Gazette Government ··Of .Goa

Gazette Government ··Of .Goa

I. REGD. GOA.G} Panaji, 29th October, 1992 [Kartika 7, 1914) SERIES III No.31 GAZETTE GOVERNMENT ··OF .GOA GOVERNMENT OF GOA Office of the Mamlatdar of Salcete Notification Departmenf of Community Development and Panchayats No. 4';;-92/ELN./4290 OUice 01 the Mamlatdar 01 Bardez In pursuance of the Provision of Rule l'3(C) of the Goa. Daman and Diu Village Panchayat (Election of Chairman Notification and Vice-Chairman) Rules 1968, I, A. V. Figueiredo, Mam­ latdar of Salcete Taluka and Returning Officer of said EJec­ No. 32·10-92jMBR/ELN tion hereby notify for the ~public information that the follow­ ing persons are duly elected as Chairman and Vice-Chairman In pursuance of Rule 13 (c) of the Goa, Daman and Diu . of the Village Panchayat shown in colunm of the below Village Panchruyat (Election of Chairman & Vice-Chairman) schedule of Salcete Taluka. Rules, 1968, it is hereby notified for public information that the member qf Panchayat as appearing in Column No. S of SCHEDULE the Schedule has been declared elected on 16-10:...1992 as Vice-Chairman of the Panchayat shown in column 2 of the of the said Schedule. Sr. Name of the Name of the Name No. Village person elected person elected as Remarks SCHEDULE Panchayat as Chairman Vice-Chairman 1 2 3. 4 5 Sr. Name of LlJ.e Village Name of Ule member No. Panchayat elected as Vice-Chairman 1. Chinchinim Aurelio M. Fready In the Deussua Conceicao Ernesto meeting 1 2 3 Viegas Coutinho held on 22·9·92 1. Salvador-do-Mundo Shri Atchutanand Vishnu Sawant Margao, 22nd September~ 1992. - The Mamlatdar of Sal­ Mapusa. 16th October, 1992 - The Mamlatdar, N. B. cete Taluka and Returning Officer for Village Panchayat Narvekar. Election, A. V. Figueiredo. ••• Department of Cooperation Office 01 the Registrar 01 Coop, Societies, Notification No. 18-1·88ITS In accordance with the provISIons of section 12(3) of the Maharashtra Coop. Societies Act~ ;1.960 as applied to the State of Goa read with Sub-Rule (9) of Rule 66 of Coop_ SClcieties Rules, 1962 the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Goa hereby notifies for the information of. public, the ILst of all the Cooperative Societies duly classified into different types as on 31-3·91. Panaji, 31st December, 1991. -The Registrar of Coop. Societies, S. K. Jain. LIST OF ALL THE COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES TYPEWISE AND TALUKAWISE AS ON 31·3·1991 Sr. No. Name of the Institution Registration No. Registration Audit Date Classification 1 2 3 4 5 1. RES· (c)·42/Goa 29·6·1963 'B' 2. RES~(c).73/Goa 16·9·1963 'B' 656 OFF'ICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. 01<' GOA SERIES III No. 31 29TH OCTOBER, 199ft 1 2 3 4 5 3. Shetkarl Adarsh V. K. S. S. Soclety Ltd., Neura;' RES-(c)-S6/Goa 28-10-1963 'B' ~Mandur. 4. St. Crllz Multipurpose Coop. Society Ltd., St. Cruz. RES-(c)-S9/Goa 29-10-1963 'B' 5. Merces V. K. S. S. Society Ltd., Merces. RES-(c)-170/Goa 14-8-1964 'C' 6. Piedade V. K. S. S. Society Ltd., Divar. RES-(c)-198/Goa 7-6-1967 'B' Consumer Societies 1. Ja.nata Sahakari Consumers .Society Ltd., Panaji. ::O~-4/Goa 25-4-1963 'B' 2. Mandavi Consumers Coop. Stores Ltd., Mala-Panaji. CON-16/Goa 8-11-1963 'B' 3. Goa" Coop. Marketing tlnd Supply Federation Ltd., CON-27/Goa / 9-11·1964 'C' Panaji. 4. Goa Polic,e Consumers Coop. Society Ltd., Panaji. CON-58/Goa 9-10-1969 'A' 5~ Govt. Higher Secondary Staff and Students Cons. CON-60/Goa 9-4-1970 'C' Coop. Society. Ltd., Panaji. 6. Secretariat Employees Cons. Coop. Society Ltd., ARCS/CZ/CON·1/Goa 1'5-5-1980 'C' Panaji. 7. In.dira Nagar New Janata Coop. Society Ltd., Chimbel. RES·(c)-210/Goa 1-10-1982 'C' 8. EDSWA Coop. Stores Ltd., Altinho-Panaji. ARCS/CZ/CON-2/Goa 6-8-1986 'C' 9. Kadamba Transport Corporation. Employees Cons. ARCS/CZ/Consumer/21/ADM/SS 29-12·1988 'C' Coop. Society Ltd., Panaj1. Cll."edlt Societies ,1. Post and Telegraphs Employees Coop. Credit Society .RES-(aj-182/Goa 21-12-1964 'B' Ltd., Panaji. 2. Akashwani Goa Employees Credit Coop. Society Ltd .• RES-(aj-194/Goa· 20-6-1966 ·B·· All India Radio, Panaji. 3. Cooperative Department Employees Coop. Credit RES-(a)·196/Goa 20-1-1967 'A' Society Ltd., Panaji. 4.' Apex Bank Staff Coop. Credit Society Ltd., Panaji. RES-(a)-200/Goa 24-2-1968 'B' 5. Bureau of Economics, Statistics and EValuation Em­ RES-(a)-203/Goa 12-7-1968 'B' ployees Coop. Credit S:ociety Ltd., Panaji. 6.. Land Survey Employees· Coop. Credit Society Ltd.• 3-Coop·(b) -23/Goa 3-10-1972 'B' Panaji. 7. The Goa Municipal v\rorkers Coop. Credit Society Ltd., .3-Coop-(b) -24/Goa 7-6-1973 "E' Panaji. 8. Ciba of India Employees Coop. Credit Society Ltd.; 3-Coop-(b)-25/Goa 13-7·1973 'A' Corlim. 9. Navjeevan Coop. Credit Society Ltd., Panaji. 3-Coop·(b )-30/Goa 10.,1-19'74 'B' 10. Goa P.Vl.D. Staff Coop. Credit Society Ltd., Panaji. 3-Coop-(b) -33/Goa 26·6-1974 'A' 11. Peoples High School Staff Coop. Cl'edit Society Ltd., 3-Coop-(b)-36/Goa 19-9-1975 .C' Panaji. 12. Gomalltak Karmachari Sahakari Path purvatha ARCS/CZ/3-(b)-l/Goa 25-3-1981 'A' Saunstha Ltd., Panaji. 13. Institute· of Psychiatry and HUmfu'1 Behaviour Coop. ARCS/CZ/3-(bj-2/Goa 21-8-1981 'B' Cr~dit Society Ltd., Panaji. 14. New India Assurance Employees Coop. Credit SOCiety ARCS/CZ/3·(b)-3/Goa 17-11-1982 "E' Ltd:, Panaji. 15. The Goa Coon. Workers Credit Coop. Society Ltd., ARCS/CZ/3-(b)-4/Goa 17-11-1982 'B' Panaji. 16. N.I.O. Employees Coop. Credit Society Ltd., Dona ARCS/CZ/3·{b)-5/Goa 17-11-1982 'A' Paula. 17. Tiswadi Taluka Primary Teachers Coop. Credit Society ARCS/CZ/3·(b) -8/Goa 26-8-1983 'A' Ltd .• Panajl. IS. Directorate of Accounts Staff Consumers Credit ARCS/CZj3(b)'10/Goa 24-12-1983 'B' Society Ltd., Panaji. 19. Electric Employees ·Coop. Credit Society Ltd., Panaji. ARCS/CZ/3(b)-1l/Goa 4-2-1984 'B' 20. Dempo Staff Coop. Credit Society Ltd., Panaji. ARCS/CZ/3 (b) -12/Goa 28-6-1984 'B' 21. The Govt. Press Employees Coop. Credit Society Ltd.• ARCS/CZ/3(b)-14/Goa 13~8-1984 'B' Panaji. 22. The Collectorate Employees Credit Coop. Society Ltd., ARCS/CZ/3 (b) -15/Goa 20-10-1984 'B' Panaji. ' 23. Dempo Engineering Works Coop. Credit SOCiety Ltd., _ ARCS/CZ/3(b)-17/Goa 7-12-1984 'A" Baiguinim-Old-Goa. 24. The Silver Jubilee Coop. Credit Society Ltd., Panaji. ARCS/CZ/Ser-RES-2(c) /GOa 12-8·1985 'A' 25. S.B.I. Employees Coop. Credit SOCiety Ltd., Panaji. ARCS/CZ/3(b)-19/Goa 21-10-1985 'B' 26. Kadamba Employees Coop. Credit Society Ltd., ·Panaji.-· ARCS/CZ/8(a)-23/Goa 30-4-1986 'A' 27. Goa Defence Civilian Employees Coop. Credit Society ARCS/CZ/S-(a)-25/Goa 5-8-1987 "E- Ltd., Bambolim. 28.· Bank of Baroda Employees Coop. Credit Society., ARCS/CZ/8(a)/43/Goa 4-7-1988 'B' Ltd., Panaji. 29. Goa Tourist Development Corporation Employees ARCS/CZ/8(a)/44/Goa 3-8-1988 'B' Coop. Ci'edit Society Ltd., Panaji. 30. Goa Archieves Employees Coop. Credit Society Ltd., ARCS/CZ/8(a) /47/Goa 30-11-1988 'S' Panaji. .31i Goa Handicraft Staff Coop. Credit SOCiety Ltd., Panaji. ARCS/CZ/8(a)/49/Goa 22-5-1989 'B', OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 657 SERIES UI No. 31 \ 29TH OCTOBER, 199,2 1 2 3 4 5 32. Goa LIe Employees Coop~ Credit Society Ltd., Panaji. ARCS/CZ/8(a)/48/Goa 5-5-1989 'E' 33. '. Goa University Employees Coop. Credit, Society Ltd., ARCS/CZ/8(a)/51/Goa 12-1-1990 'B' ': Bambolim. 34. Goa Industrial Development Corporation Employees ARCS/CZ/8(a)/52/Goa 15-1-1990 'B' Coop. Credit Society Ltd.,_Panaji. 35. 'Secretariat Staff Coop. Credit Society 'Ltd., Panaji. ARCS/CZ/8(a)53/Goa 25-1-1990 'B' 36.' Goa Kala Academy Employees Coop. Credit Society ARCS/CZ/8(a)/54/Goa 25-7-1990 JI1ewly , Ltd" Campal-Panajl. registered 37. ,Inlan.d Water Trallsport Employees Coop. Credit ARCS/CZ/8(a)/57/Goa 21-12-1990 JI1ewly, ' Society Ltd., Panaji. registered. 38.. .Computer Centre Coop. Credit Society Ltd., ~anaji. ARCS/CZ/8(a)/58/ADM/ 7-1-1991 JI1ewly registered .. Fisheries 1. Dona Paula Coop. Fisheries Society Ltd., Dona·Paula. GEN~(c)-9/Goa 30-9-1964 ' 'D'· 2., Akhil Gomantak Harkar! Sahakarl Saunshtha Ltd.. GEN-(c)-16/Goa 28-11-1968 'B' Panaji. ' 3 .. Zuari Fisheries Coop. SOciety Ltd.., PlUlaji. ARCS/CZ/9-(c)/3/Goa 14-2-1985 'e', Dalry 1. Shr! Sateri Sahakar! Dudh Vya. Saunstha Ltd., PRD-lc)-(;3/AR(Dalry)/Goa 31-7-1989 'C' Dhulapi·Khorlim. 2. St. Cruz Sah. Dudh Vya. Saunstha Ltd., St. Cruz. PRD-(c)74/AR(Dalry)/Goa 28-3-1991 JI1ewly registel'<ld 3. Chudamani Sah. Dudh Vya. Saunstha Ltd., Chodan­ PRD-( c)76/AR{Dalry) /Goa 28-3-1991 Newly ~Mac1el. registere4 Industrial Societies L Industrial Handicraft and HandlooID. ,Coop." Society ARCS/CZ/PRD-(a)-l/Goa 14-8-1980 'A,' Ltd.,' Panaji. 2. Shr! Ganesh Sahakari Audhyogik Utpadak Saunstha ARCS/CZ/PRD-(a)-3/Goa, 5-5-1984 'C' Ltd., Morgad-Siridao.

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