic Organization:An Exploratory Concept Paper:Prepared for the Sen. Comm. on ForeignRelations, by the Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, July 1979. (Y4.F76/2 : As 4/21) Pacific Region Interdependencies: A Compendium of Papers Submitted to the Joint Economic Comm. of Congress, June 15, 1981. (Y4.Ec7 : PI 1) The items contained in this bibliography are only a tiny fraction of published materials. Each country in the Pacific Rim has its own legal literature and legal bibliographic tools. There is no attempt to be more than pragmatic, citing titles that I have found to be useful in my work as the Foreign and International Law Librarian at the Los Angeles County Law Library. Your own local law libraries can assist you in locating much other useful materials. There are two works that are essential research tools in the general area of international law and in the specific area of treaty research. They are: J. W. WILLIAMS, Research Tips in International Law, J. INT'L L. AND ECON. 1-32 (1981). (K3.J82.) Accompanying the Williams article are extensive "Bibliographic Notes," at pp. 32-321. This is really a "must" item. Also, note that the name of the journal is now THE GEORGE WASHINGTON JOURNAL OF LAW AND ECONOMICS. A different and much abbreviated version of the Williams article is available at Williams, Undertaking Effective Research in International Law, 17 INT'L LAW. 381 (1983). A. SPRUDZS, TREATY SOURCES IN LEGAL AND POLITICAL RESEARCH: TOOLS, TECHNIQUES, AND PROBLEMS, THE CONVENTIONAL AND THE NEW (1971) (Pub- lished in Tucson, by the University of Arizona Press) (KJ221.S7.RESf). This 63-page booklet is the best guide to researching treaties. Mr. Sprudzs is the Foreign Law Librarian at the University of Chicago School of Law. The bibliographic materials and research sources are arranged under the following categories: general reference, directories, monographs, periodicals, and organizations. I. GENERAL REFERENCE Standard reference sources, such as dictionaries, atlases, encyclopedias, po- litical handbooks, etc., are generally necessary in any reference collection. The titles listed here are merely suggestive of this type of material. VOL. 20, NO. 4 PACIFIC RIM 1403 D. Bennett, Locating Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders-A Guide to Sources, 5 LEGAL REFERENCE SERVICES Q. 177 (Nos. 2/3, Summer/Fall 1985). (KB15.Al2L49) A useful article on the subject. A.P. BLAUSTEIN, CONSTITUTIONS OF THE COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD. (Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications. A loose-leaf, multi-volume set that contains English-language versions of national constitutions. About 20 vols.) (KI.B62.REFf). (There is a related publication dealing with "Dependencies.") F.A. BUTTRESS, WORLD GUIDE TO ABBREVIATIONS OF ORGANIZATIONS. (4th ed., 1971). London, Leonard Hill (An Intertext Publisher). (K13.Z9B9.REFf) E.M. CAMPBELL, LEGAL RESEARCH: MATERIALS AND METHODS. (Sydney, Law Book Co., 1979). (KHI9.C2.Ref) W.A. DELPHOS, WASHINGTON'S BEST SECRETS: A. U.S. GOVERNMENT GUIDE TO INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. (N.Y., John Wiley and Sons, 1983). (KB 125.F9D36.Ref) THE EUROPA YEARBOOK: 1985: A WORLD SURVEY. 2 v. (London, Europa Pub- lications Limited, 1985). (KE 1 .2.E8.REFf) THE FAR EAST AND AUSTRALIA: 1984-85. (London, Europa Publications Lim- ited, 1984). (KFI1.F22.REFf) FOREIGN COMMERCE HANDBOOK. 17th ed. (Washington, D.C., Chamber of Commerce of the United States, 1981). (KB125.F9F8.Ref) ($10.00) FOREIGN GOVERNMENT OFFICES IN CALIFORNIA: A DIRECTORY, 3d. ed. (Clare- mont, CA., California Institute of Public Affairs, 1985). (K16.C1359.1985.REFf) GLOSSAIRE D'ABREVIATIONS MULTILINGUE. (Luxembourg, Office des publica- tions officielles des Communautees europeennes). (K 13.Z9C75.1985.REFf) INDEX TO FOREIGN LEGAL PERIODICALS. (General Editor: Thomas H. Rey- nolds, The Law Library, Boalt Hall, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720). (K2.141.Ref) THE INTERNATIONAL YEARBOOK AND STATESMAN'S WHO'S WHO, 33rd. ed., 1985. (East Grinstead, West Sussex, England, Information Services Ltd., 1985). (K5.17.REFf) INVESTING, LICENSING AND TRADING CONDITIONS ABROAD. (I.L.T.). (N.Y., Business International Corporation. A 3-vol. loose-leaf service. $1,075.-). (K49.Z9B8.REFf) M.B. Line, Access to Resources: The International Dimension, 30 LIBR. RE- SOURCES AND TECHNICAL SERV. 4 (No. I, Jan.-Mar., 1986). (K666.A1L7) J. MANION, A RESEARCH GUIDE TO CONGRESS: HOW TO MAKE CONGRESS WORK FOR YOU. (KB28.M36.Ref) (Prepared for the Private Law Librarians' Special Interest Section, Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C. 1985). G.W. MILLER, RESEARCHING TREATY INFORMATION: An Annotated Guide to Key Reference Sources, 25 R Q 204 (No. 2, Winter 1985) (K666.R3812.R12.). D.L. SMITH, THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO CITING GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS: A MANUAL FOR WRITERS AND LIBRARIANS. (Bethesda, MD, Congressional Information Services, Inc., 1984. 142 p. $12.95). (K14.3.G23.Ref) THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 122nd. ed., 1985-86. (Edited by John Paxton). N.Y., St. Martin's Press, (1985). (K5.S79.RESf) (A "must" item). FALL 1986 1404 THE INTERNATIONAL LAWYER TREATIES IN FORCE: A LIST OF TREATIES AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL AGREE- MENTS OF THE UNITED STATES IN FORCE ON JANUARY 1, 1985. (KJ 186.U52.1964.RESf) (In effect, this is the INDEX to U.S. treaties in force on the first day of the year. Issued annually. A must!!) I1. DIRECTORIES AUSTRALIAN LEGAL DIRECTORY. (Published by Australian Document Exchange Pty. Limited for the Law Council of Australia. Distributed by Butterworths). (K16.5A94.Ref) THE CANADIAN LAW LIST. (Aurora, Ontario L4G-3S9, Canada). (K16.5.C3Ref) DIRECTORY OF LAW LIBRARIES-1986. (Chicago, American Association of Law Libraries, 1986). (K16.L42.Ref) DIRECTORY OF NATIONAL, REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIA- TIONS. (Int'l Bar Ass'n, London (2 Harwood Place, Hanover Square, London WIR 9HB), 1986). (K15.1546.1985a.REFf) THE INTERNATIONAL LAW LIST. (London, Kime's International Law Directory Limited). (K15.156.RESf) KIME'S INTERNATIONAL LAW DIRECTORY. (London, Kime's International Law Directory Limited). (K15.K55.RESf) THE LEGAL PROFESSION DIRECTORY OF SINGAPORE 1984. (Edited by Catherine T.S. Kian. Singapore, Carlton (PTE) Ltd., 1984). (K17.S6L49.REFf) MARTINDALE-HUBBELL LAW DIRECTORY. (Summit, N.J. 07901. Covers all of U.S. and many foreign countries. Vol. VII contains the "Law Digest" of many foreign countries). (K15.M32.Ref) WORLD DIRECTORY OF CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE, 1984-1985. (Paris, Interna- tional Chamber of Commerce, 1985) (Publication No.
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