archaeological institute of ametica american Journal of Archaeology SeconD Setie* The Journal of the Archaeological Institute of America INDEX TO VOLUMES I-X 1897-1906 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON :MACMILLAN & CO., Ltd. ZU ?or? Qgatttmon (preee BALTIMORE,MD., U. S. A. PREFATORY NOTE This Index has been prepared by Miss Lucy Allen Paton, under the direction of the Editors. The general plan, arrangement, and scope were determined by the Editors, so that Miss Paton's respon sibility is limited to details of arrangement and accuracy of execu tion. The unusual size of the Index is due to the great number of items contained in the "News" and "Discussions," for which a full index seemed especially desirable. Italic numerals refer to the volumes and pages of the Annual Supplement. Harold N. Fowler. Cleveland, Ohio, November ist, 1908. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. INDEX OF AUTHORS. 7 A. Articles . 7 B. News an? Discussions. 17 II. INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 99 A. Plates . 99 B. Figures in Text. 102 III. BIBLIOGRAPHY . 112 IV. ABBREVIATIONS . 112 V. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. 113 A. Articles . 113 B. News and Discussions. 128 i. General Contents . 128 News: Notes on Recent Excavations and Discoveries 128 Discussions: Summaries of Articles in Periodicals, etc. 129 2. Summaries . 131 VI. INDEX OF INSCRIPTIONS. 274 A. Greek . 274 1. Sites . 274 2. Proper Names and Discussed Words. 274 3. Sources for Inscriptions Quoted or Discussed. 280 B. Latin . 281 1. Sites . 281 2. Proper Names and Discussed Words. 281 3. Sources for Inscriptions Quoted or Discussed. 283 VII. INDEX OF SOURCES DISCUSSED. 284 A. Articles . 284 B. News and Discussions. 284 I. INDEX OF AUTHORS A. ARTICLES Abbott, F. F. The Toledo Manuscript of the Germania of Tacitus (abstract), VII, 73. Adler, C. The Exhibit of the United States National Museum in Historic Archaeology at the St. Louis Exposition (abstract), IX, 36. Andrews, E. P. Color on the Parthenon and on the Elgin Marbles: Recently Discovered Facts and Resultant Theories (abstract), V, 21. The Inscription on the East Architrave of the Parthenon (abstract), IV, 152. Newly Discovered Facts in Regard to the Different Series of Ornament attached to the Architrave of the Parthenon (abstract), VI, 30. The So-called Restoration of the Parthenon now in Progress, VI, 27. Babbitt, F. C. An Ancient Herrn from Trachones (abstract), VI, 24. The Theatre at Corinth, 1896, I, 481. Bacon, B. W. Report of the Director of the American School in Palestine, 1905-06, Xy 2?. Baldwin, A. The Cave at Vari: The Coins, VII, 335. Banks, E. J. The Proposed Excavation of the Babylonian Ruin Mugheir, or Ur of the Chaldees (abstract), IV, 155. Barton, G. A. Some Archaeological Notes on Syria and Asia Minor (ab stract), VII, 82. (1) A Babylonian Deed of Gift from the Sixth Pre-Christian Millennium; (2) The Haverford Collection of Cuneiform Tablets (abstract), VI. 35. Inscription B of the Blau Monument (abstract), V, 2. Report of the Director of the American School in Palestine, 1902-03, VIIt 35 Bassett, S. E. The Cave at Vari: The Terra-cotta Lamps, VII, 338. Bates, W. N. An Achilles Relief at Achouria, III, 177. Etruscan Horseshoes from Corneto (abstract), VI, 53. Etruscan Horseshoes from Corneto, VI, 398. The of the So-called Theseum Lighting " " (abstract), IV, 174. Notes on the Theseum at Athens, V, 37. The Old Temple of Athena on the Acropolis (abstract), V, 3. of the Director of the American School at Report " " Athens, 1905-06, X, 13. Scenes from the Aethiopis on a Black-figured Amphora (abstract), VIII, 87. A Signed Amphora of Meno (abstract), IX, 68. A Signed Amphora of Meno, IX, 170. Baur, P. V. C. The Palace of Thetis on the Fran?ois Vase (abstract), VIII, 88. The Pedimental Groups of the Hekatompedon on the Acropolis (abstract), X, 76. Post-Mycenaean Influence in Cyprus (abstract), VII, 74. A Terra-cotta Tityrus in the Cincinnati Museum (abstract), IX, 84. Tityros, IX, 157. Berenson, B. An Altar-Piece by Girolamo da Cremona, III, 161. Bishop, W. W. Roman Church Mosaics of the First Nine Centuries (ab stract), VI, 49. Roman Church Mosaics of the First Nine Centuries, X, 251. 8 INDEX OF AUTHORS. Boas, F. Philological Aspects of Problems of American Anthropology and Archaeology (abstract), X, 78. Some Problems of American Archaeology (abstract), VI, 41. Some Problems in North American Archaeology, VI, 1. Bowditch, C. P. Report of Committee of Archaeological Institute on Ameri can Archaeology, IX, 41; X, 40. American Archaeology (abstract), IV, 164. Boyd, H. A. Excavations at Kavousi, Crete, in 1900, V, 125. Houses and Tombs of the Geometric Period at Kavousi, Crete (abstract), Mycenaean Discoveries at Gournia in the Neighborhood of Kavousi, Crete (abstract), VI, 48. Brown, C. N. Fragment of a Treasure-List found in the Acropolis Wall of Athens (abstract), VI, 45. Fragment of a Treasure-List found in the Acropolis Wall of Athens, VIII, 263. Brownson, C. L. A Philosopher's Attitude toward Art (abstract), IV, 174. Buckingham, M. H. The Work of the German Reichlimeskommission (ab stract), V, 11. Burnham, J. M. Prudentius' Commentaries, IV, 293. Butler, H. C. Five Unpublished Churches of the First Quarter of the Fifth Century in Northern Central Syria (abstract), VII, 98. Preliminary Report of the Princeton University Expedition to Syria, IX, 389. Report of an American Archaeological Expedition to Syria, 1899-1900, IV, 415. The Roman Aqueducts as Monuments of Architecture, V, 175. Sculpture in Northern Central Syria (abstract), V, 5. The Tychaion at is-Sanam?n as a Prototype of Early Christian Churches in Syria (abstract), X, 80. Capps, E. The Dating of Some Didascalic Inscriptions, IV, 74. The Dating of Some Didascalic Inscriptions (abstract), IV, 180. 'B7T? T7j? CKijvfj? and Similar Expressions (abstract), V, 31. Carroll, M. Aristotle's Theory of Sculpture (abstract), V, 24. Observations on the Harbors and Walls of Ancient Athens (read by 88. Title), VIII, " " Thucydides and Pausanias and the Dionysium in Limnis (abstract), IX, 70. Carter, F. On Some Minor Points in Homeric Archaeology (abstract), IV, I5X* Carter, J. B. Abstract Deities in Ancient Roman Religion (abstract), X, 79. The Portrait of Virgil (abstract), VII, 72. Caskey, L. D. Notes on Inscriptions from Eleusis dealing with the Building of the Porch of Philon, IX, 147. Chapman, S. H. The Discovery of a Doric Temple at Locri, Italy (abstract), V, 18. Chase, G. H. An Amphora with a New Ka?A-Name in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts (abstract), VII, 96. Some Terra-cotta Types from the Heraeum (abstract), VI, 40. Some Unpublished Terra-cotta Figures in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts (abstract), X, 79. Terra-cottas from the Argive Heraeum (abstract), IV, 161. Shield Devices among the Greeks (abstract), V, 26. Cooley, A. S. Archaeological Notes (abstract), IX, 68; X, 82. Athena Polias on the Acropolis of Athens, III, 345. The Discovery of the Macedonian Tomb at Chaeronea (abstract), VIII, 81. The Excavations of the American School in Corinth (abstract), V, 30; VIII, 87. ARTICLES. 9 Curtiss, S. I. Ancient Sacrifice among Modem Semites (abstract), VI, 38. The Plan of Sacrifice among the Primitive Semites (abstract), VII, 83. Survivals of Ancient Semitic Religion in Syrian Centres of Moslem and Christian Influence (abstract), VIII, 77. De Cou, H. F. A Roman Building at Corinth, I, 495. Dennison, W. The Epigraphic Sources of Suetonius, II, 26. A New Head of the So-called Scipio Type: An Attempt at its Identifica tion, IX, 11. Some New Inscriptions from Puteoli, Baiae, Misenum, and Cumae, II, 373 Two Notes: 1. On Some Osean Inscriptions. 2. On Commentarium Aeto rum Saecularium Quintorum, 1. 64, II, 399. An Unpublished Bust of the So-called Scipio Type, VIII, 77. Dickerman, S. C. An Archaic Inscription from Cleonae (abstract), IV, 164. Archaic Inscriptions from Cleonae and Corinth, VII, 147. D'Ooge, M. L. New Points in the History of the Acropolis at Athens (ab stract), VII, 81. Dunham, M. E. The Cave at Vari: The Inscriptions, VII, 289. Dyer, L. New Aspects of Mycenaean Cultus (abstract), V, 20. Earle, M. L. Notes on the Greek Alphabet (abstract), VI, 46. On the Supplementary Signs of the Greek Alphabet (abstract), IV, 175. The Supplementary Signs of the Greek Alphabet, VII, 429. Eaton, D. C. The Study of Greek Sculpture (abstract), VII, 78. Ebersole, W. S. The Metopes of the West End of the Parthenon, III, 409. Egbert, j. C. Fasti recently found at Teano (abstract), IX, 67. Emerson, A. Greek Sculptures in California (abstract),VII, 97. on Fairbanks, A. A Comparison of the Scenes on White Lecythi and Grave Stelae (abstract), VII, 84. Excavations in the Roman Forum 1904 IX, 74. " " during (abstract), On the Athena Relief 26. "Mourning " (abstract), VI, On the Mourning Athena Relief, VI, 410. at Fisher, C. S. The Mycenaean Palace Nippur, VIII, 403. Fletcher, A. C. The Significance of Dress (abstract), VII, 84. Fossum, A. The Eiskyklema in the Eretrian Theatre, II, 187. The Theatre at Sicyon (abstract), IV, 176. The Theatre at Sikyon, IX, 263. and his Fowler, H. N. The Connection of Phidias with Pericles Buildings (abstract), V, 9. Pausanias's Description of Greece, II, 357. The Venus of Milo (abstract), VII, 87. 181. Franklin, S. B. Reliefs on klov'lokol (abstract), IV, the zur Frickenhaus, A. Building Inscriptions of Erechtheum, Beitr?ge Erkl?rung, X, 4. with the Romans Frothingham, A. L. Did the Triumphal Arch Originate or the Greeks? (abstract), V, 27. at the Lateran at Rome The Mediaeval Chapel of the Sancta Sanctorum (abstract), V, 28. on Arch at Beneventum Two Monuments of Imperial Rome the (ab stract), IV, 172. the Christian Church New Light on the Earliest Forms of (abstract), VII, 77.
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