Appendix T Traffic Impact Assessment Continuation of Boggabri Coal Mine Traffic Impact Assessment June, 2010 Boggabri Coal Mine Limited Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia Pty Limited ABN 80 078 004 798 Ernst & Young Centre, Level 27, 680 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 5394 Sydney NSW 2001 Australia Telephone +61 2 9272 5100 Facsimile +61 2 9272 5101 Email [email protected] NCSI Certified Quality System ISO 9001, ISO14001, AS/NZS4801 2112805A-PR_2554_RevF Revision Details Date Amended By Original 26 November 2009 CC, BH, ZB A Revision 03 December 2009 ZB, GS B Revision 22 December 2009 ZB C Revision 4 January 2010 ZB, GS D Revision 6 January 2010 GS E Revision 23 June 2010 ZB F Revision 28 June 2010 ZB © Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia Pty Limited (PB) [2010]. Copyright in the drawings, information and data recorded in this document (the information) is the property of PB. This document and the information are solely for the use of the authorised recipient and this document may not be used, copied or reproduced in whole or part for any purpose other than that for which it was supplied by PB. PB makes no representation, undertakes no duty and accepts no responsibility to any third party who may use or rely upon this document or the information. Author: Chris Chun, Ben Hubbard, Zoran Bakovic.................................. Signed: ................................................................................................... Reviewer: Tom Van Drempt........................................................................ Signed: ................................................................................................... Approved by: John Webster; Graeme Steverson 23/6/10 ................................ Signed: ................................................................................................... Date: 26 June 2010 ............................................................................. Distribution: ................................................................................................... 2112805A-PR_2554_RevF Continuation of Boggabri Coal Mine Traffic Impact Assessment Contents Page Number Glossary.......................................................................................................................................................iv Executive summary ..................................................................................................................................... v 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 The project 3 1.1.1 Coal transport 3 1.1.2 Workforce and hours of operation 4 1.1.3 Conceptual mine plan for the project 4 1.1.4 Proposed public road closure 6 1.2 Traffic impact assessment scope 6 2. Existing road and traffic demand....................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Road network 7 2.2 Existing coal movement infrastructure 17 2.3 Existing traffic volumes 17 2.3.1 Traffic surveys 18 2.3.2 Turning movement summary 19 2.3.3 Regional traffic growth 20 3. Existing performance of the key intersections...............................................................................23 3.1 Model performance indicators 23 3.1.1 Current performance of the key intersections 24 4. Forecast traffic demand ....................................................................................................................25 4.1 Traffic generation 25 4.1.1 Operational traffic generation 25 4.1.2 Construction staff traffic generation 26 4.1.3 Summary of staff traffic generation 27 4.2 Traffic assignment in the AM and PM peak periods 27 4.3 Additional haulage vehicle traffic 30 4.4 Construction heavy vehicle traffic 30 4.5 Peak hours 30 4.6 Traffic distribution 30 4.7 Forecast Year 5 do-nothing traffic demand 31 4.8 Forecast Year 5 peak operational and construction traffic 33 4.9 Traffic redistribution due to closure of a section of Leard Forest Road 36 5. Traffic impact .....................................................................................................................................39 5.1 Modelling performance of the future Year 5 do-nothing scenario 39 5.2 Modelled performance of Year 5 peak operational and construction traffic 39 5.3 Road safety 40 5.3.1 Crash data 40 5.3.2 Closure of Leard Forest Road 42 5.3.3 Increase in the number of employee/construction staff 42 5.3.4 Road Safety Audit 42 5.4 Public transport services 43 5.5 Cycling and pedestrian access 43 5.6 Mitigation and management measures 43 6. Train operation traffic impact study ................................................................................................45 7. Conclusions .......................................................................................................................................47 PB 2112805A-PR_2554_RevF Page i Continuation of Boggabri Coal Mine Traffic Impact Assessment Contents (continued) Page Number List of tables Table 2-1 Historical traffic trend on the Kamilaroi Highway and Manilla Road 21 Table 3-1 RTA levels of service 23 Table 3-2 Modelled existing traffic conditions (2009) 24 Table 4-1 Staff traffic generation summary 27 Table 4-2 Summary of staff trips in the AM peak period 28 Table 4-3 Summary of staff trips in the PM peak period 29 Table 5-1 Modelled future traffic conditions (Year 5) - Do-nothing scenario 39 Table 5-2 Modelled future traffic conditions (Year 5) - peak operation and construction period 40 Table 6-1 Train movements (supplied by Hansen Bailey) 45 List of figures Figure 1-1 Locality plan 2 Figure 1-2 Conceptual mine layout plan for Year 21 5 Figure 2-1 Existing road network 7 Figure 2-2 Locations of traffic surveys 18 Figure 2-3 Existing (2009) AM peak hour (5:45 am – 6:45 am) traffic volumes 19 Figure 2-4 Existing (2009) PM peak hour (5:00 pm – 6:00 pm) traffic volumes 20 Figure 4-1 AM peak hour (5:45 am to 6:45 am) traffic distribution 31 Figure 4-2 Do-nothing scenario (Year 5) AM peak hour (5:45 am – 6:45 am) traffic volumes 32 Figure 4-3 Do-nothing scenario (Year 5) PM peak hour (5:00 pm – 6:00 pm) traffic volumes 33 Figure 4-4 Forecast Year 5 AM peak hour (5:45 am to 6:45 am) traffic volumes 34 Figure 4-5 Forecast Year 5 PM peak hour (5:00 pm to 6:00 pm) traffic volumes 35 Figure 4-6 Existing travel times 37 Figure 5-1 Boggabri area crashes 2004 – 2008 41 List of photos Photo 2-1 Kamilaroi Highway, looking northbound in the vicinity of the intersection with Manila Road to the right 8 Photo 2-2 One-lane iron bridge on Manilla Road across the Namoi River, looking eastbound 9 Photo 2-3 Manilla Road, looking eastbound toward the intersection with Therribri Road 10 Photo 2-4 Leard Forest Road, looking southbound toward the intersection with Manilla Road 11 Photo 2-5 Unsealed rural road section of Leard Forest Road looking northbound 11 Photo 2-6 Goonbri Road, looking eastbound, approximately 200 m east of its intersection with Leard Forest Road 12 Photo 2-7 Leard Forest Road, looking north at the intersection with Boggabri Coal’s southern access road (on the right hand side of the photo) 13 Photo 2-8 Harparary Road, at the intersection with Therribri Road, looking westbound. The sign indicates that the B-double vehicles are not permitted to use this section of the road 14 Photo 2-9 One-lane bridge on Harparary Road across Namoi River, looking westbound 14 Photo 2-10 Therribri Road looking northbound 15 Photo 2-11 Therribri Road - Back Creek crossing looking southbound 15 Photo 2-12 Leard Forest Road, at the intersection with Boggabri Coal’s private haul road, looking northbound 16 Photo 2-13 Boggabri Coal’s private haul road at the intersection with Therribri Road, looking eastbound 16 Photo 2-14 Boggabri Coal’s private haul road crossing over the Kamilaroi Highway 17 PB 2112805A-PR_2554_RevF Page ii Continuation of Boggabri Coal Mine Traffic Impact Assessment Contents (continued) Page Number List of appendices Appendix A Traffic survey data Appendix B SIDRA analysis results Appendix C Crash data 2004 to 2008 Appendix D Stage 5 (Existing Road) - Road Safety Audit Appendix E Train operations traffic impact study PB 2112805A-PR_2554_RevF Page iii Continuation of Boggabri Coal Mine Traffic Impact Assessment Glossary SIDRA Intersection performance analysis software by Akcelik & Associates Pty Ltd AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic Mtpa Million tonnes per annum LoS Level of Service DOS Degree of Saturation LV Light Vehicles; including cars, vans, motorbikes, etc. HV Heavy Vehicles; including rigid trucks, buses, semitrailers, etc. OD Origin and/or Destination of trips ROM Run of Mine CHPP Coal Handling and Preparation Plant RTA Road and Traffic Authority NSW NSC Narrabri City Council Boggabri Coal Boggabri Coal Mine Ltd HMA Hot Mix Asphalt veh/day Vehicles per day veh/hr Vehicles per hour ARTC Australian Rail Track Corporation PB 2112805A-PR_2554_RevF Page iv Continuation of Boggabri Coal Mine Traffic Impact Assessment Executive summary Hansen Bailey engaged Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) to undertake a Traffic Impact Assessment for the proposed Continuation of the Boggabri Coal Mine (the Project) to support a project application under Part 3A of the NSW Environment Planning Assessment Act 1979. The Boggabri Coal Mine is located 15 km north-east of Boggabri in NSW within the Narrabri Shire Council local government area. The mine currently produces 1.5 Mtpa of coal and employs 147 staff. The Project generally comprises the following
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