Radio Times {Incorporating World-Radio} November 3, 1950 yol: 109, No. 1408. Registered at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper SOUND AND TELEVISION JOURNAL OF THE BBC PR ICE TWOPENCE NINE D'A'YS' PRO:G-RA,MMES FRIpAY, November 3 to SATURDAY, November 11 RADIO TIMES is back again-and the many kind and many irate letters that have been reaching us fr.om listeners indi~ate that its return will be a joy.ous .occasi.on. THIS WEE~ . As listeners will have read in the newspapers, the printing .offices in L.ond.on resumed w.ork .on Wednesday, and f.or the sec.ond time in tw.o m.onths BBC Publicati.ons has had _t.o pr.oduce 8,000,000 c.opies -.of RADIO TIMES and within tw.o days print and dispatch them t.o __ 40,000 newsagents in every c.orner -.of the United Kingdom. It was necessary t.o keep the' size .of this special number d.own t.o twenty pages and t.o pr.oduce .one editi.on . c.overing the wh.ole c.ountry. NATIONAL EDITIONS We realise that this single, nati.onal editi.on d.oes cause inc.onvenience t.o many .of .our regi.onal listeners. There is n.o need f.or c.onfusi.on; each Regi.onal H.ome Service is, very· simply, a variati.on .of the L.ond.on H.ome ServiGe and listeners will find their regi.on's daily pr.ogrammes and times under the heading 'Regi.onal H.ome Services' .on each H.ome Service page. F.or the rest .of the day the regi.on broadcasts the -L.ond.on H.ome Service. ABOUT OURSELVES RADIO TIMES has the largest circulation of any weekly periodical in the world. It normally appears in eight editions and takes nearly a whole week to compile and as long again to print and distribute. It is printed in a special factory built for the purpose in London. The BBC does not print RADIO TIMES; it is printed under Contract by Messrs.Waterlow and Sons, Ltd., who, in common with the big printing and publishing houses in London, ar.e members of the London Master Printers' Association. The recent dispute in the printing industry developed in May of this year between the London _ Master Printers and the London Society of Compositors and came to a head in September, when works were closed for a 'fortnight and listeners had to miss RADIO TiMES for one week. Th~e was a temporary easing of the situation and four more issues appeared, after which work again stopped at the factories and RADIO TIMES again ceased publication. During the last three weeks many listeners have written chiding us for not having produced RADIO TI.MES elsewhere in the United Kingdom or in Europe; some have asked why we had not produced it in a typewritten-printed form in which some other publications appeared, and even why we had not the energy and foresight to produce it on duplicating machines. As we said earlier, the BBC is not a firm of printers and the dispute was outside our control, but we assure listeners that every effort was made _to continue the regular publication of the journal. The prolblem was simply one of­ priDJting 8,000,000 copies each we~k. Despite all efforts this did not prove possible 6y alternative methods. -. We are sorry that millions of listeriers were deprived of their RADIO TIMES for three consecutive weeks, but we have every reason to believe and hope that the issues which caused the Ciisputehave now been settled to the satisfaction of both sides. SPECIAL EDITION November 3. 1950 RADIO TIMES 6.0 Vll'OLBT O~SION '8.45 • PAUL TEMPLE AIND Singin,g and playing for you THE V AlNDYIm AFFAm· MONDAY: November 6 A serial in 'eight episodes 6.15 D.ICK BAJRTO!N­ by FrarlCis Durbrid·ge SPECIAL AGElNT! (BBC recording) 2-' The Miarlaw Incident' Paul Tempie ................... Kim Peacock 6.30 The Younger Generation Steve ...................... Marjor,ie Westbury Charlie ...................... Michael Ha.rding Light Programme UNDER-20 PARADE Sir Graham Forbes ...... Lester Mudd[tt 1,500 m. (200 kc/s) , 247 m. (1,214 kc/s) A sLice of life Mary Desmond .................... Joan Hart se'rved up for family listening by Terry Palmer ..................... Peter Coke Peter Watson, with /Tony East to Sergeant Digby: ... James E. Thomps·on 9.0 a.m. Big Ben 3.0 Greenwich Time Signal inltroduce the under-20s" , Bill M()Cail.. ................ Tommy Duggan NEWS MUSIC FOR THE HOUSEWIFE . International Challenge Match Ins[)ector Eden ................ Donald Gray Michael Freedman and his Orchestra Maryh;n Youth Club takes on Yugo­ Roger Shelly ............Richard Humdall and Mervyn Saunders (tenor) slaVia at basket ball in Glasgow. Tom Production by Martyn C. We-bster 9~ 10 HOUSEWIVES' CHOICE Flemiing, records his impressions of To be reP.eated on Friday at 5.0 intr.oduced by Stephen Grenfell the audience, the team, and part of 3.30 F()rces Educational Broadcast the game Brian Reece introduces Something Wrong Somewhere 9.15 CITIZENSffiP 10.0 LET YOURSELF GO! Hub&t iPhil'ti·ps, the puzzle k'ing, pre­ STARLIGHT HOUR Harold Smart at the organ In the Name of the Law sents the first of a series of brain­ starring 6-' Breaking a Oontract ' teasers I Know What I Like Alfred Marks 10~30 - MUSIC Round 4 Peter Yorke WHILE YOU WORK MUSIC WHILE YOU WORK Michael Flanders and the record fans and his Concert Orchestra 3.45 show their paces on d'ance music Band of the Royal Corps of Signals HaI'ry Leader and his Band Janet Brown • You're Only Young Once' The Radi~o Revellers The everyday adventures 11.0 MRS. DALE'S DIARY of the Oaldicott family Tony Fayne and DavidEvans (Friday's recorded broadcast) S:-' JohnnIie Strikes a Bad Patch' Harry Dawson Script by Edward J. Mason S.cript by S.id Oolin 11.15 MELODY RENDEZVOUS (BBC recording) Peter Myers and Jlack Bentley The Rendezvous Players featuring Jack Collings Greenwich Time Signa) Produced by Ray Speer and the Monia Liter Quartet 7.0 News and (BBC record'ng) (Harry Dawson is appearing in ,; Take it RADIO NEWSREEL from Us' at the Adelphi Theatre. 12.0 MORNING STORY 7.25- Sport London) 'Seeing Stars,' by Bryan Matheson Read by John Byron 7.30 Round the British Isles with Greenwich Time Siena) 1 0 • 0 NEWS 12.15 KEN MACKINTOSH '.l10P OF THE FORM John El1ison and Robert MacDe,rmot and hIis Orchesltra are the Question-Masters in this .inter­ 10.15 TOPIC FOR TONIIGHT The' Mrulcolni MitcheU Trio country contest 6-England 10.20 OOIC WIINISTONE Woodford County High Scb:ool and his Orchestra 1.0 Concert Hour for Girls, ;Essex BBC SCOTTISH ORCHESTRA v. Conducted by John Hopkins County Grammar School for Boys. 11.0 A BOOK AT BEDTIME. Woking, Surrex. Symphony No. 2. in D ......... Beethov6'n • Spanish Gold' Produced by Joan Clark Academic Festival Overture .... Brahm8 (BBC recording) by George A. Birm:iinghlam Violet Carson. who provides the music Reader, Eamonn Andrews for' Hove 0 Go!,' has her own programme 1.45 LISTEN 8.0 ,BOYD NEEL'S 11-' The Monkey Tree' WITH MOTHER at 6.0 MUSIC CLUB An informal concert 11.15 MUSlIC TAPESTRY 2.0 WOMAN'S HOUR 4.15 MRS. DALE'S DIARY given before an 'invited audience Melody on StriIllgs 'I Married a TalCi Drive·r,' by Ruth (BBC recording) Light music string ensemble Rossinelli in tihe Milton Hall, Manohester To be repeated tomo1Tcyui"at 11.0 a,m. 'Men in the Kitchen': Salad Days, BBC NoI1thern Orchestra Directed by Max Jaffa by Geoffrey Boumphrey , (Leader. Reginald Stead) with Joan Davies (piano) , Old Wives' Tale,' by a doctor Conducted by Boyd Neel 'How to Paint a Meat Safe,' by one 4.30 Monday Matinee who never did: talk by C. R. Milne • THE WRONG NUMBER' Guest artist, 11.56 News Summary , Talking it over with Marian Outi&- • by Harvey O'Higgins IsobelBail1ie (soprano) Serial: 'The En.chianted A.pril,' by and Harriett Ford The programme includes ''The Club's , Elizabeth.' Abridged by Hilton (Recording of last Wednesday's Choi:ce' and 'A StroH Through the 12 midnight Big Ben Brown,. Read by Gladys Young broadcast) Orchestra' Close Down 6.0 p.m. P ADEiREWSiKI ,11.0 SOVIIET AFFAlRlS Sonata in E fiat minor. Op: 21 A monthly revieIW .in which recent played by Adela Ve-me (pliano) Third Programme cuJlturrul and potiUcal tl'eooSl in • tile U.S.S.R. are' examined 6.40 DIIS1COVEiRlIiNG HOW 464 m. (647 kc/s) 194 m. (1,546 kc/s) Dr. VlioLa Klein otalkis about recent ORIMJ!NAlLS MtE MADE changes in family leg,islation in T,alk by John Bowllby, Director or 7.30 .• THE UN:BLEiST' 10.5 BIRD EXPLORAUO!N the Soviet Union a Departmenlt a!t the 'l1avistock The firs<t part of 'a dI1amatic study IN 'SOUTH-WEST AFRlICA (The recorded broadcast of Oct. :Ill CliIllic. He descrlilbes the soientific of itJhe ]talian poet GLacomo ·by James D. Macdol1lald Next· talk: November 15 approach and puts the quesltion: Leopardi James . Macdonald returned this summer What has research technique to (Recording of the broadcast on Oct. 15) from, an expedition to that part of South­ West Africa which lies between the offe:r? Part 2. 'The Monument ': Wednesday Orange River and Portuguese Angola. In 11.20 PROJWFIEV this talk he describes his experiences whilst . Violin Conc·erto No. 2 'ill> G minor, 7.0.
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