Notiomd library Legisla.ive Day May 5-6, 1997 Washington, D.C. 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Telephone 202 628 8410 Washington Office Suite403 Fax2026288419 Washington, DC 20004-1701 E-mail:[email protected] USA ALAAmerican LibraryAssociation SCHEDULE LIBRARY LEGISLATIVE DAY May 6, 1997 Washington, DC 8:00 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Briefing Folder Pickup. Outside Room G-50 Senate Dirksen Office Building 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. Review of key messages for Congressional Offices. FOLUSA award presented to Sen. Jim Jeffords (R-VT) and Rep. William F. Goodling (R-PA) ALL DAY Congressional Office Visits Noon Review of key messages for congressional offices. Dirksen Cafeteria, North Servery 4:30 p.m. Photo Session. All participants meet for a group photograph on the front steps of the Library of Congress Jefferson Building (weather permitting). 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Congressional Reception. U. S. Capitol, Room HC-5 (basement level). REMINDER: Be sure to return completed evaluation forms (in your briefing folder) to the ALA Washington Office! Reprinted by permission of Congressional Quarterly, Inc. 1414 - 22nd St., NW, Washington, DC 20097 CAPITOL HILL M UNION STATION METRO- s DIAGRAMMATIC·•· MAP OF THE UNITED STATES CAPITOL AND SURROUNDING GROUNDS g CONSTITUTION AVENUE 't ;s·.' ., f ~ fi ft ·i•· .11 !I RAYBURN LIIRARY OF CONGRESS HOUSE OFFICE IIADISON IMLDING BUILDING I 50 East Huron Street Teleph one 312 944 6780 Ch icago, Illinois 60611 -2795 Fax 312 440 9374 USA Toll Free 800 545 2433 TDD 312 944 7298 E-m ai l:[email protected] ALAAmerican LibraryAssociation For Immediate Release Contact: Joyce Kelly/Linda Wallace March 20, 1997 312-280-5043/5042 Supreme Court hears CDA challenge; ALA attorney argues case Washington, D.C. -- In a rare action reflecting the significance and complexity of the issue being heard, the Supreme Court allowed attorneys arguing the constitutionality of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) an additional IO minutes to present their cases. Elizabeth Martinez, executive director of the American Library Association (ALA) and Judith Krug, director of the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom, said they were impressed by the number of questions asked by the justices, many of which focused on the liability of parents for their children, and whether teenagers and adults who engage in online conversations of a sexual nature would be subject to prosecution. Martinez noted that Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, in particular, asked about the impact on public access to online catalogs and other information provided by libraries and the legal implications for libraries. "I'm optimistic the justices will act to uphold freedom of speech in cyberspace," Martinez said. Krug described the hearing as "awesome" and added, "It's not over yet. This case will set the standard against which other cases will be measured for the foreseeable future." Bruce Ennis, attorney for the American Library Association and Freedom to Read Foundation, represented the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and a coalition of organizations challenging the law at the hearing held March 19. Ennis said he felt the case got a thorough and thoughtful hearing. -more- I Supreme Court hears CDA challenge/add one "The Court seems to understand that the Internet is a unique medium and cannot be subject to the restrictions on speech which apply in mass media such as radio and television," Ennis said. In his arguments, Ennis focused on four points. He said the law, passed by Congress last year as part of the Telecommunications Act, violates the First Amendment right of free speech for adults by outlawing any material on the Internet that could be considered "indecent" or "patently offensive by community standards" for minors. He argued that the law would not effectively protect children since some 40 percent of indecent material originates in other countries and that there are less restrictive means of protecting children, including parental supervision and use of filtering devices. Ennis also charged that the vagueness of the law's wording, coupled with severe penalties, would undoubtedly have a chilling speech on speech that is not considered indecent under the law. Seth Waxman, a Justice Department attorney, argued that the law is necessary to protect children from inappropriate material available on some 8,000 sites. He claimed the Internet provides children "a free pass into the equivalent of every adult bookstore and every adult video store in the country." Under the Act, passed last year as part of the Telecommunications Act, any person who knowingly sends or displays "indecent" materials over the Internet to minors could be imprisoned for up to two years and fined up to $250,000. The Supreme Court case, titled Reno v. ACLU, combines suits filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition, which includes the American Library Association as lead plaintiff and its sister organization, the Freedom To Read Foundation. Two federal district courts upheld the challenges and issued injunctions against its enforcement. The rulings were appealed by the U.S. Department of Justice. The Supreme Court is expected to issue a decision before its summer recess at the end of June. A transcript of the hearing is at United States Senate listed in state order State Partv Senator Rm. No. and Bldi:;. Code AK R Ted Stevens 522 SHOB AK R Frank H. Murkowski 706 SHOB AL R Richard C. Shelby 110 SHOB AL R Jeff Sessions 34 SDOB AR D Dale L. Bumpers 229 SDOB AR R Y. Tim Hutchinson 708 SHOB AZ R John McCain 241 SROB AZ R Jon Kyl 702 SHOB CA D Dianne Feinstein 331 SHOB CA D Barbara Boxer 112 SHOB co R Ben Nighthorse Campbell 380 SROB co R Wayne Allard 716 SHOB CT D Christopher J. Dodd 444 SROB CT D Joseph I. Lieberman 316 SHOB DE R William V. Roth, Jr. 104 SHOB DE D Joseph R. Biden 221 SROB FL D Bob Graham 524 SHOB FL R Connie Mack 517 SHOB GA R Paul D. Coverdell 200 SROB GA D Max Cleland 463 SDOB HI D Daniel K. Inouye 722 SHOB HI D Daniel K. Akaka 720 SHOB IA R Charles E. Grassley 135 SHOB IA D Tom Harkin 531 SHOB ID R Larry E. Craig 313 SHOB ID R Dirk Kempthome 367 SDOB IL D Carol Moseley-Braun 320 SHOB IL D Richard J. Durbin 267 SROB IN R Richard G. Lugar 306 SHOB IN R Dan Coats 404 SROB KS R Sam Brownback 141 SHOB KS R Pat Roberts 302 SROB KY D Wendell H. Ford 173A SROB KY R Mitch McConnell 361A SROB LA D John B. Breaux 516 SHOB LA D Mary L. Landrieu 825 SHOB MA D Edward M. Kennedy 315 SROB MA D John F. Kerry 421 SROB MD D Paul S. Sar banes 309 SHOB MD D Barbara A. Mikulski 709 SHOB ME R Olympia J. Snowe 495 SROB ME R Susan M. Collins 40 SDOB MI D Carl Levin 459 SROB MI R Spencer Abraham 245 SDOB American Library Association Washington Office, Library Legislative Day, May 6, 1997 Page I of3 I State Partv Senator Rm. No. and Bid~. Code MN D Paul D. Wellstone 717 SHOB MN R Rod Grams 261 SDOB MO R Christopher S. Bond 293 SROB MO R John Ashcroft 170 SROB MS R Thad Cochran 326 SROB MS R Trent Lott 487 SROB MT D Max S. Baucus 511 SHOB MT R Conrad Burns 187 SDOB NC R Jesse A. Helms 403 SDOB NC R Lauch Faircloth 317 SHOB ND D Kent Conrad 724 SHOB ND D Byron L. Dorgan 713 SHOB NE D Bob Kerrey 303 SHOB NE R Chuck Hagel 528 SHOB NH R Robert C. Smith 332 SDOB NH R Judd Gregg 393 SROB NJ D Frank R. Lautenberg 506 SHOB NJ D Robert G. Torricelli 728 SHOB NM R Pete V. Domenici 328 SHOB NM D Jeff Bingaman 703 SHOB NV D Harry M. Reid 324 SHOB NV D Richard H. Bryan 364 SROB NY D Daniel Patrick Moynihan 464 SROB NY R Alfonse M. D'Amato 520 SHOB OH D John Glenn 503 SHOB OH R Mike DeWine 140 SROB OK R Don Nickles 133 SHOB OK R James M. lnhofe 453 SROB OR D Ron Wyden 259 SROB OR R Gordon Smith 711 SHOB PA R Arlen Specter 530 SHOB PA R Rick Santorum 120 SROB RI R John H. Chafee 505 SDOB RI D Jack Reed 339 SROB SC R Strom Thurmond 217 SROB SC D Ernest F. Hollings 125 SROB SD D Thomas A. Daschle 509 SHOB SD D Tim Johnson 528 SHOB TN R Fred Thompson 523 SDOB TN R Bill Frist 565 SDOB TX R Phil Gramm 370 SROB TX R Kay Bailey Hutchison 283 SROB UT R Orrin G. Hatch 131 SROB UT R Robert F. Bennett 431 SDOB VA R John W. Warner 225 SROB VA D Charles S. Robb 154 SROB American Library Association Washington Office. Library Legislative Day, May 6, 1997 Page2of3 State Partv Senator Rm. No. and Bldi:;. Code VT D Patrick J. Leahy 433 SROB VT R James M. Jeffords 513 SHOB WA R Slade Gorton 730 SHOB WA D Patty Murray 111 SROB WI D Herb Kohl 330 SHOB WI D Russell D. Feingold 502 SHOB WV D Robert C. Byrd 311 SHOB WV D John D. Rockefeller, IV 109 SHOB WY R Craig Thomas 302 SHOB WY R Michael B. Enzi 116 SHOB Building Codes SHOB Senate Hart Office Building SDOB Senate Dirksen Office Building SROB Senate Russell Office Building American Library Association Washington Office, Library Legislative Day, May 6, 1997 Page 3 of3 I United States House of Representatives listed 1n swte order State District Partv Re2resentative Rm.
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