The Daily Register Monmouth County's Great Home Newspaper VOL. 103 NO. 276 SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, MAY 26,1981 20 CENTS Begin offers to talk peace with Lebanon TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - Prime Minister but could have strayed into Syria. that reporters had inflated. But it was believed Mouchem Begin has ottered to open peace Begin insists that the Israeli air force wUl to be the first time an Israeli authority had talks with Lebanese President Elu» SarUs la knock out the Syrian missiles unless they are claimed Soviet advisers were in Lebanon. Beirut or Jerusalem, Israeli Radio reported. withdrawn from Lebanon so that Israeli recon- The Israeli Army Radio said Israeli sources The radio report said Begin extended the naissance flights can proceed unhindered. Syr- reported Soviet advisers were with the Syrian otter yesterday during a campaign speech in Ian President Hates Assad says he will not bow missile batteries in Lebanon but it was not northern Israel. There were no further details to the Israeli demand. known if they were visiting or attached per- and no indication that the talks Begin was U.S. envoy Philip C. Habib, trying to arrange manently. proposing would involve Syria, whose anti-air- a diplomatic solution to the crisis, was still AP reporter Alex Ef ty, who toured the Bekaa craft missiles installed last month in eastern awaiting a response from Saudi Arabia to a Valley yesterday, found no evidence of Soviet Lebanon have been the focus of the current proposal concerning the Syrian missiles. No personnel. Mideast crisis. details about the proposal have been disclosed. "Russians? We haven't seen any, and those The Soviet-made missiles shot down another Meanwhile Habib met yesterday with former things have been here for nearly a month," said pllotless Israeli reconnaissance plane yester- Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan. a Lebanese shopkeeper in Deir Zelnoun, pointing day. Israel said it was the third plane, all The Soviet news agency Tass denied Begin's to a battery of missiles about 200 yards away. pilotless drones, lost to the Syrian batteries this charge that Soviet advisers were with Syria's "Have you seen any Russians around?" a month, while Syria claimed It was the fifth. 22,000 troops in Lebanon, calling it a "pro- Syrian security officer in Chtaura asked, laugh- A Syrian communique said It was hit as It vocative fabrication." ing, when questioned about the Israeli claims. flew through Syrian air space and the wreckage "There were no Soviet advisers who accom- "Begin is trying to create excuses. Israel has landed near the village of Madaya, sis miles panied the Syrian units into Lebanon, nor are alway boasted how superior it is to the Arabs east Of the Lebanese-Syrian border. The Israeli there any. now," Tass said. militarily. So now, after our missiles have military command said the remote-controlled In a speech Sunday night, Begin said, "Sovi- brought down five of his planes, Begin is trying plane was directed to fly over Lebanon's Bekaa et advisers go with Syrian units into Lebanon." to say this happened only because there are Valley, where the Syrian missiles are in place, Yesterday, he called it "an old piece of news" Russian experts here." BEACH JAM — The Sea Bright public beach, like almost all along the shore, was lammed over the holiday weekend as the summer season opened. The warm weather was Ideal for sun bathing, but few ventured Into the ocean as the water temperature was In the 50s. County honors its war dead Shopping centers also reported heavy crowds and brisk business* ByANDREWSHEEHAN of Monmouth County residents paid tribute to the nation's war dead yesterday Sunny skies bring as several municipalities reported record atten- dance at their annual memorial services and parades. Military men and politicians delivered key- note addresses and the citlienry laid wreaths on throngs to shore the tombstones and memorials of those soldiers who laid down their lives for the country. Long Branch Mayor Henry Cloffl flung a wreath into ByDANBREKN today. Bahrs Restaurant reported that the the ocean off the Long Branch pier in one of Jeanette, a "brand new 150-foot ocean cruiser" three city services to remember the dead. Clotfi Surprisingly, Monmouth County's shopping had docked there for dinner on its way to Maine called for peaceful solutions to world conflict centers had mob scenes yesterday as did the "She's a beauty," Hid a restaurant employee. and a greater awareness for the problems of beaches on what many consider the first day of Gateway National Recreation Area closed those who still suffer from past wan. the summer season. Its parking lots for a half hour yesterday and for "We must pay more attention to the veter- Not so surprisingly, heavy traffic was re- an hour and a half on Sunday doe to the Urge ans, who have served us, and the vestiges of war ported In many municipalities and on the volume of traffic la the park. The rangers that trouble society," Cioffi said. Garden State Parkway, assuring police that reported no unusual circumstances Assemblyman Anthony M. Villane Jr., R- summer indeed has begun, State police reported at • p.m. yesterday that Monmouth, told a gathered parade of scout Susan Hewlett, a spokeswoman at Monmouth traffic waa bumper-to-bumper from Asbury groups in Occanport not to be what Thomas Mall, said she was quite surprised at the huge Park to the Raritan toll plan. By U p.m. the Paine termed "Sunday soldiers and sunshine turnout there, considering the beautiful weath- traffic was reported moderate and moving in patriots." Villane also called for the main- er. the Asbury Park area but still very heavy near tenance of veteran's benefits and a stronger •it ma a slow morning, but it picked up the DriscoU bridge. appreciation for the veterans of past conflicts. around 1 p.m.," she said. "Usually we're Traffic was reported especially heavy down In Freehold, Col. Robert Marcrum set toe praying for rain, but the sales seem to be in Atlantic City, where thousands crammed the tone for one of the borough's largest memorial bringing them In today." casinos in search of a lucky hand, roll or spin. day parades, comprised of 5S units of service Howlett said toe parking lots were almost organisations, high school bands and fire depart- full, and added that the turnout was better than The weekend was not without Its tragedy. A ments from surrounding municipalities. As be anyone had expected. Marlboro woman was one of four persons killed addressed a crowd from the bedboard of a truck A spokesman for Seaview Mall, Ocean in traffic accidents in the state. Rite L. McCue, at Elks Point, Marcrum said the presence of a Towsnhip, also reported large crowds at that 26, of 104 Boundary Road, was killed when her strong military is a deterrent to war. shopping complex car struck a tree in HoweU. "As George Washington said if we desire Large crowds were also reported at the Long Also killed on the state's roads were: peace, one of the strongest institutions of our Branch amusement pier. A spokeswoman for -Ada Arthur, age unknown, of Northtlekt, rising prosperity, is that it must be known at all the Haunted Mansion there said "everybody Is who died when the car her husband was driving times that we are ready for war'," Marcrum ]uat enjoying themselves, taking It easy." collided with a garbage truck in PleesantvUle. quoted. The beaches were crowded at Long Branch, - Joseph MUutka, 20, of Washington Town- Borough Council President Russell Keimig SCOUTS ON PARADE — Boy, Girl and Cub scouts march through Oceanport during that Sea Bright, and other shore municipalities ship, who died Sunday when the car in which be said the parade drew the largest turnout in community's Memorial Day parade yesterday. Traffic was reported heavy In Highlands near was riding struck a tree there. recent years. Keimig joined Keansburg Mayor the Highlands-Sea Bright Bridge, but police said - Todd Smith, 18. of Lincoln Park, who died Walter Parley in expressing amazement at the tie-ups only occurred when the bridge opened. Sunday when a car in which he was a passenger new Interest in the annual parade in both towns. The folks In Highlands got an extra treat struck a utility pole in Wanaq Farley estimated a total crowd of 5,000 peo- Boy found dead in reservoir ple, who lined the Keansburg parade route from Beachway to Manning Place, where a three hour block party ensued. State Senate Speaker and MIDDLETOWN - A lS-year-old boy re- Lincroft Fire Co. searched the surrounding gubernatorial candidate Joseph Merlino joined portedly drowned yesterday when be fell into woods. local and state representatives in mingling the Swimming River Reservoir, Llncroi t, while "The parents thought he was lost at first," through the crowd, aUve with food, drink and washing his hands for dinner. said one of the divers who asked not to be laughter. The body of George Guyner, who witnesses Identified. "We found him about ten feet into "Mr. Merlino came, but there were no said was camping with his family near the the lake in five feet of water." speeches made," Farley said. "We wanted to reservoir on the grounds of the Monmouth The diver said the boy was found almost keep all politics out of the day " Museum and Brookdale Community College, immediately. He was rushed to Riverview Hos- Nearly every municipality set aside time was retrieved from the reservoir at approx- pital, Red Bank, where he was pronounced dead.
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