VirtualizationVirtualization ofof LinuxLinux basedbased computers:computers: thethe LinuxLinux--VServerVServer projectproject BenoBenoîîtt desdes Ligneris,Ligneris, Ph.Ph. D.D. [email protected] Objectives:Objectives: Objectives:Objectives: 1)1) PresentPresent thethe availableavailable programsprograms thatthat cancan provideprovide aa virtualizationvirtualization ofof LinuxLinux computerscomputers withwith differentdifferent technologies.technologies. Objectives:Objectives: 1)1) PresentPresent thethe availableavailable programsprograms thatthat cancan provideprovide aa virtualizationvirtualization ofof LinuxLinux computerscomputers withwith differentdifferent technologies.technologies. 2)2) FocusFocus onon LinuxLinux--VServers:VServers: aa veryvery lightweightlightweight andand effectiveeffective technologytechnology forfor thethe regularregular LinuxLinux useruser notnot interstedintersted inin KernelKernel hacking.hacking. PlanPlan PlanPlan ● IntroductionIntroduction PlanPlan ● IntroductionIntroduction ● OverviewOverview ofof thethe availableavailable technologytechnology PlanPlan ● IntroductionIntroduction ● OverviewOverview ofof thethe availableavailable technologytechnology ● ClassificationClassification ofof thethe problems:problems: usageusage criteriacriteria PlanPlan ● IntroductionIntroduction ● OverviewOverview ofof thethe availableavailable technologytechnology ● ClassificationClassification ofof thethe problems:problems: usageusage criteriacriteria ● ComparativeComparative studystudy ofof thethe existingexisting technologytechnology PlanPlan ● IntroductionIntroduction ● OverviewOverview ofof thethe availableavailable technologytechnology ● ClassificationClassification ofof thethe problems:problems: usageusage criteriacriteria ● ComparativeComparative studystudy ofof thethe existingexisting technologytechnology ● TechnologyTechnology overviewoverview ofof LinuxLinux--VServersVServers PlanPlan ● IntroductionIntroduction ● OverviewOverview ofof thethe availableavailable technologytechnology ● ClassificationClassification ofof thethe problems:problems: usageusage criteriacriteria ● ComparativeComparative studystudy ofof thethe existingexisting technologytechnology ● TechnologyTechnology overviewoverview ofof LinuxLinux--VServersVServers ● ConclusionConclusion IntroductionIntroduction IntroductionIntroduction WhyWhy vservers?vservers? IntroductionIntroduction WhyWhy vservers?vservers? ➔ Virtualization is now more and more acessible for regular users given the extreme processing power of the current computers IntroductionIntroduction WhyWhy vservers?vservers? ➔ Virtualization is now more and more acessible for regular users given the extreme processing power of the current computers ➔ The availability of COTS multi-processor 64 bit architecture accelerates the needs for a mature virtualization technique, as it's more and more difficult for a common application to use 100% of the available resources IntroductionIntroduction WhyWhy vservers?vservers? ➔ Virtualization is now more and more acessible for regular users given the extreme processing power of the current computers ➔ The availability of COTS multi-processor 64 bit architecture accelerates the needs for a mature virtualization technique, as it's more and more difficult for a common application to use 100% of the available resources ➔ Virtualization also affect scientific computing and could become, in the near future, the corner stone of the so called «grid computing» as it solves elegantly most of the problems (security, resources consumption) of the current Grid technology OverviewOverview ofof thethe availableavailable technologytechnology OverviewOverview ofof thethe availableavailable technologytechnology VMwareVMware OverviewOverview ofof thethe availableavailable technologytechnology VMwareVMware plex86plex86 OverviewOverview ofof thethe availableavailable technologytechnology VMwareVMware plex86plex86 BochsBochs OverviewOverview ofof thethe availableavailable technologytechnology VMwareVMware plex86plex86 BochsBochs LinuxLinux--VServersVServers OverviewOverview ofof thethe availableavailable technologytechnology VMwareVMware plex86plex86 BochsBochs LinuxLinux--VServersVServers UserUser ModeMode LinuxLinux (UML)(UML) OverviewOverview ofof thethe availableavailable technologytechnology VMwareVMware plex86plex86 BochsBochs LinuxLinux--VServersVServers UserUser ModeMode LinuxLinux (UML)(UML) XenXen OverviewOverview ofof thethe availableavailable technologytechnology VMwareVMware plex86plex86 BochsBochs LinuxLinux--VServersVServers UserUser ModeMode LinuxLinux (UML)(UML) XenXen QEMUQEMU VMwareVMware VMwareVMware « Vmware workstation is a powerfull virtual machine software for the desktop. VMware workstation runs multiple operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, Linux and Novell NetWare, simultaneously on a single PC in fully networked, portable virtual machines » http://www.vmware.com/products/ VMwareVMware ➔ ProvideProvide completecomplete multimulti--OSOS emulationemulation onon x86x86 CPUCPU onlyonly VMwareVMware ➔ ProvideProvide completecomplete multimulti--OSOS emulationemulation onon x86x86 CPUCPU onlyonly ➔ TheThe wholewhole installationinstallation processprocess ofof aa LinuxLinux distributiondistribution cancan bebe donedone withwith VMwareVMware VMwareVMware ➔ ProvideProvide completecomplete multimulti--OSOS emulationemulation onon x86x86 CPUCPU onlyonly ➔ TheThe wholewhole installationinstallation processprocess ofof aa LinuxLinux distributiondistribution cancan bebe donedone withwith VMwareVMware ➔ ResourceResource consumptionconsumption isis staticstatic (RAM,(RAM, Disck,Disck, etc)etc) andand veryvery importantimportant (up(up toto 50%50% ofof thethe availableavailable computingcomputing power!)power!) plex86plex86 plex86plex86 « (...) a very lightweight Virtual Machine (VM) for running Linux/x86» http://plex86.sourceforge.net/ (Feb/2005) plex86plex86 « (...) a very lightweight Virtual Machine (VM) for running Linux/x86» http://plex86.sourceforge.net/ (Feb/2005) ➔ UseUse thethe samesame VmwareVmware logiclogic butbut isis restrictedrestricted onlyonly toto LinuxLinux OSOS (native(native OSOS asas wellwell asas guestguest OS)OS) plex86plex86 « (...) a very lightweight Virtual Machine (VM) for running Linux/x86» http://plex86.sourceforge.net/ (Feb/2005) ➔ UseUse thethe samesame VmwareVmware logiclogic butbut isis restrictedrestricted onlyonly toto LinuxLinux OSOS (native(native OSOS asas wellwell asas guestguest OS)OS) ➔ It'sIt's neededneeded toto recompilerecompile thethe kernelkernel onon thethe guestguest OSOS plex86plex86 « (...) a very lightweight Virtual Machine (VM) for running Linux/x86» http://plex86.sourceforge.net/ (Feb/2005) ➔ UseUse thethe samesame VmwareVmware logiclogic butbut isis restrictedrestricted onlyonly toto LinuxLinux OSOS (native(native OSOS asas wellwell asas guestguest OS)OS) ➔ It'sIt's neededneeded toto recompilerecompile thethe kernelkernel onon thethe guestguest OSOS ➔ VeryVery slowslow atat thethe timetime ofof thisthis writingwriting BochsBochs BochsBochs « Bochs is a highly portable open source IA-32(x86) PC emulator written in C++, that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel x86 CPU, common I/O devices and a custom BIOS. Currently, Bochs can be compiled to emulate a 386, 486, Pentium, Pentium Pro or AMD64 CPU including optional MMX, SSE, SSE2 and 3DNow instructions » http://bochs.sourceforge.net/ (Feb/2005) BochsBochs ➔ TheThe performanceperformance ofof bochsbochs doesdoes notnot comparecompare toto VmwareVmware oror plex86plex86 mainlymainly becausebecause itit emulatesemulates thethe CPUCPU insteadinstead ofof usingusing thethe nativenative instructioninstruction setset ofof thethe IAIA--3232 CPUsCPUs BochsBochs ➔ TheThe performanceperformance ofof bochsbochs doesdoes notnot comparecompare toto VmwareVmware oror plex86plex86 mainlymainly becausebecause itit emulatesemulates thethe CPUCPU insteadinstead ofof usingusing thethe nativenative instructioninstruction setset ofof thethe IAIA--3232 CPUsCPUs ➔ ThereThere isis nono lockinglocking mechanismmechanism forfor thethe disks.disks. TheThe LinuxLinux--VServersVServers TheThe LinuxLinux--VServersVServers « Linux-VServer allows you to create virtual private servers and security contexts which operate like a normal Linux server, but allow many independent servers to be run simultaneously in one box at full speed» http://www.linux-vserver.org (Feb/2005) TheThe LinuxLinux--VServersVServers ➔ TheThe LinuxLinux--VServerVServer projectproject consistsconsists ofof aa kernelkernel patchpatch andand installationinstallation ofof userlanduserland toolstools TheThe LinuxLinux--VServersVServers ➔ TheThe LinuxLinux--VServerVServer projectproject consistsconsists ofof aa kernelkernel patchpatch andand installationinstallation ofof userlanduserland toolstools ➔ ItIt managemanage resourcesresources dinamically:dinamically: aa singlesingle kernelkernel isis inin chargecharge ofof allocatingallocating resources.resources. TheThe LinuxLinux--VServersVServers ➔ TheThe LinuxLinux--VServerVServer projectproject consistsconsists ofof aa kernelkernel patchpatch andand installationinstallation ofof userlanduserland toolstools ➔ ItIt managemanage resourcesresources dinamically:dinamically: aa singlesingle kernelkernel isis inin chargecharge ofof allocatingallocating resources.resources. ➔ Priority,Priority, Memory,Memory, DiskDisk space,space, CPUCPU ticksticks cancan bebe managedmanaged dynamicallydynamically
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