ffi Province of ~ British Columbia Ministry of Provincial Secretary and Government Services Annual Report 1979 January 1 to December 31,1979 r-fo) '!54·1 ti -e. 'a(,l "'"I\ \'\ 19 c.:. Victoria. B.C .. January 1. 1980 To His Honour the Lieutenant·Governor of the programs under the 1urisd1ct1on of the Deputy Province of British Columbia Prov1nc1al Secretary. foe the 1979 calendar year MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR I have the honour to be. I have the honour. sir, to submit herewith the Sir. report of the Ministry of Provincial Secretary Your most obedient servant. and Government Services. for ministry EVAN M. WOLFE Minister 2 Victoria. B.C.. January 1. 1980 The Honourable Evan M. Wolfe. for which the Deputy Provincial Secretary and Prov1nc1al Secretary and Minister of Deputy Minister or Government Services is Government Services. responsible. for the year ended December 31. 1979. SIR I have the honour 10 submit the annua report ror the programs of the Ministry of Provincial Secretary and Government Services GERALD H. CROSS Deputy Provincial Secretary and Deputy Minister of Government 3 Table of·Co11tents I. Introduction 6 Orders-1n·Counct1 27 Great Seal 27 ~. Government Services 9 The Comptroller"s Olfice 27 Construction and Maintenance D1v1s1on 9 Government House 28 Elections Branch 10 Special Proiects and Protoco! 29 The Legislative Library 10 Indian Advisory Branch 30 Central Microfilm Services 12 Lottery Grants Branch 31 Legislative Tour Program 18 Personnel Services Branch 32 B C. Lotteries Branch 18 Postal Branch 20 -1. Culture, Heritage and Provincial Enquiry Centre 22 Recreation 35 Queen's Printer 23 British Columbia Prov1ncia Museum 35 Robson Square Media Centre 25 Cultural Services 36 Heritage Conservation Branch 40 :J. Administration and Finance 27 Library Services 43 Appeals to the Lieutenant-Governor- Provincial Archives 44 m·Councll 27 Recreation and Fitness 48 Petit10ns of Right 27 :>. Superannuation Branch 51 5 Registering voters and the supervision of provincial elections is of vital importance to Introduction the smooth functioning of our parliamentary The Ministry of Provincial Secretary and democracy. This important function is Government Services is. as its title implies. undertaken by the Elections Branch. primarily concerned with providing administrative and other services to The Legislative Library provides complete government ministries and members of the library reference services to Members of the Legislative Assembly. In 1978, the ministry Legislative Assembly, staff within the public acquired several additional functions that had service, and the public. formerly been administered by the Ministry of The sheer volume of documentation produced Recreation and Conservation. by government and the necessity of As a result of these changes. ministry maintaining complete historical records programs were organized into three basic necessitate the use of microfilm and divisions, each supervised by an microfiche. The prime purpose of the Central assistant deputy minister who reports directly Microfilm Services Branch is to assist other to the Deputy Provincial Secretary. The government ministries in this field. contents of this annual report have been A function of growing significance to the similarly organized to present the goals. organizers of many non·profit cultural and activities. and achievements of ministry recreational groups is the administration of branches during the calendar year 1979. provincial and inter·provinc1al lotteries. The B.C. Lotteries Branch organizes the sale of Government Services tickets, selection of winners and distribution of prizes. The Lottery Grants Branch, organized The Government Services grouping includes a within Administration and Finance. administers diverse range of support functions - the the allocation of funds generated by the Construction and Maintenance Division, lotteries. recently transferred from the former Ministry of Highways and Public Works. oversees the operation of the plant. equipment. building structure and fabric of the legislative buildings and Government House. 6 Two other branches. also oriented more toward the provision of library services throughout the the public than the government, are the province: and the encouragement of sport and Provincial Enquiry Centre and the Robson recreational activities. Also included in this Square Media Centre. Both located in grouping is the Provincial Archives Branch Vancouver. the former assists and directs the responsible for collecting and maintaining public to the right government branch. or historical records. official: the latter administers the increasingly popular meeting rooms. theatre and exhibition Superannuation Branch space. located in the new government buildings on Robson Square. This branch administers the nine pension plans and all the employee benefit plans covered The Queen's Printer and the Postal Branch under the Public Service Benefit Plans Act. provide printing/publishing and mail services respectively to all ministries of government. Administration and Finance The majority of branches within Administration and Finance are concerned with internal functions such as personnel services and accounting or are concerned with protocol and diplomatic matters related to the Legislature and Government House. An important additional function is undertaken by the Indian Advisory Branch. Its purpose is to assist Indian people with their cultural. educational. recreational and economic development. Culture, Heritage and Recreation The Culture. Heritage and Recreation grouping includes such functions as the administration of the B.C. Provincial Museum: the stimulation of participation in and performance and appreciation of the arts of British Columbia: 1 A wide variety of pro1ects has been undertaken with the He111age Conservation Branch including consultant work with some !lades partic1pat1on at lhe Craigflower SchOOJ, Jewish Synagogue. Chinese Hook Sin Tong Charity Construction and Building. Emily Carr House. Helmcken House. and Hal Creek Road House. Back·up trades Maintenance Division services have been provided for lhe Provincial The Cons1ruction and Ma1n1enance D1v1sion is Cap11a1 Commission al lhe Crys1a1 Gardens. a new branch in lhe minis1ry. transferred from Wax Museum. Black Ball Ferry and Inner 1he former M1nis1ry of Highways and Pubhc Harbour Beaut1f1ca11on Program. Works In working cooperation with the Prov1nc1al The primary function of this branch is lhe Museum produclion group, branch staff operation of lhe plant. equipment building performed a variely of services for the struc1ure and fabric of the legislative buildings museum 1nclud1ng extensive work on lhe and Government House. This branch is pro1ecl· "Living Land - Living Sea" exh1b1t. onenled and operates with a budge1 of During lhe coming year. and in conjunction $1,200.000 for resloration purposes. wilh herilage and culture groups. lhe branch Restoration of lhe parliamenl bulidings is a will assisl in lhe selling up of art displays and maior part of lhe department's respons1b1lity. the restoralion of he111age buildings lhroughoul Provid111g ass1s1ance to the He111age the province. Assistance will take the form of Conserva1ion Brnach and Cultural Services 1n either d11ec1 1rades involvement or 1nstruc1ion the11 prov1nc1a1 programs was a growing area by demons1rat1on in the methods of of 1nvolvemen1 for lhe res1011ation crew 1n restoration. t979. The resurgence of interesl 1n our arch1t~1ura1 The personnel of Jhe branch. cons1sling of 31 heritage has required 1hat long.forgotten skills artisans. craflsmen and trades people, are and trades practices be resurrected, and that supervised by a d11ec1or who repor1s 10 lhe governmenl become a resource lrom which Assislant Deputy Minister. Government citizens can draw. To fulfill this and other Services. needs. Cons1ruction and Maintenance has During the pas1 year lhe branch restored and gathered rogether a work force capable of rebuilt areas of the legislative buildings restoring all 1ypes of decorative plaster work. including m1n1ste11al accommodation. the stained glass. ornamental copper work. gold Sergeant·at·Arm·s offices. m1nis1enal s1orage leafing and stone masonry: carving and facllil1es. hbrary paper ironing and m1crohlm graining of specialty woods: repair and v1ew111g areas. and dining room structural and replacement of ceramic and quarry hie. re· kitchen areas. Enirance and corridor doors roofing with slate and copper; restoration and were r~arved and refurbished; the East Wing recrea11on of wood structures: and the rool was reslated and the ornate copper expertise necessary for lhe proper application cupola crowns and flat roof areas relurbished: of lighting and power 1n a heritage selling. cast iron ornamental guttering were replaced Throughoul lhe pas1 year. great inlerest was and lhe external fascia re-pointed. shown by lhe c111zens of Bri1ish Columbia. 9 tourists. and heritage groups in the restoration districts. Following the election. the registrars of the legislative buildings. Architects and began and are continuing the process of cross· engineers from across canada and the USA checking all documents filed by returning have visited the buildings to view the methods officers as part of the conlinuous revision of used and results obtained. the voters lists. The Architectural Institute of Canada. Heritage Kenneth L. Morton. Chief Electoral Officer. and canada, and a number of similar interest John w. Smallwood. Deputy Chief Electoral groups have toured the restored buildings
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