KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON Donald C. Haney, State Geologist and Director CAVES and KARST KENTUCKY SPECIAL PUBLICATION 12 Series XI, 1985 ISSN 0075-5613 KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON Donald C. Haney, State Geologist and Director CAVES AND KARST OF KENTUCKY Percy H. Dougherty, Editor Published in cooperation with the National Speleological Society COVER PHOTOGRAPH Creek section of Sloans Valley Cave. Pulaski County, Kentucky. (Photo by K. L. Day$ SPECIAL PUBLICATION 12 Series XI, 1985 John G. Beard, Geolog~stIV, Henderson Offlce Wayne 1. FranKle, Geologlst I1 Art Gal laher, Jr., Chancellor, Lexlngton Campus Patr~cKJ. Bood~ng, Geologlst I1 Wlmberly C. Koyster, Vlce Chancellor tor Kesearch JacK R. Moody, Geolog~st11 and Dean ot the Uraduate School Brandon L. Nuttall. Geolog~stI1 James Y. McDonald, Execut~veD~rector, Unfverslty Jul~eR. Kemper, Geolog~stI of KentucKy Research Foundat I on Frances Benson, L~brarylechn~clan 111 Robert H. Dan~el,Laboratory lechn~c~anB KENTUCKY GEOLUG ICAL SCIWEY Jacquel~neH. tmbry, Data Entry Uperator 111 AVV ISORY BOARD VICKI F. Campbell, Dratt~nglechn~ctan Ph~lM. M~les,Chairman, Lexlngton Jane ball lon, JenKfns Water Hesources beCtlOn: Wallace W. Hagan, Lexlngton James S. D~nger,Head Henry L. HlnKle, Par15 James K~pp,Geolog~st 11 B. W. McDonald, Pafntsv~lle H~chardS. Smalles, Ueologlst I1 W. A. Mossbarger, Lextngton Margaret A. Townsend, tieolog~stII W~lllamJ. Reynolds, fillen Henry H. Spald~ng.Hazard Com~uterServfces Group: Henry D. Stratton, P~Kevllle Steven Cordlv~ola.Geoloq~st I11 Ralph N. Ihomas, Uwensboro Joseph B. DI xon , systems-programmer George H. Warren, Jr., Owenshoro Elmer Wh~taKer, Lexlngton SPECIAL PHOJEC-IS DlVISILW4 Projects KEN rUCKY GEULUCil CAL 8LlWE.Y Env tronmental Protect ion Agency--Devel opment of a Donald C. Haney, D~rectorand State Ueologlst Comprehens~veUil and Gas Injection Well John D. Kiefer, Asslstant State Oeologlst Inventory, KentucKy James S. D~nger,Pr~nctpal Investlgator ADMINISTRA'rIVt DIVISION FranK H. Walker, Co-Prtnc lpal Investigator Personnel and Finance Sect~on: James L. Hamilton, Adminlstrattve Staff Offlcer 11 U.S. Env~ronmentalProtect~on Agency--Area of Margaret A. Fernandez, Account Clerk 'J Rev1 ew and lnjec t ton Pressure Rssessment ot Ui l and Gas Inject on Wel Is, KentucKy Clerical Sectlon: James S. O~nger,Pr~nctpal lnvest~gator Oosha B. Boyd, Staff Assistant VI H~chardS. Smalley, tieologlst 11 Donna C. Ramseur, Statt Asststant V1 bh~rleyU. Black, btatt Ass~stantV 1J.S. Geological Survey--6sslstance ~n tiather~ng Jean Kelly, Statt Hss~stantV Oata on Kentucky Coal Resources for the Juan~taG. Smlth, Staft Asslstant V, Henderson National Coal Resources Oata System Utf Ice Russell fi. Brant, Prlnclpal Investlgator Publ lcations Sectlon: U.S. Geol og~cal Survey--Coal Sampl ing ~n the Donald W. Hutcheson, Head Western KentucKr Coal Field Margaret K. Luther, Ass~stantEditor James C. Cobb, Pr~nc~palInuest~gator Roger B Potts, Chtef Cartograph~cIllustrator James C. Currens, Co-Pr~ncipal Investigator Robert C. Holladay, Drafting Technlclan Will lam A. Brlscoe, Ill, Sales Supervisor KentucKy Department ot MI l I tary Atfa~rs--Drainage Roger S. BanK5, Account Clerk 11 Determ~nat~ontor the Boone Nat~onalGuard John Dav~s,Stores WorKer Center, 6ranKltn County, Kentucky PatrlcK H. McHaftie, Geolog~st/Feographer I1 James S. D~nger,Prlnc~pal Investlgator J. V. Ihra~lK~ll,Lo-Prlnclpal Investlgator GEOLOGlWL DlVISIUN Coal Sect~on: KentucKy t'latural Resources and Env~ronmental James C. Cobb, Head Protect~onCablnet--Vel lneat lon and Russell A. firant, Geolog~stV Documentat~onot M~n~ng-RelatedSubsidence In Allen L). W~lllamson, Geologfst 10, Henderson HopK~ns, Ohlo, Un~on,and Webster Uountles Otf I ce Hlchard E. Sergeant, Pr~nc~palInvest gato or Donald H. Chesnut, Jr., Geologlst 111 Hlchard A. Smath, beologlst I James C. Currens, Geolog~st111 John 6. SttcKney, Ueologlst 1 Hlchard t. Sergeant, Geologfst 111 Apr~l L. Cowan, Geology Field Asslstant Davfd A. W~lllams,tieologlst 111, Henderson Ofttce Hlchard A. Smath, Geologtst I Gas Research Inst~tute--Study of Hydrocarbon John F. St~cKnev,tieologlst 1 Productlon from the Devonlan Shale fn Letcher, Aprfl L. Cowan, Geology F~eldAsslstsnt Knott, Floyd, and PlKe Counttes, Eastern KentucKy lndustr~aland Metal l lc M~neralsSectton: Wayne 1. FranKce, Pr~nc~pallnvestfgator Garland R. Vever, Jr., Head JacK H. Moody, Geologlst I1 Eugene J. Amaral, Geolog~stIV Julle R. Kemper, Geolog~stI Warren H. Anderson, Geolog~st11 Jacqueline H. kmbry, Data Entry Operator I11 'JICKI k. Campbell, Uraftlng Techn~c~an Strat~araphyand Petroleum Geoloqy Sect~on: John D. Kieter,. Acttng Head and Asslstant State L1.S. Geol oglcal Survey--Mldcont lnent Strategic and Geolog~st Crl t lcal Mtnerals Program Martln C. Noger, Geologlst V Warren H. finderson, Prlnclpal Inuestlgator FranK H. WalKer, Ueologlst IV Garland K. Dever, Co-Pr~nc~palInvestfgator CONTENTS Page Preface ....................................................1 AcKnowledgments ............................................2 Foreword................................................... 3 Section f Chap t~r1 : tiverv i ew o+ the 6eol ogy and Physl cal Geography of Kentucky ..............................................5 Chapter 2: Caves o+ KentucKy ............................. 18 Section 11 Chapter 3: The Inner Blue Grass Karst Heglon .............28 Lhapter 4: Patterns ot Cavern Development Along the Cumberland Escarpment ln Southeastern KentucKy ..........63 Chapter 5: Caves ot Northeastern Kentucky (W~thSpecial Emphas~son Carter Caves State Park) ....................78 Chapter a: Ptne Mounta~nKarst and Caves .................86 Chapter 7: The Mammoth Cave Reg1 on and Pennyroyal Plateau ............................................... 97 Chapter 8: Western Kentucky Heglon ......................119 Section 111 Chapter 9: Cave Ll f e ot Ken tucKr ........................146 Chapter 10: Vertebrate Remains tn Kentuckr Caves .........16.9 Chapter 11: Archeologv ................................... 176 Chapter 12: Caves and the Saltpeter Industry in KentucKy ................................................ 187 PREFACE Members o?: the National Speleological Society are to be commended for the preparat ion o+ this pub1 i cat ion on the caves and related Karst features of KentucKy. Percy H. Oougherty, who was respons~ble for ini t iating the project, dolng technical edit~ngof the manuscripts, and Surnishing typ,escr i p t wh i ch was used as pri n ter's copy, deserlJes spec I a1 recogn i t I on. The role o+ the KentucKy Geological Survey was to do rnlnor copy edl t I ng, prepare the I ayuut, paste up camera- ready copy, and maKe arrangements for getting the manuscript printed. ln order to meet the printlng dead1 ~ne,it was necessary tc~utilize computer pr~ntout,prepared by the Nat i ona'l Spe 1201 ugl cal Soc 1 ety, as typescr I p t +or the pub1 i cat I on. Therefore, the pub1 i cat i on does not conform to the usual sty1 e and edr tor I al standards of the KentucKy Geol ogi cal Survey. It is telt that thls publ~cat~onw~ll sat15.f~ a wl despread need +or up-to-date I nformat I on about caves and Karst geology ~n KentucKy. The d~verserange of top I cs covered should be o+ Interest to a wlde aud~ence, ~nclud~ng both sclent lsts and laymen. Dona1 d W. HIJ tcheson KentucKy Geol ogl cal Suruey Lexington, KentucKy June 19e5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Without the help of many people, this booK would not have been possible. The authors of the chapters should be congratulated for worKing under a tight schedule and nearly impossible deadl ines. In addi t ion, the edi tor is deeply indebted to the f ol 1owing col l eagues who cri t i cal l y reviewed sections of the booK and made many excellent suggestions: Steve Justham, Ron Lliiamarter, John Ho+felt, Patrick Munson, A1 Scheide, George Crowthers, Horton Hobbs, 111, Don Pol locK, Harold Meloy, George Moore, Fred Grady, Russell Graham, Joe Saunders, George Hupper t , Angel o George, and Charles Bishop. Donna Moore, secretary o+ the Geography Department at Kutztown University, deserves much credit +or spending many hours typi ng the text. The author also wishes to thank the Geography Department and admrnistration at Kutztown Universi ty for providing the fac i l i ties and stimulating environment in which to complete this project. The KentucKr Geol ogi car Survey a1 so deserves 5.pec i a1 recogn i t I on. Dona1d C. Haney, Di rector and State Geol ogi st, and Donald W. Hutcheson, Editor of the Survey, have provided guidance for this worK since i ts ~nceptlon. In addition, several staff members have prou I ded uluabl e assi stance i n editing the text and laying out the graphics. Finally, 1 am indebted to my wife, Anne, and sons, Thomas and Hobert, +or the I r continuing support and undPrstandinq. This bcnoK 1s dedicated to them and my father, Percy H. Dougherty, Sr., who is sadlr missed since his death in Aprr I. Percy H. Dougherty, edi tor Kutzto!,~~nUn~versi ty Jl~ne1985 FOREWORD CAVES AND K6HST OF KENTUCKY is in applied areas; including pale- a special publication of the Na- ontology, archeology, history, and tional Spel eol ogical Society and biology, (6) to present extensive the Kentucky Geological Survey to bibliographic material, and, (7) commemorate the Annual Convention to discuss gaps in the literature, of the National Speleological So- thereby possibly stimulating fur- ciety at Kentucky State University ther research in Kentucky cave and in Frankfort, Kentucky on June 22- karst environments. 29, 1985. It is appropriate to These goals played a major role hold the Convention in Kentucky in structuring the book into three since it is the home of Mammoth parts. Section I introduces two Cave, the world's longest cave, chapters of background information and the site of many other large necessary to understand the caves caves and karst landforms.
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