ANNUAL REPORT|2016 2 CRISP ANNUAL REPORT 2016 1 SUMMARY CRISP, the Centre for Research-based Innovation in Sustainable fish capture and Processing technology, started its research activities in April 2011. Since its launch, the consortium has consisted of four industry partners (Kongsberg Maritime AS, Simrad; Scantrol Deep Vision AS; the Egersund Group AS; Nergård Havfiske AS), four research partners (the Institute of Marine Research; Nofima AS; the University of Bergen; the University of Tromsø), and two sponsors (Norges Råfisklag; Norges Sildesalgslag). In this sixth CRISP year, the process of and improved fishery sonars which can the geometry of the purse seine and the developing new knowledge, new fishing quantify the volume of a school prior to behaviour of the catch during capture. gears and instruments for the fishing fleet shooting the purse seine, and high defini- Improved catch characterisation will as important tools for making the trawl tion echo sounders which may accurately enable fishermen to optimise harvesting and purse seine fisheries more sustaina- measure the fish size. Calibration pro- strategies to maximise the value of limi- ble has continued. These achievements tocols for fishery sonars and methods for ted vessel quotas, while improving the have only been possible because of ex- correct volume estimation are now finali- sustainability of the fishery by helping to tensive cooperation between the centre’s zed. In 2016, the major work has been to avoid taking unwanted catches. In 2016, industry partners and research institutes. study the extremely variable backscatte- we focused on four topics: 1) using in- ring of fish when observed from the side, tegrated instruments to better describe The research of the Centre is organized which has been shown to be the major the behaviour of mackerel in response to in six scientific work packages (WPs): source of uncertainty in biomass estima- capture related stressors; 2) developing tion of schooling fish. a platform for deploying instruments to WP1: Both the fishing industry and re- monitor the behaviour of the catch in re- search institutes need more accurate WP2: Purse seine fishermen need tools lation to key environmental parameters density and abundance measurements of to improve their control over the capture (e.g. dissolved oxygen concentration); schooling fish species than what is possi- process, including better characterisa- 3) further testing of the “In-seine” sonar ble with current instrumentation. Simrad tion of the catch before they shoot their technology for catch control; and 4) mo- collaborates with IMR to develop new nets, as well as being able to monitor nitoring purse seine geometry and per- CRISP ANNUAL REPORT 2016 3 formance using sonar and transponder and operation of trawl gears that might a significant selection process is going technology. achieve such objectives. Development of on while buffer towing in upper water adjustable trawl doors have been one fo- layers. The survival of these escapees is WP3: Unwanted catches often occur in cus area. Experiments so far have shown questionable. mixed trawl fisheries regulated by quotas that the doors can be maneuvered both for individual species. A major topic for vertically and horizontally, but the aco- WP6: The last work package in CRISP CRISP is therefore to develop interactive ustic communication system between the focuses on how the technological im- methods capable of actively releasing un- vessel and the trawl doors is currently too provements developed in the other work wanted catch from trawls based on early unreliable to be applied commercially. packages will contribute to value adding identification of size and species inside Another focus area has been to develop and environmental friendliness among these gears. The Deep Vision system, de- catch regulation systems to avoid exces- trawlers and purse seiners. An overview veloped by Scantrol Deep Vision AS, ta- sively large cod catches. Two different of the modified and developed technolo- kes constant stereo images of all objects systems have been tested. Video observa- gies that have been achieved in CRSIP has passing through the trawl. These images tions showed that after some modificati- been made and updated. A framework for can be used to identify and measure fish ons both systems performed promising, cost-benefit analysis is developed, which inside a trawl, opening opportunities to but the catches in the survey period were is relevant when estimating the potential improve fisheries surveys by employing not sufficiently large to challenge the economic premium of the technological new techniques or providing evaluation systems. improvements achieved. The framework of the trawling methods presently used. In is based on analysis of the economic per- 2016 the focus has been to implement the WP5: The Norwegian fleet of ocean tra- formance of the trawler and purse seine Deep Vision system into IMR’s stock as- wlers has gone through large changes fleets. sessment survey trawling and to develop since the turn of the millennium. Based a down-scaled system for use on-board on the encouraging results from the pre- CRISP staff has taken part in a range of smaller fishing vessels. Deep Vision was vious CRISP-experiments on quality im- dissemination activities during the last awarded first prize for innovation at the provement both in field and in laboratory, year, including lectures about CRISP 2016 Nor-Fishing expo, where the judges Nergård Havfiske AS has contracted a activities in national and international recognized the technology’s potential to new trawler which will be implementing scientific meetings. Nationally, CRISP revolutionize both marine research and results from recent research regarding staff has promoted their results at several commercial fishing. fishing efficiency, optimal product qua- meetings, seminars and fishing exhibiti- lity and improved welfare for the fish as ons arranged by various hosts. WP4: The current trawling practice is well as for the crew. This year several qu- regarded as unsustainable. It may be ality issues during bottom trawling have In 2016 Crisp hosted two Post-docto- harmful to the seabed, have high bycatch been studied. One has been to investigate ral position, six PhD positions and four rates and high fuel consumption that can how prolonged buffer towing, which is Master students. Half of the recruitment affect the environment. The future of commonly used by the Norwegian tra- candidates were females, which is an im- trawling will thus largely depend on the wler fleet, influences filet quality. The portant step towards increasing gender development of trawling techniques that experiments indicate that such practice equality in a formerly male dominant significantly reduce these negative im- has a negative effect on the catch quality. industry. pacts. WP4 addresses the design, rigging In addition, a selection study proved that 4 CRISP ANNUAL REPORT 2016 2 VISION/OBJECTIVES 2.1 Vision The Centre for Research-based Innovation in Sustainable fish capture and Processing technology aims to enhance the position of Norwegian fisheries-related compani- es as leading suppliers of equipment and seafood through the development of sustai- nable trawl and purse seine technology. 2.2 Objectives 1. To develop and implement instrumen 3. To develop methods and instrumen- 5. To develop capture and handling tation to identify species and sizes pri- tation to actively release unwanted practices to optimize quality and thus or to the catching process. bycatch unharmed during trawl and value of captured fish. 2. To develop and implement instrumen- purse seine fishing. 6. To analyze and document the economic tation for commercial fishing to moni- 4. To develop new trawl designs that mini- benefits to the fishing industry resul- tor fish behavior and gear performan- mize the environmental impact on bot- ting from implementation of the new ce during fishing operations. tom habitats and reduce air pollution. technologies developed by the project 3 RESEARCH PLAN/STRATEGY The research plan of the centre includes WP 3. Methods for capture monitoring Each work package is led by one of the six research and one management work and catch control during trawling two research partners along with a coun- package, each of which comprises sever- terpart leader from one of the four indus- al sub-projects. WP 4. Low-environmental impact trawl try partners. Most of the work packages involve one of the research institutes and WP 1. Pre-catch identification of quantity, WP 5. Quality improvement one of the industry partners. Some work size distribution and species composition packages involve more than two partners, WP 6. Value adding and it is a priority to increase cooperati- WP 2. Gear and catch monitoring sys- on among more partners in several of the tems in purse seine WP 7. Management activities work packages. 4 ORGANISATION 4.1 Organisational structure IMR in Bergen is the host institution by and associated with the Centre. Representatives of the University of Ber- and is responsible for the administration Aud Vold of IMR has been appointed gen and University of Tromsø, as well of CRISP. From 2016 CRISP has been director of the Centre from September 1, as Norges Råfisklag (Norwegian Fisher- organized as a project in the Biological 2015. men’s Sales Organization) and Norges Mechanisms Program at IMR. Most IMR The board of the Centre in 2016 was as Sildesalgslag (Norwegian Fishermen’s personnel working in CRISP projects follows:
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