

File No.Co-OtrPS2/263/20 1 8-Co-Op omt(r)cerco ce@g cjlo)o(TDe or(r)l6cnc(mo" (ruc@g(I)o o6s@ Jl.{Dolsc (oro) q.lc6lo (r)(rud : 3526 20.06.2018- d oq.'rslgi gorocE6(d cer6lrld cacsr6ccqi (ruorr&ao5m m)o.el(oro1(rl (rDd69d (r)(d61(o, 6(oCq6(,i calcolo aqorsl o @1. ei6."0rru: <osruolrncLocd (qo[o(qi]) i"0 po crud6)cd ecercoEojl.d poocqlo,d (^o) De (ru{ad)sd acexo'eojld ec@cq6,d ae$ru6 ca36r6€cd ru.'r)aGsrn |er6rrld aec6r6(9ce' .N.o6.o5m aru..'prooilcrl"O@ (r)ldaoc6m 6ocq€'sl ru""erooll.ri 4oos oJoqo @6cca clgcooi.o rtdooc6m 6(d3q6oa (ncd6lat€618: cro6nt cDddlcotieE{ol "o@ @dqos .o.nflc@d orGloocrn 2016-2017 .)ld.E(llujlcB 343.94 oacsl g"r 9 3 (.loil6sAdr@ 'Ocnlloog' eEe @Kt rJl{A@6rD 6@cq6ui. 2or?-zot8 oJd"e(dlotl(d 245.34 o6csl @.'l p@l o I "6)cBlaog' @.!oruil6o36rc€ xtdcoc6rD a,rdcq60i. 2Ol8-20r9 ord .sloloikd 05.06.20rs ooc) 35r.27 c6cdl @.r "Oeloog' eee 35 ntld@c6m @clJ(!lo1d,oi64 6ocedL6. File No.Co-Op-PS2/263/201 8-Co-Op (6nll d.rB(o .ruo.\etoldjl(rt crudosd cocilcs. (6nn) g.9ccgbd cer5Drd c6c6na(s34 as6rBd oiClc@c .rildcoc6rD d,ocd cru.t.)arosrD rDo.sooil@ (rud6)3d m.ddlatla6rcc' g66nc6,1d go) ccDcill. osainD{E odql. dldaDc6n ru.5Dm.D1C o1lG3c.@" cD(li6'coc? a,G3q€isi cDcd61arl6fl{ 2or6-2ot (d oscd(\r)d .llCl - 61 c(r).dl5'-32 2or7-20r8 (S oscdord orCl -40 d(r}dl{-68 2or8-20r9 (d (5.06.2018) oraa osoE(\Dd orcl -10 (15.06.:018) ()oo ccDdl5 26 oJl(EGoouoo (aF(E6rl]ruacq, c"r66cna, -t. I , File No.Co-Op-PS2/263/2018-Co-Op 1 .: THE URATUNGAT I.ABOUR CONTRACI CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY I.TD NO. 10957 . Lt5] Of P'(OITCI U'{OERTAKEN IROUG}I ITNOER FROM GOVERNM€NTOURING ftIE YiA{ 201617 MOO€ OF 5L E5TIMA'IE NAM€OFWOR(s AMOUNT IR5I AUT}iORITY NO WORK Public WotkDePanmenl - FallitrB pothole3 and provlding strip FOR 2015'15 ATqPWD NH SUb COMPETATIVE 205/500 old NH. 500,@0.0( 1 8t berw€en 194/610ro otNH55 TENDER 17. - Special R€pans lo PWD I El€ction Urgant Urgeni AEE,PWOBuildin3s COMP€TATIVE 2 Rest House Nadapuram - Repanlo Plumblng and 39,303.00 Srrb oivisron, Quilandy. T€NDER of School Suilding fo. ( I lac aDF Conetruction €€.PWD8uildin83 COMPETATIVE highe I 4,S32,66;.OO 3 Kunhirama Kurup memorial tovernment TENOER seconda.yschool Eramala (ozhikdoe I COMPETAIIVI Constrlrctron of crematorium at Chemanchery lo,oor,oro.oo EE,Pwo buildingt TENDER Grama Parchdyath. diviion,Kozhikode OR 2015-t5 ' conslruction ol Footgddgeat EE,NH Divlsion, COMPEIATJVE I (arimbinrp:lam end at Patolipah,n 59?,327.0C (ozhikdoe at im 200/253 i - T€NDiR l-AC Agret development fund Consvuction ol COMPTTAIIVE 168.788.5C Enginaet,PWO 6. Stadrufi at nrrayana nagaram Vatal€E,Ko.hikode i T€NDER €lectrical of buildin8 forlawahadal IJAC ADt Construction tE,PWO Buildingt COMPSTATIVE Nehru Memorial Gove.nment Higher Secondtry 4,93t480.00 divisioh,(ozhlkode , TENDER S{hool Puthupptnam,v.takara. .l redillcation works fiom {cilP - ljrsent road EI,PWD Roadr . COMPETA]IVE 2,293.194.0C I 8 Plrhpa Jun.tiorito Manlaw ionction and from TENOEB junction (alluth.nkadaw. - Karapalirnba to I ijne rim. maintEnance of village road! SE,PWD ] COMPEIATIVT 10,076,332.00 9 /OO8!l/2015-15 Pari -l Va.ioirs .oads in (orlikode Ro:ds&grideg5,Nc, T€NOER t,ta oa.t.6. 11 -- ----.r--:- '---Lr^/^ ^; Construction ofstadium at Narayana NagaEm sE,PWO : COMPEIATIVE 18,038,453.00 10 Vatakara Korhikdoe (PHAS€ tlParta)Curued end tulldingt,Nc,(o.hi*od TCNDER Oevelopm€nt - lAC AOS 2015-16. hfratt.uciure EE,PWo guildings COMP€TATlV€ 5,054,140.00 '11 con3truction of Enttince Elocl'open Theatre and divisioh,(ozhikode TENOER 86ket Sall Colrt to SARBTM governmenl Collegq s€,Pwo One tim€ mainlenam€ofvilla$ ro:ds COMP€IAIIVE Roads&gridges, NC, 72 /oDR3t/2015'16 variou! roads in Kozhilode 9,695,246.00 TTNOER : corcoBtlon in kozhikode Olstricl paclibE€'l Kothi6de Fite No.co-opls2i 263/201 8-co-op ,. village .oads/ODR's lV SE,PWO On€ time maintenance ol COMPETAIIVE to Va.ious roads in 7,754,006.@ Roadr&arid8eJ. North Pan | 2015-1&lmp.ovefi€nls TENDER Onchivam end Arhivur 6rama Panchay.thin ' one tim€ mrini€nan e of villag€ Roads / ODR! lv SE,PWO I part 2015-16 - lmprov€mentt to v:riout roads in COMPETATIVE I 6,952,176.U Roadr&8.id8es, Noilh chekkiadu Tuneti and Kunnummal erama . TENDER Ckcle, (orhitode ppnchevath tn (orhlkode Disvid Paclage 23.. SE,PWO I hprovements to KavilTheekkuni Kuniady Road (m COMP€IATIVE 15 20,970,605 @ Roads&Bridges, Nonh in korhikode Dislric't. TENO€R 15/00 to 1/225 Ci.cl., Korhiko.,€ Constn ction a.d Modification of$eCompound EE,Pwo Buildings COMPETATIV€ 1,199,055.00 waltfor IMCH anach€d to Governm€nl Medical TTNOER aEE,PWD Sulldings' Compl€r Koyilandy' COMPETATIVE Ureent Special Repairt to Court oivBion, t7 287,159-0t sub I Connrudion ofToilet to APP Room. T€NDER one TIme M.intenrnce worl6 lv Part I COMP€TATIVE lmprovementstoVilbge Roads i^ Edacheri and 5,491,435.00 Bridg$, NC, 18 I TENOER PlrameryGrama panchayath in xo?hikode Oistrict' (orhikode I monsoon 2016 - Cleaning roof and Pr€ Work AEE,PWD Euildintt compound ol varioul buildings in the.ampus of COMPETATIVE l9 49,509.00 Sub Dlvhion, Government coll€Ee Madappally in Vataka.z TENDfR (orhlkode oistrm. Malntenanceworl lv. Pan l- Onetime SE PWD Roads & COMPEIATIV€ rmprov.ments to villege aoadt in chorode.Eramala NC, i 20 12,140,670.0C f.idges. ' Grama PaMh.yath and V.takara MunicipalitYin TTNDER Kozhikode District Package 31. AE€,PWD 8uildin85 u€€nt'p€(i6l Repai6lo sub lril vatakara . Repairs COMPEIATIVE 2l 289,460.6 SubOivision, b Compound wallP.iniint etc TENOER ild COMPEIATIVE Replacement of ai.cooditioner.t r€5t hou$ AEE,PwO b! in;s 22 227,?13.6. vatak!ra T€NOTR roof on T€rrace floorot oormilory tI,PWDBuilOingl COMPEIATIVE Providing sheel 1,499,865O0 23 TENDTR Comilex (Under ConstructronllMcH rczhikode Construciion of LAC AOf 2014'lS- {Perambra LAC) EE,PWOSuildings COMPETATIV€ vocatlooal Higher d,99{,949.00 24 bulldint for Gove.nment Oivision, Korhikode. TEND€R Scondrry S.hool MeppaYur For Kozhilode Dittdct. LAC AOS 2015-15 ' Con3iruction of Fi6t and Second €E,P{vo suilding! COMPETATIVE 9,083,829.4E Ftoor of Govt voiational Higher 9econdary School DMrion,Kozhikode T€NOIR aEE,PWO Euildings u.cent sieciat R"pJnt to ruaiciat ofiiceE Quarters COMPEIATIV€ . 144,170.00 26 "sisi€m" Vsllkara Painting and otherrepeir TINDER - 5' File No.Co-Op-FS2/263/2018-Co-Op ). R€paarand Maintemnce Work5 for nOB at COMPETATIVE 21 4,171,386.00 MO,RBDC( (ochi Muzhappilangrd, TTNDER -AC-AOF Construction ot N€w Slod fo. GVHSS €€ PWD, Ele.rrical COMPETATIV€ 28 233,923.00 \,ladappal[ - eledrilication Oivision, l(o2hikode T€NDER ;/f 2016-17 TMPROVEMENTSTO 5H-12 ChiefExecutive COMPETATIVE \I,IEALAPPUZIIA.THIRUVALLA ROAO O/OO TO 595,000,0(b.0c Officer, (aFB, ' TENDER Temporary Strengrh€ning of damaged bridte COMPETATIVE 30 193,104_00 Ithdklili5se.i) at km 3/300 ofgalusJery IENOER Construction of Sullding tor 8i{entlnary Memorial sE,Judical Suildini5 COMPETATIVE 3l 49,505,163.(rc Court Compls( - l(ozhitode - Salance Work. TENOER Ufgenl Redification of lhodannur - ldinchaladavu E€,PwD noadt COMPETAIIVE 799,392-0C Road between (m 1/550 and 1/9@. Oilieidn, kozhikod€ T€NOER WideninS to 2 lane with paved shollderst om km-' 871000 ro 133/720 ro Thanau Jn. h CE, NationalHithwi lNattukal COMPTTATIVT 33 P3lakkad) of NH.955 (Old NH-213) in lhe state ot r,730,521,400.0( TENOER Ker6la on tnSlne€ring, Procuremen! and SLTf 2015-17 - Urgent qT rtatches lo Vellikulinga; - COMPETAIIV€ 34 Onchiyam - Gnnoolkara - Maadakkara Road from 984,117.0C TENOER Km o/om to 5/860 UrSent I T Patches to Orl*atterl- Kunhippally- EE,PWDRo.dsl - COMPETATIVE 35 lronthalkadavu .oad from Kh Vmo b 9|/00. i. 995,124.0C IENOER SITF 201&17- Ur8€nt 8T patch works on Chorod€- EE,PWDRoeds COMPETAIIVE 36 Vrtkilasserv - Orkbneri - Tl|uruthimukku Road 984,297.0C Ovision (ozhikode TENOCR from K.n 0/000 to 6200 and 8/9{o io 10/330 SDecialReD.kr to Internalroad iofronl ofmain EG,PWO8ulldings COMPETA1IVE 965,592.0C buildint of oislrict Cou.r (ozhikode IENO[F SLTF 2016.17- Urgent aT parch€s oo (ol.raduih€ru EE,PWD Roads COMPETA'TIVE 38 .Thartolikkara - l(tnN€k.daw Road lroln (m 894550-0C l oividon,xozhikod6. TENOER 0/000 to 4/600. connrudion ofdamaged p.otection wall near xm AEE,NHSub COMPETATIVE 39 77,792.q 191/0OO of NH-65 TENOER tLTr'2015.17 - Post Monsoonworkt- UGent 8T A€E,PWo. Roads Sub- COMP€TATIV€ 40 ratch !lo,i6 io b€tw€eri km. 1/500 to 4/700 or 352.425.OC IENOER t2ll:.hi-v:l:v:h-ah'thili.pUrh',lzLivim r.rrl Urgent special repriB to vatebra Rest holse AEE PWD sllb Dav COMPETAIIVE 4l 452,322.0C Painting and other repai.s worl TENOER AEE,F'\^/O El€ctric.l COMP€'AIIVE 42 19,273-0( T€NOER File No.Co-Op-ps2/t6sl2ol 8-Co-Op 5!TF 201417 - U€entAT Patcher ro Kayappanrhi EE, PWD Roads COMPETATIVE 43 (unnumchira - Chundayil Purhiyahgadi Soad trom 98!,1r?.m (m 1/200 to 5/000.

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