ffi&NSHIP VOL. VII.—No. 25 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1945 PRICE THREE CENTS Colonia 1st We Enroll,: 100 Per Cent Gallantry try, at least, to practice what we preach. 4 G.O.P. Incumbents To Run: To Attain. Editorially, we have been urging you to donate to the Red Citations Cross. Today, the Woodbridge Publishing Co., which publishes the Drive. Goal Raritan Township - Fords Beacon, received a 100 per cent poster from Woodbridge Township Chapter, denoting that the concern Awarded 7 Democrats Pondering Slate and all its employes donated to the War Fund. 1 -Day Canvass Results Woodbridge Publishing Co. donated $200, and the employes Township Men Named gave $75.50. Mayor Again To Head , In Oversubscribing For Outstanding Hero- Party Ticket; Spencer, ism In BattSefrortt Presenting 3 Young Ladies Making Their Debut $1800 Red Cross Quota ScSiaffrickjRankin Mates WOODBRIDGE — Colonia is Tor' Meritorious Semite' WOODBRIDGE — Seven more All Are Daughters Of Mr. And Mrs. Michael Peirin Of Avenel, They Make Their the first section of the Township Township men were cited overseas WOODBRIDGE— On good an-' to go over the top in the Red Cross Sgt. Robert T. according to press dispatches re- Bow At Rahway Hospital With Assistance Of Dr. Joseph S. Mark thority it -was learned this -mom- Leisen, son of ceived this week. ;. ing that the Republican incum-" War Fund Drive. AVENEL—Triplets—all girls—were born have another child, Michael Richard, five years Mrs. John Lei- Flight Officer James P. Livin- bents on the Township Commit- ' With a goal of $1,800 set for the old. \ sen, Grove Street, good, 22, 228 Main Street, was yesterday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Michael tee, Mayor August F. Greiner and community, $1,898 was collected Petrin, 3 Manor Place, at the Rahway Memo- there in -one day by a group of and husband of recently awarded the Air Medal Mr. and Mrs. Petrin have been married eight Committeemen Frederick A. Spen- rial Hospital. Dr. Joseph S. Mark, of Wood- cer, James Schaffrick and Herbert men solicitoi-s. The Colonia cam- Mrs. Lillian Lei- "for meritorious achievement" years, the latter being the former Mary Cim- bridge, was the attending physician. B. Rankin, will be candidates for" paign was conducted under the sen, Green Street, during sustained aerial operations The infants have been named Gale, Denise bolic, of Avenel. The proud father is employed re-election. direction of Mrs. Arthur Brown, Iselin, shown be- against the enemy, it was, an- and Linda-, and weighed three pounds, fifteen at the Eastern Aircraft plant, Linden. 1 Mrs. John S. Anderegg and ing awarded the nounced by 15th AAF Headquar- Mayor Greiner and Committee- Charles Jones who is also co-chair- Bronze star Med- ters, Italy. ounces; four pounds, seven ounces; three According to the hospital authorities, mother man Spencer are completing thelj rnan of the Township War Fund l "for meritori- A navigator, F/O Livingood is pounds, five ounces, respectively. The couple and daughters are getting, "along nicely." 12th year on the Committee. Com- drive. > ous service in a member of a Liberator bombard- mitteeman Rankin- has been on the The $1,898 is not the final amo.unt connection with ment group which has flown more Committee for eight years and for Colonia as the Inman Avenue military opera- than 190 bombing missions against 7,612-Ton Woodbridge Victory' Road Repairs Committeeman Schaffrick has been section is yet to be canvassed and tions from 23 strategic enemy oil, rail arid indus- serving since January, 1936. several return calls are to be August 1944 to trial targets throughout central The final date for filing petitions - made in other parts of the town. 25 September and southern Europe. Prior to en- Launching Slated For March 26 Await Spring in the primary is Thursday, Janu- To date, approximately one-fifth 1944." The pre- tering the Army, March 29, 1943, ary 29. F/0 Livingood was a student at of the Township's $25,800 quota sent a tion was Meanwhile, the Democrats ore Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. WOODBRIDGE — Condition of has been raised, but several sec- Ship Named For Town- made by Col. He received his wings and appoint- Admiral Howard L. Vickery, vice Township roads took up. most of still pondering over their slate/ As- - tion chairmen have made no pre- Aaron H. Hoffe- ment as flight officer, July 24, chairman of the U. S. Maritime the time at Township meeting semblyman Bernard W. Vogel," liminary reports. ship Is 45th Of Line; ditz, shown pin- 1944. Commission, pointed out that only Monday. Township Democratic leaded said The largest industrial contribu- yesterday no decisions have been ning the medal Capacity, 10,500 Ton yards which have performed effi- An Avenel resident urged that tion received to date was $1,500 T/Sgt. Walter A. Manaker, .22, reached as yet. A ^meeting, ,\<x on Sgt. Leisen at ciently in the building of Liberty Morrissey Avenue be repaired from the Shell Oil Company. Avenel, ball turret gunner, on.a WOODBRIDGE—The S.S. stated, would be ^heid "some" time a Ninth Air Force Ships are given Victory Ship con- while a group of Iselin residents .. Other contributions this week B-17 Flying Fortress, has been "Woodbridge Victory," honoring next week to- select candidates. Service Com- tracts. The yard has turned out declared that the culvert on Auth were as follows: awarded an Oak Leaf Cluster to the Township of Woodbridge, is mand Depot in 384 Liberty Ships, more than any Avenue near Middlesex Avenue Candidate? $250 the Air Medal at an Eighth Air now scheduled for launching March France. He was other shipyard in the country, in was clogged causing- a muddy con- Vulcan Detinning Company, Se- Force Bomber Station, England. 26 at the Bethlehem-Fairfield Ship- Meanwhile several names inducted in 1942. addition to 30 tank-landing ships. dition. Township Engineer C. *R. waren; Heyden Chemical Corpora- ,The presentation was made by his yard, Baltimore, Md. been mentioned as possible JJ Davis said his men had already tion, Fords. group commander, Lt. Col. Wil- Victory ships built at the Beth- cratic candidates. Andrew D; B liam Wrigglesworth. started working there and the con- mond^ local attorney,' is known "tfr $200 lehem- .Fairfield Shipyard, are Parents Advis.ed Son, 19, dition would be remedied as soon be the choice of prominent first " Woodbridge Publishing Co. Sergeant . Manaker is the son named by the Maritime Commis- Killed In Europe Battle as a catch basin, now being built, ward Democrats as candidate for ", $100 of Mr. and Mrs. W. Manaker, sion after typical towns of various is completed. mayor. If he is selected, .his run- -" Howard Johnson (Peter Sideris, Bronze Star Awarded To Foetch Ziegler Avenue, Avenel. Prior to Eastern and Central States, the •WOODBRIDGE — Mr. and ning mate for the first ward post first check received), Mayor Au- entering the Army Air Forces in selection of sponsors being left up Mi's. Amibal Boncada, Trento Taxpayers complaining about will undoubtedly be g David F» gust F. Greiner, Mrs. John S. An- November, 1942, Sgt. Manaker was to the community for which the Street, Iselin, have been notified road conditions were told by Gerity, who was defeateS in 1943, _ deregg, Mrs. Edward K. Cone, In Posthumous Ceremony Mere employed by the National Pneu- vessel was named. It is believed 1 Mayor August F. Greiner that the matic company, Rahway. He re- by the Wai Department that by Committeeman Spencer. General Ceramics and Steatite that Woodbridge will follow the their son, Manuel Alves Bon- road department would have to ceived his gunner's wings in May, example set by other communities wait until the frost is out of the In the second ward the names (Corporation, A. Gusmer, Inc., Mrs. Decoration Is Presented at great personal risk, advanced to cada, 19, was killed in the Euro- 1944, at Las Vegas, Nev. The of- and permit a shipyard employe to ground before repairs can be of Adolph Quadt, who was also Donald Murchie, Louis Neuberg, the top of a hill exposed to enemy pean Theater of War. He is the defeated in 1943 by Committee- To Parents; Citation ficial citation read: serve as sponsor. made. Work done now, he said, Mrs. W. H. Peterson. rifle fire. He remained in his dan- 99th Township man to die in man SchafTriek, and Joseph A. $84.16 "For meritorious achievement "Woodbridge Victory" will have would be worthless. Tells Of Bravery gerous position of observation un- s World War II. Dambach, Jr., have been men- Federal Shipbuilding and Dry while participating in heavy bom- a length of 455 feet, a molded A communication was received der enemy fire until ordered to tioned prominently as possible .. Dock. bardment missions in the air offen- breadth of 62 feet; depth (keel to The Iselin man was born in from the Regular Republican Club WOODBRIDGE — The Bronze return to his unit. The information candidates. $50.00 sive against the enemy over Con- main deck) 38 feet; three decks, Portugal and attended Iselin of Fords, asking a large hole on Star has been awarded posthu- obtained by Sergeant Foerch was Although third ward Dem-ff- v Mr. and Mrs. Roger. Clapp, Eric tinental Europe. The courage, three masts, four king-posts; one grade schools. He was employed Crows Mill Road and Warner mously to" Sgt. Robert J. Foerch, a factor in the subsequent success- coolness' and skill displayed by by the Worthington Gamon Me- crats would not venture to najsia^ and Jessie Davis, Fred Kaufman, 30-ton, one 50-ton and 14 5-ton Street, left there by the gas com- a possible candidate in thafc--sets- W.
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