V; PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. Established June 23,1862. Vol. 9. PORTLAND, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 23. 1870. Term' *8'°° *** « λ m a n«iiB I <""·<"■<*· MISCELLANEOUS. by MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. Is published every day (Sundays excepted) ,b* THE DAILY PRESS Portland Publishing Co., THE NEW DAILY PRESS. WORLD'S STANDARD, Have you be At 109 Exchange Street, Portland. Tried, if not, Sure and Try BUSINESS DIRECTORY. PORTLAND Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year In advance. Carpet Warehouse S JAMES C. and at tiii: DAVIS' We invite the attention of both City Saturday Morning, Aptil 23,1870. The Maine State Press Spacious and Elegant Chambers Country rentier* to the following list of Port- Is published every Thursday Morning at WHELEElT&WILSON Treasurer Spinner's Financial Views. a if paid in at a land BUSINESS which are among $2.50 year; advance, 82.00 85 & 87 MIDDLE French Erasive HOUSES, —Hon. E. F. Spinner, United State» Treasur- year. (,SILENT FEED) ST,, _____ Laundry tho most lias attracted considerable attention to Soap, reliable establishments in the him- KEAZER BLOCK. The Best in the City. er, Rates or Advertising.—One inch of Worldl self recently by writing letters on financial " space, in length of column, constitutes a For sale at Advertising square." wholesale in Portland by J. F. Randall & Co., Smitii, Donnell & Co.. Agency. topics. His last is directed to II. B. Wilson $1.50 per square daily first week. 75 cents HENRY C. & Shaw, AT WELL & CO., 174 Middle Street. NOYES CO., Hammond & Carney, L. C. Buiggs & Co, and all Jobbers and Retailers in Groceries. Λ New the author of several pauipblets per week after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; York, continuing every other day after first week, 50 inform tlieir friends and the Agricultural IinplemenM & Seed·. igainst tbe national banking system. Treas- cents. RESPEOTFULLLYpublic generally tbat they have leased the above at Manufactured Mass. SAWYERS WOODFOKD, No. 119 St. urer that the arrogance of the Half well known rooms, and are now to exhibit Cambridgeport, Eicliangc Spinner says square, three insertions or 75 prepared apr!9tf less, cents; the "Fiuent and ever »anks is that he to one week. 50 be»t «elected Stock" becoming so great begins $1.00; cents per week after. ottered in this all \ew and Auctioneer. Special market, comprising l>e of Mr. Wilson's he Notices, one third additional. C'hoicc Styles of opinion. Besides, sayi C. W. No. 327 Under head of $2.00 per HOLMKS, Confcrcgf*St. Auction Sales that the government resume pay- "Amusements," 31 Private Sale3 the might specie square week three insertions or less aine every Evening. during day. per ; $1.50. Lloyd's (JM01 ments if it were not " any day for these banks, Advertisements inserted in tlie Maine BRUSSELS, lor tbeir notes being endorsed tbe United State Press" (which lias a large circulation MARINE INSURANCE. IJVSUJÏANCW Agcncie* Sewing machinée. by in ot the for SI.00 square TAPESTRY, COMPANY, States. make no exertion to every part State) per W. S. DYER, 158, Middle St, over H II. Hay'». They prepare for first and 50 cents for Home insertion, per square Oder, ..... OF BiNCOR. for resumption, and if the should each insertion. THREE PLY, Banger. HOBS & BAlv ER, 115 Middle St. (over Shaw'».) government subsequent Branch resume it would Address all communications to Office, 3 Kxcbange-st, I'ortlaad. M.& Q. H.WALDEN, M Middle Street, over become, owing to tbe unpre- Lock, Meservc iZ Co. (Improved Howe.) pared condition of tlie for PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Extra & Common Grades A1/VISOR rcull MITTEE. Fire and Marine Insurance. banks, responsible Superfine Îhe redemption of tbeir uotes. Tbis would be William Bakers. Chairman. Ilonir ..... OT SIcGUnrr, Office, Baugor. k heavier load than it could carry. He would BUSINESS CARDS Kynn, laaiah W. C.COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. Rielwa, ;hereforo a law Branch OIBcc, S l'arilnud JOHN Β 22 pass compelling them to be George «tenon, W. A. Farwell, Enktutc-M, MASTERTON, Anderson Street. Nuku C. irepared on a a given day for resumption. In lytr, Charte· Bai ward, Cash (X) «leery E. Capital, 200,000 Boots, Shoes, and Rnjbhers. vir. spinner's letter is found tbe re- & Ptcmln, Samuel tf. Heraey, .... following Painting, Paper-Hanging Glazing. CARPET1NGS Surplus, 171,503 Si J. W. BOUC I i ER & No. 338 R. K. CO., Congress Street. liarkahle declaration : "When bisto- Vnller, Attorney. ASSETS. impartial 'y Khali be written it will record the tact that ROSS SUBSCRIBERS. Loans, secured on unincum- Boots and Shoes—Gents Custom Work. Window Shades & amply next to tlic valor &~PERRY, Fixtures, Samuel F. ot our soldiers and sailor*, IV·. 9 Case· Hired. All of which will be ottered and Hebsey, Bangor, bered WALTER BERRY, No. 101 Middle Street. sold at the "New William real eslate, $182,956.00 ind ttio sell-sacrificing disposition of tbe York Pnikic Rate·" and η*. OTPf»>. rwlnptînn tiAm McUilvrey, Searsport, loyal Orders Eolicited and executed promptly in the tbe indomitable will manufacturers* prices. With fijteen years* experi- George Stetson, Baugor, Loans, secured by U. S. Bonds and and people, and general power best manner and on moderate terms. ence and a Booksellers Stationers. thorough knowledge of the business in all Isaiah af ot and its Strtson, organization Stanton, the financial J. G. Boss, Joseph A. Perry. branches, H. C. N pledges himself to sell Gar- " other Stocke Νλίηαν C. 26,924.00 skill of did more aprl9eo(Jlin pets at a lower rate than ever betoie offered Ayeb, Chase, than all other men in this William H. " market. Smith, United States Boude and things combined to save the nation from Charles " >1,100.00 Hook-Binder*. HASKELL & Stetson, destruction." THOMAS, jVo Old Goods or Old " Cash iu Styles! Samuel H. Blake, Bank 19,373.67 SMALL· & SITAORFORD, No. 05 Plum Street. Portland, April 9,1870. tt Samuel " Attornies at Law, Larrabee, Bangor market The or Chas. " City Bonds, value,. 18,685.00 Bonnet and Hat Cxiracs 1870.—The ninth census of FOU THE Haywabd, Bleachery. the United Stales will be taken under the 24 Exchange St., Portland. CHAS. P. " Bills licccivabie, for marine H. E. UNDEIi No. Congress Street. pro- bTETSON, prem- WOOD, 310j visions of tbe Act of May on tbe first D. R. Stockwell & " 23,1U50, W. W. Thomas, Je. 'Γ. H. Haskf.ll. Co., iums, >f June next. Tbe assistants are as fol- Nathan " 102,261.08 paid ap4Mm Trade ! Hopkins, ΒπκΙι flaiiiifacturrr». ows: Two cents tor name ten Spi'fii? on every taken; Thomas N. " Dues account, trom agents, sal- Egery, D. WHITE & SON, No. 9 Market Square. :ents for every farm; fifteen cents for every GEO. C. HOPKINS, " Moses Giddings, vage, and other items,.....' 29,101.5* iroductive establishment of industry; two MARRETT, "POOR & 00, Henry E. Prentiss, " Coal and Wood. :ents lor every dead person; and two percent. at " >1 the gross amount of tbe Attorney Law, M. S. $390,301.29 PAUL PRINCE & foot of Wilraot street. names enumerated, Dbummond, SON, for social John A. " statistics, and ten cents per mile lor Cor. Exchange and Federal 8ts., 90 Middle Petebs, LIABILITIES. travel. It will be seen tbe Street, Koberts & " Cabinet Furniture manufacturers. by foregoing that Co., Actual and ;be allowed an assistant or POBTUND. " estimated including all compensation enu- Have now in a Geobge K. TuTliSatr stock most Jewett, THEO. JOHNSON Λ CO., No. 13} Union Street. merator, provided tbe district allotted to hiin losses known or reported J as. G. Pendleton, Searsport, 18,797.46 iball not contain less than 20 001) persons, will Assortment Isaac Cabinet makers. >e about or R. K. GATLEY, Complete Cabver, Searsport, Net Assets $371,503.83 $U00 more. Hannibal Hamlin, Bangor, C. H. BLAKE, Manufacturer of Cofflvs and Show- The law provides that each assistant, after Of every grade " William PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL SERVING MACHINE. James H. Bowler, McCilverjr, President. Cases, 10 Cross st, and cor. Temple and Middle ste. lualifying, shall perform his duties by a per- " Abad S. S. RICH & 133 ianal visit to each dwelling-house, and to each Thompson, DIRECTORS : SON, Exchange St. (coffins.) Caleb 'amily in his subdivision, and shall ascertain PLASTERER, Awarded the Holyoke, Brewer, Geohge Highest Premium at the World's Paris N. A. Stetson, Pres't First Nat'l Bank. jy inquiries made by some member of each Fair, Farwei.l, Kockland, Samuel F. Carpenters and Builders. ! Francis " Hersey, Capitalist. Family, if any one can be found capable of giv- CARPETING Cobb, J. StuccolA Mastic Worker, Exposition and hundreds State and Fairs. Henry E. Prentiss, Capitalist. M. DOLLEY, No. IT Union Street. ing the information, bnt if not, then of tb« of County Consisting of the latest designs of Isaac Coombs, Camden, of Me. Auos M. Roberts, Fres't Eastern Bank. WHITNEY Λ MEANS. Pearl it, opposite the Park. agent such family, tbe name of each mem- No. 21 Union Street, Portland, J. C. Nickels, Searsport, tier tbe and Isaiah Stetson, Pres't & Piscata- thereof, age place of birth ot each, Moquette, Bbidge, I/OBd & Co., Boston, Bangor sex, color, etc., and shall also visit B^Prompt attention paid to all kinds of Jobbing quis R. K. Clothing and Furnishing Goods. personally The Verdict—One hundred more Edward the farms, mills, shops, mines or other in our line. mr5d3m Peoples' thousand in use Velvet and O'Bbien, Thomaston, Nathan C. places Théo. C. Ayer, N. C. Ayer & Co., lumber. LEWIS & LEWIS, No. Τβ Miildle Street. respecting which information is obtained and Woodman, Bucksport, G. K. J. L. " Jkwett. Pres't Ε. & N. A. R. R. entered in his blank9; then his memoranda J.
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