REGISTERED AT THE DEPARTMENT OF POST QD / 14 / NEWS / 2017 December 2016, VOLUME 09, ISSUE 12 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE SRI LANKA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Why this fuss over The Medical Dance 2016 SAITM? Ethics Review Committee of the SLMA Receives Global Accreditation Doctors vs. Lawyers – Annual Cricket Encounter 2016 MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 MALARIA COUNT 2016 40 EFFICACY The golden poison dart frog from Columbia, considered the most poisonous creature on earth, is a little less than 2 inches when fully grown. Indigenous Emberá, people of Colombia have used its powerful venom for centuries to tip their blowgun darts when hunting, hence the species' name. The EFFICACY of its venom is such that it can kill as much as 10 grown men simply by coming into contact with their skin. Knowing the importance of EFFICACY in the world of medicine, GSK, after years of research and development, developed Augmentin, the antibiotic with a high EFFICACY rate in healing people. Your Trusted Partner Further information available on request from: GlaxoWellcome Ceylon Ltd. 121, Galle Road, Kaldemulla, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. Tel:2636 341 Fax:2622 574 SLMA President Dr. Iyanthi Abeyewickreme CONTENTS MBBS (Ceylon), Diploma in Venereology (London), MSc, MD (Colombo), FCVSL, Hon. Senior Fellow PGIM Consultant Venereologist President's Message 02 Editorial Committee Why This Fuss Over SAITM? 02-04 2016 Monthly Clinical Meeting of The Editor-In-Chief: 04 Dr. Hasini Banneheke SLMA in November & December Committee: Ethics Review Committee of The Dr. Sarath Gamini De Silva SLMA Obtains SIDCER Recognition From 06 Dr. Kalyani Guruge FERCAP Dr. Ruvaiz Haniffa Dr. Amaya Ellawala Notice-Free Copies of Ceylon Medical 06 Journal Official Newsletter of Doctors vs. Lawyers – The Sri Lanka Medical Association 08 Annual Cricket Encounter 2016 No. 6, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 7. Tel: +94 112 693324 Joint Regional Meetings in 08-10 E mail: [email protected] November & December Cover Story... The Medical Dance 2016 12-13 Our Advertisers Importance of First Trimester Scan Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (11-14 Weeks) in Management of Twin 14-15 D. Samson & Sons (Pvt) Ltd. Pregnancy Imperial Builders Pvt Ltd. Douglas & Sons (Pvt) Ltd Dr.S.C. Paul Memorial Oration Mireka Homes (Pvt) Ltd. of The SLMA 2016 Tokyo Cement Company (Lanka) Plc. 16-21 Emerging Risk Factors for Severe Fonterra Brands Lanka. Dengue Infection Emerchemie NB (Ceylon) Ltd. Cartoon, Malaria Count 22 Publishing and printing assistance by: This Source (Pvt.) Ltd, Suncity Towers, Mezzanine Floor, 18 St. Anthony's Mawatha, Colombo 03. Tel: +94 117 600 500 Ext 3521 Email: [email protected] 1 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE his is my last message to the This year, continuous professional best. SLMA newsletter as the Presi- development (CPD) activities were The SLMA has grown in stature over dent. I believe that we present- conducted, not only for medical pro- the years and is now recognized and edT the membership with content that fessionals in the public sector but also well respected by all health-related were important and up to date and I for those in the private sector. CPD stakeholders. We also continued to hope that you have enjoyed read- activities were extended to medical engage with the Ministry of Health ing the newsletters of 2016. The last faculties and this year we also includ- and were successful in getting an en- Council Meeting was held on 2nd De- ed the Sir John Kotalawala Defence hanced financial allocation from the cember and arrangements have been University in these activites. The pin- ministry. This year the SLMA has been made to hand over the responsibili- nacle academic event was the 129th able to extend and further strengthen ties to the new Council before the end Anniversary International Medical our international partnerships by sign- of the year. Only the Annual General Congress held in July which was con- ing an MOU with the Chinese Medi- Meeting remains to be held on the 23rd cluded very successfully. While it was cal Association and by taking over of December. encouraging to note the large num- the presidency of the Commonwealth bers of outstation doctors attending First and foremost, I wish to extend Medical Association for the next three the CPD activities, the limited partici- my most sincere gratitude to all the years. pation of Council Members in regional Members of the Executive Committee, meetings was disappointing. The renovations and refurbishments Members of the Council, Members carried out at Wijerama House during of the Expert Committees and the The Medical dance was held on 9th 2016 has given it a more attractive Members of the Working Groups who December and the opinion of many and user-friendly atmosphere. served the SLMA with dedication in who attended the Dance was that carrying out their duties. I have been it had been one of the best Medical It has been an honour and a privi- very fortunate to have had young, dy- Dances held so far. I wish to thank all lege for me to serve the SLMA as its namic and super efficient colleagues the members of the Dance Committee, 119th President. I fervently hope that I in the Executive Committee whose especially Dr.Christo Fernando and have justified the trust that was placed enthusiasm for work was infectious. Dr.Pramilla Senanayake, who looked in me by the membership. It has in- The Expert Committees and the Work- into every aspect of the dance with deed been a memorable year and I ing Groups form the backbone of the meticulous attention to detail. Many have truly enjoyed my tenure as the SLMA and their commitment to the members of the committee played a head of this august institution. tasks undertaken was commendable. part in securing sponsorships for the Finally I wish each and ev- They were ably supported by the Ad- event and advertisements for the sou- ery one of you the Compliments ministrative Staff of the SLMA. Many venir. of the Season, a Joyous Christ- other SLMA members too helped in The Induction of the new President, mas and a Happy New Year! numerous ways to carry out the activi- Prof. Chandrika Wijeratne, has been ties of the Association and I am ever planned for 21st of January next year. I Dr. Iyanthi Abeyewickreme so grateful for their support. wish her and the new Council the very President-SLMA WHY THIS FUSS OVER SAITM? Prof A H Sheriff Deen, tion of crises, economic hardships and same newspaper that I have been Guest of Honour – unemployment, an erosion of politi- asked on several occasions whether Foundation sessions of the cal centre and a growing resentment I was for or against Private Medical SLMA against the elites. He had a penchant Colleges and I had replied that I was ne of the objectives of the for long rambling speeches, present- neither for or against these but that I SLMA is to play an advocacy ing himself in messianic terms, prom- was against unregulated “commercial” role in medical affairs of the ising to lead his country to a new era medical colleges which were akin to country.O It was only 2 weeks ago that of greatness” – Donald Trump? Boris mere tutories. Johnson? Rodrigo Duterte? No, it is I saw these news items in the news- Of late I have been approached by a about Adolf Hitler! paper and I thought it is time to air my few businessmen who have asked me view on private medical colleges with “Why this fuss over SAITM?” • “Doctor, will you help me set up a Pri- the hope that the SLMA will take on asks a reader. The answer is the vate Medical College? You name your the task of advising the Government price and we will pay you.” on this contentious issue. In the article same – because of the hidden on Trump the correspondent had this dangers. And the conversation on each occa- to say “he emerged amid a constella- Many years ago I wrote to this very sion has gone like this- Contd. on page 03 2 December 2016 SLMANEWS Contd. from page 02 Why this fuss... • “Have you got a Teaching Hospital”- ary 2009 under the provisions of Sec- environment, Medical Education unit, Answer “No”. tion 19 of the Medical Ordinance, in Accommodation and Sports, Food • “Do you have any idea of medical cur- conformity with the Committee of Vice service, Water supply, sanitation, riculum, teaching medicine?” -Answer Chancellors, Directors of the Univer- Electricity, gas, Central workshop are “No”. sity Grants Commission (UGC) of Sri spelt out. Lanka for medical schools and foreign Next is a section on student se- • “Have you got capital?” -Answer “No”. medical schools to be approved as lection, Staffing policy, staff devel- centres of medical education for Sri • “Have you got permission to start a opment and PG development. degree awarding Institution/ Medical Lankan citizens. The last section is the Accreditation School?” -Answer “No Doctor, but when Since then the WHO in November Report, It says “the report must con- SAITM gets the OK we can advertise, 2009 published “Guideline for Accredi- clude with recommendations concern- collect 5 to 10 million rupees from tation of Medical Schools in countries each applicant, start with a lecture hall ing the decision on accreditation to be of the South East Asia region “bearing and later build up the rest – just like taken by the SLMC, this decision must in mind the country specific require- our International Schools!” be conveyed to the Minister of Health, ments and the prevailing national ac- Minister of Higher Education and UGC Following the 1920s, the training of creditation practice and are non-bind- and also made public.
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