ARKANSAS OKLAHOMA GAS CORPORATION SCHEDULE: G - 5 Test Year Ending June 30,2001 TITLE: Load Data and Rate Schedule Information 1 The peak demand occurred on December 12.2000 2 CharacterizeRate Schedules by (a) Rate Schedule Residential IndndwaUy metered residences (personal residences) Commerual Individuallymetered customers for business purposes (churches, schools, gas stations. retail businesses. etc ) Large Commercial Individually metered Customers for business purposes and whose consumption level exceeds 10,oOO MCF annually Federal Housing Authorities Master (single) metered Federal Housing Authorities Industrial Business customers whose annual consumption pattern does not indicate a healing load and whose annual consumption level exceeds 18,000 MCF These customers may aggregate consumption at separate facilities located on the company's system to meet the annual consumptionfloor Each facility aggregated will be considered a individually billed customer Customers may eled service under this class as a Servlce customer The company will provide gas under speual contractual arrangements with the class Transporter The company will redeliver gas provided by the customer. subjecl to contractual arrangements (b) Peak Day by Schedule Total Company Inputs 107.488 MCF I Actual I AIIOCX~~~I TO~~I Measurement Measurement ! I Residential 01 38.028 I 36.028 Commercial 0' 26,358 26,358 Large Commercial 5,609 56 5.665 Federal Housing AuthOritie3 0 161 161 Industrial 19,653 89 19,742 Sub-Total Company Use Total j 25,3421 64,6921 90,034 ~ (C) See G - 4, page 1. lines 5 8 6 ( Non-Coinctdentalpeak month ) (d) See G - 4, page 1. lines 3 8 4 ( Peak Month ) e) Distribution Line Losses YEAugust YEAugust YEAugmt ' YEAugust i TzzT! 1998 1999 2000 2001 I Gas To Be Accounted For I Purchases 7.541.649: 5,211,900 5,572,0231 7,215.100 6,385,188 Special Contract Sales 1,575,1951 2,265,382 3,222,243' 2.584.323 2.411.786 Customer Receipts 3,127,646 Transportation Received 7.940.491 Gas Withdrawn from Storage 326.424 Total 20.191.514 Gas Account93 For Sales 8.245.462 Gas Delivered to Storage 326,425 Customer Deliveries 3.058.022 Transportation Delivered 7.784.104 Company Use 82.140 Tdal 19,496,153 Lost 8 Unaccounted For Gas (a) (f) Not Available SUMorlinq Sched&: (a) C - 2A INDEX OF SCHEDULES /Schedule I Description !I i Summary of Revenue by Rate Class - Present and Proposed Rates (1 Page) I I ~ ~ H-' I I I H-2 /Analysis of Revenue by Detailed Rate Schedule (1 Page) j I j H-3 I Typical Bill Analysis (1 Page) I ' H-4 1 Bill Frequency (9 Pages) I j"5 of by (2 _____~_~______~_.I Calculation Rates Schedule Pages)___.~_._. .____ ARKANSAS OKLAHOMA GAS CORPORATION Schedule H - 1 Test Year Ending June 30,2001 Title: Summary of Revenue by Rate Class - Present Amounts in Dollars and Proposed Rates Present Proposed Percentage I No. I Rates Rates It Amount - (1 (3) (4) ~ ~ - - 1 Residential 30,173,156 33,287,368 3 114.212 10 3211% 2 Small Commercial 17.822.738 19,750.237 1,927.499 10 8148% 3 Large Commercial 5.002.22 1 5,428,677 426.456 8 5253% 4 Federal Housing Authority 128,950 136,509 7,559 5.8620% 6 Industrial 11.770.000 i 3,531,238 1.761.238 14.9638% 7 Total (a) 64,897,065 72,134,029 7,236I 964 11 1515% - Supporting Schedules: Recap Schedules: (a) H-2 & G-1 (A)A-I & G-I ARKANSAS OKLAHOMA GAS CORPORATION Schedule H - 2 Test Year Ending June 30,2001 Title Analysis of Revenue by Detailed Rate Schedule Amounh in Dollan (1 Units I Rate I units I Rate 1- Revenue I Increase 111 121 ___(51 161 - T Residential 1 Customer Charge per Month 510.219 900 4.591.971 510.219 16 75 8.546.168 Delivery Charge per MCF 2 Summer 186.189 11900 221.565 499.506 3 9300 1.963.059 1.741.494 786.00% 3 Winter 2.969.849 1 6420 4.876.492 I 2,656.533 0 7390 1.963.1z8~ (2.913.314) ~ 49.74% 4 Commodity 3.156.038 6 2422 19,700,620 3.156.039 6 2422 19.700.627 7 0.00% 5 LW 665.608 997.624 332.016 49.88% 6 Company Use 116.982 116.773 (209) -0.18% 7 Rounding (82 (6 1 8 30,173,156 33.287.368 3,114,212 10.32% Small Commercial 9 Customer Charge per Month 65.373 12 50 817.163 65.373 28 50 1.863.131 1,045,968 128.00% Delivery Charge per MCF 10 Summer 175.449 0 6627 116.270 434.145 3 2592 1.414.965 1.298.695 1116.96% 11 Winter 2.102.755 1 Mx)7 2,104,227 1.844.059 0 7673 1.414.946 (689.281, -32.76% 12 Commodity 2.278.204 6 2422 14.221.005 2.278.204 6 2422 14.221.005 0 0.00% 13 mu 480.473 748.390 267.917 55.76% 14 Company Use 84.444 87.711 3.267 3.87% 15 Rounding (844 89 16 2.101.976 17.822.738 19,750,237 1.927.499 10.81% Large Commercial 17 Customer Charge per Month 144 500 00 72.000 144 825 M) 118,800 46.800 65.00% Delivery Charge per MCF 18 Summer 98.792 0 6846 67.633 2 13.403 17176 366.541 298.908 441.96% 19 Winter 588.372 0 6846 402.799 473.761 0 7737 366.549 (36.250) -9.00% 20 Commodity 687.164 6 2422 4.289.415 687.164 6 2422 4.289.415 0 0.00% 21 LBU 144.923 256.999 112.076 77.33% 22 Company Use 25.470 30,373 4.903 19.25% 23 Rounding (19 0 24 5,002.221 5.428.677 426.456 8.53% Federal Housing Authorities 25 Customer Charge per Month 24 200 oc 4,800 24 325 00 7.800 3.000 62.50% Delivery Charge per MCF 26 Summer 660 0 900E 594 2.085 4 3552 9,085 8.491 1429.46% 27 Winter 16.138 0 WE 14,534 14.712 0 6175 9.085 (5.449 -37.49% 28 Commodity 16.798 6 2422 104,856 16.79E 6 2422 104.856 0 0.00% 29 LBU 3.543 5.090 1.547 43.66% 30 Company Use 623 593 (30: 4.82% 31 Rounding 0 0 32 128.950 136.509 7.559 5.86% industrial 33 Customer Charge per Month 468 500 o( 234.000 46t 825 OC 386.100 152.1 00 65.00% 34 Delivery Charge per MCF 5.387.654 0 5051 2.722.920 5.387.651 0 567t 3.058.032 335.112 12.31% 35 Commodity 7.477.327 7.477.327 0 0.00% 36 L8U 1.136.256 2.332.315 1,196,059 105.26% 37 Company Use 199.699 277.464 77.765 38.94% 38 Rounding (202 0 202 -Ioo.oo% 39 11,770.000 13,531.238 1.761.238 14.96% Total Company 40 Customer Charge per Month 576.22f 5.7 19.934 10.921.999 5.202.065 90.95% 41 Delivery Charge per MCF 11.525.85f 10.527.034 10.565.440 38.406 0.36% 42 Commodity 10.709.25f 45.793.223 45.793.230 7 0.00% 43 LBU 2.430.803 4.340.4 18 1,909,615 78.56% 44 Company Use 427.218 512.914 85.696 20.06% 45 Rounding (1.147 28 1.175 -102.44% 46 64,897,065 72.134.029 7.236.964 11.15% - - (6) Supporting Schedules: Recap Schedules: (a) H -5 (A) A-1, G-I 8 H-1 (E) C-1 ARKANSAS OKLAHOMA GAS CORPORATION Schedule H - 3 Test Year Ending June 30,2001 Title: Typical Bill Analysis Amounts in Dollars Line Summer Winter No. MCF Present Proposed Present Proposed Rate ScheduldDescription Usage Rates Rates %Change Rates Rates %Change - (1) 151 16) 17) Residential 1 5 47.40 6938 463614% -49.66 53.42 7.5727% 2 10 8580 12200 421919% 90.32 90.09 -0.2532% 3 15 124 20 174 63 40.6006% 130 98 126 76 -3 2203% 4 25 201.00 279 88 39 2421% 212.30 200 11 -5.7449% 5 30 23940 33251 388898% 252.96 236.78 -6 3985% 6 50 39301 54302 381688% 415 61 383 47 -7.7340% 7 Average Annual Consumption __ 74 - 577 33 795 62 37.8101% 610 78 559.49 -8 3978% Small Commercial 8 5 15.81 34.17 116.0907% 49.95 65.38 30.8845% 9 15 22.44 45.51 102.8230% 124.86 139.15 11.4401% 10 25 29.07 56.86 95.6051% 199.77 212.91 6.5779% 11 50 45.64 85.22 86.7317% 387.04 397.33 2.6565% 12 100 78.77 141.93 80.1828% 761.59 766.1 5 0.5992% 13 200 145.04 255.36 76.0618% 1.510.67 1,503.80 -0.4550% 14 300 21 1.31 368.79 74.5256% 2,259.76 2,241.45 -0.8103% 15 500 343.85 595.65 73.2296% 3,757.93 3,716.75 -1.0959% 16 - Average Annual Consumption 418 289.51 502.64 73.6174% 3,143.68 3.1 11.88 -1.0117% Large Commercial 17 50 534.23 884.60 65.5832% 858.74 1,196.71 39.3562% 18 100 568.46 944.19 66.0961% 1,217.48 1,568.41 28.8247% 19 200 636.92 1,063.38 66.9566% 1,934.95 2,311.82 19.4768% 20 300 705.38 1,182.57 67.6501% 2,652.43 3,055.23 15.1861% 21 500 842.30 1,420.95 68.6988% 4,087.38 4,542.05 11.1237% 22 - Average Annual Consumption ~-57,264 39,702.93 69,077.96 73.9870% 111,355.80 426,531.30 3.6891% Federal Housing Authority 23 50 245.03 372.79 52.1406% 569.54 684.90 20.2553% 24 100 290.06 420.58 44.9976% 939.08 1,044.80 11.2582% 25 200 380.12 516.16 35.7887% 1,678.15 1,764.60 5.1513% 26 300 470.18 611.74 30.1076% 2,417.23 2,484.40 2.7788% 27 500 650.30 802.90 23.4661% 3,895.38 3,924.00 0.7346% 28 Average Annual Consumption 8,399 7.764.14 8.352.76 7.5813% .- - -_______.___ 62,275.04 60,781.OO .____-2.3991% Industrial 29 500 752.70 1,108.80 32.1158% 1,694.58 2,168.90 21.8690% 30 750 879.05 1,250.70 29.7154% 2,291.87 2,840.85 19.3243% 31 1,000 1,005.40 1,392.60 27.8041% 2,889.17 3,512.80 17.7532% 32 2,000 1,510.80 1,960.20 22.9262% 5,278.33 6,200.60 14.8739% 33 3,000 2,016.20 2,527.80 20.2389% 7,667.50 8,888.40 13.7359% -34 Average Annual Consumption 138,145 70,318.48 79,236.10 11.2545% 330,551.34 372,131.I 3 1 1.I 734% (a) (a) Supporting Schedules: (a) H-2 ARKANSAS OKLAHOMA GAS CORPORATION Schedule: H-4 (Page 1 of 9) Test Year Ending June 30,2001 Title: Bill Frequency Rate SchedulelClass: Residential i BILLED ACTUAL 'Number of Billed Line Block Bills by Consumption Customers -Cumulative Revenue No.
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