October 27, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7545 TRIBUTE TO WAR CHIEF JOSEPH alty, priorities, and hard work set an S. 1362. An act to amend title XI of the So- MEDICINE CROW amazing example to the rest of Mon- cial Security Act to clarify waiver authority ∑ tana and our great Nation as a whole.∑ regarding programs of all-inclusive care for Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I would the elderly (PACE programs). like to wish happy birthday to the last f S. 2162. An act to establish a 10–year term Crow war chief, Joseph Medicine Crow, for the service of the Librarian of Congress. who is celebrating his 102nd birthday MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE f today. He has served proudly as the At 11:27 a.m., a message from the Crow Tribe’s historian and storyteller, House of Representatives, delivered by REPORTS OF COMMITTEES is a decorated World War II veteran, Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, The following reports of committees and was the first in his tribe to attain announced that the House has passed were submitted: the following bill, in which it requests a master’s degree. By Mr. THUNE, from the Committee on Medicine Crow has lived a life filled the concurrence of the Senate: Commerce, Science, and Transportation, with numerous accomplishments. He is H.R. 3033. An act to require the President’s with an amendment in the nature of a sub- a recipient of the Presidential Medal of annual budget request to Congress each year stitute: Freedom. The White House identified to include a line item for the Research in S. 1326. A bill to amend certain maritime him as both ‘‘a warrior and living leg- Disabilities Education program of the Na- programs of the Department of Transpor- end’’ when he received the Medal of tional Science Foundation and to require the tation, and for other purposes (Rept. No. 114– Freedom in 2009. In 2006, his personal National Science Foundation to conduct re- 158). search on dyslexia. memoir, ‘‘Counting Coup,’’ was pub- By Mr. CORKER, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, without amendment: lished by National Geographic. He is ENROLLED BILL SIGNED The President pro tempore (Mr. S. 1789. A bill to improve defense coopera- considered one of the most celebrated tion between the United States and the HATCH) announced that on October 26, Native American soldiers due to his Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. selfless service in World War II. 2015, he had signed the following en- With his great-grandmother, grand- rolled bill, previously signed by the f mother, mother, and uncle all living Speaker of the House: EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF past 100 years of age, Medicine Crow H.R. 558. An act to designate the facility of COMMITTEES credits his long life to his strong fam- the United States Postal Service located at 55 South Pioneer Boulevard in Springboro, The following executive reports of ily roots. Medicine Crow’s secret ad- nominations were submitted: vice to living such a long and full life? Ohio, as the ‘‘Richard ‘Dick’ Chenault Post Office Building’’. By Mr. McCAIN for the Committee on He advises going to sleep early, sleep- Armed Services. ing 8 hours, eating breakfast, keeping ENROLLED BILL SIGNED At 12:48 p.m., a message from the Air Force nomination of Col. Thomas K. busy at work, and eating healthy and Wark, to be Brigadier General. generously. He also touched on the House of Representatives, delivered by Air Force nomination of Col. Howard P. positive influences of his wife, who Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, Purcell, to be Brigadier General. urged him to maintain good habits. His announced that the Speaker has signed Air Force nomination of Col. Allan L. positive, endearing spirit and sense of the following enrolled bill: Swartzmiller, to be Brigadier General. humor truly keeps him young. H.R. 313. An act to amend title 5, United Army nomination of Lt. Gen. David D. Hal- Medicine Crow’s spirit, humility, States Code, to provide leave to any new verson, to be Lieutenant General. Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Kenneth R. kind disposition, and many incredible Federal employee who is a veteran with a service-connected disability rated at 30 per- Dahl, to be Lieutenant General. life achievements are a model for all cent or more for purposes of undergoing med- Army nomination of Col. Erik H. Torring Montanans. Happy Birthday, Chief ical treatment for such disability, and for III, to be Brigadier General. Medicine Crow. I look forward to cele- other purposes. Army nomination of Maj. Gen. Thomas S. brating many more.∑ Vandal, to be Lieutenant General. The enrolled bill was subsequently Army nomination of Col. Valeria Gonzalez- f signed by the President pro tempore Kerr, to be Brigadier General. TRIBUTE TO RUSTY STAFNE (Mr. HATCH). Army nomination of Col. John J. Morris, ∑ to be Brigadier General. Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I wish to At 2:38 p.m., a message from the recognize the loyal service of A.T. Air Force nomination of Brig. Gen. Ste- House of Representatives, delivered by phen E. Markovich, to be Major General. ‘‘Rusty’’ Stafne, chairman of the Fort Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- Army nomination of Col. Marta Carcana, Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes. nounced that the House has passed the to be brigadier General. Stafne ended his term yesterday and following bill, in which it requests the Mr. McCAIN. Mr. President, for the will not be running for reelection as concurrence of the Senate: Committee on Armed Services I report chairman. I am proud to honor and to favorably the following nomination congratulate him on his service and H.R. 3819. An act to provide an extension of Federal-aid highway, highway safety, motor lists which were printed in the successes. carrier safety, transit, and other programs RECORDS on the dates indicated, and As chairman, Stafne has worked dili- funded out of the Highway Trust Fund, and ask unanimous consent, to save the ex- gently for the Assiniboine and Sioux for other purposes. pense of reprinting on the Executive people on the Fort Peck Reservation f Calendar that these nominations lie at and has held firm in his priorities. He the Secretary’s desk for the informa- has worked to honor veterans, specifi- MEASURES REFERRED tion of Senators. cally those who served in World War II, The following bill was read the first The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and has worked tirelessly to protect and the second times by unanimous objection, it is so ordered. wildlife in Montana and on the Fort consent, and referred as indicated: Peck Reservation. Air Force nominations beginning with We thank Chairman Stafne for his in- H.R. 3033. An act to require the President’s Brandon R. Abel and ending with Brandon A. annual budget request to Congress each year Zuercher, which nominations were received volvement in the Senate Indian Affairs to include a line item for the Research in by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Committee. He has been a tireless ad- Disabilities Education program of the Na- sional Record on June 24, 2015. vocate for rural water projects and tional Science Foundation and to require the Air Force nominations beginning with other challenges facing the tribes. He National Science Foundation to conduct re- Michelle T. Aaron and ending with Kirk P. has traveled to Washington, DC, to tes- search on dyslexia; to the Committee on Winger, which nominations were received by tify in front of Congress and has broad- Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. the Senate and appeared in the Congres- ened the eyes of many—giving new and f sional Record on September 9, 2015. better insight into the life of tribal Air Force nominations beginning with ENROLLED BILLS PRESENTED Quentin D. Bagby and ending with Mary A. men and women, so that we can work Workman, which nominations were received together to better serve and protect The Secretary of the Senate reported by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- our tribal nations. that on October 26, 2015, she had pre- sional Record on September 9, 2015. I am thankful for Chairman Stafne’s sented to the President of the United Air Force nominations beginning with work on behalf of the tribe. His loy- States the following enrolled bills: Robert H. Alexander and ending with Justin VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:16 Oct 28, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27OC6.018 S27OCPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S7546 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 27, 2015 David Wright, which nominations were re- ginia (Mrs. CAPITO) was added as a co- prove access to medication therapy ceived by the Senate and appeared in the sponsor of S. 12, a bill to amend the In- management under part D of the Medi- Congressional Record on September 9, 2015. ternal Revenue Code of 1986 to exempt care program. Army nomination of Matthew P. Tarjick, S. 1042 to be Lieutenant Colonel. employees with health coverage under Army nomination of Judith S. Meyers, to TRICARE or the Veterans Administra- At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the be Major. tion from being taken into account for name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. Army nominations beginning with Thomas purposes of determining the employers NELSON) was added as a cosponsor of S. W. Wisenbaugh and ending with Harold P. to which the employer mandate applies 1042, a bill to amend the Outer Conti- Xenitelis, which nominations were received under the Patient Protection and Af- nental Shelf Lands Act to permanently by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- fordable Care Act.
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