SpcroR-0. Pewcnxutg Dated: Memo No. Ptadhi.-2079 I 1. Sh. D. S. Dhesi, IAS, Chief SecretarY to Government' Vice Chairman Flaryana, Chandigarh' 2. Sh.Rajesh Khullar, iAS, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister' Member Haryana, Chandigarh' 3. Sh. Devender Singh, IAS Addl. Chief Secretary to Govt', Haryana Industries & Commerce DePtt'' Member Chandigarh. 4. Sh. T. C. GuPta, IAS Additional Chief Secretary to Govt'' Haryana' Power Department, Member Chandigarh. 5. Sh. T. V. S. N. Prasad, IAS Addl' Chief Secretary to Govt', Haryana' Member Finance & Planning Deptt', Chandigarh 6. Sh. Anand Mohan Sharan, IAS Principal Secretary to Govt', Haryana'. Urban Local Bodies Deptt', Chandigarh' Member 7. Sh. A. K. Singh, IAS Principal Secretary to Govt., Haryana, Town b Country Planning & Urban Estate Deptt., Chandigarh' Member 8. Dr. D. Suresh, IAS, Chief Administrator, Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran, Panchkula. Member 9. Sh. K. Makrand Pandurang, IAS Director, Town & Country Planning Department, Chandigarh. Member 10. Sh. Rakesh \{anocha, Engineer-in-Chief, PWD E&R, Haryana, Chandigarh' Member 11. Sh. ManPal Singh, Engineer-in-Chief, PWD, Public Health Engg.DePtt', Haryana, Panchkula. Member of LLTtn Meeting of Haryana Shehri Vlkas SubJect: Proceedings A'M' under the -C-ft"iii"""ftippradhikarin held on 18'02'2019 at 11lOO of Hon'ble Chlef Mlnister'cum'Chairman of the ir"AUimt"t in the Main Committee Room' 4th Flooi of Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh' Sir, I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of Proceedings of the 117e meeting of Haryana shehri Vikas Pradhikaran held on 18.02.2019 at 11:OO A.M. under the chairmanship of Hon'ble chief Minister-cum-chairman of the Pradhikaran in the Main committee Room, 4th Fioor of Haryana civil Secretariat, Chandigarh for information and necessary action' \ DA: Proceedings Secretary, Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran Panchkula Endst. No. Pradhi,-2019/ Dated: A copy along with Proceedings of the 117tr' meeting of Pradhikaran is forwarded to the special Senior secretary to Hon'ble chief Minister-cum- chairman of the Pradhikaran for information of the Hon'ble chief Minister- cum-Chairman of the Pradhikaran. \ Secrdtary, DA: Proceedings Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran Panchkula Endst. No. Pradhi.-2O19 I 4o 1\3 oated: >13 | Lt lJ A copy of above along with Proceedings of the 117ft. meeting of pradhikaran is forwarded to the foliowing for information and necessaly action:- 1. The Administrator, H.Q', HSVP, Panchkuia. 2. The Administrator, HSVP, Panchkula. 3. The Chief Controller of Finance, HSVP, Panchkula' 4. The Chief Engineer-I/Il, HSVP, Panchkula' 5. The Chief Town Planner, HSVP, Panchkula. 6. The Chief Architect, HSVP, Panchkula. 7. The GM (IT Ce11), HSVP, Panchkula. B. The District Attorney, HSVP, Panchkula. g, The Enforcement Officer, HSVP, Panchkuia. 10. The ADO I & II, HSVP, HQ, Panchkula. 11. The Superintendent (Estt'), HSVP, Panchkula' atL^' 5ecretary,^ DA: Proceedings Haryana Shehri Vikas fradhikaran Panchkuld{4-,, (HARYANA OF 1]'7TH MEDTING OF PRADHIKARAN PROCEEDINGS pRAD;Kd;N)-iieip o*_-18.o2.20le Ar 11100 AM sHErrRr vr*As or Ho{9-"8 cHIEF MINISTER' THE "*o'o*oi""ip t*t IN THE MAIN 'NDERHARyANA-cu*'"*o'u*i*-or oF HARYANA'RADHIKARAN cIvIL SE.RETARIAT' ..MMITTEE RooM' *iii ill'oon CHANDIGARH. 'A' List of Participants is Annexure rd 1) g o r P r adh ikaran rre lt";"1T.1 Jl din gs o*n'. uj: ::il:: lff theJ' Chairmanlrrip.Y.' "tin of Honble Chief 22.1i.2018 ut rr'oi ll--t"att room' 4rh on Pradhikaran in Main Committee Minister-cum-Cttarrma:i ol the il#; ;;; civil secretariat' chandigarh' Confirmed of Haryana 2l Proceeding."l:1" 116'!h Meetins fs;lilti"#tx at 11:OO 61'f undsl the Vikas ptaartixa-ran'lllJJ:',the ;;1d zzj't2gfi of the Shehri ui'-'itttt'"" Haryana-cum-Chairman Chairmanship oi no"ilrl^crtti Pradhikaran' Seen No' t17ttt (3) 3) Agenda Item price on account regarding recovery of additional Amendment in the policy allotment - in case of sale of plots by of enhanced "o*pt"""tto'] Calculation of Additional Price' APProved Item No' t17tt' (4) 4) Agenda sites allotted through of extensiqn fee for school Policy regardi"g "ftu'gi"g auction- cla-rification thereof' APProved ltem No' L17th (51 5) Agenda ,^-^ UrbanTTrhen Estate Gurugram'Gur Sites in various sectors ^rof Aliotment of Religious APProved t17ttt (6) 6) Agenda Item No' in UE-II site to BJP District office ' Regarding allotment of alternattve Gurugram' APProved 7l Agenda ltem No. t17u (7) AllotmentofReligiousSitesinvarioussectorsofUrbanEstateFaridabad. the Institutional Approved, it was further directed that while carving out sites the nomenclature of these sites may be mentioned as Social' Charitable and Religious Institutional sites' 8) Agenda Item No. 117th (81 Regarding Grievances of shopkeepers of Transport Nagar Welfare time Association, Sector-25, Kaithal (Approval of building Plan and extension for construction of Shops)' Approvec 9l Agenda ltem No. 117th (9) Mair Sunaar Regarding allotment of Social/ Religious site in favour of Sabha, in Sector-6, Jind. Jain Regarding allotment of Social/ Religious site in favour of Shri Swetambar Terapanthi Sabha, in Sector-7' Jind' Aporoved 10) Agenda Item No. 117th (1Ol Sector-17, Allotment of land for office of recognized Political Parties in urban Estate, Jagadhri' Approved 11) Agenda ltem No. 117th (11) in Calculation of additiona-l price on account to Enhanced comPensation respect of Sector - 24 to 28, Panchkula Urban Estate. open space Approved. It was also decided that the area falling under the zone of Ghaggar River may a-1so be planned and developed' 12| Agenda ltem No. Ll7tlrlLzl lump-sum Representation of RKKR Foundation for relaxation of the payment method in respect of College site at Gurugram' AftercarefulconsiderationitwasdecidedthattherepresentationofM/s RKKRFoundationbeacceptedandin-futurecollegesitesauctionedby for payment as ts way of e-auction be provided same terms & conditions availableincaseofallotteesofRGECsites,TheAuthority(HSVP)sha]] endedvourtotle-upwithBanksforfront-endpaymenttie-upofauction price to safegrrard its financial interest' 13) Agenda Item No. 117th (13) for Private Parties/other Regarding allotment of Hospital Site earmarked 1-32 A' Gurugrarn .ntr"pr"rr"rr, - Super Specialty Hospital in Sector-3 measuring 10 acres ' para 12(ii) and the relaxation in Approved along with the undertaking in was decided that interest para 13' Upon a query by the Chairperson' it per policy' shall be accounted for on only @5.5% per annum simple' as of 970 interest per annum the amount deposited by the a-llottee' instead para (10) of the Agenda ltem' simple as recommended and referred in 14) Agenda ltem No. t17tt' (14) Land Pooling PolicY - 2019' APProved. 'recruitmentquotaasperthepatternofPWD(B&R),Haryana' Approved. 16| Agenda ltem No. 117th (161 of Institutional plo Grant of extension in time limit for constructiqn a-llottedinvariousUrbanEstates,HsVP-chargingofextensionf thereof. re-examine the rates an After detailed discussion it was directed to submit ProPosal on the file' 17| Agenda ltem No. 117th (17) the basis of registered sale deed Policv with regard to transfer of plot on amendment thereof. before issuance of re-a"1lotme Approved. Further, it was aiso decided that If the sale deed is foun t.ti", ttt. verification of sale deed will be made' cancelled' bogus on verification the same will be 18) Agenda Item No. fl7th {181 Regarding allotment of site for the offices of recognized political parties in Sector-78, Faridabad. Approved. 19) Agenda Item No. ll7th (19) Policy regarding issuance of completion certificate and waiving of the extension fees thereof. Approved with the modification that this facility may be extended for a period of one year instead of six months. 20) Agenda ltem No. LLTth (2Ol Extension in time limit for construction of Residential/Commercial plots beyond the stipuiated period of 2 years. Approved. 1) Suppl. Agenda Item No. ll7th {l) Revision policy in the regarding Fixation of Reserve price of commercial sites in various Urban Estates of HSVp. Approved' If in a sector conector rates have not been fixed so far, chief Administrator shan first get the collector rates fixdd from the District Administration before putting its sites for e-auctron, to determine the reserve price' Further, for cases covered under rows 2,3 and 4 0f the Table in Para (iii) 4 of the Agenda item the case shal1 be put up before the committee under the chairmanship of Hon'bre c.M.-cum-chairman, HSVP who witl decide the composition of such Committee. 2l Suppl. Agenda Item *o. ttTtt' (2) Implementation of rra'sit oriented Deveropment poricy (ToD) in HSVp Approved. HSVP was further directed to examlne and explore the possibility of including the whole sector in TOD where at least 50% part would be falling within the TOD Zone. 3l Suppl. Agenda Item *o. t17tr, (S) Regarding utilization of acquired rand in sector-32, panchkula. Approved in principle. However, HsllDc and HSvp will examine and tak final decision as to whether HSIID. would prefer to pay current rate of th raw land thereafter 'and devel0p the industrial sector. The issue wilr decided wlth the approval of Hon,ble CM on fije. 4l Suppl. Agenda Item *o. t17ilr (41 Policy guidelines for Honorary allotment of Residential plots t distinguished persons - modification thereof. Approved with the modification that the applicant from the class o persons erigible for honorary allotment of plot shourd not have a prot of the size applied for or higher i,e,, he/she should not own in the name of self/ spouse/dependent children a plot of iand of size 14 Marla and above if he/ she opts for a 14 Marla plot; and; in case he/ she opts for a 1 Kanal plot he/she should not own a plot of 1 Kanal or above size in name o self/ spouse/ dependent children. It was also decided to incrude tne wlnners of Ashoka chakra in the category for Honorary allotment of Residential plots.
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