THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’s IT ACCURATELY VOLUME 47, ISSUE 52 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM ‘A district guy’ Rep. Pete Visclosky focuses on fostering economic growth during 28 years in Congress By NICOLE MICHELS was eight years old, his high them,” Visclosky said. “It Northwest, and then gained His desire to study law man- Assistant Managing Editor school guidance counselor broke my heart, I went home acceptance to Notre Dame as ifested during his undergrad- told him he should not apply and never applied. And my a law student. At Notre Dame, uate career, Visclosky said. Editor’s Note: This is the to the University because he father, who is still alive at 97, he was finally able to fulfill “I didn’t decide on law eighth and final story in a se- would not be accepted. Rep. just was furious. Because he his boyhood dream. school until midway through ries featuring Notre Dame and Pete Visclosky (D-IN-1) said said, ‘Let them tell you no, as “I was, at that time, your college,” Visclosky said. Saint Mary’s graduates serving after this experience, he re- opposed to some person who prototypical Catholic who “Looking back on my life, if as members of Congress. This solved to never again allow you have met once in your went to his first Notre Dame you talk to anybody I grew series, titled, “Trading Golden someone else’s opinion di- life.’” football game when he was up with, the would have said Dome for Capitol Dome,” ran minish his belief in himself. eight years old,” Visclosky it was preordained and that on Fridays. “It was, to this day — and ‘You don’t quit’ said. “They played Purdue, it they couldn’t believe I didn’t I am 63 years old — the one Visclosky graduated rained and they lost. I thought think seriously about it until Though he wanted to at- time someone told me I can’t with a B.S. in accounting that was the only place you tend Notre Dame since he do something and I believed from Indiana University would ever go to college.” see VISCLOSKY PAGE 7 University physician Saint Mary’s researches concussions responds to ‘Daily By CHRISTIAN MYERS News Writer Beast’ ranking Boxing experts like to refer to the sport as “the sweet science,” By KELLY KONYA “Their methodology begins but head University Physician Associate Saint Mary’s Editor by isolating institutions that Dr. Jim Moriarty is using the graduate 75 percent or more sport for some real science. Last week, news and opin- of its students in six years or Moriarty said he has been ion website “The Daily Beast” less,” Flowers said. “At Saint studying the effectiveness of posted a list of 20 colleges Mary’s, we are very proud of a variety of concussion diag- with the worst return on in- our high graduation rate. What nostic tests with members of vestment rates, ranking Saint this does in terms of ranking, the Men’s and Women’s Boxing Mary’s as No. 2. however, is limit the number Clubs as research subjects. While many in the College’s of institutions analyzed, as Nate Walker, RecSports club community were surprised the majority of Colleges do not sports program coordina- by this claim, others said the achieve such a high six-year tor and boxing coach, said it piece was simply not true. graduation rate. makes sense for the boxing Saint Mary’s Director of “That’s point No. 1 — a lim- clubs to contribute to a better MICHAEL YU | The Observer Institutional Research Daniel ited universe of institutions Hannah Skrbis, left, throws a punch against Erin Wilson during a Flowers said the ranking is see CONCUSSIONS PAGE 6 Baraka Bouts fight Monday at the Joyce Center. flawed on a number of fronts. see DAILY BEAST PAGE 6 Conference welcomes prison arts practicioners By NICOLE McALEE arts practitioners.” specifically those who study News Writer “The Shakespeare in Prisons Shakespeare’s work, Jackson conference is a gathering of said. The Shakespeare at Notre scholars and prison arts prac- “A lot of what happens with- Dame Program will host titioners really from across the in prison walls is very fraught a Shakespeare in Prisons globe … that explores how the with isolation,” he said. “That Conference, a weekend fo- theatre arts and Shakespeare [isolation] is something we’re cused on the relationships be- specifically help incarcerated trying to break through with tween prisoners and the arts, populations to develop a habil- the conference and create a today and tomorrow in the itation of the heart, mind, body broader support network and Philbin Studio Theatre of The and soul,” Scott Jackson, exec- community for these practitio- Debartolo Performing Arts utive director of Shakespeare ners to utilize in their work and Center. at Notre Dame, said. to open their eyes up to how According to the program’s The goal of the conference people are doing it in other website, it is “one of the world’s is to establish a community SAMMY COUGHLIN | The Observer first major gatherings of prison of prison arts practitioners, see ARTS PAGE 3 NEWS PAGE 3 VIEWPOINT PAGE 8 SCENE PAGE 10 WOMEN’S SOCCER PAGE 20 MEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 20 2 THE OBSERVER | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2013 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUESTION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] ndsmcobserver.com Diet Coke, Coke Zero or Coke? P.O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief Brian Manzo Justin Bartlett Andrew Gastelum Managing Editor Business Manager freshman senior Meghan Thomassen Peter Woo St. Edward’s Hall Morissey Manor Asst. Managing Editor: Matthew DeFranks Asst. Managing Editor: Marisa Iati “Coke.” “Coke.” Asst. Managing Editor: Nicole Michels News Editor: Ann Marie Jakubowski Viewpoint Editor: Dan Brombach Sports Editor: Mike Monaco Scene Editor: Kevin Noonan Saint Mary’s Editor: Kaitlyn Rabach Photo Editor: Grant Tobin Dalton Patterson Meseret Graphics Editor: Steph Wulz Multimedia Editor: Colby Hoyer 2nd year law student 2nd year law student Online Editor: Kevin Song Advertising Manager: Emily Kopetsky off campus off campus Ad Design Manager: Sara Hillstrom Controller: Alex Hirschele “Diet Coke.” “I’m a Pepsi guy.” Systems Administrator: William Heineman Office Manager & General Info Ph: (574) 631-7471 Fax: (574) 631-6927 Advertising (574) 631-6900 [email protected] Eric Thompson Trevor Bonventre Editor-in-Chief sophomore junior (574) 631-4542 [email protected] Alumni Hall Sorin Hall Managing Editor (574) 631-4542 [email protected] “Water.” “Coke.” Assistant Managing Editors (574) 631-4541 [email protected] [email protected], [email protected] Business Office (574) 631-5313 News Desk (574) 631-5323 [email protected] Viewpoint Desk (574) 631-5303 [email protected] Sports Desk (574) 631-4543 [email protected] Scene Desk (574) 631-4540 [email protected] Saint Mary’s Desk [email protected] Photo Desk (574) 631-8767 [email protected] Systems & Web Administrators (574) 631-8839 Policies The Observer is the independent, daily newspaper published in print and online by the students of the University of Notre Dame du Lac and Saint Mary’s College. 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